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Evaluation of the Anti-Crime and Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Programs, 2015-16 to 2021-22 - Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP)

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RecommendationsCommitmentsActionsResponsibility Centre(s)Completion Date

1. The Programs should clarify their role, purpose and mandate, and revise their organizational structure in order to meet the Government of Canada’s anti-crime and counter-terrorism capacity building security objectives.

ICC agrees with this recommendation and will continue to review, document and communicate the Programs’ role and purpose.


Drawing on the 2020 ICD strategic framework, ICC will update its strategic mandate to clearly identify its areas of geographic focus and thematic specialization to improve alignment and coordination with other security programming in GAC and the broader Government of Canada to avoid duplication and take advantage of complementarities.

ICC in consultation with SGD

May 2024


ICC will update its Terms and Conditions to improve its operational flexibility, functionality and responsiveness to better Canadian national security and intelligence departments and agencies eligible to receive Vote 1 funding.

ICC in consultation with SDG

May 2024


ICC will review and revise its performance measurement practices and indicators to gather results at all levels. These indicators and results will then be used to inform the work of the Priority Review Committee (PRC) and the Director-General Interdepartmental Steering Committee (DG-ISC).

ICC in consultation with KPD

May 2024


ICC will seek to update and use its new organizational structure to ensure effective alignment of resources against the Programs’ strategic mandate and revised Terms and Conditions. This will include:

  • An updated guidelines document with roles and responsibilities for employees.
  • An establishment of a financial/administrative support unit, drawing on a best practice of other security programming divisions for a more efficient use of human resources.

ICC in consultation with HCM

May 2025

2. The Programs should improve use of existing specialized security expertise found within the Programs’ governance structures when coordinating and guiding programming strategic and investment decisions in support of Canada’s security priorities.

ICC agrees with this recommendation.


ICC will increase coordination in anti-crime or counter-terrorist related capacity building between stakeholder departments through the prioritization of the DG-ISC. The Terms of Reference of the DG-ISC will be updated to support identification of short, medium and long-term Government of Canada priorities related to capacity building and reinforce GAC’s leadership role in encouraging a more comprehensive whole-of-government approach.


April 2024


ICC will systemize the role of the PRC to help select and develop those project proposals that best meet Canada’s national security needs. This will involve bringing together key internal and external stakeholders and relevant subject matter experts to share their perspectives and knowledge to identify the best allocation of the programs’ resources in alignment with their strategic mandate. The PRC will develop criteria aligned with strategic priorities that would facilitate canvassing multiple project proposals to support a selection process weighing Canadian national and security interests.

ICC with participants within PRCs

April 2025


ICC will review and clarify key performance measurement indicators at the immediate, intermediate, and ultimate levels to ensure they are both feasible and provide information for different types of capacity building. This will allow the Programs to collect and measure these results, as well as inform and bolster the work of the PRC and DG-ISC to enhance capacity building programming.

ICC in consultation with KPD

April 2025

3. The Programs should proactively engage and develop working relationships with the department’s geographic divisions and missions where there are sizeable investments to ensure alignment with departmental priorities at the country and regional levels.

ICC agrees with this recommendation


ICC will strengthen the quantity and quality of engagement of missions and country programs where the Programs have sizeable investments. Among other things, this will include increasing briefings of outgoing Heads of Missions (HOM) about specific programs; obtaining HOM concurrence using the Management Statements of Intent (MSI); and ensuring project managers regularly visit or engage missions to conduct program briefings with all relevant Government of Canada programs active there. ICC will update and disseminate advocacy products to ensure visibility and awareness within the department and the interdepartmental community.


April 2024

4. The Programs should review the existing funding framework and apply new streamlined instruments and processes for Vote 1 federal government partners, and incorporate faster and more flexible processes for administering Vote 10 grants and contributions.

ICC agrees with this recommendation.


ICC will improve the flexibility and functionality of Vote 1 programming to permit flexibilities in defining fundable activities undertaken by OGD stakeholders. This will lead to greater and more effective use of Vote 1 and will address key concerns of partners.

ICC with support from SGD

September 2023


ICC will transition to the Security and Stability Project Management Tool (SSPMT). This will ensure that ICC is no longer following its unique project management process. Harmonization will most likely reduce administrative overhead, the time required from project initiation to approval and first payment and capture results at all levels. Harmonization will also permit ICC to better participate in the IFM Coherence Committee to share best practices and ensure a systematic whole-of-branch approach towards programming and performance measurement.

ICC with support from PSOPs

April 2024

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