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Joint summary of discussions of the second Joint Management Committee for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS JMC) established by the Trade Continuity Agreement (TCA) between Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)

May 17, 2023 Ottawa and London (by videoconference)

Overview of discussion

The annual meeting of the Canada-United Kingdom (UK) TCA SPS JMC was held by video conference on May 17, 2023.

Both Parties began by approving the agenda which can be found in Annex 1. Canada and the UK provided welcoming remarks, with both Parties acknowledging the Committee as an effective mechanism to discuss SPS matters and facilitate the resolution of bilateral issues.

During the information sharing part of the meeting, the UK provided information on its Border Target Operating Model for imported commodities. Canada provided information on its consultation regarding its fruit tree and grape vine import programs.

Canada and the UK discussed progress made on outstanding animal health and food safety bilateral issues, and confirmed next steps to advance this work. Specifically:

The following issues were raised by Canada during the meeting as new issues of interest:

Both Parties agreed to prioritize issues and include them in a work plan for 2023-2024. The work plan would allow both parties to track progress either by exchange of information or ad hoc technical working groups.

Next steps

Annex 1

Agenda Canada-UK Joint Management Committee SPS

May 17, 2023 (9:00-12:00 Ottawa time and 14:00-17:00 London time)

9:001.Welcome and Introduction
- Opening remarks by the Canadian Co-chair
- Opening remarks by the UK Co-chair
9:152.Approval of the Agenda
9:203.Information sharing
1) UK update and information on the Target Operating Model
2) Proposed Updates to Canada’s fruit tree and grape vine import programs
9:504.Bilateral Issues
Animal Health
1) Regionalisation for zoning of animal outbreaks
2) Ruminant genetics UK exports
3) Disease controls for wild aquatic animals and oversight for certification (New)
10:15Health Break
10:305.Bilateral Issues
Food Safety
1) Simplified export health certificates
2) Peroxyacetic acid (PAA)(New)
3) Growth Enhancing Products requirements (New)
4) Trichinella testing requirements (New)
5) Equivalence of animal health measures on meat products (New)
11:306.Summary of discussion, action items and report for Joint CommitteeCAN/UK
11:457.Closing remarks and AdjournmentCAN/UK
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