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Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP)

Evaluation of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives 2015-16 to 2020-21

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RecommendationsCommitmentsActionsResponsibility CentreCompletion Date

1. Strategic Positioning and Leveraging of the CFLI

1.1 Reaffirm the CFLI Purpose: The PMB should conduct a strategic review that reaffirms and rearticulates the CFLI’s purpose, objectives and uses.

NMS/NMD agrees with this recommendation, reflecting that the CFLI Program Management Board (PMB) has stated the purpose of the CFLI is clear, but reaffirming its objectives and refining its mechanisms will strengthen the program and its value for missions.

As Secretariat for the CFLI’s PMB, NMS/NMD will support the PMB organization of the strategic review in the form of a PMB retreat.

1.1.1 NMS will organize a Retreat for the CFLI’s Program Management Board (PMB) to hold a strategic review and discussion to reaffirm the purpose of the CFLI, rearticulate the objectives of the program, and refine the mechanisms and structures of CFLI. The outcomes will be integrated into the action response for 1.2 to ensure missions are aware of the outcomes.

1.1.1 NMD/NMS

1.1.1 Q4 FY 2022-23

1.2 Update Guidance and Operationalize: NMS should update its guidance to reflect the outcomes of the PMB strategic review.

NMS/NMD agrees with this recommendation and will update the guidance to reflect the outcomes of the CFLI PMB’s discussion. A core function of NMS as custodians of the CFLI program is to provide missions with the most up-to-date guidance in order to optimize missions’ ability to manage their CFLI programs.

1.2.1 NMD/NMS will complete a review of the CFLI Guidelines and other guidance documentation, and where needed will update these to reflect the results of the PMB strategic reflection.

1.2.2 NMS will update its training to emphasize and reflect this newest guidance.

1.2.1 NMD/NMS

1.2.2 NMD/NMS

1.2.1 Q4 FY 2022-23

1.2.2 Q1 FY 2023-24

1.3 Strategically Integrate and Plan: CFLI missions should explicitly integrate the CFLI within mission-level strategic planning exercises.

NMS/NMD agrees with this recommendation and will provide additional guidance to missions on integrating the CFLI into their mission planning exercises.

1.3.1 NMS will adapt guidance documentation for missions to support integration of the CFLI into their annual mission planning exercises.

1.3.2 NMS will update and adapt training to support mission’s integration of CFLI programming into mission-level long-term strategic planning.

1.3.3 NMS currently requires missions to integrate CFLI into their annual Strategia planning - NMS will conduct a more robust review of CFLI integration into the annual Strategia planning and reporting of missions.

1.3.1 NMD/NMS

1.3.2 NMD/NMS

1.3.3 NMD/NMS

1.3.1 Q4 FY 2022-23

1.3.2 Q1 FY 2023-24

1.3.3 FY 2022-23 and onwards

2. Resources and Capacity

2.1 Review CFLI HQ Resources Requirements: NGM, in collaboration with other GAC geographical branches, should identify human resource needs for the CFLI Unit at HQ (NMS) and explore solutions to ensure the effective delivery of the CFLI program.

NMS/NMD agrees with this recommendation, noting there are human resource challenges, but acknowledging the existing limitations on branches for securing additional FTE resources.

2.1.1 NMD will conduct a bureau-level staffing and organization review. NMS’s CFLI program needs will be included in this assessment, and recommended changes will be implemented with a view to strengthening the CFLI’s capacity.

2.1.2 Within the scope and capacity of the bureau, NMS will explore targeted staffing solutions to support the HQ dimensions of CFLI programming. Based on the assessed needs, these may include additional training, and use of contractors to support key work lines and deliverables.

2.1.1 NMD/NMS

2.1.2 NMD/NMS

2.1.1 Q4 FY 2022-23

2.1.2 Q4 FY 2022-23 and onwards

2.2 Review CFLI Mission Resources Requirements: GAC geographical branches, in collaboration with CFLI missions and CFLI team at HQ, should identify human resource needs for the CFLI teams at mission and explore solutions to ensure the effective delivery of the CFLI program. In addition, particular attention should be given to identifying appropriate staffing mechanisms for the coordinator role.

GAC Geographic Branches agree with this recommendation, noting missions have challenging human resource needs and lines of work, but acknowledging the existing limitations on branches for securing additional FTE resources.

MMS/NMD will collaborate with the GAC Geographic Branches in assessing their mission capacity, and supporting the exploration of innovative approaches for managing Coordinator roles.

2.2.1 GAC Geographic Branches will encourage their missions to use their annual mission planning and prioritization exercises to review and clarify their needs and responsibilities linked to managing the CFLI programs, in order to identify resource gaps and plan accordingly where support is needed.

2.2.2 As securing additional resources may not be possible, where necessary, missions in collaboration with NMS will explore how existing resources can be used more effectively. As per action responses to recommendations 1 through 5, NMS will seek opportunities to reduce the administrative burdens on missions as a means to increase their capacity.

2.2.3 The Geographic Divisions will work with missions on a case-by-case basis to identify innovative approaches to support missions in cases of crisis or unforeseen surges during key intervals of CFLI programming. NMS will support GAC Geographic Branches and missions to identify possible approaches.

2.2.4 NMS will develop baseline tracking tools to measure performance of contracted coordinators to identify gaps for missions and contractors.

2.2.1 Divisions of EGM, OGM, NGM, WFM with CFLI missions, supported by NMD/NMS

2.2.2 Divisions of EGM, OGM, NGM, WFM with CFLI missions, supported by NMD/NMS

2.2.3 Divisions of EGM, OGM, NGM, WFM with CFLI missions, supported by NMD/NMS

2.2.4 NMD/NMS

2.2.1 Q1 FY 2023-24 and onwards

2.2.2 Q1 FY 2023-24 and onwards

2.2.3 Q1 FY 2023-24 and onwards

2.2.4 Q1 FY 2024-25 and onwards

2.3 Strengthen CFLI Mission Capacity: GAC geographical branches, in collaboration with the CFLI team at HQ, should ensure that capacity (i.e. knowledge, skills, access and time) of CFLI team members and coordinators at mission is adequate to deliver the CFLI.

NMS/NMD agrees with this recommendation, and will work with Geographic Divisions to emphasize the importance of training for all personnel involved with the CFLI, and refine and adapt training available for a broad range of participants.

NMS/NMD is mindful of the need to avoid employer-employee relationships from the provision of targeted training for outside contractors.

2.3.1 GAC Geographic Branches will stress the importance of ensuring adequate staff training in CFLI, including for LES and contracted coordinators. NMS will also stress to CFLI eligible missions the inclusion of appropriate staff in various training exercises.

2.3.2 NMS will adapt training and related guidance materials to address common gaps in knowledge for CBS, LES and, where possible, coordinators and seek areas where efficiencies can be built to reduce the administrative burden on missions for managing the CFLI program.

2.3.1 Divisions of WGM, EGM, NGM, OGM with CFLI missions, with support from NMD/NMS

2.3.2 NMD/NMS supported by Divisions of EGM, OGM, NGM, WFM with CFLI missions

2.3.1 Q1 FY 2023-24 and onwards

2.3.2 Q3 FY 2023-24

3. Data Management Processes and Systems

3.1 The Grants and Contributions Management Transformation Team (KFMT) in collaboration with NMS, CFLI missions, and relevant S-branch and A-branch bureaus should identify and implement solutions to overcome the challenges related to CFLI’s data/financial management systems and processes.

NMS/NMD agrees with this recommendation and will work with KFMT and consult with A-Branch and S-Branch in response to this recommendation.

NMS/NMD acknowledges that a core challenge for HQ, and by extension the missions, is the program’s resource intensiveness and lack of system-to-system communication.

3.1.1 NMS will conduct a mapping exercise to scope out gaps and appropriate mechanisms for improved data and financial system integration.

3.1.2 NMS will form a working group with appropriate S-Branch and A-Branch divisions to explore how to improve the Financial entry of the CFLI in the Financial and Administrative System in order to support simplified financial tracking and proactive disclosure.

3.1.3 NMS will seek increased integration of Strategia to facilitate accessibility of data.

3.1.4 KFMT in collaboration with NMS will include the CFLI in Grants and Contributions transformation discussions and exercises, in order to ensure integration of CFLI into new system development.

3.1.1 NMD/NMS in consultation with KFMT, and appropriate A- Branch and S- Branch divisions

3.1.2 NMD/NMS in consultation with appropriate A- Branch and S- branch divisions

3.1.3 NMD/NMS

3.1.4 KFMT with support from NMD/NMS and in consultation with S-Branch

3.1.1 Q4 FY 2022-23

3.1.2 Q1 FY 2024-25

3.1.3 Q3 FY 2023-24 and onwards

3.1.4 Q1 FY 2025-26

4. Performance Management

4.1 NMS should re-visit the CFLI’s performance management framework, systems and tools, to ensure they can accurately define, measure, track and report on CFLI results. Reporting templates (at the project, mission and corporate levels) should also be updated to improve their strategic use and utility.

NMD/NMS agrees with this recommendation and will seek to improve the accuracy of performance measurements of the CFLI program vis-à-vis program objectives, and assist missions with improved tracking systems and understanding, bearing in mind mission capacity limitations.

4.1.1 NMS will seek to refine and formalize an updated Logic Model and Theory of Change.

4.1.2 NMS will review the Annual Report structure to simplify the process, ensure missions accurately understand, measure, and track results to ensure their strategic value.

4.1.3 NMS will provide additional guidance to support missions in their tracking of advocacy beneficiaries to improve the strategic nature of the CFLI program for missions.

4.1.1 NMD/NMS

4.1.2 NMD/NMS

4.1.3 NMD/NMS

4.1.1 Q1 FY 2024-25

4.1.2 Q4 FY 2024-25

4.1.3 Q1 FY 2024-25

5. Localization

5.1 Encourage a Higher Risk Appetite: NMS, in collaboration with SRD and KFMT, should update the CFLI program’s current risk management approach and associated guidance to allow for a higher risk tolerance in alignment with SRD’s soon to be launched Risk Appetite Framework and GAC’s Grants and Contributions Transformation initiative.

NMD/NMS agrees with this recommendation and will collaborate with SRD and KFMT to refine risk management approaches and guidance to encourage a higher risk appetite and consistent approach to risk across missions. NMS notes that the CFLI is designed to be a risk- tolerant program, with a new risk management systems implemented in 2020.

5.1.1 In collaboration with SRD and KFMT, NMS will update the approach, guidance, and training to missions within the Departmental risk appetite framework.

5.1.1 NMD/NMS with the support of KFMT and S- branch

5.1.1 Q4 FY 2024-25

5.2 Build Local Capacities: Bearing in mind capacity constraints, NMS, in consultation with GAC geographical branches and SGF, should develop guidance on how to intentionally support and strengthen the capacity of small, local organizations to serve as effective CFLI partners. NMS, in collaboration with CFLI missions, should identify innovative strategies to share and operationalize this guidance across different mission contexts.

NMD/NMS agrees with this recommendation and, in consultation with GAC Geographic Branches and SGD, will seek innovative approaches to support local civil society capacity building related to the program, which can then be implemented by missions, bearing in mind their capacity constraints.

5.2.1 NMS, and where appropriate in consultation with the GAC Geographic Branches and SGD, will develop or adapt training materials and training approaches to target local CSOs on core knowledge gaps relevant to the project management requirement of the CFLI, and to encourage its use by missions when possible, bearing in mind limited mission capacities to implement training.

5.2.1 NMD/NMS in consultation with divisions under EGM, NGM, OGM, WGM, with CFLI missions, and with S- branch

5.2.1 Q1 FY 2024-25 and ongoing

Drafted: NMS

Consulted: As leads for implicated Branches: AFS, ELC, KFMT, NLA (geographic perspective), OAZ, WFO, SGGS (other divisions from the Branches were also consulted)


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