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Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan 2024-25 to 2028-29

PDF Version (0.6 MB)

Prepared by the Data, Knowledge and Evaluation Bureau (PRD)
Global Affairs Canada
June 2024

Table of Contents

Deputy Head confirmation note

I approve the rolling five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan of Global Affairs Canada for fiscal years 2024-25 to 2028-29, which I submit to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat as required by the Policy on Results and pursuant to section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

As per Sections 4.3.15 of the Policy, I confirm that the following evaluation coverage requirements are met and reflected in this five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan, which:

I will ensure that this plan is updated annually, and I will provide information about its implementation to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, as required.


Christopher MacLennan
Deputy Minister of International Development
Global Affairs Canada

Global Affairs Canada’s Evaluation Function

Figure 1:

Text version

Figure 1:

Organizational chart of Global Affairs Canada’s evaluation function

PMEC: Performance Measurement and Evaluations Committee chair

PRD: Data, Knowledge and Evaluation Bureau (Head of Evaluation)

PMEC Secretariat

PRA: Evaluation Division

PRE: Evaluation Services and Learning Division

  • Decentralized Evaluation Service Unit (DESU)
  • Evaluation Function Service Unit (EFSU)
  • Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU)

Did you know?

Nadia Ahmad: Director General & Head of Evaluation

Mathieu Audet: Director, PRA

Tamara Sequeira: Director, PRE

Contact the evaluation function:

Global Affairs Canada’s Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan Outline

Evaluation supports the systematic collection and neutral analysis of evidence to examine the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of departmental programs and services. Findings from evaluations support evidence-based decision making, continuous policy and program improvement, and contribute to accountability obligations by keeping Canadians informed of the results that have been achieved and the resources used to achieve them.

This document outlines Global Affairs Canada's five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan for the 2024-25 to 2028-29 period.

The plan adheres to requirements set out by the Financial Administration Act and the Treasury Board of Canada's Policy on Results. It has been developed through consultations with senior management, key working groups, and committees across the department.

The plan aims to establish an evidence base for decision-making, striking a balance between mandatory requirements related to program, policy, or funding decisions and the need for information and cross-functional learning.

The development of the five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan takes into consideration the following factors:


TBS Requirements

  1. Grants and Contributions with a 5-year average expenditure of over $5 million per year, as per the Financial Administration Act.
  2. Evaluation commitments made in Treasury Board Submissions, Memoranda to Cabinet and other legislative requirements
  3. All programs listed in the GAC Program Inventory are to be evaluated periodically (internal services exempt)

GAC priorities

  1. Evaluations identified to meet departmental information needs based on an analysis of risks, priorities and needs


Achievements in evaluation 2023-24

During the FY 2023-24, the evaluation team completed four (4) out of the planned eight (8) evaluations. Delays of other planned evaluations for the fiscal year were due to evaluation projects being more complex, having a larger scope than anticipated and involving a great number of internal and external stakeholders with many competing demands. Ministerial commitments by program further delayed the evaluation on Global Affairs Canada’s Sanctions Operations.

The evaluation team continued to use participatory and inclusive data-collection methods, including applying feminist approaches where possible to ensure that diverse voices are heard. This approach require more comprehensive, inclusive and lengthy consultations, data collection and reporting processes, which can affect evaluation project timelines. It also invested time in further refining and conducting high-value engagements linked to innovative evaluation products, such as the localization analysis framework originally in Canadian programming developed linked to the evaluation of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

Number of evaluationsResults

4 evaluations FY 2023 - 24

Evaluations completed by GAC’s evaluation team:

  • Business Women in International Trade Initiative (BWIT)
  • Anti-Crime and Counter Terrorism Capacity Building Program
  • International Assistance Programming in Haiti
  • Diplomacy, Trade, and International Assistance Coherence in the Europe, Arctic, Middle East & Maghreb Branch

9 institutional assessments

Institutional assessments completed through MOPAN:

  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)
  • African Development Bank (AfDB)
  • IDB Invest
  • World Bank

17 decentralized evaluations

The Decentralized Evaluation Service Unit:

  • contributed to the completion of 17 decentralized or program-led evaluations with technical assistance, evaluation review and quality assurance
  • provided services on 92 evaluation files

Evaluations completed in Q1 2024-25

Three evaluations led by GAC with planned approval in 2023-24 were completed in the first quarter of 2024-25:

One horizontal evaluation led by Public Safety Canada was also slightly delayed to early 2024-25:

Departmental context: Global Affairs Canada

Departmental Results FrameworkMain Estimates 2024-25 (CAD$)Voted Gs&Cs 2024-25 (CAD$)

Core responsibility 1: International advocacy and diplomacy



Core responsibility 2: Trade and investment



Core responsibility 3: Development, peace and security programming



Core responsibility 4: Help for Canadians abroad



Core responsibility 5: Support for Canada’s presence abroad



Internal services



Total Budget



Global Affairs Canada’s work abroad is guided by its feminist foreign policy, which seeks to build a more peaceful, more inclusive and more prosperous world.

GAC’s mandate is to define, shape, and advance Canada's interests and values in a complex global environment. It does so by managing diplomatic relations, promoting international trade, and providing consular assistance. In addition, GAC leads international development, humanitarian, and peace and security assistance efforts, and also contributes to national security and the development of international law.

In compliance with TBS's Policy on Results, GAC's Departmental Results Framework outlines five core responsibilities and internal services, the high-level results the department is seeking to achieve and how progress will be assessed.

This framework is supported by the department's Program Inventory (see Annex II), comprising of 53 programs which outlines how the department is organized to support delivery of these results. The Program Inventory represents the entire evaluation portfolio. In principle, all programs and spending in the Program Inventory (except for internal services) should be evaluated periodically.

The Main Estimates indicate an expected expenditure of approximately $8.8 billion by GAC for programs, policies, initiatives, and services in FY 2024-25.

Note: GAC is currently undergoing a reorganization where the first phase is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024. This may have an impact on the composition of the GAC Program Inventory and funding for programs in relation to the Main Estimates.

Evaluation coverage

Figure 2:

Total coverage of the Program Inventory by required programs

Text version

Figure 2:

  • Programs covered: 79%
  • Programs not covered: 21%

Figure 3:

Total coverage of expenditures based on 2024-25 Main Estimates

Text version

Figure 3:

  • Covered expenditure: 91%
  • Expenditure not covered: 9%

Global Affairs Canada planned evaluation coverage

The Departmental Evaluation Plan for the period 2023-24 to 2027-28 has been developed to strike a delicate balance between fulfilling mandatory evaluation requirements and meeting the information needs of the department.

A total of 36 evaluations are included in the five-year plan. Many of the evaluations relate to more than one program, resulting in a coverage of 34 out of 43 required programs in the Program Inventory (exempt programs listed below). This corresponds to 91% of the total Main Estimates for 2024-25, or 99% of ongoing programs of grants and contributions (Gs&Cs) with a five-year average expenditure of $5 million or greater per year.

For the remaining programs with Gs&Cs over the FAA threshold, there have either been a recent evaluation conducted, few changes in programming or context since the last evaluation, or low need as other reviews, audits or targeted research have been conducted or are planned to fulfil information needs (see Annex III). The five-year schedule therefore fulfills all legal and TBS policy requirements.

Horizontal evaluations

The department also plans to complete horizontal evaluations with other Government of Canada departments, which also contribute to the overall coverage:

Programs exempt from evaluations

There is no requirement to evaluate the 10 programs that fall under Internal Services (i.e. programs 44 to 53). However, the efficiency and effectiveness of some of these services may be covered as part of the evaluations or planned internal reviews of programs, strategies or initiatives.

The contributions to international organizations that fall under program 2. Multilateral Policy are considered exempt. Global Affairs Canada meets part of its coverage requirements through MOPAN. On a yearly basis, the 19 MOPAN members contribute collectively to the institutional assessments of the strengths and areas for improvements in a number of international organizations.

Resources and capacity

Evaluation positions (as of April 1, 2024)

Classification and levelData Knowledge and Evaluation Bureau (PRD)Evaluation Division (PRA)Evaluation Services and Learning (PRE)






































* The DG of the Data, Knowledge and Evaluation Bureau (PRD) is the Head of Evaluation. Approximately 75% of PRD resources are dedicated to support and oversee the work of the evaluation function.

Forecast evaluation resources FY 2023-2024 (CAD$)



















GAC’s evaluation function consists of 48 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. As of April 1, 2024, only 71% of all funded positions were actively staffed due to vacancies, long-term absences and available funding. For FY 2024-25, the annual salary expense is estimated at $4.6 million. The total operating and maintenance (O&M) budget is approximately $1.4 million.

Capacity to meet evaluation needs

In order to better meet evaluation requirements and departmental information needs, while maximizing resources and specialized expertise, GAC’s evaluation function underwent a reorganization in 2022. This resulted in the creation of two distinct divisions with complimentary mandates to support evidence-based decision-making: the Evaluation Division (PRA), responsible for the conduct of evaluations; and the Evaluation Services and Learning Division (PRE), focused on maximizing learning from evaluation and helping to streamline processes and support services linked to corporate and decentralized evaluations.

The number of evaluation projects conducted each year will depend on their size and complexity. When fully staffed, the evaluation function is able to generate six to eight evaluation reports annually, in addition to supporting institutional assessments of multilateral organizations through MOPAN. Evaluations are also often supported by external consultants and local evaluators that are able to complement with technical and contextual knowledge and expertise. As the largest research team in Global Affairs Canada, the evaluation function also provides other services and develops multiple evaluation and learning products, guidance documents and tools. Moreover, it participates in many departmental working groups and international evaluation communities to share lessons from evaluations.

The high number of programs in the Program Inventory, in combination with evaluation commitments in memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions and other funding announcements with direct implication for the department, result in significant demands on the evaluation function. There is also an increased demand for more focused and thematic evaluations to meet management priorities and other departmental information needs.

Despite recent competitive hiring processes at all levels, the evaluation function has experienced delays in fully staffing its funded positions. This has negatively impacted the timely start and completion of certain evaluation projects. To mitigate further delays, the evaluation function has actively sought to complement its staff with casual and term employees, when possible. It is also partially or fully outsourcing some of its evaluations, but lengthy contracting processes continue be a challenge.


  1. Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan
  2. Global Affairs Canada – Program Inventory (2023-24)
  3. Excluded Programs from the Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan
  4. Recently published Global Affairs Canada evaluations

Annex I. Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan

The below schedule reflects the planned evaluations for the next five years, resulting from the annual consultations with GAC senior management and key stakeholders. Evaluations are presented in the fiscal year when PMEC approval is expected. As per the legend, specific mandatory or discretionary evaluation requirements are indicated in the table, as is the linkage of the respective evaluations to the program inventory. Decentralized evaluations are not listed in the Departmental Evaluation Plan. While they serve to inform corporate evaluations, they are not to be considered as public opinion research.

Year 1 – FY 2024-2025

Global Affairs Canada’s Sanctions Operations
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q3
Requirements: TB Sub, MC or other legislative commitment
Link to Program Inventory: 1. International Policy Coordination

Office of Primary Interest: Strategic Policy (PFM)

Thematic Evaluation: Women and Girls’ Education in Fragile and Conflict Affected States
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q3
Requirements: TB Sub, MC or other legislative commitment
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Programming in Complex Environments in Sub-Saharan Africa (Focus countries: Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria and Somalia)
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q4
Requirements: Programs in PI with G&Cs less than $5 million/year (to be evaluated periodically)
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Sub-Saharan Africa (WGM)

Weapons Threat Reduction Program
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q4
Requirements: Grants and Contributions (G&Cs) programs with 5-year average of +$5 million/year
Link to Program Inventory: 27. Weapons Threat Reduction

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

Horizontal Evaluation: Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (Lead: ESDC)
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q4
Requirements: Grants and Contributions (G&Cs) programs with 5-year average of +$5 million/year
Link to Program Inventory: 24. Multilateral International Assistance

Office of Primary Interest: International Development Partnerships and Operations (KFM)

Internal Review: Global Affairs Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q4
Requirements: Evaluations identified based on departmental priorities, risks and needs
Link to Program Inventory: 47. Human Resources

Office of Primary Interest: Human Resources (HCM)

Internal Review: Global Affair's Action Plan on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
Planned Start/ In progress: Yes

Planned approval: Q4
Requirements: Evaluations identified based on departmental priorities, risks and needs
Link to Program Inventory: 21. Office of Human Rights, Freedom and Inclusion (OHRFI) Programming

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

MOPAN Institutional Assessments
Planned Start/ In progress: Q3

Planned approval: Q4
Requirements: Programs in PI with G&Cs less than $5 million/year (to be evaluated periodically)
Link to Program Inventory: 2. Multilateral Policy

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issue and Development (MFM)

Legend for evaluation requirements:

  1. Grants and Contributions (G&Cs) programs with 5-year average of +$5 million/year
  2. TB Sub, MC or other legislative commitment
  3. Programs in PI with G&Cs less than $5 million/year (to be evaluated periodically)
  4. Evaluations identified based on departmental priorities, risks and needs

Year 2 – FY 2025-2026

Horizontal Evaluation: Canadian Police Arrangement – International Police Peacekeeping and Peace Operations Program (Lead: RCMP)

Planned start: 2024-25, Q3

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q4
Requirements: G&Cs/FAA
Link to Program Inventory: 25. Peace and Stabilization Operations

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

Global Arctic Leadership Initiative

Planned start: 2024-25, Q1

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q1
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 5. Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb Policy & Diplomacy

Office of Primary Interest: Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb (EGM)

Global Affairs Canada’s Climate Finance Programming

Planned start: 2024-25, Q1

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q1
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

GAC Signature Initiative: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

Planned start: 2024-25, Q2

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q3
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Peace and Stabilization Operations Program

Planned start: 2024-25, Q3

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q3
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 25. Peace and Stabilization Operations

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

Growth that works for everyone (possible inclusion of Trade and Development)

Planned start: 2024-25, Q3

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q4
Requirements: Dept. Priority
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

Strategic Policy (PFM)

Global Issues and Development (MFM)

All geos

Joint audit and evaluation review: Global Affairs Canada’s contracting and procurement services

Planned start: 2025-26, Q2

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q4
Requirements: Dept. Priority
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Corporate Planning, Finance and IT (SCM)

Internal Review: Trade and Export Controls

Planned start: 2025-26, Q3

Planned approval: 2025-26, Q4
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 13. Trade Controls

Office of Primary Interest: Trade Policy and Negotiations (TFM)

MOPAN Institutional Assessments

Planned start: 2025-26

Planned approval: 2025-26
Requirements: PI
Link to Program Inventory: 2. Multilateral Policy

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)


  1. G&C/FAA
  2. TB Sub
  3. PI
  4. Dept. Priority

Year 3 – FY 2026-2027

Canada's engagement in UN Peace Operations and Peacebuilding

Planned start: 2025-26, Q1

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q1
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 25. Peace and Stabilization Operations

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

Planned start: 2025-26, Q1

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q1

Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 25. Peace and Stabilization Operations

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)


Planned start: 2025-26, Q3

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q3
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM)

Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP)*

Planned start: 2025-26, Q3

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q3
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 15. International Innovation and Investment

Office of Primary Interest: International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM)

Disaster Risk and Resilience in the Indo-Pacific Region*

Planned start: 2025-26, Q4

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q4
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

Asia Pacific (OGM)

Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Canada as an active and engaged partner to the Indo-Pacific *

Planned start: 2025-26, Q4

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q4
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Asia Pacific (OGM)

Cluster Evaluation: Country Engagements in the Indo-Pacific* Possible focus countries: Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam

Planned start: 2025-26, Q4

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q4
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Asia Pacific (OGM)

Cyber Diplomacy and Security*

Planned start: 2025-26, Q4

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q4
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory: 21. Office of Human Rights, Freedom and Inclusion (OHRFI) Programming

Office of Primary Interest: International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

International Review: Global Affairs Canada’s Transformation, phase I

Planned start: 2026-27, Q3

Planned approval: 2026-27, Q4
Requirements: Dept. Priority
Link to Program Inventory: N/A

Office of Primary Interest: GAC Transformation (DFMT)

MOPAN Institutional Assessments

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2026-27
Requirements: PI

Link to Program Inventory: 2. Multilateral Policy

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

* Planned evaluations with ties to Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS)


  1. G&C/FAA
  2. TB Sub
  3. PI
  4. Dept. Priority

Year 4 – FY 2027-2028

Horizontal Evaluation: Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy (Lead: GAC)*

Planned start: 2025-26

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: TB Sub
Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

Asia-Pacific (OGM)

International Business Development, Investment and Innovation (BFM)

International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

Thematic Evaluation: Health and Nutrition

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: TB Sub

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Innovative Finance Programs (incl. IAIP, Sovereign Loan Program)

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: TB Sub

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Corporate Planning, Finance and IT (SCM)

Canada’s International Blended Finance Programs

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory: 24. Multilateral International Assistance

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Consular Assistance and Administrative Services for Canadians Abroad

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: PI

Link to Program Inventory: 34. Consular Assistance and Services for Canadians Abroad

Office of Primary Interest: Consular, Security and Emergency Management (CFM)

Internal Review: Grants and Contribution Transformation Initiative

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

International Development Partnerships and Operations (KFM)

Corporate Planning, Finance and IT (SCM)

Internal Review: Global Affairs Canada’s Mission Footprint Approach

Planned start: 2026-27

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory: 38. Client Relations and Mission Operations

Office of Primary Interest: GAC Transformation (DFMT)

Internal Review: Global Affairs Canada’s Transformation, phase II

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory: N/A

Office of Primary Interest: GAC Transformation (DFMT)

MOPAN Institutional Assessments

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2027-28
Requirements: Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory: 2. Multilateral Policy

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

* Planned evaluations with ties to Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS)


  1. G&C/FAA
  2. TB Sub
  3. PI
  4. Dept. Priority

Year 5 – FY 2028-2029

Humanitarian-Development and Peace Nexus

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29


Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

Global Issues and Development (MFM)

International Security and Political Affairs (IFM)

All geographic branches

Canada’s Engagement in Ukraine

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: G&C/FAA

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb (EGM)

Technical Assistance in Global Affairs Canada’s Programming

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: Dept. Priority

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest:

Partnership for Development Innovation Branch (KFM)

All geographic branches

Canada’s International Biodiversity Program

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: TB Sub

Link to Program Inventory: 24. Multilateral International Assistance

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

Women’s Voice and Leadership Program 2.0

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: TB Sub

Link to Program Inventory: 24. Multilateral International Assistance

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

The North American Platform Program (NAPP)

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: PI

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: America (NGM)

Locally Engaged Staff (LES) Framework Reform

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: PI

Link to Program Inventory: 39. Locally Engaged Staff Services

Office of Primary Interest: Human Resources (HCM)

Common Service Delivery Point (CSDP)

Planned start: 2027-28

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: PI

Link to Program Inventory:

Office of Primary Interest: International Platform (ACM)

MOPAN Institutional Assessments

Planned start: 2028-29

Planned approval: 2028-29
Requirements: PI

Link to Program Inventory: 2. Multilateral Policy

Office of Primary Interest: Global Issues and Development (MFM)

* FAA requirement related to International Humanitarian Assistance


  1. G&C/FAA
  2. TB Sub
  3. PI
  4. Dept. Priority

Annex II. Global Affairs Canada – Program Inventory (2023-24)

The Treasury Board Policy on Results (2016) introduced a requirement for all government departments to establish, implement and maintain a Program Inventory (PI) connected to its Departmental Results Framework. In addition to planned mandatory and discretionary evaluations, all programs in the PI are encouraged by TBS to be evaluated periodically, where relevant. Through the yearly updates of the five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan, GAC is also required to report evaluation coverage (percentage of programs and organizational spending) against the PI and to justify what has been excluded and why.

  1. International Advocacy and Diplomacy
    1. International Policy Coordination
    2. Multilateral Policy
    3. International Law
    4. The Office of Protocol
    5. Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb Policy & Diplomacy
    6. Americas Policy & Diplomacy
    7. Asia Pacific Policy & Diplomacy
    8. Sub-Saharan Africa Policy & Diplomacy
    9. Geographic Coordination and Mission Support
    10. International Assistance Policy
    11. International Security Policy and Diplomacy
  2. Trade and Investment
    1. Trade Policy, Agreements, Negotiations, and Disputes
    2. Trade Controls
    3. International Business Development
    4. International Innovation and Investment
    5. Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb Trade
    6. Americas Trade
    7. Asia Pacific Trade
    8. Sub-Saharan Africa Trade
  3. Development, Peace and Security Programming
    1. International Assistance Operations
    2. Office of Human Rights, Freedom and Inclusion (OHRFI) Programming
    3. Humanitarian Assistance
    4. Partnerships and Development Innovation
    5. Multilateral International Assistance
    6. Peace and Stabilization Operations
    7. Anti-Crime and Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building
    8. Weapons Threat Reduction
    9. Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
    10. Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb International Assistance
    11. Americas International Assistance
    12. Asia Pacific International Assistance
    13. Sub-Saharan Africa International Assistance
    14. Grants and Contributions Policy and Operations
  4. Help for Canadians Abroad
    1. Consular Assistance and Services for Canadians Abroad
    2. Emergency Preparedness and Response
  5. Support for Canada’s Presence Abroad
    1. Platform Corporate Services
    2. Foreign Service Directives
    3. Client Relations and Mission Operations
    4. Locally Engaged Staff Services
    5. Real Property Planning and Stewardship
    6. Real Property Project Delivery, Professional and Technical Services
    7. Mission Readiness and Security
    8. Mission Network Information Management / Information Technology
  6. Internal Services
    1. Management & Oversight
    2. Communications
    3. Legal Services
    4. Human Resources
    5. Financial Management
    6. Information Management
    7. Information Technology
    8. Real Property (Domestic)
    9. Materiel Management
    10. Acquisition Management

Note: GAC is currently undergoing a reorganization where the first phase is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024. This may have an impact on the composition of the GAC Program Inventory.

Annex III. Excluded Programs from the Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan

The current Departmental Evaluation Plan has an evaluation coverage of 34 out of 43 of the required programs in the Program Inventory, i.e. Grants and Contributions programs with a five-year average of $5 million/year or more. The following 9 programs fall into this category but are excluded from the five-year evaluation schedule for the reasons listed below.

Core responsibilityProgram in Program InventoryRationale for exclusion

Core responsibility 1: International advocacy and diplomacy

3. International Law

Low risk / Low need. Horizontal evaluation of IRPA Division 9 (lead: Public Safety Canada) was approved in July 2020.

4. The Office of Protocol

Low risk / Low need. Recommendations from the most recent evaluation (2017) have been implemented and there have been no changes in programming or context since the last evaluation.

9. Geographic Coordination and Mission Support

Low risk / Low need. Evaluation completed in 2019-20.

Core responsibility 2:

Trade and investment

12. Trade Policy, Agreements, Negotiations, and Disputes

Low risk. Scope of planned evaluation on Growth that works for everyone may include portion on trade and development nexus programming. How this relates to this program will be determined following the GAC reorganization.

13. Trade Controls

Low risk / Low need. Less than $1M per year average in Gs&Cs, so no FAA requirement. Internal review will be conducted on Trade and Export Controls to build on and validate already extensive research and reporting to inform program decision-making.

Core responsibility 3: Development, peace and security programming

20. International Assistance Operations

Low risk / Low need. The responsible Bureau is included as Office of Secondary Interest in several evaluations and the internal review of the Grants and Contributions Transformation Initiative.

28. Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

Low risk / Low need. Evaluation completed in 2022-23. No FAA requirement for evaluation in coming DEP period.

Core responsibility 5: Support for Canada’s presence abroad

36. Platform Corporate Services

Low risk / Low need. Program has no G&Cs. Previously planned evaluation is no longer deemed needed to meet information needs.

37. Foreign Service Directives

Low risk / Low need. Program has no G&Cs. Previously planned evaluation is no longer deemed needed to meet information needs.

Annex IV. Recently published Global Affairs Canada evaluations

The Policy on Results requires that corporate evaluation reports, summaries and MRAPs be published on GAC’s website within 120 days of approval, unless classified as secret. For all published evaluations, please visit:

Evaluation of Canada's Strategy to Respond to the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh,

Coming soon, 2023-24

Formative evaluation of the Partnership for Gender Equality (Equality Fund)

PDF, 2024-25

Evaluation of Diplomacy, Trade & International Assistance Coherence in Europe, Arctic, Middle East & Maghreb (EGM)

PDF, 2023-24

Evaluation of Canadian Technology Accelerator Program (CTA)

PDF, 2023-24

Evaluation of the Business Women in International Trade Initiative (BWIT)

PDF, 2023-24

Evaluation of International Assistance Programming in Haiti

PDF, 2023-24

Evaluation of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

PDF, 2022-23

Evaluation of International Assistance Programming in Middle-Income Countries

PDF, 2022-23

Formative evaluation of Women’s Voice and Leadership Program

PDF, 2022-23

Evaluation of Diplomacy, Trade and International Assistance Coherence in the Asia-Pacific Branch (OGM)

PDF, 2021-22

Evaluation of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

PDF, 2021-22

Evaluation of the Partnership for Development Innovation Branch

PDF, 2021-22

Evaluation of Diplomacy, Trade and Development Coherence in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (NGM)

PDF, 2020-22

Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls Programming in the Middle East and the Maghreb

PDF, 2020-21

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