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Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

Chapter III: National Treatment and Market Access of Goods

Annex III.8 - Wine and Distilled Spirits


1. Except as provided in paragraphs 3 through 6, in respect of any measure related to the internal sale and distribution of wine and distilled spirits, Article III.2 shall not apply to:

2. The Party asserting that paragraph 1 applies to one of its measures shall have the burden of establishing the validity of such assertion.




6. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Annex, the Parties retain their rights and obligations under the GATT 1994 and agreements negotiated under the WTO Agreement.

7. The Parties will refer issues related to this Annex to the Subcommittee on Agriculture established under Article III.14.

8. For purposes of this Annex:

wine includes wine and wine-containing beverages.

Annex III.10 - Export taxes

Costa Rica

The provisions of Article III.10 shall not apply to the export taxes Costa Rica applies to bananas, as provided in Law No. 5515 of April 19, 1974 and its amendments, Law No. 5519 of April 24, 1974 and its amendments and Law No. 4895 of November 16, 1971 and its amendments, or pursuant to any subsequent equivalent provisions.

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