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Canada - European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

Free Trade Agreement Between Canada and the States of the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland)

Annex D - Referred to in Article 9

Mandate of the Sub-Committee on Rukes of Origin and Trade in Goods

1. The functions of the Sub-Committee shall be to exchange information, review developments, prepare the co-ordination of positions of the Parties, prepare technical amendments and assist the Joint Committee regarding:

(a) rules of origin and administrative co-operation as set out in Annex C;

(b) matters as referred to in Articles 3, 5 and 8 through 11 of this Agreement; and

(c) other matters with respect to trade in goods that are referred to the Sub-Committee by the Joint Committee.

2. The Sub-Committee shall report to the Joint Committee. The Sub-Committee may make recommendations to the Joint Committee on matters related to its functions.

3. Each Party shall have the right to be represented in the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee shall act by consensus.

4. The Sub-Committee shall meet as often as required. It shall be convened by the Joint Committee, by the chairperson of the Sub-Committee on his or her own initiative or upon request of one of the Parties. The venue shall alternate between Canada and an EFTA State.

5. A provisional agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the chairperson of the Sub-Committee in consultation with all Parties, and forwarded to the Parties, as a general rule, not later than two weeks before the meeting. The meetings of the Sub-Committee shall be chaired by a representative of an EFTA State or Canada for an agreed period of time.

6. A report shall be prepared by the Sub-Committee on the results of each meeting of the Sub-Committee, and the chairperson shall, if requested, report at a meeting of the Joint Committee.

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