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Deputy Minister of International Development appearance before the standing committee on public accounts – issue notes

April 20, 2023
Published: December 17, 2024

Table of Contents


  1. Scenario Note
  2. Opening Remarks
  3. Member Biographies
  4. Summary of proposals (highlighting/focus on development)


  1. GAC’s results framework
  2. Audit report: International Assistance in Support of Gender Equality
  3. Audit management action plan
  4. Audit media Analysis of opposition/media
  5. Grants and Contributions Transformation

Hot Issues

  1. Canada’s International Assistance Response to COVID-19
  2. WHO Sexual Misconduct


  1. Increasing Canada’s International Development Assistance Every Year Towards 2030
  2. Responses to the Budget narrative on cuts to the IAE
  3. Feminist International Assistance Policy
  4. Education in Conflict and Crisis
  5. Management of International Development Assistance for Greater Effectiveness, Transparency and Accountability
  6. The Gender Equality Focus behind Canada’s International Assistance Investments
  7. Reducing the Unequal Distribution of Paid and Unpaid Care Work
  8. Mandate Commitment to Increase Funding to Feminist Leaders and Organizations

Other Programming and Policy, general

  1. Canadian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
  2. Global Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
  3. Humanitarian Response 2023
  4. Official Development Assistance (ODA) Levels

Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  1. Situation Brief - Ukraine
  2. Canada’s Humanitarian Response
  3. Impact on Global Food Security
  4. How Canada’s Development Assistance is Supporting Emerging Needs
  5. Canada’s Support for Women and Girls
  6. Canadian Support to Ukraine Cheat Sheet

Report 4 - international assistance in support of gender equality of the auditor general of canada to the parliament of canada

Meeting Scenario

Committee Context

First Round

Second Round

Subsequent rounds of questioning will follow the order and timing of the second round.

Relevant Motion

The following motions adopted by the Committee on December 16, 2021:

That all organizations that have been subject to a performance audit or a special examination by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada provide a detailed action plan to address the audit recommendations which have been agreed to - including specific actions, timelines for their completion and responsible individuals - to the committee and the Office of the Auditor General of Canada within six months of the audit being tabled in the House of Commons;

That organizations that are invited to appear before the committee to discuss the findings of an audit should provide an action plan to the committee no later than 48 hours prior to the hearing;

That action plans and progress reports received by the committee be published on the committee’s website.

Committee Membership & Interests

Opening Remarks

Christopher MacLennan

Deputy Minister of International Development

Global Affairs Canada

House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts

Office of the Auditor General – Report 4 – International Assistance in Support of Gender Equality – Global Affairs Canada

April 20, 2023

Good afternoon Mr. Chair.

Let me begin by thanking this committee for the invitation to appear today to speak on this report. I am pleased to be joined by Patricia Pena, Assistant Deputy Minister for Partnerships for Development Innovation, who will be leading the department’s response to the report and Natalie Lalonde, Chief Audit Executive is also with us in the room. First, I would like to acknowledge the work carried out by The Office of the Auditor General, and thank them for this report. The report highlighted the value of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, but also noted the urgent need for Global Affairs to improve its monitoring and reporting on the results of our work.

I would like to assure the Committee how seriously Global Affairs takes the findings in this report. Canada’s development assistance programming is making a tangible contribution to improving the lives of women and girls from reducing maternal and child mortality to supporting the completion of primary education to reducing gender-based violence to supporting women’s economic empowerment. These efforts matter.

It is for this reason that we have to redouble our efforts to ensure that we have the effective information management and outcome measurement systems in place to demonstrate to Canadians the value of our investments.

Let me begin by touching on how we are already addressing the recommendations made in the report:

On the first recommendation to invest in GAC’s information management system and practices, I have tasked the department to immediately put in place interim measures for a single Project Documents Database as a centralized repository available to both our missions abroad and at headquarters. At the same time, the department will integrate the findings from this report into our ongoing overhaul of our grants and contributions management system. This major transformation project launched last year will allow GAC to automate and streamline our business processes and systems to give us better information for decision-making and improve the impact of Canada’s international assistance.

In response to the second recommendation to measure and report on results of the FIAP policy objectives, we recognize that we must find a better way to aggregate and communicate our results. With more than 1,500 international assistance projects underway at any given time, involving partners from Canada and globally, we have a large amount of data and information to connect to the overall objectives of the Feminist International Assistance Policy.

Under Patricia’s leadership, the department will undertake a complete review of our current approach to gathering and disseminating the outcomes of our work and will oversee the strengthening of our corporate tools, updating governance mechanisms and development of options to better report on the impacts of our development assistance programming.

The third recommendation looks at identity factors beyond gender and age in project-level equality assessments. Global Affairs Canada is committed to improving how we ensure that every development project receives a full gender-based analysis, including questions of intersectionality as a main principle of its feminist approach to international assistance. The department will immediately launch a review of the changes made in 2020 to identify where further adjustments are needed in terms of management guidance, tools and training.


In our international assistance work, Canada has been a leader in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls for several decades, working with partners across the globe to support the development of more inclusive communities and to achieve poverty reduction.

I welcome the work of this committee and look forward to continued collaboration with the Auditor General on implementing the recommendations of the report. Thank you.

Master Overview of the Committee

Standing Committee on Public Accounts (PACP)

Mandate of the Committee

When the Speaker tables a report by the Auditor General in the House of Commons, it is automatically referred to the Public Accounts Committee. The Committee selects the chapters of the report it wants to study and calls the Auditor General and senior public servants from the audited organizations to appear before it to respond to the Office of the Auditor General’s findings. The Committee also reviews the federal government’s consolidated financial statements – the Public Accounts of Canada – and examines financial and/or accounting shortcomings raised by the Auditor General. At the conclusion of a study, the Committee may present a report to the House of Commons that includes recommendations to the government for improvements in administrative and financial practices and controls of federal departments and agencies.

Government policy, and the extent to which policy objectives are achieved, are generally not examined by the Public Accounts Committee. Instead, the Committee focuses on government administration – the economy and efficiency of program delivery as well as the adherence to government policies, directives and standards. The Committee seeks to hold the government to account for effective public administration and due regard for public funds.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3) of the House of Commons, the mandate of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts is to review and report on:

The Committee also reviews:

Other Responsibilities:

Committee Members

Name & RolePartyRidingPACP Member Since

John Williamson, Chair


New Brunswick Southwest

February 2022

Jean Yip, Vice-Chair



January 2018

Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné, Vice-Chair

Critic for Public Accounts; Pandemic Programs; Economic Development Agencies

Bloc Québécois


December 2021

Garnett Genuis, Member

Critic for International Development


Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan

October 2022

Michael Kram, Member



October 2022

Kelly McCauley, Member


Edmonton West

October 2022

Blake Desjarlais, Member

Critic for TBS; Diversity and Inclusion; Youth; Sport; Post-secondary Education; Deputy critic for 2SLGBTQI+ Rights; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

New Democratic Party

Edmonton Greisbach

December 2021

Valerie Bradford, Member


Kitchener South – Hespeler

December 2021

Maninder Sidhu, Member

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs


Brampton East

March 2023

Peter Fragiskatos, Member

Parliamentary Secretary National Revenue


London North Centre

December 2021

Brenda Shanahan, Member



December 2021; and Jan 2016 – Jan 2018

Bios of the Committee Members

John Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest)



Jean Yip (Scarborough - Agincourt)


First Vice-Chair

Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné (Terrebonne)

Bloc Québécois

Second Vice-Chair

Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan)


Michael Kram (Regina—Wascana)


Kelly McCauley (Edmonton West)


Blake Desjarlais (Edmonton Greisbach)


Valerie Bradford (Kitchener South – Hespeler)


Maninder Sidhu (Brampton East)


Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Peter Fragiskatos (London North Centre)


Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue

Brenda Shanahan (Châteauguay—Lacolle)


2023-24 Main Estimates Year-Over-Year Changes - Net Increase of $107.6M

The Department’s total funding requested in the 2023-24 Main Estimates is $7.6B, which represents a net increase of $107.6M over the 2022-23 Main Estimates of $7.5B.

Funding increases include:

Funding to Implement the Feminist International Assistance Agenda - $76.8M

Funding for Canada’s Engagement in United Nations Peace Operations and Peacebuilding - $32.9M

Transfers from Other Government Departments to Provide Support to Departmental - $32.3M

Funding to Help Developing Countries to Address the Impact of Climate Change - $23.1M

Funding for Inflation on Overseas Operating Costs - $21.4M

Funding for Reinforcing and Modernization Core Consular Capacity to Assist Canadians Abroad - $16.8M

Funding for Locally Engaged Staff Salaries and Related Benefits Incurred at Missions Abroad - $16.6M

Funding for Payments, in Respect of Pension, Insurance and Social Security Programs or Other Arrangements for Employees Locally Engaged Outside of Canada - $10.7M

Funding For Canada’s Participation in World Osaka 2025 - $10.7M

Funding for Compensation for EX Group - $9.3M

Funding for Safe Third Agreement Modernization - $8.7M

Funding for the Administration of Trade Controls - $7.0M

Funding for CanExport – Intellectual Property Support - $6.9M

Strengthening Canada’s Capacity for a Global China - $6.7M

Adjustment Related to the Inflation on Foreign Service Allowances - $4.2M

Statutory Forecasts - Contributions to Employee Benefits Plans - $4.2M

Funding for Office of the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise - $3.2M

Funding for Establishing a Ukraine Action Team - $2.9M

Funding for Rapid Response Mechanism Initiative - $2.6M

Funding for Foreign Cyber Operations to Protect Critical Infrastructure - $1.9M

Funding for Special Envoy on Combatting Antisemitism - $0.5M

Funding for Building Canada’s Research Capacity - $0.5M

Funding decreases include:

Funding from the Strategic Priorities Fund - ($97.0M)

Funding for Currency Exchange Fluctuations on Expenditures at Missions Abroad - ($23.0M)

The Softwood Lumber Funding - ($19.7M)

Funding for the Migrant Smuggling Strategy- ($9.1M)

Adjustment Related to the Cost of Assessed Contributions - ($6.5M)

Other Small Items - ($37.0M)

GAC’s Results Framework

Supplementary Messages

Supporting Facts and Figures


At the project level, GAC has a robust results methodology, extensive guidance and strong project management capacity. However, improvements are needed to better report on results at the program and departmental levels, where aggregated data and accompanying analysis are needed.

Through the FIAP, the Department committed to track and communicate the implementation and results of the policy to Canadians, using a suite of 24 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) largely derived from policy language in the FIAP.

The Department reports to Parliament and Canadians using KPI data to provide an illustrative snapshot of GAC’s international assistance, but these KPIs were not designed to reflect the entire breadth of programming. They mostly capture project output information (essentially “activities completed”), which is easier to aggregate to higher organizational levels. Capturing and communicating the longer-term and more impactful outcomes and doing so in an elevated manner that brings together in a logical and useful way outcomes for the entire international assistance portfolio is the weakness identified in the audit. It also concluded GAC does not have a report that captures these types of results across the entire international assistance portfolio.

Reporting at program and departmental levels is particularly challenging: large volume of disparate project results information needing to be distilled into a coherent results story, and a lack of a centralized data system to support that work. To respond to these challenges, the Department has been implementing a new practical results-focused methodology linking project to program to departmental-level priorities, and is developing a new results information system. These take time and significant resourcing, but once in place, GAC will be better equipped to report on outcomes at the policy level.

OAG Report - Implementation of the Feminist International Assistance Policy

The Audit report: International Assistance in Support of Gender Equality can be found in 2023 Reports 1 to 4 of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada.

Management Response and Action Plan

Audit RecommendationManagement ResponseManagement Action PlanArea ResponsibleExpected Completion Date

1. Global Affairs Canada should take immediate action to invest in its information management systems and practices, including relevant training, so that the department has a comprehensive and reliable approach for storing, retrieving and using its project information.

Agreed. Global Affairs Canada has recognized the importance of strong information management (IM) practices. As part of its Grants and Contributions Transformation Programme (Gs&Cs Transformation) launched in 2021, Global Affairs Canada has already developed a work plan that identifies solutions to address departmental IM challenges. Gs&Cs Transformation is a generational, enterprise-wide reform effort to rethink and enhance how the Department manages the entirety of its grants and contributions. For example, our new project management system will automatically store all documentation related to projects, and will no longer be a manual process. This will help ensure that oversight and due diligence efforts are easily accessible and document handover between staff will no longer be necessary. In the interim, progress is being made on enabling a single GAC Information and Data Management System (IDMS) to be a key platform for collaboration across missions and HQ. Gs&Cs Transformation will also include a detailed review of our training curriculum and a training plan for all staff working on international assistance to introduce the new IT solution and associated information management practices. The Gs&Cs Transformation Programme will require additional ongoing funding beyond current GAC reference levels.

1.1 (a) Immediately increase awareness of the recently created Project Documents Database, which enables project leads to centralize links to key documents, such as funding agreements, evaluations and reports. (b) Begin reporting on the use of this Database and communicate results to various branch management.

1.2 Conduct a review of the training curriculum. for all staff working on international assistance to support the implementation of the new grants and contributions management system

1.3 Develop a training plan for all staff working on international assistance to support the implementation of the new grants and contributions management system

1.4 As part of Gs&Cs Transformation Initiative, implement a new grants and contributions management system that will facilitate the storage and retrieval of project documentation. This will help ensure that oversight, handover follow-up and due diligence efforts are easily accessible and better documented.


1.1 DPD( as Secretariat for IA Operations Committee) (KFM) with support from SID (SCM)

(KFM) with support from SCM)

1.2 CFSI), KFMT and DPD lead


1.3 CFSI, KFMT and DPD lead with SGD collaboration

HCM and KFM with SCM collaboration,

1.5 KFMT lead, with DPD, SGD and SRD collaboration, and with support from SID

KFM with SCM collaboration

1.1 May 31, 2023

1.2 December 31, 2024

1.3 June 30, 2026

1.4 December 31, 2026

2. GAC should adjust its performance indicators to measure both outputs and outcomes so that it fully reports on the impact of funding against policy goals and priorities to improve gender equality and outcomes for women and girls.


Global Affairs Canada remains committed to excellence in the results-based management of its international assistance and continuously strives to enhance its grants & contributions management through robust performance and reporting measures. The gaps with department-level performance indicators indicated by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada will be reviewed to enable more effective measurement of and reporting on the achievement of policy-level outcomes of its international assistance. Performance indicators will remain only one of the means through which we report on international assistance policy outcomes.

While the department will endeavor to maximize how much of its sizeable international assistance project portfolio can be reported against using a set of department-level key performance indicators, complete coverage is unrealistic as some projects will unavoidably fall outside the scope of aggregate indicators. Other means will be identified to publish results from such projects.

Because a modern IMIT solution is required to support data collection at the scale of the Global Affairs Canada international assistance portfolio, the aforementioned Gs&Cs Transformation initiative will include a renewed and modernized framework and system for results-specific data collection, aggregation, analysis and reporting. This system will help ensure better results information on international assistance is used internally for decision-making and learning and externally for public reporting and accountability.

2.1 Include in the Terms of Reference of the International Assistance Operations Committee, semi-annual discussions focused on high-level review of IA policy-level outcomes (e.g. reviews of new policy-level results frameworks, early input into departmental international assistance reporting, reviews aggregate data from annual reporting exercises).

2.2 Undertake a review to identify options to enable GAC to publicly “tell a better results story” and to better equip policy-level monitoring and decision-making with useful outcome-level results information, including a review of GAC’s approach to Key Performance Indicators for IA.

2.3 As part of Gs&Cs Transformation initiative, implement a new results-based management information system that will facilitate the gathering, aggregation, utilization and publication of results information for decision-making, learning and public accountability.

2.1 DPD (as Secretariat for IA Operations Committee)


2.2 DPD lead, with active and ongoing engagement by MFM and IFM Action Area leads, KFMT, LCM, SGD, SRD, PFM and IA programming branches.

KFM lead, with active and ongoing engagement by MFM and IFM Action Area leads, KFMT, LCM, SGD, SRD, PFM and IA programming branches.

2.4 KFMT and DPD lead, with engagement SRD and SGD, and with support from SID

KFM lead, with active and ongoing engagement by SCM

2.1 April 30, 2023

2.2 March 31, 2024

2.3 December 31, 2026

3. Global Affairs Canada should consider identity factors beyond age in its project-level gender equality assessments to support inclusive programming.


Global Affairs Canada is committed to intersectionality as a main principle of Canada’s feminist approach to international assistance, which seeks to support the voice, agency and empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity and others who face discrimination or marginalization.

The department has added more explicit references to intersecting identity factors into its gender equality assessment form for projects in 2020. The department will review and augment its gender equality, human rights, and overall project management guidance, tools, training, capacity, and processes to further improve the consideration of intersecting identity factors in its project-level gender equality assessments. Together with the mandated project-level human rights analysis and description of beneficiaries by relevant identity factors, this will lead to more inclusive programming and better development results, in compliance with Government of Canada gender-based analysis plus guidelines.

3.1 Increase awareness for project planning staff of the requirement and available tools to consider intersectionality in gender equality assessments including through information sessions, in line with 2020 guidance.

3.2 Taking into account how intersecting identity factors are addressed in other aspects of project planning (e.g. human rights analysis, description of beneficiaries) and compliance with Government of Canada GBA Plus guidelines, conduct a review of:

· best practices and challenges in the consideration of intersecting identity factors in project-level gender equality assessments in a representative sample of projects done over the past year, including by engaging staff involved in project management;

· external best practices in considering intersecting identity factors (e.g., OECD DAC Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls - Guidance for Development Partners) in the delivery of gender equality results for women and girls in all their diversity and others who face gender-based discrimination or marginalization, including by engaging partners.

3.3 Based on the findings from the above review, carry out necessary adjustments of existing gender equality, human rights and project management guidance, tools, training and processes, and elaborate new resources, if required, to enhance the consideration of identity factors beyond age in project-level gender equality assessments.

3.4 Carry out periodic reviews and improvements, as required, of the consideration of intersecting identity factors in GAC’s project-level gender equality assessments, ensure newly developed products are compliant, and continue to collect and share best practices and knowledge (e.g., webinars, external resources).

3.1 MGS with the engagement of IA programming branches

MFM with the engagement of IA programming branches

3.2 MGS with the support of KGAI and MES

MFM with the engagement of KFM

3.3 MGS with support of KGAI, MES, PVP, DPI and CFSI, and engagement of IA programming branches

MFM with support of KFM, PFM, HCM and engagement of IA programming branches

3.4 MGS with support of KGAI, MES, PVP, DPI and CFSI, and engagement of IA programming branches

MFM with support of KFM, PFM, HCM and engagement of IA programming branches

3.1 May 31, 2023

3.2 October 31, 2023

3.3 April 30, 2024

3.4 September 30, 2024

Media Analysis

Following the release of the report by the Auditor General that criticized Global Affairs Canada for serious deficiencies in how the department tracks programs that are a part of the federal government’s feminist international assistance policy, there was moderate domestic coverage, mainly on the day the report was released, March 27, 2023, and the following day. Social media coverage was low, and all of the coverage was factual and negative in tone.

The articles and monitored social media commentary largely focused on the fact that the department cannot conclusively state whether its feminist assistance programs have been successful in improving gender equity due to poor information management processes (The Globe and Mail). In particular, various articles noted that: annual reports to Parliament only showed short-term results and for only about half of funded projects; GAC did not meet two out of three spending commitments, with shortfalls in sub-Saharan Africa; GAC did not track data about intersectional identity; key documents have been lost when employees left the department; and often there was little follow-up to see if projects meaningfully improved people’s lives as they were intended to. Several articles noted a particular example cited in the report: the department tracked the completion of a washroom construction project intended to increase girls’ school attendance but did not collect attendance data to see if it had the intended effect (La Presse). Several articles also repeated the Auditor General’s claims that the department diverted funds from these aid projects to address the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, as well as Minister Sajjan’s subsequent pushback on this assertion. Several articles also noted that Minister Sajjan accepted the findings of the report overall and agreed that information management needs to improve (The Globe and Mail). Articles in La Presse and The Canadian Press noted criticism from opposition MPs, quoting Conservative development critic Garnett Genuis calling Minister Sajjan’s comments about personally visiting international development projects to evaluate their progress “crazy” and not equivalent to objective governmental analysis; and citing NDP development critic Heather McPherson’s demands that the government live up to its promises to women and girls rather than pretending to defend their rights.

Some articles pointed the finger at a lack of interest among GAC’s upper management when it comes to tracking these projects and noted that the Office of the Auditor General had difficulty obtaining the documents it needed from the department to proceed with the audit (Le Devoir). Several articles also noted that these issues with information management regarding development projects were also flagged in an internal audit in 2021 (Le Journal de Montréal) (CBC). An article in Le Journal de Québec argued that these issues fit a larger pattern in the current government of not properly tracking the projects on which it spends money.

On the other hand, Radio-Canada made note of the report’s comments that Canada’s policy is unique in the world and that the countries that have benefitted the most since its implementation in 2017 are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia. The Canadian Press added that the report did praise the department for successfully designing projects through an equity lens. Several social media comments from monitored stakeholders took care to note that the issue is not with the feminist international policy itself, but rather with the way in which it is monitored and evaluated.

A couple of articles reported that aid groups were disappointed that there was no new funding in the 2023 budget, announced the day after the Auditor General’s report, for supporting and developing the feminist international assistance policy and international development projects in general (The Globe and Mail) (The Canadian Press).

Grants and Contributions Transformation

Supplementary Messages


Gs&Cs Transformation is a once in a generation, enterprise-wide reform effort to rethink and enhance how the Department manages the entirety of its grants and contributions.

This initiative is in direct response to one of the Minister’s mandate letter commitments: “Improve the way we manage and deliver international development assistance to ensure greater responsiveness, effectiveness, transparency and accountability”. This commitment is also echoed in the Feminist International Assistance Policy. “We will streamline and accelerate our funding and reporting procedures to reduce the administrative burden on our funding recipients. This will ensure that our assistance is more responsive, more transparent and more predictable.”

Over the coming quarter, Gs&Cs Transformation will be focused on implementation of high priority IT projects (Risk Management Component, Financial Management Component, Results-based Management Component, Project Management Component, and partner engagement) which will make up the core of the project management system.

The Gs&Cs Transformation will address recommendations in the 2023 OAG report on FIAP, namely by (1) digitally store project information so that document management is no longer a challenge, (2) conduct a review of our training curriculum, (3) digitally collect results in our project management system in order to easily search, aggregate and analyse results to better inform decision-making.

Canada’s International Assistance Response to COVID-19

Supplementary Messages


Supporting Facts and Figures

Canada’s Commitment for COVID-19 Response

Global CommitmentsCommitment

Commitments to ACT-A


Humanitarian response


Adapted programming




Canada’s Financial Allocations to the ACT-Accelerator by Pillar


Vaccines – COVAX






Health Systems Connector




Canada’s Dose Donation Commitments to COVAX

Dose Donation Commitment200 million

In-kind doses made available**

~45.26 million

Financial Contributions Delivered (dose equivalents***)

150.74 million

Balance remaining

~4 million

*Note that the total figure includes Finance Canada’s $107M contribution to the IMF Poverty Reduction and Growth Fund (PRGT)

**Includes doses donated to COVAX and bilaterally

***100.88M calculated using 2021 G7 approved methodology of $6USD a dose, and 49.86M calculatedusing 2022 OECD approved methodology of $6.72USD a dose from 2022 COVAX commitment.


Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-Accelerator)
Budget 2022 provided $732M in 2022-23 to Global Affairs Canada to further support the efforts of the ACT-Accelerator and to ensure that Canada continues to provide its fair share to global efforts to improve access to vaccines, therapeutics, and other tools to fight COVID-19. As the world transitions to long-term COVID-19 control, ACT-A is adjusting its approach to ensure countries continue to have access to COVID-19 tools, while integrating efforts into primary health systems.

Dose donation and vaccine delivery
Canada is doing its part to support country vaccination targets through investments in the COVAX Facility and the donation of surplus doses. To date, Canada has donated the equivalent of over 196M doses, comprised of doses deemed surplus from Canada’s domestic procurement, as well as financial contributions (dose equivalents). Canada stands ready to donate vaccine doses, primarily through COVAX, in 2023 based on supply and demand. Canada has committed approximately $745M for vaccine distribution and delivery and to strengthen health systems in response to COVID-19 across LMICs, including CA$275M for CanGIVE. CanGIVE partners include UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and Medicines Patent Pool (MPP). As countries move from COVID-19 response into recovery, Canada will continue to invest in the equity and resilience of health systems so countries can better respond to health security crises, while maintaining routine immunization and essential public health care.

Strengthening Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
Canada is engaged in discussions, including at the WHO, G20, G7, and the UN General Assembly (UNGA), on how to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPR) based on the lessons learned from COVID-19 and other health security crises. The World Health Assembly has launched processes to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument to strengthen pandemic PPR, and to consider amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005). A new World Bank-housed financial intermediary fund for pandemic PPR (i.e. the Pandemic Fund) was launched on September 9, 2022, to help strengthen pandemic PPR at national, regional and global levels, with a focus on low and middle-income countries. Canada has contributed $50M to the Pandemic Fund to help address critical gaps in, inter alia, disease surveillance, laboratory systems, the health workforce, emergency communications and management and community engagement. The UNGA has also agreed to host a High-Level Meeting on pandemic PPR on September 20, 2023.

Health Security Capacity Building

Canada’s flagship contribution to the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction has funded biological containment laboratories in Ghana (x3), Nigeria (x2), and South Africa to support COVID-19 diagnostic efforts; the ASEAN Emergency Operations Center Network for timely pandemic information sharing; the ASEAN BioDiaspora Virtual Centre, pioneered by Toronto-based BlueDot; and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, including $90M committed for COVID-19 vaccine development. During the pandemic, Canada also provided in-kind PPE to Africa CDC and ASEAN partners, valued at over $38M in 2021, through GAC’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program.

WHO Sexual Misconduct

Supplementary Messages


Dozens of incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) by WHO, UN and other non-governmental organization staff during the WHO-led Ebola response in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), were reported by the media in late 2020, which the WHO’s internal mechanisms and processes had failed to prevent or detect.

Canada has been at the forefront of efforts to hold WHO accountable, championing a decision at the Executive Board in January 2021 which called for stronger institutional measures to prevent SEA and SH. We continue to emphasize zero tolerance for inaction, the importance of a survivor/victim-centred approach, and the need for close collaboration between WHO and key UN entities, and regularly follow up with WHO senior management for progress updates.

In response to the 2021 Executive Board decision, the WHO enacted a dedicated Management Response Plan to address recommendations from an Independent Commission investigation on SEA in DRC. In January 2023, WHO launched a Three-Year Strategy (2023-2025) for preventing and responding to all forms of sexual misconduct. On March 8, 2023, a new Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct came into effect, which aims to address gaps, loopholes, and lack of clarity in previous policy documents; align with international and UN requirements and protocols; and clearly outline responsibilities of WHO staff and of collaborators.

While supportive of this progress, Canada and likeminded remain concerned about accountability for the management of allegations. At the WHO Executive Board meeting held in January-February 2023, the UK delivered a statement on these issues on behalf of 54 countries, including Canada. The statement underscored the importance of a victim and survivor-centred approach; strengthening organizational capacity and ensuring accountability; and safeguarding in high-risk settings.

In January 2023, the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services released a confidential investigation report on WHO’s mid-level staff response to allegations of SEA during the Ebola outbreak in DRC between 2018 and 2020. Canada and likeminded continue to assess the findings and await a response from WHO senior management.

Increasing Canada’s International Development Assistance Every Year Towards 2030

Supplementary Messages


Budget 2023 announced an additional $2.4 million loan for Ukraine to be administered by the International Monetary Fund. Budget 2023 did not announce any new international assistance funding for Global Affairs Canada.

In December 2022 at 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity, the Prime Minister announced $350 million in new international assistance to help developing countries advance conservation efforts.

Supporting Facts and Figures


Responses to the Budget Narrative on Cuts to the International Assistance Envelope

Supplementary Messages

Supporting Facts and Figures


Canadian Civil society groups, led by Cooperation Canada, have been critical of an apparent 15% decline in the IAE based on forecasts for 2022-23 ($8.2 billion) and 2023-24 ($6.89 billion).

2022-23 IAE expenditures will be reconciled over the coming months and published in spring 2024 in the 2022-23 Report to Parliament on the Government of Canada’s International Assistance and the Statistical Report on International Assistance.

Feminist International Assistance Policy

Supplementary Messages

Supporting Facts and Figures

Education in Conflict and Crisis

Supplementary Messages


Canada hosted a youth-led Together for Learning Summit in March 2022. The Summit provided an opportunity to hear and learn from refugee and displaced youth, engaging them as problem-solvers and decision-makers. The youth released a Youth Manifesto, including calls to action in five priority areas: inclusion, mental and psychosocial support, digital learning, gender equality and accountability. During the Summit, Canada announced $67.2M of support for the education of refugee, displaced and host community children and youth.   

Canada continues to amplify the Summit outcome documents and the voices of youth, including at key international events such as the UN Secretary General’s Transforming Education Summit (Sept 2022) and the Education Cannot Wait’s High-Level Financing Conference (Feb 2023). Canada will continue to amplify the voices of refugee youth in the lead up to the second Global Refugee Forum (GRF) in December 2023.   

Seven Global Initiatives emerged from the UN Secretary General`s Transforming Education Summit (Sept 2022). Three of these initiatives are particularly well aligned with Canada’s priorities, namely: transforming education systems to enable all crisis-affected children and youth to access inclusive, quality, safe learning opportunities and continuity of education; advancing gender equality and girls’ and women’s empowerment in and through education; and foundational learning.

Education Cannot Wait hosted a High-Level Financing Conference in February 2023 to increase funding for education in emergencies, a chronically underfunded area. Canada announced $87.5 million over four years, of which $27.5M is earmarked for the Bangladesh Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP), as part of Canada’s Strategy to Respond to the Rohingya and Myanmar Crisis. The event was co-hosted by Switzerland, and co-convened by Colombia, Germany, Niger, Norway and South Sudan, in Geneva.

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The provision of education is a human right and critical in crisis situations, particularly for girls. In protracted crises, education ensures that children and youth have access to the knowledge, skills and other supports (nutrition, mental health, protection) that they need to contribute economically and socially to the rebuilding of their communities. COVID-19 caused the largest disruption to education in history, and eroded progress in enrolment rates. Displaced and refugee learners have been particularly disadvantage.  

In February 2021, Canada launched the three-year international Together for Learning campaign to promote quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for refugee, displaced and host community children and youth. The Campaign includes four key areas of work: 1) programming excellence; 2) diplomatic engagement; 3) amplifying local voices; and 4) building the evidence base on education for refugee and displaced children and youth. 

Management of International Development Assistance for Greater Effectiveness, Transparency and Accountability

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The Gender Equality Focus Behind Canada’s International Assistance Investments

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For the fourth consecutive year (since 2020), Canada was ranked as the top OECD bilateral donor for its share of overall official development assistance (ODA) supporting gender equality.

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Addressing Paid and Unpaid Care Work

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To drive more and better-quality investments in childcare in low- and middle-income countries to improve outcomes for women, children, families, businesses and economies, Canada contributed $10 million to the World Bank Group’s Invest in Childcare initiative. In Peru, Canada provided $3 million to a project called Opening Doors: More and Better Decent Work Opportunities for Domestic Workers in partnership with the International Labour Organisation. Canada provided $10 million to a project called Build Back Equal, in partnership with UN Women, to ensure that care services are included in gender-responsive social protection systems while advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in four Eastern Caribbean countries. In November 2022, the Department launched the “Action for Paid Care Workers Initiative”, a funding opportunity by invitation only to selected Canadian organizations meeting the eligibility criteria. Under this $36 million initiative, four to six projects will be selected. These will address paid care work issues or both paid and unpaid care work challenges. Additional projects are under development and will be announced in due course.

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Prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has continued to draw attention to the disproportionate share of paid and unpaid care work shouldered by women and girls, as an issue critical to address in the implementation of its Feminist International Assistance Policy. The inequitable distribution of care work leads to time poverty among women and girls: less time for education and training, employment and entrepreneurship, political and civic activities, and rest and care of their own health. To address this inequality, Canada is implementing a commitment made on June 30, 2021, at the Generation Equality Forum, to invest $100.0 M over the next five years to address the unequal distribution of paid and unpaid care work in low and middle-income countries through stand-alone care work programming.

Mandate Commitment to Increase Funding to Feminist Leaders and Organizations

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In October 2022, Canada was selected to Co-chair the Alliance for Feminist Movements along with RESURJ, a global-south based network of women’s rights organizations.

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Supporting WROs and feminist movements is core to Canada’s FIAP. During the consultations to develop the FIAP, Canadian NGOs and women’s rights defenders advocated strongly for more and better funding for local WROs, as an effective means to advance gender equality and an essential component of a feminist approach to international assistance.

Global Affairs Canada continues to look for ways to implement the Minister’s mandate letter commitment to support women leaders and feminist groups' efforts to promote peace and protect the rights of women and marginalized groups.

The mandate letter commitment aligns with Canada’s global leadership as an advocate of women’s rights organizations and feminist movements, including through the co-leadership of the Feminist Movements and Leadership Action Coalition, and the launching of the Alliance for Feminist Movements.

The Alliance for Feminist Movements is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on exponentially increasing, sustaining and improving financial and political support for women’s rights and feminist organizations and movements globally. The Alliance has more than 400 members including Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Ireland, Malawi, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

ATIP Protected Background


Canadian Civil Society Organizations

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Canadian CSOs value in the delivery of Canada’s IAE: The Department partners with Canadian CSOs to: 1) deliver international assistance programming; 2) dialogue on policy, process improvements and innovation, and 3) engage, inform, and inspire Canadians on international development.

Delivery of International Assistance: To increase predictability, the Department publishes a semi-annual calendar of calls for proposals and issues detailed information on funding processes. To increase accessibility, and to lower applicants’ burden, new application processes have been introduced such as the use of proposal “concept notes”. Through the Small and Medium Organizations (SMOs) Initiative, over 433 SMOs have benefited from capacity-building activities and there have been 468 applications to the three calls for proposals. In addition, the 5-year Grants and Contributions Transformation includes new ways of working with partners to reduce the administrative burden and increase the transparency, responsiveness and predictability of our international assistance.

Budget 2023 and OAG report: A coalition of over 90 Canadian international development organizations, including Cooperation Canada, expressed disappointment as they feel Budget 2023 undermines Canada's position in the world. This coalition also reacted to the OAG report by noting the department’s ongoing collaborative commitment to addressing issues raised, reaffirming its support of the FIAP and working with GAC to better track and communicate impact.

Direction and control: In response to the sector’s advocacy related to some elements of the Income Tax Act applicable to Canadian charities carrying on activities outside Canada, Finance Canada introduced Bill C19 in Budget 2022, which received Royal Assent in June 2022. The changes to Bill C19 were introduced in response to charities views that the previous requirements were costly and labour intensive, conflicted with principles of local ownership, and supported an out-dated colonial approach to working with local partners. The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) has drafted new related guidance for Canadian charities in consultation with the sector. Cooperation Canada recently commented that while they appreciate the efforts made to address the sector’s concerns, the guidance continues to over emphasize risk and impose onerous requirements for charities. CRA has yet to publish a revised version based on the public consultation that concluded in January 2023. While changes to the legislation will not directly affect GAC’s programming, the amended Income Tax Act and CRA’s related guidance align with GAC’s contribution agreements, as required under the Treasury Board Transfer Payment Policy.

Localization: Canada and a community of likeminded donors issued a statement in December 2022 that reflects actions to foster locally sustained change, tied to local contexts.

Global Health and SRHR

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The current phase of Canada’s leadership in global health comes through the continued implementation of Canada’s 10-year commitment to global health and rights, including a significant annual investment to close persistent gaps in SRHR. This commitment is helping to deliver long-term investments for impact, building on two decades of leadership in maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH); SRHR; nutrition; as well as combatting infectious disease through global financing mechanisms like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), among others. Recognizing the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada continues to support pandemic response efforts, as well as a reform agenda to strengthen health systems and build resilience to future pandemics.

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Canada’s support for women and children’s health and rights has a policy and programmatic focus on three priority areas: increasing the quality and accessibility of health services, SRHR, and nutrition. This encompasses infectious disease response – including exceptional support to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Investments are underpinned by support for effective and equitable health systems.

In addition to working towards increasing Canada’s overall investments in SRHR, the 10-year commitment aims to increase awareness and funding for key neglected areas including: family planning and contraception; safe abortion services and post-abortion care; comprehensive sexuality education; SRHR advocacy; and prevention and response to sexual and gender based violence.

Humanitarian Response 2023


To address an unprecedented level of humanitarian needs, Canada continues to respond to the increasing number of humanitarian crises around the world. Canada has continued to respond to complex humanitarian situations, including in Ukraine, Afghanistan and Haiti, as well as sudden-onset emergencies such as the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, and is actively addressing global food insecurity.

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Over the last decade, the scope, scale, and complexity of the humanitarian system has significantly grown, characterized by a more than 80% increase in the number of conflicts and natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change. Further, more than 100 million people are forcibly displaced and global public health is worsening. It is projected that over 345 million people will be acutely food insecure in 2023. Of these, over 43 million people are at the brink of famine and nearly 1 million people are expected to face catastrophic conditions. In response, the humanitarian system has expanded, with the UN global appeal tripling to more than $54 billion in 2023.

Official Development Assistance Levels

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The increase is attributable to Canada’s exceptional increases to Ukraine ($1.1 billion), refugee support ($642 million), World Bank institutions ($590 million) and the Green Climate Fund ($235 million).

Ukraine Situation Brief

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Heavy fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces continues in eastern and southern Ukraine. Despite the recapture of territory by Ukraine since last September (over 12,000 km2), Russian forces have recently made some small gains through their winter offensive. Russia’s dangerous escalations, such as attacking civilian targets and critical infrastructure, will likely continue, as the Kremlin attempts to destabilize Ukraine, undermine Ukraine’s ability to wage war, and appease hardliners in Moscow in response to its setbacks on the battlefield. Russia continues missile and kamikaze drone attacks against energy and water infrastructure across Ukrainian cities; Ukrainian officials estimate that almost half of the country’s electricity infrastructure is damaged. Russia’s continued attacks on energy facilities are deepening Ukraine’s humanitarian catastrophe. Sustaining supplies of the four “As” – ammunition, armour, air defence, and artillery – remains the priority ahead of a Ukrainian counteroffensive.

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Ukraine Humanitarian Response

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Budget 2023, released on March 28, 2023, included $84.8 million to fund exceptional international assistance support to Ukraine from internal Global Affairs Canada reference levels in 2023-24, including $32.5 million for humanitarian assistance. These funds will be sourced from the department’s reference levels.

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The Ukraine conflict has caused the world’s fastest growing displacement crisis since World War II, with over 13 million people initially uprooted in less than two months. Currently, over a quarter of Ukraine’s population have fled their homes, including more than 5.6 million people now estimated to be internally displaced and over 4.9 million Ukrainian refugees registered for Temporary Protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe, most of them women and children. Nearly two-thirds of the children in Ukraine have been displaced.

Humanitarian needs in Ukraine continue to be significant. The 2023 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) indicates a need for US $3.9 billion to support 9.4 million people with humanitarian assistance this year. Priority needs result largely from attacks on energy and shelter infrastructure, which hampers access to water, food, health care, transportation, telecommunications, and other essential services. The war is impacting women and men in different ways and is exacerbating pre-existing inequalities.

Since the beginning of hostilities on February 24th, humanitarian partners have worked intensively to increase the scale and scope of their operations in Ukraine. The humanitarian response is assisting more people every week. As of February 2023, the UN and humanitarian partners have reached over 15.8 million people across Ukraine.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Impact on Global Food Security

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The food crisis is expected to worsen as agricultural productivity declines, driven largely by reduced fertilizer affordability, alongside conflict and extreme weather events. Existing gender inequalities lead to women and girls eating least and last, disproportionately deepening their hunger, malnutrition and poverty rates. Russia is weaponizing food and energy issues, spreading disinformation that Western sanctions are to blame, and bartering for sanction relief while imposing its own export restrictions.

In 2022, Canada has allocated a record amount of more than $650 million for humanitarian food and nutrition assistance. Canada also continues to support developing countries’ agriculture and food systems programming, disbursing $600 million in projects and programs in fiscal year 2021-2022.

The Black Sea Grain Initiative facilitates shipments of Ukrainian grain, fertilizer and foodstuff from three ports in the Black Sea and has helped to stabilize spiraling global food prices. This also enables humanitarian shipments under Grains from Ukraine. The EU launched their Solidarity Lanes in May 2022 to enable Ukrainian exports and imports of any commodity via alternative routes through land, water and rail.

How Canada’s Development Assistance is Supporting Emerging Needs in Ukraine

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Canada’s Support for Women and Girls in Ukraine

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Bilateral Development Assistance:

Humanitarian Assistance:

Peace and Stabilization Operations Program; Women, Peace and Security

Canadian Support to Ukraine Cheat Sheet

Budget 2023:

  1. Provides Ukraine with an additional loan of $2.4 billion for 2023, which has been provided via the IMF Administered Account for Ukraine.
  2. Provides $200 million in 2022-23 to the Department of National Defense for donations of existing Canadian Armed Forces military equipment to Ukraine, including eight previously announced Leopard 2 main battle tanks.
  3. To support the extension of the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel, the government has committed an additional $171.4 million over three years, starting in 2022-23.
  4. Announces that $84.8 million in 2023-24 will be allocated by Global Affairs Canada to provide targeted support to Ukraine for humanitarian assistance, mental health support, demining, agriculture, and other priority areas. All funds would be sourced from existing departmental resources.

Response by the Numbers

From January 2022 to March 2023, Canada has committed over $8 billion in multifaceted support, including commitments from Budget 2023.

This funding is in addition to previously-announced support:

Humanitarian Assistance

  1. Canada is meeting urgent needs in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
  2. Canada’s support has enabled the deployment of humanitarian and logistics experts to the UN agencies.
  3. Canada’s humanitarian assistance partners are providing emergency health services, support to displaced populations, and essential life-saving services such as shelter, water and sanitation, and food.
  4. Canada has sent relief items from its national emergency stockpiles.
  5. Donations by individual Canadians to the Canadian Red Cross have been matched by the Government of Canada.
  6. Canada has facilitated flights of essential relief supplies to support the response in Ukraine as well as neighbouring countries.
  7. Canada allocated funding to the International Organization for Migration to procure and distribute generators to critical facilities in Ukraine.

Security and Stabilization Support

Canada is providing a range of security and stabilization support to Ukraine, seeking to enhance Ukrainian resilience and resistance. This includes:

  1. Support to Ukrainian security sector institutions;
  2. Advancing accountability, including by filing a joint declaration of intervention with the Netherlands in Ukraine’s case against Russia at the International Court of Justice, as well as supporting investigations by the International Criminal Court, the Commission of Inquiry established by the UN Human Rights Council, the OSCE Moscow Mechanism and Ukraine’s domestic criminal justice system;
  3. Providing targeted support to Ukrainian civil society organizations, women’s groups, and media;
  4. Enhancing the capacity of the Ukrainian government and organizations to counter disinformation; and,
  5. Supporting mine action, including the clearance of unexploded ordnance.
  6. Canada has also supported technical visits by the International Atomic Energy Agency to assess the situation at Ukrainian nuclear facilities.
  7. Canada has also contributed project funding to partner organizations for:
  8. Police service trust, accountability and resilience;
  9. Strengthening prevention and response to conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine;
  10. Rescue and resilience for Ukrainian civil society;
  11. Integrating international standards to address CRSV in Ukraine;
  12. Promoting access to criminal justice in Ukraine;
  13. Building capacity and capability of the Ukrainian humanitarian demining institutions;
  14. Provision of demining equipment to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine;
  15. Assistance in addressing missing and disappeared persons from the ongoing war in Ukraine;
  16. Justice and accountability for international crimes through an inclusive and gender-responsive approach;
  17. Accountability for sexual and gender-based violence: sustaining momentum to end impunity; and
  18. Countering chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats


in humanitarian assistance committed including $93m to food security


essential relief items such as blankets, mattresses, etc.

20 flights

delivering relief supplies

Over $81m for security and stabilization initiatives, including demining

Development Assistance

  1. Canada increased development assistance funding to support the resilience of Ukraine's government institutions and civil society organizations to meet the needs of Ukrainians, in particular women and vulnerable groups. This includes:
  1. Canada has provided funding to UNESCO to protect Ukraine’s cultural and heritage sites.

Economic Assistance

  1. This year Canada has fully disbursed loans to Ukraine worth a total of $1.95 billion to help meet the Ukrainian government’s balance of payments and budgetary needs. Of this amount, $1.45 billion was channeled through the IMF Administered Account for Ukraine, the creation of which was championed by Canada.
  2. Canada has also issued a Ukraine Sovereignty Bond. The proceeds from this bond were sent to Ukraine in the form of a loan through the IMF Administered Account.
  3. Canada has provided a loan guarantee to enable a EUR 300 million European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) loan to Naftogaz, Ukraine’s state-owned gas company, to help keep the heat and lights on in Ukraine this winter.
  4. Canada has temporarily removed tariffs on imports from Ukraine for one year.
  5. Canada is providing $115 million in funding collected through customs tariffs on imports from Russia and Belarus to Ukraine through the World Bank’s Ukraine Multi-Donor Trust Fund to help repair Kyiv’s Power Grid.
  6. Canada and other official creditors to Ukraine agreed to provide a coordinated suspension of debt service due by Ukraine from August 2022, until the end of 2023, with the possibility of an additional year extension.

Response by the Numbers

$44m in development assistance


for grain storage equipment

10 shelters

8 crisis rooms (SGBV)


to protect heritage sites


in direct financial assistance


through Ukraine Sovereignty Bond


loan guarantee through European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Nearly 35k

Military and

Military Assistance

  1. Canada has extended and expanded the Canadian Armed Forces Operation (CAF) UNIFIER, which has supported the training of the Security Forces of Ukraine.
  2. Canada has provided non-lethal military equipment (helmets, body armor, gas masks, night vision gear, winter clothing, etc.)
  3. Canada has provided lethal military equipment (guns, pistols, rifles, ammunition, light-anti armor weapons, grenades, M777 howitzers, drone cameras, armored combat support vehicles, etc.)
  4. Canada has provided funding to buy high-resolution modern satellite imagery.
  5. Canada sent additional military personnel to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defense in Europe.
  6. Under Operation UNIFIER, Canada has deployed CAF personnel to the UK and to Poland to train new recruits from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  7. Canada is purchasing a National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) and associated munitions from the US to donate to Ukraine.
  8. Canada is providing 200 Canadian-manufactured Armored Personnel Carriers to allow for the safe transport of personnel and equipment, and medical evacuations.
  9. Canada will supply Ukraine with four Leopard 2 main battle tanks from the CAF inventory.

Special Immigration and Support Measures

  1. Canada created Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel that allows an unlimited number of Ukrainians to stay in Canada temporarily and work or study.
  2. Canada waived fees for travel and immigration documents.
  3. Canada is providing temporary support services once Ukrainians arrive in Canada including short-term income support, temporary accommodations, and services to help settle into communities.
  4. Three targeted federal charter flights with Ukrainians arrived in Canada.

Security Forces of Ukraine trained

Over $1.2b committed or delivered

in military assistance


additional personnel to NATO

up to 225

personnel to the UK

(Operation UNIFIER)

Over $1B

for new immigration measures

Over 540k

visas issued

Over 150k

Ukrainians arrived in Canada

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