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This consolidation is for information purposes only, and should not be relied upon as authoritative.  For authoritative texts, please refer to the CUSMA and the Protocol of Amendment.

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) - Protocol of Amendment to the Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada

The Governments of the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada;

Desiring to amend the Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada, done at Buenos Aires, on November 30, 2018 (hereinafter “the Agreement”),

HAVE AGREED to amend the Agreement as follows:


2. In Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin):

3. In Chapter 20 (Intellectual Property Rights):

4. In Chapter 23 (Labor):

5. In Chapter 24 (Environment):

6. In Chapter 30 (Administrative and Institutional Provisions):

7. In Chapter 31 (Dispute Settlement):


Article 31-B.1: Scope and Purpose

1. Canada and Mexico are agreeing to this Annex pursuant to Article 31.5.1 (Good Offices, Conciliation, and Mediation).

2. The purpose of the Facility-Specific Rapid Response Labor Mechanism (the “Mechanism”), including the ability to impose remedies, is to ensure remediation of a Denial of Rights, as defined in Article 31-B.2, for workers at a Covered Facility, not to restrict trade. Furthermore, the Parties have designed this Mechanism to ensure that remedies are lifted immediately once a Denial of Rights is remediated.

3. The Parties shall make every attempt to cooperate and arrive at a mutually acceptable solution with respect to matters that can be raised through the Mechanism.

4. This Annex applies only as between Mexico and Canada.

Article 31-B.2: Denial of Rights

The Mechanism shall apply whenever a Party (the “complainant Party”) has a good faith basis belief that workers at a Covered Facility are being denied the right of free association and collective bargaining under laws necessary to fulfill the obligations of the other Party (the “respondent Party”) under this Agreement (a “Denial of Rights”).Note de bas de page 7

Article 31-B.3: Lists of Rapid Response Labor Panelists

1. The Parties shall establish and maintain three lists of Rapid Response Labor Panelists who are willing to commit to being generally available to serve as Labor Panelists for the Mechanism.

2. By the date of entry into force of this Agreement, each Party shall appoint three individuals to one list each and appoint, by consensus, three individuals to a joint list. The individuals in the joint list shall be non-nationals of either Mexico or Canada. If a Party fails to designate its individuals, the Parties may still request the establishment of panels under Article 31-B.5 (Requests for Establishment of Rapid Response Labor Panel). The Rules of Procedure shall provide for how to compose a panel in such circumstances. Thereafter, at most six months from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall expand each list to at least five individuals each.

3. The Labor Panelists shall be appointed for a minimum of four years or until the Parties constitute new lists. Labor Panelists may be reappointed.

4. Each Labor Panelist shall:

5. If a list falls below five individuals within the four-year term, the relevant Party shall promptly appoint replacements. With respect to the joint list, the Parties shall appoint replacements by consensus within 30 days from the date the list has fallen below the required number.

6. At the conclusion of the first four-year term, and every four years thereafter, the Labor Panelists shall submit a report to the Parties commenting on the functioning of the Mechanism. The Parties shall make the report public.

7. The Parties shall address the compensation of Labor Panelists in the Rules of Procedure established in accordance with Article 30.2 (Functions of the Commission). The Parties shall also provide for reasonable expenses, including logistical support and personnel as appropriate, associated with verification efforts and the drafting of determinations.

Article 31-B.4: Requests for Review and Remediation

1. If a Party has a domestic process for determining whether to invoke this mechanism and that process has started regarding a Covered Facility in the other Party, that Party shall notify the other Party within five business days of initiating such process.Note de bas de page 8

2. If a complainant Party has a good faith basis to believe that a Denial of Rights is occurring at a Covered Facility, it shall first request that the respondent Party conduct its own review of whether a Denial of Rights exists and, if the respondent Party determines that there is a Denial of Rights, the latter shall attempt to remediate within 45 days of the request. The complainant Party shall provide sufficient information for the respondent Party to conduct its review. The respondent Party shall have 10 days to notify the complainant Party as to whether it intends to conduct a review. If the respondent Party does not choose to conduct a review or does not notify within the 10-day period, the complainant Party may request the formation of a Rapid Response Labor Panel (the “panel”) to conduct a separate verification and determination pursuant to Article 31-B.5.

3. Upon delivering the request to the respondent Party, the complainant Party may delay final settlement of customs accounts related to entries of goods from the Covered Facility. Settlement of such accounts must resume immediately upon an agreement by the Parties that there is no Denial of Rights or a finding by a panel that there is no Denial of Rights.Note de bas de page 9

4. If the respondent Party chooses to conduct its review, it shall report in writing the results of the review and any remediation to the complainant Party at the end of the 45-day period.

5. If the respondent Party has determined that there is no Denial of Rights, the complainant Party may agree that the issue is resolved or it may communicate in writing its reasons for disagreement with the respondent Party’s determination and immediately may request a panel verification and determination pursuant to Article 31-B.5.

6. If the respondent Party has determined there is a Denial of Rights, the Parties shall consult in good faith for a period of 10 days and shall endeavor to agree upon a course of remediation that will remediate the Denial of Rights without interrupting trade.

7. If the Parties agree on a course of remediation, the respondent Party shall undertake the remediation by the date agreed to by the Parties and no remedy may be imposed by the complainant Party until the expiration of the agreed upon period.

8. If, after the agreed-upon date for remediation, the Parties disagree as to whether the Denial of Rights has been remediated, the complainant Party may provide written notice to the respondent Party of its intention to impose remedies at least 15 days prior to imposing remedies. The respondent Party may, within 10 days of receiving such notice, request a determination from a panel as to whether the Denial of Rights persists pursuant to Article 31-B.5. The complainant Party may not impose remedies until the Panel makes its determination.

9. If the Parties cannot agree on a course of remediation at the end of the 10-day period, the complainant Party may request a panel verification and determination pursuant to Article 31-B.5.

10. At any point during the 10-day consultation period, the complainant Party may request that the panel be established, and the panel may proceed to confirm the petition. However, the panel may not issue a request for verification until the 10-day period expires.

Article 31-B.5: Requests for Establishment of Rapid Response Labor Panel

1. If, after the conditions precedent for the establishment of a panel under Article 31-B.4 are met, the complainant Party continues to have a good faith basis to believe that a Denial of Rights is occurring at a Covered Facility, that Party may submit to the Secretariat a petition:

2. The Secretariat shall transmit the petition to the respondent Party.

3. The Secretariat shall within three business days from the date of the request for establishment of a panel select by lot one panelist from the complainant Party list, one from the respondent Party list, and one from the Joint List. The Secretariat shall immediately transmit the petition to the selected panelists.

Article 31-B.6: Confirmation of Petition

A panel established under Article 31-B.5 shall have five business days after it is constituted to confirm that the petition:

Article 31-B.7: Verification

1. Upon confirmation that the petition contains the relevant information, the panel shall issue a request for verification to the respondent Party. The panel shall formulate an appropriate request for verification, based on the circumstances and the nature of the allegations in the complainant Party’s petition and any other submissions from the Parties.

2. In cases in which the respondent Party has concluded under Article 31-B.4.5 that there is no Denial of Rights by the Covered Facility but the complainant Party disagrees with the conclusions of the respondent Party, the panel shall request the respondent Party to submit, within 10 business days of the request, a document establishing the results of the respondent Party’s investigation and conclusions and any efforts it took as a result of the Request for Review and Remediation under Article 31-B.4. The complainant Party may respond to the respondent Party’s submission.

3. In cases in which the timeframe granted to the Covered Facility to eliminate the Denial of Rights has elapsed and the Covered Facility has allegedly not taken the necessary measures to comply with the remediation, the panel shall request the respondent Party to submit, within 10 business days of the petition, a document establishing the results of the respondent Party’s investigation and conclusions and the actions and sanctions it took against the Covered Facility as a result of the Request for Review and Remediation under Article 31-B.4. The complainant Party may respond to the respondent Party’s submission.

4. In cases in which the respondent Party has determined under Article 31-B.4.6 that there is a Denial of Rights by the Covered Facility, and the respondent Party alleges that the Covered Facility has taken the necessary measures to remediate the Denial of Rights, but the complainant Party disagrees with the conclusions and actions of the respondent Party, the panel shall request the respondent Party to submit, within 10 business days of the request, a document explaining the actions it took against the Covered Facility as a result of the Request for Review and Remediation under Article 31-B.4. The complainant Party may respond to the respondent Party’s submission.

5. The respondent Party shall transmit a copy of the complainant Party’s petition to the owner of the Covered Facility at issue.

6. The respondent Party shall reply within seven business days whether it consents to the verification request. If the respondent Party does not respond within that time it will be deemed to have refused the request.

7. If the respondent Party agrees to the verification, the panel shall conduct the verification within 30 days after receipt of the request by the respondent Party. Observers from both Parties may accompany the panel in any on-site verification if both Parties so request.

8. If the respondent Party agrees to the verification but there is interference with the verification or the panel is otherwise unable to conduct the verification in a manner that it believes is most appropriate to gather information relevant to the matter, the panel may take the Party’s conduct into account in making its determination.

9. If the respondent Party refuses the request for a verification or does not respond within the period provided for in paragraph 6, the complainant Party may request that the panel make a determination as to whether there is a Denial of Rights.

10. If the complainant Party makes a petition under Article 31-B.5.1(b), the panel, at its discretion, may request a verification if it considers that a verification is necessary to assist them in making their determination and follow the procedures set out as for a verification request made under this Article.

Article 31-B.8: Panel Process and Determination

1. The panel shall make a determination, consistent with paragraphs 5, 7, and 8 of Article 31.13 (Function of Panels), as to whether there is a Denial of Rights within:

2. Before making its determination, the panel shall provide both Parties an opportunity to be heard.

3. In making its determination, the panel shall take the respondent Party’s refusal to allow a verification into account.

4. If the respondent Party so requests, the panel shall include a recommendation on a course of remediation if the panel determines there is a Denial of Rights. The panel shall also provide its views on the severity of any denial of rights and, to the extent possible, identify the person or persons responsible for the Denial of Rights.

5. The panel’s determination shall be in writing and shall be made public.

Article 31-B.9: Consultations and Remediation

After receipt of a determination by a panel that there has been a Denial of Rights, the complainant Party may impose remedies after providing written notice to the respondent Party at least 5 business days in advance. A respondent Party can request that consultations be held during that 5 day period.

Article 31-B.10: Remedies

1. Once the conditions precedent to the imposition of remedies have been met, the complainant Party may impose remedies that are the most appropriate to remedy the Denial of Rights. The complainant Party shall select a remedy pursuant to paragraph 2 that is proportional to the severity of the Denial of Rights and shall take the panel’s views on the severity of the Denial of Rights into account when selecting such remedies.

2. Remedies may include suspension of preferential tariff treatment for goods manufactured at the Covered Facility or the imposition of penalties on goods manufactured at or services provided by the Covered Facility.

3. In cases where a Covered Facility or a Covered Facility owned or controlled by the same person producing the same or related goods or providing the same or related services has received a prior Denial of Rights determination, remedies may include suspension of preferential tariff treatment for such goods; or the imposition of penalties on such goods or services.

4. In cases where a Covered Facility or a Covered Facility owned or controlled by the same person producing the same or related goods or providing the same or related services has received a prior Denial of Rights determination on at least two occasions, remedies may include suspension of preferential tariff treatment for such goods; the imposition of penalties on such goods or services; or the denial of entry of such goods.

5. After the imposition of remedies, the Parties shall continue to consult on an ongoing basis in order to ensure the prompt remediation of the Denial of Rights and the removal of remedies.

6. If, as a result of those ongoing consultations, the Parties reach agreement that the Denial of Rights has been remediated, the complainant Party shall remove all remedies immediately. If the Parties are in disagreement as to whether the Denial of Rights has been remediated, the respondent Party may request an opportunity to demonstrate to the panel that it has taken action to remediate the Denial of Rights. The panel shall make a new determination within 30 days after receipt of the respondent Party’s request, consistent with the procedures set out in Article 31-B.8. The complainant Party may request a new verification consistent with the procedures set out in Article 31-B.7.

7. If the panel determines that the Denial of Rights has not been remediated, the respondent Party may not request another determination for 180 days, and any remedies shall remain in place until the Parties agree that remediation has occurred or a panel determines that the Denial of Rights has been remediated.

Article 31-B.11: Good Faith Use of the Mechanism

If one Party considers that the other has not acted in good faith in its use of this Mechanism, either with regard to an invocation of the Mechanism itself or an imposition of remedies that are excessive in light of the severity of the Denial of Rights found by the panel, that Party may have recourse to the dispute settlement mechanism under Chapter 31 (Dispute Settlement). If a dispute settlement panel finds that a Party did not act in good faith in its use of this Mechanism, within 45 days from receipt of the final panel report under Article 31.17.5 (Panel Report), the Parties shall endeavor to agree to the resolution of the dispute. If the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute, the complainant Party may elect either to prevent the responding Party from using this Mechanism for a period of two years or another remedy permitted under Chapter 31 (Dispute Settlement).

Article 31-B.12: Expansion of Claims

In recognition of the importance of ensuring full compliance with the Labor Chapter; the commitment of the Parties to trade only in goods produced in compliance with such Chapter; if one of the Parties is found to have breached its obligations under Article 23.3 (Labor Rights) or Article 23.5 (Enforcement of Labor Laws) by a panel established under Article 31.6 (Establishment of a Panel), the complainant Party in that case may use this Mechanism with regard to the relevant law or laws at issue in that dispute for a period of two years or until the conclusion of the next joint review under Article 34.7 (Review and Term Extension), whichever is later.

Article 31-B.13: Review of Priority Sectors

The Parties shall review the list of priority sectors on an annual basis and determine whether to add any sectors to the list.

Article 31-B.14: Cooperation to Promote Compliance

Each Party shall cooperate with, and support efforts by, Covered Facilities to operate in a way to avoid a determination of a Denial of Rights.

Article 31-B.15: Definitions

For the purposes of this Annex:

Covered Facilitymeans a facility in the territory of a Party that:

and is a facility in a Priority Sector;

Party or Parties means Mexico and Canada singly or collectively;

Priority Sector means a sector that produces manufactured goods,Note de bas de page 10 supplies services, or involves mining.”.

This Protocol shall enter into force on the date on which the Agreement enters into force.

The English, French, and Spanish texts of this Protocol are equally authentic.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Protocol.

DONE in triplicate at

Mexico City, Mexico, on December 10, 2019.


Robert E. Lighthizer

United States Trade Representative



Chrystia Freeland

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs



Jesús Seade Kuri

Under Secretary for North America and Chief Trade Negotiator for North America


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