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Investing in Canada

More and more global companies are investing in Canada thanks to our top talent, abundant natural resources and preferential access to markets around the globe.

A welcoming investment climate

Canada is recognized as the best country in the Group of Twenty (G20) to do business. For more than a decade, we’ve led all Group of Seven (G7) countries in economic growth. Investors benefit from:

  • the most highly educated workforce among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) members
  • lowest total business tax costs in the G7 and 46% lower than the U.S.
  • competitive research and development (R&D) environment with the lowest G7 costs for R&D intensive sectors
  • consistently recognized as having one of the soundest financial systems in the world by the World Economic Forum
  • regularly ranks as one of the best in the G7 for overall living conditions and quality of life according to the OECD’s Better Life Index
  • world-class universities, a universal health care system, and clean and friendly cities

Priority access to global markets

Canada is the only G7 nation having comprehensive free trade agreements with all other G7 members, and having preferential access across the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

Learn more from Invest in Canada

Why invest in Canada?

Discover Canada’s strengths—global market access, high-quality talent, low costs and reduced risk.

Industries in Canada

Learn about key industries in Canada, including our strengths and incentives for investors.

Locations for investment

Explore Canada’s provinces, territories and cities to find the best location for your investment.

Invest Canada

Find more information about investing in Canada.

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