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Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement: Frequently asked questions

Why is the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) important to Canada?

Why modernize CIFTA?

What are the expected benefits of a modernized CIFTA?
How does the modernized CIFTA align with Canada’s inclusive trade agenda?
  • CIFTA’s modernization provided an opportunity for Canada to add progressive elements, such as on:
    • trade and the environment, to ensure that both countries pursue high levels of environmental protection while realizing the benefits of liberalized trade
    • trade and gender, to acknowledge the importance of incorporating a gender perspective into economic and trade issues and to ensure that economic growth benefits everyone
    • trade and labour, to commit the two parties to effectively enforcing their labour laws, which must, in turn, embody and provide protection for internationally recognized labour rights and principles, with recourse to an enforceable binding dispute-settlement mechanism
    • small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to include general provisions on the importance of SMEs to Canada’s and Israel’s economies, to facilitate cooperative activities and information-sharing and to establish an SME committee to oversee the cooperative activities and review the implementation of the SME chapter
    • corporate social responsibility (CSR), to include a commitment to encourage the use of voluntary CSR standards with specific reference to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
  • How soon until the benefits take effect?

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