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Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement

Chapter Fourteen: Temporary Entry for Business Persons

Article 14.1: Definitions

For the purposes of this Chapter:

after-sales service includes a service provided by a person:

to repair, service, supervise installers, and set up and test commercial or industrial equipment (including computer software), provided the service is performed as part of an original or extended sales or lease agreement, warranty, or service contract; but does not include hands-on installation generally performed by construction or building trades; or

to provide familiarization or training sessions to potential users;

business visitor means a short-term visitor who does not intend to enter the labour market of a Party, but who seeks entry to engage in activities such as buying or selling goods or services, negotiating contracts, conferring with colleagues, or attending conferences; and

temporary entry means the right to enter and remain in the territory of a Party for the period authorized.

Article 14.2: Obligations

1. The Parties recognize the importance of temporary entry for business persons to support international trade in goods, services, and investment.In accordance with their applicable domestic law, the Parties shall grant the temporary entry of:

2. With a view to developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement, the Parties agree that within 3 years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, they will review developments related to temporary entry and consider the need for further disciplines in this area, including the removal of labour market tests, and procedures of similar effect, and numerical quotas where appropriate.The Parties also agree to deal with implementation and administration issues through bilateral discussions.

3. Within 1 year of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, each Party shall make available explanatory material regarding the requirements for temporary entry under this Chapterso that nationals of the other Party may become acquainted with it.

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