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Minister of International Development appearance before the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) – Q&A: COVAX – Briefing material


Q: What is the COVAX facility?

Q: How does COVAX work?

Q: 20% coverage by COVAX isn’t enough to reach herd immunity. Why is the number so low?

Q: If Canada didn’t take doses from COVAX, wouldn’t it allow the Facility to attain higher overall vaccination coverage?

Q: What is Canada’s role in COVAX?

Q: Which budget funds Canada’s COVAX investments/donations?

Q: Are other G7 countries members of COVAX as self-financing countries?

Q: Why are we not investing more in COVAX? Should Canada’s international response not be equal to our domestic response?

Q: Why is Canada accessing the doses as part of the COVAX self-financing window? Isn’t COVAX intended for developing countries?

Q: Why is Canada the only G7 country taking doses as part of the self-financing window?

Q: Is Canada accessing doses through COVAX because our domestic procurement has otherwise been a failure?

Q: Why is Canada seeking to secure doses through COVAX instead of purchasing more doses directly from manufacturers to vaccinate Canadians quicker?

Q: Canada has procured many times more vaccines than it will need. When will Canada give its surplus to developing countries and how will it be decided who gets what?

Q: Why is Canada committing to sharing vaccine doses before we have fully vaccinated our own population?

Q: Is Canada “hoarding” vaccines and engaging in “vaccine nationalism”?

Q: Shouldn’t developing countries have the chance to vaccinate their high-risk populations – especially health care workers - before Canada vaccinates its low risk populations?

Q: What is Canada doing to support vaccination efforts within humanitarian settings?

Q: How has Canada contributed to the global response to COVID-19?

Q: Are women being disproportionately affected by COVID-19? If so, how, and what is Canada doing to address this?

Q: We’ve seen here in Canada that schools have had to embrace virtual classrooms, and we’re starting to see the effects this is having on children and their learning. What does this mean for countries in which access to virtual resources isn’t as easy as it is here? How is Canada working to ensure our investments in education globally are being leveraged to keep kids from falling behind?

Q: Canada has provided significant funding to Gavi in support of routine immunization in lower-income countries – how is that work being affected by COVID-19? How will our investments in Gavi be affected by backsliding and loss of gains when it comes to routine immunization?

Q: What is Canada’s track record supporting health in developing countries?

Q: How can we support developing countries in building more resilient health systems?

Q: How do we know these vaccines distributed by COVAX to lower-income countries will be used properly? What is Canada doing to ensure that they are?

Q: How many doses has COVAX delivered so far, and to which countries?
Allocation Dashboard numbers as of 22 April:

Q: Why are we in discussions with the US to get more doses of AstraZeneca from them? Shouldn’t we be encouraging other high-income countries to donate their doses to countries who need them through COVAX?

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