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Evaluation of the Canadian Technology Accelerator Program 2016-17 to 2020-21 - Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP)

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Recommendation 1: Management of the International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM) Branch should improve its capacity to measure impact and collect evidence to assess and demonstrate how it fulfills market demands. This includes:

RecommendationsCommitmentsActionsResponsibility CentreCompletion Date
1.1 - A revisit of the Program’s theory of change in order to better recognize the diversity of intended outcomes for participating companies and identify those for which performance is not currently reported.Management agrees with this recommendation.Capture accurate, consistent information, results and performance data by ensuring the implementation of a streamlined suite of TCS tools (including TRIO (1.1.1) and Strategia (1.1.2)).BBA overall with BTB leading on 1.1.1 and BTU leading on 1.1.2March 2025
1.2 - A review and redefinition as required of performance indicators for meaningful and feasible data collection by the Program, ensuring one data platform contains all reliable information.Ensure alignment and integration between BBA’s suite of tools and other client-serving or performance monitoring tools utilized by the TCS.BBA with support from BTB, BTUMarch 2025
1.3 - Identifying alternative means and sources to gather information on difficult to capture outcomes that would inform on the impact of the CTA Program.Improve current mechanisms for information collection and analysis, such as exit surveys and program completion reports, to better recognize the diversity of intended outcomes (including outcomes that are more difficult to capture), and to identify reporting gaps as well as ways to improve TCS offering in general.BBA with support from BTB and BTUMarch 2024
1.4 - Addressing challenges of current reporting methods for CTA participants and staff to ease reporting processes.Integrate departmental Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy and considerations (1.4.1) into the design of data collection methods and tools (1.4.2).BBA overall with BPE/BSI leading on 1.4.1 and BTB leading on 1.4.2 with support from BTUMarch 2025

Recommendation 2: Management of the International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM) Branch should fine tune its outreach approach and assess its results in participant reach. This means:

RecommendationsCommitmentsActionsResponsibility CentreCompletion Date
2.1 - In view of increasing equity, diversity and inclusion, put in place proactive measures, according to distinct CTA program contexts, to increase outreach to diverse populations as potential participants (e.g., SMEs led or owned by underrepresented groups; SMEs in less populated areas; etc.).Management agrees with this recommendation.Develop a policy for “underrepresented” populations, which includes standardized definitions and updated guidance documents in a centralized repository available to trade commissioners.BPE/BSI with support from oBFM and BTBMarch 2024
2.2 - Increase capacity of missions to use a GBA Plus lens in selection process and ensure consistency in the collection of EDI data and GBA Plus analysis.Ensure that CTA coordinators are aware of and have access to available guidance documents, tools and training on equity, diversity and inclusion, such as GBA Plus, to increase their capacity to support export-ready companies led by diverse groups/from less populated areas.BBA with support from BPE/BSI, oBFM, BSI/ROs, CTA MissionsMarch 2024
2.3 - Gather consistent information on applicant firms and application evaluation results to enable meta-analysis of the client population.Explore and identify solutions to ensure consistent and secure information gathering from Canadian applicants to CTA and potentially other TCS programs.BBA with support from BTB, BTPMarch 2024
2.4 - Develop a consistent approach to providing feedback to unsuccessful firms.Continue to promote best practices for providing feedback to unsuccessful applicants to ensure transparency and a consistent approach across different CTA missions and ROs.BBA with support from BSI/ROs, CTA MissionsMarch 2024

Recommendation 3: Management of the International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM) Branch should enhance program coherence by establishing a cohesive program calendar (including coordination of recruitment) and more even level of involvement of all regional offices (ROs).

RecommendationsCommitmentsActionsResponsibility CentreCompletion Date
3.1 - Management of the International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM) Branch should enhance program coherence by establishing a cohesive program calendar (including coordination of recruitment) and more even level of involvement of all regional offices (ROs).Management agrees with this recommendation.Continue to engage in regular and timely communications, planning and consultations with regional offices and CTA missions, to identify gaps and opportunities for improving program coherence.BBA with support from BSI/ROs, CTA MissionsMarch 2024
3.2 - Management of the International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM) Branch should enhance program coherence by establishing a cohesive program calendar (including coordination of recruitment) and more even level of involvement of all regional offices (ROs).Develop an action plan to ensure sufficient and an even level of involvement of all ROs, including the CTA-dedicated staff in ROs in particular, in the planning, the recruitment and delivery of programs.BBA with support from BSI/ROs, CTA MissionsMarch 2024
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