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Minister of Foreign Affairs appearance before the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) on Canada’s diplomatic capacity – Briefing material

February 7, 2024
Published: May 29, 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Scenario Note
  2. Opening Remarks
  3. Biographies of FAAE Members
  4. Senate AEFA Committee Report
  5. Ministerial Q&A – GAC Transformation with FAQ on Implementation
  6. Backgrounder on the Transformation Implementation Plan
  7. Comparisons to Likeminded Countries
  8. HR & Workforce at a Glance
  9. Foreign Languages & Expertise
  10. Diversifying GAC’s Workforce
  11. LES
  12. Digital Infrastructure & Cyber Threats
  13. Property Infrastructure and Technology
  14. Global Footprint
  15. Multilateral Influence
  16. Overseas Comprehensive and Supplementary Medical Coverage


  1. Address by Minister Joly to employees and Heads of Missions of Global Affairs Canada
  2. Address by Minister Joly on Canadian Diplomacy Amidst Geopolitical Uncertainty
  3. Transformation Implementation Plan
  4. Future of Diplomacy

Scenario note

For your awareness

Timeline of this study

Motion of study

That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), and that given:

The committee undertake a study of the capacity of Global Affairs Canada to:

That the study consist of a maximum of four meetings to take place preferably before the end of 2023;

That a preliminary list of proposed witnesses be submitted no later than Thursday, November 16, 2023;

That the Minister of Foreign Affairs and departmental officials from Global Affairs Canada be invited to appear before the committee; and

That the committee report its findings to the House.

Committee membership

Biographies of FAAE Members

Ali Ehassi (Chair)
LPC – Willowdale (ON)

Ali Ehassi

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC




Vaccine Equity and Intellectual Property Rights

Michael D. Chong (Vice-Chair)
CPC – Wellington – Halton Hills (ON)

Michael D. Chong

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC


China: Human Rights, Foreign Interference

Iran: Flight PS752


Nuclear Weapon



Stéphane Bergeron (Vice-Chair)
BQ – Montarville, (QC)

Stéphane Bergeron

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC





Global Food Crisis

Reproductive Health Globally

Lachin Corridor

Omar Alghabra
LPC – Mississauga Centre (ON)

Omar Alghabra

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC

Iran: Flight PS752

Russia: Ukraine

Consular Affairs

Trade Agreement: CUSMA

Trade Issues: China


Human Rights: Myanmar

Sophie Chatel
LPC – Pontiac (QC)

Sophie Chatel

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC

Canada’s Sanctions Regime

NATO: Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence

Global Economy: Net-Zero Portfolios for Financial Institutions

Pam Damoff
LPC – Oakville North-Burlington (ON)

Pam Damoff

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC

Dave Epp
CPC – Chatham-Kent-Leamington (ON)

Dave Epp

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC

Ukraine: Fertilizer Tariffs, Resources Access Challenges

Global Food Insecurity

Sanction Regime: SEMA

Russia: Wagner Group

International Great Lakes Fishery Commission

Hedy Fry
LPC – Vancouver Centre (BC)

Hedy Fry

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC




Vaccine Equity and Intellectual Property Rights


Randy Hoback
CPC – Prince Albert (SK)

Randy Hoback

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC

ASEAN, India

Defence Relations

U.K.'s accession into CPTPP


Critical of progressive trade objectives

Canadian Natural Gas

Agricultural Sector

Robert Oliphant
LPC – Don Valley West (ON)

Robert Oliphant

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC




Sanctions Regime

LGBTQ Rights

Heather McPherson
NDP – Riding (PR)

Heather McPherson

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC

Human Rights

Israel and Palestine



Arms to Saudi Arabia

Disarmament/Cluster Munitions



Afghanistan: Women/Girls


Vaccine Equity and Intellectual Property Rights

Nord Stream 1 Gas Turbine

Sameer Zuberi
LPC – Pierrefonds – Dollard (QC)

Sameer Zuberi

Election to the house of commons

Professional Background

Political and parliamentary roles

Committee membership

Points of interest to GAC


China: Uyghurs

Climate Change: NATO


Global Food Security

Senate AEFA committee report


Summary of recommendations:

Ministerial Q&A – GAC Transformation with FAQ on Implementation

Study on Canada’s Diplomatic Capacity

Anticipated questions & suggested responses for topics not included in other briefing materials.

1. GAC Transformation (general)

1.1 What progress has been made since the launch of the Future of Diplomacy: Transforming Global Affairs Canada discussion paper in June of 2023?

The world is increasingly challenging for Canada, yet GAC is not fit to respond:

What GAC is doing about it:

  1. Renewing Canada’s foreign service: GAC needs to invest in its foreign service, including recruitment and staffing, training, making the foreign service more representative of Canada’s diversity and official languages, and supporting the families of diplomats that go abroad, especially to the most challenging contexts.

GAC has hired 200 foreign service officers in the last year, streamlined its assignment process to give officers more time to prepare, and reallocated internal resources to provide official language training to new recruits.

  1. Strengthening crisis management: GAC is doing well but can be better. GAC is conducting a review of its crisis management processes so that it can better respond to the new age of permacrisis. We are looking at maximizing the use of GAC’s toolset, including consular services to Canadians, humanitarian aid, and diplomacy. GAC is also working to deploy quickly and align our workforce’s expertise and skills faster when crises occur.
  1. Becoming more open and connected to Canadians and the world: GAC needs to be more open and connected to Canadians and outside expertise. GAC will launch an Open Insights Hub later this year to regularly consult academics, think tanks and the private sector to inform GAC’s policies and programs.
  1. Building new policy expertise on issues of national interest, including crosscutting challenges like critical minerals and climate change. In November, GAC appointed a new Senior official for Cyber, Digital and Emerging Technology to coordinate across GAC’s toolset, with other government departments and with allies and partners internationally on these issues.
  1. Becoming more agile: This year, GAC is taking a tough look at how it is organized and operates to align resources with priorities, make better use of financial resources, and strengthen decision-making overall.
  1. Increasing our influence where it matters: we need to be present abroad where it matters most for Canada’s influence and footprint, to respond to a rapidly changing world. This requires new and sustained investments. To make the most of these investments, GAC is developing new tools and decision-making approaches this year to regularly assess and adjust Canada’s mission network.
  1. All these changes are underpinned by our culture: For the transformation efforts to be lasting, we also need to address the organizational culture. We recently launched the North Star statement, a common vision that outlines our commitment to better deliver our global agenda that spans diverse program lines, functions and contributions, while remaining open, agile and connected with Canadians. I am committed to ensuring the highest ethical standards in keeping with the Clerks’ focus on Values and Ethics. This is why GAC published its first ever annual report on addressing wrongdoing and misconduct at GAC to increase the visibility and confidence of our staff in our systems of accountability. We will also be modernizing our Code of Values and Ethics to consider important issues such as reconciliation.
  1. Why is reforming GAC so essential right now?
    • The environment in which Global Affairs Canada operates is increasingly complex, volatile, and uncertain. Economic and political power are shifting away from our traditional allies and posing threats to multilateralism, we are seeing a return of great power competition, rapid technological change, overlapping global crises and increasing transnational threats. The security and prosperity that Canadians have taken for granted since the end of the second world war are at risk.
    • We are increasingly being asked to respond to situations and events that are without precedent using tools, structures and processes designed for a different time.
    • Faced with similar pressures, many of Canada’s allies and partners are re-investing in their diplomatic capacities. Canada must do so now, or risk losing ground to partners and competitors alike.
  2. In an environment of fiscal constraint, what aspects of the transformation are being prioritized and will the full scope of transformation be possible without additional resources?
    • Successful implementation of the transformation agenda over the long term will require concerted and consistent reallocation of existing financial resources.
    • We are ensuring that we are doing the most we can with what we have, including internal reallocations towards advancing priorities such as developing a mechanism to adjust Canada’s presence abroad with more agility and flexibility, mapping the skills and competencies of our workforce so we can better train staff and reallocate capacity to respond to emerging issues, supporting a new role for a Senior Coordinator for Cyber, Digital and Emerging Technology, mobilizing employees and managers from across the organization to help reduce red tape, grants and contributions modernization, and looking at how we might need to adjust or restructure the organization to maximize efficiency.
    • Nevertheless, in order to achieve the full scope of the transformation that Canada needs, additional resources will be required.
    • Now is the time to act so that we can equip ourselves to meet the challenges we know are on the horizon.

2. Organizational Culture

2.1 How are you working to ensure that bilingualism is improved within the department?

2.2 How is Global Affairs demonstrating its commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workforce, including linguistic and geographic diversity?

3. Human Resources

3.1 What are GAC’s plans for the reform of post-secondary recruitment and how can this process ensure better geographic and linguistic diversity in the workforce?

3.2 The Future of Diplomacy paper noted that GAC would strengthen foreign language knowledge and then subsequently suspended training, how is this being addressed, and will foreign language capacity be made a priority?

Some witnesses have noted the benefits of limiting political HOM appointments, how many non-career diplomats are currently serving as HOMs and do you think there are negative impacts to over-reliance on political appointees?

3.3 What would be the long-term impacts if we fail to improve the conditions of employment for Locally-engaged staff (LES)?

3.4 The Senate AEFA committee report recommended that GAC study the possibility of seeking separate agency status, in your opinion, should GAC seek to become its own autonomous employer? What would be the added benefits of this and what would be the challenges?

3.5 What percentage of the Canada-based workforce is abroad versus at headquarters? How does this compare with our like-minded allies?

3.6 Should we have a greater presence abroad?

4. Global Presence

4.1 How often should we be reviewing and adjusting our global footprint? What is the process in place for this?

4.2 With the decreased salience and efficacy of traditional multilateral spaces, is increased multilateral engagement truly in our national interest?

4.3 Cultural and parliamentary diplomacy are extremely important in advancing Canada’s interests and values abroad, why wasn’t there a stronger emphasis on this in the Future of Diplomacy paper? Will GAC release a cultural diplomacy strategy? </p

5. Policy Capacity

5.1 Is a review of Canada’s Foreign Policy needed? If so, who should conduct it and what might the timelines be?

5.2 With regard to our international engagement, are we spreading ourselves too thinly, do we need to refocus our capacity on a smaller set of areas where we can have a greater impact?

5.3 How is GAC working to ensure it is equipped to respond to the increasing number and severity of global crises we face?

5.4 How is GAC making efforts to become more open?

6. Tools and Processes

6.1 How is GAC adapting to address increasing cyber threats and foreign interference?

Responsive: Recent Cyber attack on GAC.

6.2 How will the Red Tape Reduction effort help achieve the goals of the GAC Transformation? What is the current status of the work?

Backgrounder on the Transformation Implementation Plan

Supplementary messages


Comparisons to Likeminded Countries


In recent years the US, Australia, France, Japan, Germany and Norway have all undertaken modernization/review exercises of their foreign ministries:

United States

[REDACTED] Australia



[REDACTED] Germany


HR & Workforce at a Glance

Supplementary messages

Supporting facts and figures

Foreign Languages & Expertise

Supplementary messages


Supporting facts and figures


The Canadian Foreign Service Institute supports the development and maintenance of employees’ foreign language competency to allow them to make full use of their international competencies abroad.

The Institute also administers proficiency testing based on an internationally recognized scale and system.

An average of 150 employees are assigned to full-time foreign language training of various durations each year, from a few months (e.g. Spanish) to a few years (e.g. Chinese).

Diversifying GAC’s Workforce

Supplementary messages

Supporting facts and figures

EE Data (2023-03-31) among Canada-Based Staff at Global Affairs Canada:

48% Canadian Heads of Mission self-identify as women (62), 14% as Visible Minorities (of whom 2% are Black), 2% as persons with disabilities and 2% as Indigenous.

Locally Engaged Staff

Supplementary messages


A Benefits Modernization initiative has started with the rollout of the Africa Regional Medical Plan since this was the region with the greatest needs. 

Supporting facts and figures (as at December 31, 2023)


The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs has been delegated broad authority to manage aspects of the Government of Canada’s LES program (classification, staffing, labour relations, compensation and benefits, etc.). LES are excluded from the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). 

In recent crises in Ethiopia, Ukraine and Haiti, LES were provided with compensation alleviation measures and safe work arrangements to ensure their wellbeing and safety. These posts remain open with CBS presence. 

During the crisis in Sudan in April 2023, LES received compensation alleviation measures and were offered temporary evacuated to a safe country nearby. GAC regularly reviews the full suite of tools available to support LES in crisis situations including evacuation in exceptional circumstances.

Digital Infrastructure & Cyber Threats

Supplementary messages

Responsive: Recent Cyber attack on GAC.

Supporting facts and figures


Global Affairs Canada operates in a complex, global landscape that requires a modern digital foundation that can be responsive to the emerging business needs of today and tomorrow, both at headquarters and across our 178 missions worldwide.  

The “Modernizing GAC” initiative aims to strengthen GAC’s capacity to engage globally so that the department remains well equipped to fulfill its mandates in the long term, in a rapidly changing world. To position ourselves as a global leader in foreign service delivery, GAC needs to continue building a resilient foundation that includes modern Cloud-based architectures, networks, and cyber security.

GAC also relies heavily on the secure and timely delivery of modern digital solutions to respond rapidly to global crises (I.e. Ukraine, Afghanistan). Advances in Cloud and cyber security deliver greater agility and provide secure solutions that enable Canada to share timely information and collaborate effectively with our trusted FVEY partners in response to these global threats.

Property Infrastructure and Technology

Supplementary messages

Supporting facts and figures:  Gac Property Portfolio

Asset TypeOwnedLeasedTotal





Head of Mission Residence




Staff Quarters








Global Footprint

Supplementary messages

Multilateral Influence

Supplementary messages

Supporting facts and figures

Overseas Comprehensive and Supplementary Medical Coverage

Supplementary messages


The Canada Life Assurance Company (Canada Life) was awarded the contract to administer the PSHCP following a competitive procurement process which came into effect on July 1, 2023.  The contract replaces the former administrator of 27 years, Sun Life Financial and its sub-contractor Global Allianz. Canada Life and its sub-contractor, MSH International now administer all medical claims for public servants in Canada and those posted abroad. The PSHCP was negotiated with the public service bargaining agents, pensioner representatives and the TBS. Improvements that modernize the plan were the result of successful negotiations amongst all parties and responds to the needs of a diverse Canadian public sector workforce, its retirees, and dependants, while respecting the publicly funded nature of the benefits members receive.

Annex A: Address by Minister Joly on Canadian Diplomacy Amidst Geopolitical Uncertainty

October 30, 2023 – Toronto, Ontario 

Check against delivery. This speech has been translated in accordance with the Government of Canada’s official languages policy and edited for posting and distribution in accordance with its communications policy.


I am pleased to be here to speak about what is happening in the world, and Canada’s role as we look forward.

Before we dive in, I know that we have all been following the latest developments in the Middle East. On October 7, we have seen horrific scenes of unspeakable violence as Hamas launched its terrorist attacks against the people of Israel, which Canada unequivocally condemns, and we continue to ask for the release of all hostages. What has unfolded in Gaza in the last few days is a human tragedy. The humanitarian situation facing the Palestinian people – facing Palestinian women and children - is dire.

Extremist settlers’ attacks continue in the West Bank – and must stop.

Like all states, Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorist attacks. It has an obligation to do so in accordance with international law.

For even in crisis there are principles. Even in war there are rules.

We must be guided by human dignity – all civilians – Israeli and Palestinian, for they are equal - must be protected.

At this point, Canada mourns seven dead. We are still searching for two, who could be being held hostage. 400 Canadians are trapped in Gaza, they are living in fear and despair. As a government, we have a duty to bring them to safety. And that is why we need humanitarian pauses, a humanitarian truce, in Gaza. I have been in contact with Qatar, Israel, Egypt, and the US every day for the past three weeks.

At this point, we need an agreement from all parties to get foreign nationals out, including Canadians. To release all hostages. And to allow food, fuel, and water into Gaza. And Canada will be reaching out to more countries to join in that call.

I have spent the better part of this last month in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE, overseeing our efforts to help Canadians leave the region, and working with our partners to address the impacts of this conflict while finding ways to de-escalate.

The region is at a precarious moment, you can feel the weight of the anxiety and pain in the streets and at the highest levels of government.

While we face the immediate, and urgent, impacts of this crisis, we must also look forward to the political horizon, and towards peace. And these conversations - of how we can build a better future, supporting a two-state solution where Israeli and Palestinian civilians can live side-by-side in peace and security, where the Palestinian right of self-determination is respected, are conversations I will never shy away from.

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright once said that - “contrary to what many people think, international relations is nothing like a game of chess, where two people sit quietly, thinking out their strategy, taking their time between moves. It is more like a game of pool, with a bunch of balls clustered together.”

Based on my experience over the last two years, I completely agree.

And I would add that, while it has never been perfect, the game has been served well by a set of common rules, conceived from the ashes of war to form the basis of global cooperation. Lines we would not cross to keep our citizens safe. Built on the promise that through stability, would grow prosperity.

Today, this system is cracking. And the stakes of the game have increased. Our world is marked by geopolitical turbulence, unpredictability, and uncertainty. The tectonic plates of the world order are shifting beneath our feet. And the structures that are built upon them are fracturing.

War has broken in Europe, in Africa and in the Middle East.

Each bringing a new cycle of death and destruction.

We find ourselves amidst an international security crisis.

We are also now facing increasingly complex, modern challenges.

Climate change. Artificial Intelligence. Political polarization. Irregular Migration. And Deepened inequality. More than ever, our international institutions are being tested.

The stability that has safeguarded us all is now being challenged by those who seek to change the rules of the game. Undermined by those who believe they can break them without consequence.

The current world order is also being questioned by people and nations, especially from the South, who challenge whether the rules reflect their reality and benefit their people. Some have expressed concerns about double standards. Or whether the current institutions and their decisions meet their needs or are fair.

We see an increasing boldness from bad actors who believe they can tip the scales of power with the weight of their might. These countries and non-state actors seek to re-shape the very rules that have kept us safe. The tools they’re using are not limited to the battlefield. Many actors now wield sophisticated, and often covert, tactics to shift the world order in their favour. And they’re doing so at a time where global issues have local impact.

The crisis in the Middle East has sparked fear in our communities.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has cost thousands of lives and spiked the price of our gas and groceries. Climate change filled our summer skies with smoke. And rising global inflation makes it feel increasingly hard to get by, let alone get ahead.

Ahead of us lies a complex, generational challenge. One that will shape the world we leave to our children and grandchildren. They will judge us based on the steps we take next. On how well we were able to prevent global conflict to build a world that is stable and inclusive. One that respects the sovereignty and independence of all states, while recognizing their growing interdependence, and one where progress benefits all of society, not just a narrow few.

This is a test we cannot fail.

At this moment of global crises and deep uncertainty, Canada can make significant contributions to meet this challenge. To do so, our foreign policy will be guided by two principles:

First: Vigorously defending our sovereignty.

Second: Using pragmatic diplomacy, to engage countries of different perspectives in order to prevent an international conflict.

Canada’s sovereignty must be resilient to threats of every nature, regardless of where they originate. Our location on the globe – surrounded by three oceans – can no longer be relied upon to protect us. The evolving threats we face are no longer just physical and economic. They’re digital. And they’re informational.

Our national security depends on a world order where the principles of sovereignty are respected. One where borders cannot be re-drawn by force. One where threats to our people don’t go unanswered. And one where trade and prosperity is ensured through sustainable peace and stability. Defending these rules is critical to defending our national interest, and so we will strengthen the security of our territory, our economic interests, our democracy, and our culture.

We’re working with our allies to bolster international security. And in turn, Canada’s. Now more than ever, soft and hard power are important. We will increase our investments in our military through the Defence Policy Update. Defending our sovereignty means that diplomacy must be part of our security apparatus.

To our South, we will continue working with our closest friend and greatest Ally, the United States, to strengthen the protection of our shared border. We will put in place the agreements we need to implement an immigration strategy that is fair and compassionate. And we will continue to defend our shared skies through a stronger and more integrated NORAD. And the purchase of 88 F-35 fighter jets will help us in this regard.

To the East, we are meeting our transatlantic responsibilities. We are a partner that NATO can count on. This summer alone we have committed to expand our presence along NATOs Eastern Flank and upgrade the multinational battle group we lead in Latvia. We know that Ukraine’s sovereignty is fundamental to the world’s stability. To Canada’s. And so, we will continue to strengthen their position on the battlefield. We will support their pursuit of peace. And we will help with its post-war reconstruction.

As we look West -great power competition is deepening in the Indo-Pacific region. Inter-state tensions, many with historical roots, are flaring or re-emerging. Stepping up as a reliable partner that concretely contributes to peace and security in the region means increasing our military capabilities. Investing in border and cyber security. Increasing our intelligence capacity.

As we look to the future, I believe that we should be as close to Japan and South Korea, as we are to the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. And we should invest in our relationship with ASEAN, just as we have with the European Union.

Indeed, our relationship with India is facing a difficult moment. We stand by the decision to inform Canadians of credible allegations around the killing of a Canadian citizen. This is, at its core, a question of protecting our national sovereignty and Canadians’ safety. In addressing this serious matter, we remain engaged with the Indian government. It is important to remember that this is one moment in a relationship that spans decades and is built upon strong connections between our two peoples.

Turning North -- Canada’s true north is what makes us unique. And we cannot understate the importance of safeguarding the Canadian Arctic. With climate change redrawing maritime routes, more countries are turning their eyes north. The Arctic is becoming more accessible, more attractive to those who want to research the region and do business through it. This is true for Russia. It is certainly true for China, which is now calling itself a near-Arctic state.

Exercising our sovereignty on Canadian Arctic land and waters is a fundamental priority for Canada. This includes safeguarding the Northwest Passage, which serves as the gateway to the Arctic. We will make the investments necessary to reinforce our Northern security and critical infrastructure. We will also invest in economic development in the region, in partnership with Indigenous peoples. We will partner with the United States. And we will invest diplomatically in our relationships with Northern European countries - Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland - who also believe that the Arctic is a region where the rule of law should prevail.

Canada is a proud democracy. We have a long democratic tradition, two official languages, a rich multicultural society, a dedication to reconciliation and a deep commitment to the rule of law. This is who we are. And it is a big part of what attracts immigrants from every corner of the world. I know many Canadians are hurting when they look at the state of the world. That is why it’s even more important to protect our democracy. But we cannot take our democracy for granted. Nurturing it is a choice, one we must make every day.

Extremists and populist movements are on the rise around the world. We should not be naive. We are not immune to them. We all have a role to play in defending our democracy, including politicians from both sides of the aisle. What we say matters. And silence speaks even louder. We must be clear in denouncing those who seek to undermine it, and in promoting the importance of the simplest and most powerful expression of it: a vote.

We will protect our people from all forms of foreign interference. We will not tolerate it in our elections, in our media or in social media. Not among our students, nor in our society. Foreign interference is not new. We are not the only country facing the issue. But it is evolving. And so must our approach.

We have created independent panels to monitor elections and established a foreign interference public inquiry. We are establishing a Foreign Actor Registry to protect communities that are often targeted. And, as I have made very clear, any foreign diplomat who engages in this type of activity will be sent packing.

Finally, essential to protecting the health of our democracy, we will continue to protect our cultural sovereignty and defend the integrity of our media.

We’ve talked about the first principle. Now I will speak to our second. Pragmatic diplomacy.

Our sovereignty survives best in a system based on clear and fair rules that foster predictability. And we will continue to champion that system, without ever compromising on our values, but we must be pragmatic.

We must resist the temptation to divide the world into rigid ideological camps. For the world cannot be reduced to Democracies versus autocracies. East versus West. North versus South. Forcing the majority of the world to fit into any one category would be naive, short-sighted, and counterproductive. Naive because the Global South cannot afford to choose one camp over the other. Short-sighted because the challenges we face will require all states, despite their differences, to cooperate and respect fundamental rules. And counter-productive because forcing states to choose one side over the other risks driving potential partners away.

I am inspired by the pragmatic diplomacy of our past. While in North Macedonia, I was struck by a statue of Former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the halls of the Foreign Ministry – marking the time he invested, as a Western leader, to engage with non-aligned countries.

At a time of great divide between the West and the Soviet Union – Trudeau was determined to connect with countries that did not see themselves, their values or needs reflected in the state of play. And throughout that time of tension, Canada was seen as a credible partner to engage countries in peace and stability.

To me, that’s pragmatic diplomacy - keeping allies close, while also being open to different perspectives as we encourage others to take a chance on peace. We will always defend our national interests. We will always defend our values. But we cannot afford to close ourselves off from those with whom we do not agree. For engagement does not mean that we support or condone the policies and actions of others.

We are not naive about what engagement will accomplish. But – if we refuse to engage, we create additional incentives for those whose actions we strongly oppose to join together. As respect for the rules diminishes, empty chairs serve no one.

Let me be clear: I am a door opener, not a door closer. Therefore, with rare exceptions, Canada will engage.

With the world’s security at stake, our security at stake, we cannot just rely on our old friends. We will double down on forward-leaning engagement. And we will need to extend our hand to new partners amongst a broad coalition of states from around the world. We need to demand that every country respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of others. This is a defining principle of the UN Charter. Canada will work to promote agreement on these basic principles. Because if Canada succeeds in promoting agreement on the basic rules among a larger group of states, every state and every region of the world will benefit.

How do we propose to do this? We must learn from our history. Canadians have played a key role in creating our international rules and institutions. It is now our responsibility that our international system progress with its time. It must be reformed to address the ever evolving peace and security challenges the world is facing. Therefore, we are committing to increasing our presence at the United Nations and in multilateral institutions. And we will also respond to the frustration and calls for change from low and middle-income countries as we focus on making both World Bank and the IMF more effective.

If we are to build a more stable world, diplomacy is one critical tool. We must use it to strengthen Canada’s security infrastructure, and to rebuild the world security infrastructure.

Ensuring that Canadian diplomacy is fit for purpose in the 21st century is fundamental to our success. Diplomats are on the frontlines of our work around the world. They are our eyes and ears on the ground. Their work is one key to our collective peace and security. And the power of our embassies lies in our ability to advance common objectives. That is why we are increasing our diplomatic footprint with six new embassies along Europe’s Eastern flank, in Armenia, Rwanda and Fiji, for the Pacific Islands. And why we appointed a new Ambassador to the African Union and re-appointed an Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We are also currently taking an honest look in the mirror and undertaking transformational change at Global Affairs Canada through the ‘Future of diplomacy’ work. We will invest so that we have the people, the tools, and the global presence we need to succeed now and in the future.

The world is at an inflection point. We are in the midst of a geopolitical rebalancing. Global powers are shifting their weight to disrupt the peace that Canadians fought and gave their lives for. As increasingly frequent and complex crisis shake the foundation of the system that has kept us safe.

We must now chart a path towards building a steady footing for our children. Reinforce the international system that has brought about global stability. And reshape it to become more inclusive. Canadians can be assured that our eyes are wide open to this challenge. And we are dedicated to ensuring that Canada, and our diplomats around the world, are equipped to tackle these challenges.

And I commit to providing Canadians with an update on this work each year. Let me close with this promise, we will build on Canada’s diplomatic legacy. Harness the strength of our people. Draw from their compassion and creativity.

With humility and determination.

Annex B: Address by Minister Joly to employees and Heads of Missions of Global Affairs Canada

June 7, 2023 – Ottawa, Canada

Check against delivery. This speech has been translated in accordance with the Government of Canada’s official languages policy and edited for posting and distribution in accordance with its communications policy.

Thank you, David Morrison, and thank you.

I am often asked about what it is like to be Foreign Minister during this time.

In answering, I reflect on the great honour of being able to represent the best country in the world, and the privilege in having a front row seat to the incredible work that you do in every corner of it.

I'm also thinking about the speed and scale of the changes that have taken place over the last 18 months of my mandate.

We are at a pivotal point in history.

I know that everyone in this room understands that and feels the weight of it.

Our world is marked by geopolitical turbulence, unpredictability and uncertainty.

The rules-based system that has kept us safe is cracking, placing the institutions that are built upon it under systemic strain.

President Putin's invasion of Ukraine is clear evidence of this.

But we all know here that this geopolitical movement began long before February 24—just ask Kirsten Hillman in Washington—and that it has repercussions far beyond the borders of Ukraine, and even Europe.

Around the world, we see:

This is a stark picture, but all of us in this room know that that is only one side of the story.

In the face of these challenges, there is light, and it can be found in the faces of: Ukrainians who refuse to give up on fighting for their freedom, and ours as well; women and girls in Iran, taking to the street to fight for their rights; and human rights defenders, journalists and activists who shine a light in the dark corners of the world and expose the need for change.

Ahead of us is a once-in-a-generation challenge, and how we respond will define the coming decades. 

Ensuring that we have a modernized diplomacy, fit for purpose in the 21st century is critical.

Doing just that has been a top priority for our government, and for me personally.

A year ago, I told you that we were going to undertake a major transformation here at Global Affairs Canada.

I said we were going to look in the mirror, be humble and ask the real questions.

We've had good discussions with people here internally, organizing over 80 consultations with staff, missions and stakeholders. 

We've also worked with the External Advisory Board, who have had discussions with some of you as well as former Heads of Mission. 

But we've also been looking at what's happening elsewhere in the world, consulting with other countries who are also modernizing their foreign ministries.

Today, I would like to provide you with an update on what we’ve heard through this process, and the direction in which we are headed.

I would like to thank you for sending in your ideas and submissions. For sharing your reflections and advice.

I must say that I was struck by the degree of convergence in what people were saying.

What we heard is that Canada needs a Global Affairs department that is strategic and influential, agile and responsive. One that can effectively articulate, coordinate and deliver a full global agenda. And one that is open and connected to the people we serve – all Canadians – and to the world.

The pace of change we've been talking about demands a modern, 21st-century department, capable of anticipating, analyzing, understanding and managing emerging foreign policy issues.

Able to draw on the breadth and depth of expertise and international experience available in Canada and abroad.

We also heard that our department must be in a position to lead international policy across the whole of government, so that it is coherent and consistent with Cabinet priorities. 

Other departments and agencies will increasingly turn to us because the majority of domestic policy issues now have an international dimension.

Most critically, and I can’t stress this enough, we have heard that we need to invest in our workforce.

Our people are our eyes and ears on the ground. But more than that, you are the heart and soul of our diplomacy.

You, and your families, have dedicated your lives in service of our great country.

And in return, we need to ensure you have the tools and resources to succeed.

We need to build a workforce that is skilled, that is bilingual, healthy and dedicated to excellence. One that sees their work valued and their own path for growth cultivated. And one where every employee feels welcome to bring all of themselves to work.

We know how much our foreign policy and foreign service benefits from a diversity of thoughts, lived experiences and Backgrounds.

We know that we are strong not in spite, but because of our differences. 

I see four main tracks of action. We need to invest in first and foremost in our people, second in our policy expertise, third our presence, and finally, our processes.

  1. Investing in our people is crucial. Ensuring they feel supported, heard and valued is needed to improve our workplace culture.

When we consider our staff, and you have heard me say many times the importance of our locally engaged staff. They are at the core of our missions abroad and we need to better support them. This will be kept top of mind as we develop the path forward.

  1. We will increase our policy expertise in key areas such as climate change, energy and critical minerals, cyber, AI and digital policy. We will build a stronger capacity to anticipate and manage Canada’s response to prolonged crises. 
  2. We will strengthen our presence abroad – in key multilateral missions, starting with the UN, the G20 and other strategically important countries.
  3. Finally, we must ensure GAC has the tools, the processes and the culture of prioritization needed to work efficiently, and to be protected from cyber threats.

Today, we talked a lot about our vision for our department. And I'm glad we were able to set this first milestone together.

Now we need to chart a course to make it a reality.

We have an ambitious plan before us and putting it into action will require a lot of hard work. 

That's why Antoine Chevrier is in charge of the implementation plan. 

I know he and his team are already hard at work. You can expect to see our plan by September 1st this year.

The team, led by Antoine, will be working throughout the summer on our implementation action plan. You can expect to see it by September 1st.  

Of course, we are not waiting until then to get started. The work to modernize and adapt is already well underway.

This can be seen in our Indo-Pacific strategy, and in our increased diplomatic footprint.

Since I became Minister, we have announced new embassies in Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Armenia, Fiji and Rwanda.

We have also appointed a new ambassador to the African Union and re-appointed an ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Altogether, this is six new embassies and eight new ambassadors.

We’ve already increased our consular capacity and boosted climate finance and we’re working to build a healthier, more diverse workplace.

Certainly, there will be challenges to this transformation, and it will take time.

We are embarking on a journey of transformation, of evolution, together.

But you can rest assured that we are tackling this with the level of seriousness, and ambition, that it deserves.

You can count on me to be your champion, particularly at the cabinet table.

Each of you in this room understands the drivers of change that we are facing.

You understand that diplomacy is part of our security architecture.

And that the world’s security is fundamental to not only our interests, but increasingly, to our prosperity.

And now is the time to invest and adapt.

We will only succeed, with this change agenda, if there is a sense of collective ownership. Your leadership will be crucial.

And we need you. You're on Canada's front lines abroad. You can be the leaders of this change and help lead the transformation.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and working together on this exciting agenda.

Thank you very much for your attention, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Annex C: Transformation Implementation Plan

On this page


After 3 decades of unprecedented security and prosperity, Canada is grappling with a shift in economic and political power away from its traditional allies and partners, a return of great power competition, increasing vulnerability to transnational threats like climate change and cyber attacks, and rapid technological change. At the same time, the fabric of Canada has evolved: Canadians are much more connected to the world than in the past, and they have higher expectations for how their government will promote and protect their interests overseas. Global Affairs Canada (GAC) stands at the forefront of Canada’s international policies and operations. It has a proud history but now faces the challenge of adapting to this rapidly changing environment. Faced with similar pressures, many of Canada’s allies and partners are re-investing in their diplomatic capacities. Canada must do so now, or risk losing ground to partners and competitors alike.

It is in this context that Global Affairs Canada is implementing a multi-year organizational transformation to ensure that it is well equipped to serve Canadians in meeting the global challenges of today and of the future. The implementation of this evergreen, rolling 3-year transformation plan follows the launch of the Future of Diplomacy: Transforming Global Affairs Canada discussion paper in June 2023. The plan lays out how GAC will transform itself to better deliver on its mandates in foreign affairs, trade, international assistance and consular support.

Our implementation plan outlines an ambitious agenda focused on outcomes under the 5 following pillars:

This is an evergreen plan that will evolve over time. The key actions and deliverables outlined below, which build on work already well underway, are all necessary to achieve the main outcomes of this transformation process. 

Our organizational culture: Strengthening our foundation

Our organizational culture: summary chart

Culture is at the core. The bedrock of GAC’s transformation will be defining our shared values and principles: what drives and defines us as a department and what the key drivers of our transformation efforts should be. By the end of 2023, GAC will publish a North Star statement emphasizing our common purpose, the values and principles that underpin our organization, and the culture we want to uphold and strengthen. We can expect to see a commitment to transparency, accountability, excellence, service and collaboration. We also know that employees want us to take smart risks, break silos and foster a culture of resource reallocation. Finally, equity, diversity and inclusion, official languages and employee well-being will continue to be at the forefront of everything we do. However, publishing a statement does not mean that transforming our organization by strengthening our culture will be complete. The initiative will only be successful if it is followed up by sustained actions that result in changed behaviours, which is why we will recommit to these values and principles each year and take stock of our progress.

Key outcomes include:

Our people: Becoming an employer of choice, in Canada and abroad

Our people: summary chart

Throughout the transformation, we will keep a central focus on our most important asset, our people. We will support all levels and categories of employees to contribute their full potential and have meaningful careers. We will achieve this by building competencies and investing in long-term career development with an emphasis on equity, diversity, inclusion, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and official languages. We will also invest in the renewal of our foreign service and position Canada as a competitive employer for our locally engaged staff around the world. We will ensure we have the right people in the right place at the right time—with the right skills to deliver on Canada’s international priorities. This will mean having a hard look at how we manage human resources, re-evaluating our processes and adopting innovative and efficient digital-first solutions.

Key outcomes include:

Our global presence: Increasing our influence and engagement where it matters most

Our global presence: summary chart

To get our job done as an integrated and influential foreign ministry that draws on its unique assets, we need to be present in the world in the right places and at the right level. This is more important than ever in an emerging multipolar context where Canada needs to maintain and nurture alliances and develop new partnerships. Strengthening our presence on the ground is required to promote and protect Canada’s strategic interests where they matter most. We are developing tools and governance to ensure we can make agile decisions to more easily adjust our footprint as events dictate and use innovative ways to maximize our presence abroad. We will expand our influence in multilateral organizations and countries of strategic importance to Canada, rooted in data-driven approaches about where we can have the most impact for Canadians. We will also strengthen and expand our communications and public diplomacy function rooted in Canada’s values, culture and people-to-people ties.  

 Key outcomes include:

Our policy: Leveraging our strengths to advance Canada’s national interests

Our policy: summary chart

GAC will systematically increase and strengthen its engagement with academics, civil society and other stakeholders to render our strategic policies and activities more informed and effective. We will seek to reinforce our approaches and capacities to support integrated, whole-of-government responses to issues of national interest that impact all Canadians, including climate change, energy, critical minerals, supply chain monitoring, emerging technologies, and the full range of protracted and overlapping global crises that occur more and more frequently.  

Key outcomes include:

Our processes and tools: Building a high-performing organization

Our processes and tools: summary chart

We will place a heavy emphasis on increasing our efficiency, so that over time we can focus our people and resources on higher-value activities for Canadians. Better managing our workload will contribute to improving the well-being of our teams and increase our effectiveness. In September 2023, we are launching a red-tape review and action plan spanning the entire department. The exercise will focus on reducing burdensome processes and workloads at headquarters and at our missions abroad, taking advantage of a range of new technologies to empower our people to focus on what matters most. Building on existing efforts, we will modernize our IM/IT and digital services, enhance data literacy and knowledge management, and transform the tools and processes that underpin the delivery of Canada’s international assistance programs. We will also explore options to ensure GAC’s instruments provide the required flexibility to operate globally in an efficient manner. Leveraging new and emerging technologies, reducing risk-aversion and streamlining how we work are central to the goal of operationalizing modern tools and processes fit for a 21st-century foreign ministry. 

Key outcomes include:

Enabling the transformation: Commitment, prudence and accountability 

GAC’s transformation exercise comes at a time when the Government of Canada is refocusing its spending. The implementation plan has been developed with this in mind, by adopting many approaches that are cost-neutral or that can be fully assumed with existing resources. We will apply this mindset and discipline, including an approach where savings and efficiencies will be reinvested to support and ensure the sustainability of GAC’s transformation as well as fostering a culture of reallocation. Progress will be made on a number of fronts with existing levels of resources, and we will engage GAC staff and partners in the near future on these key initiatives. However, additional resources will be required to ensure full implementation of some deliverables. Exact sources for these, including via internal reallocations, remain to be fully confirmed and work to identify those will be part of the next steps. This rolling 3-year implementation plan will remain evergreen and will be updated regularly to add new initiatives and ideas, to show progress on existing ones, and to ensure transparency and accountability.

Transformation Implementation Plan summary charts

Our organizational culture: Strengthening our foundation
Outcomes and actionsStartEnd

Shared values and principles: GAC embodies the values of taking smart risks, transparency, shared accountability, well-being, excellence, service, equity, diversity and inclusion, effective resource management and collaboration

Develop and publish a North Star statement setting out our common purpose and commitment to key values and principles with an annual organization-wide recommitment led by senior executives



Implement an annual accountability framework that aligns with GAC’s Values and Ethics Code and Code of Conduct for Canadian Representatives Abroad



Continuously adjust this implementation plan, using data gathered through targeted surveys, focus groups and consultations, including the Public Service Employee Survey results, to develop action plans to address employee feedback



Release a leadership statement on OpenGAC identifying a comprehensive approach to becoming more open as an organization in policy-making and other areas



Publish an annual report on misconduct and wrongdoing



Equity, diversity and inclusion: GAC employees are representative of Canada in all its diversity and actively contribute to an inclusive and equitable organizational culture at all levels

Advance the implementation of the department’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Plan and apply an EDI and intersectional GBA+ lens to all transformation initiatives



Expand the implementation of the Anti-Racism Strategy Action Plan, including the Deputy Ministers Sponsorship program



Accelerate the implementation of the department’s Action Plan on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, including to increase Indigenous representation at all levels of the workforce and incorporate Indigenous perspectives across all business lines



Fully implement the implementation of the department’s Accessibility Plan to remove and prevent barriers and make the organization more accessible for persons with disabilities



Collaboration and knowledge-sharing: GAC is a learning organization that systematically shares knowledge across the department, learning from and building on its experiences, networks and expertise

Launch a charter on the use of information, technology, knowledge and data, setting out specific commitments to be integrated in performance evaluations to increase peer learning, network building and expertise sharing



Actively look at existing practices, tools and platforms, and modify them and/or develop new ones where required to enable knowledge sharing and collaboration across the department



Official languages: GAC’s official-languages capacity is increased across the department and the use of both official languages is equally promoted

Promote best practices to encourage equal use of French and English in the department



Ensure that all employees are aware of their obligations under the Official Languages Act and that all employees, particularly in leadership positions in Canada and abroad (deputy ministers, assistant deputy ministers, heads of mission, etc.), have the required language proficiency



Centralize official-language training and expand its access to employees across all classifications, with a commitment from managers to support official-language training for their employees



Our people: Becoming an employer of choice, in Canada and abroad
Outcomes and actionsStartEnd

GAC is an employer of choice: GAC attracts, nurtures and retains talent, in Canada and abroad, by being a competitive employer, prioritizing career development and learning and investing in the renewal of its workforce

Create career development frameworks for the entire GAC workforce, to be supported by a dedicated unit



Broaden our performance management tools and practices, including ensuring that talent management is expanded to the full organization and that we have the tools in place to mandate comprehensive evaluations for managers



Strengthen the commitment, via executives’ performance management agreements, to dedicate a minimum proportion of time to the mentoring and coaching of GAC colleagues



Review and update the Locally Engaged Staff (LES) Policy Framework and expedite the LES benefits modernization initiative, with the objective of increasing GAC’s competitiveness across our network



Develop a policy instrument focused on ensuring standard of care for LES especially during times of crisis, in consultations with relevant partner departments



Modernize existing tools to map skills, knowledge, expertise and foreign-language competencies possessed by all staff and ensure these tools are used to address surge capacity needs



Reshape the Canadian Foreign Service Institute to align learning with identified gaps and priorities



Establish exchange programs with key departments and agencies in the public service and consider expanding to non-government organizations to increase interchange and develop skills



Increase capacity in strategic foreign languages, based on ongoing mapping of existing ones, and ensure staff meet foreign-language requirements prior to posting



Ensure that regular internal recruitment and promotion exercises take place to open paths for all employees to move across classifications



Expand and fill pools of foreign service officers through internal processes and a reformed approach to post-secondary recruitment



Launch a review of the assignment process for rotational cycles, with the participation of heads of mission, to better align talent with organizational needs



A more agile service model: GAC’s human resources processes are modernized to streamline operations, improve efficiency and create surge capacity

Modernize and streamline HR operations across all activities to improve service delivery



Automate administrative HR processes by leveraging emerging technologies to allow staff to focus on higher-value work



Review the People and Talent Management Branch (HCM) organizational structure and governance to ensure it is fit for purpose



Implement an HR data centre of expertise to enhance data availability, visualization and business intelligence 



Strengthen the internal capacity to investigate and report on misconduct and wrongdoing



Develop and implement models to support surge capacity in Canada and abroad, including in times of crisis, through short- and medium-term assignments and an annual temporary duty program to provide employees across classifications with experience abroad 



Supporting deployment abroad: Employees and their families posted abroad are supported effectively

Advocate for revisions to the Foreign Service Directives (FSDs) to ensure the program is fit for purpose and meets the needs of Canada’s workforce abroad, particularly in times of crisis



Conduct an analysis of the administration of the FSDs to identify efficiencies and ways to strengthen its client-focus



Improve the assignment process by publishing timelines for all key stages of the annual assignment cycles, publishing lists of forward-looking assignment opportunities and confirming assignments earlier in the calendar year 



Create capacity to support families through all stages of a posting abroad, including the challenges related to spousal employment abroad and transitioning to life back in Canada



Role of heads of mission (HOM): The HOM’s role is strengthened through recognition that a HOM is the chief executive officer of Canadian missions abroad

Ensure the timely deployment of heads of mission by moving up the launch dates for the annual HOM process



Ensure that all transformation initiatives and corporate governance structures at GAC include the participation of HOMs and/or mission representatives



As part of the review of internal processes, quickly identify measures that will come to strengthen HOMs’ decision-making and accountability over resources deployed at their missions



Our global presence: Increasing our influence and engagement where it matters most
Outcomes and actionsStartEnd

Presence abroad: Canada has the right level of representation abroad to continue to increase its global influence, defend its national interests and provide quality services to Canadians

Develop tools and establish a governance mechanism to regularly review and adjust Canada’s presence abroad by, among other measures, considering innovative models of representation abroad, including honorary consuls



Based on the global footprint review, and building on recent expansions, provide options to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to adjust Canada’s presence abroad, including in G20 countries and other strategic locations



Implement ministerial decision on augmenting and reallocating our presence abroad



Presence in multilateral organizations: GAC has increased influence in multilateral organizations to advance Canada’s national interests, including through innovative means

Provide options to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to continue to increase presence in strategic multilateral missions



Develop options to increase our engagement by innovative means such as establishing a unit to support candidacies, appointments, secondments and elections within multilateral bodies and organizations, and contribute to the UN Junior Professional Officer Programme



Implement decisions on increasing footprint and engagement in multilateral organizations



Communications, advocacy and public diplomacy: GAC effectively connects with Canadians and foreign audiences through strengthened communication, advocacy and public diplomacy

Widen GAC’s communications approaches to counter disinformation and misinformation from key state sponsors



Broaden crisis and emergency communications to respond to an increasingly complex and volatile global environment



Conduct a GAC-wide review and present options to deputy ministers for strengthening strategic communications, advocacy and public diplomacy to better engage Canadians and foreign audiences



Our policy: Leveraging our strengths to advance Canada’s national interests
Outcomes and actionsStartEnd

Open policy function: GAC is openly engaging external partners and policy experts across Canada and around the world and is focused on global challenges of the future

Announce plans to launch an Open Insights Hub that systematically connects GAC’s policy-development and research with Canadian and international experts and partners to better predict and respond to global issues of national interest



Host roundtables with experts and scholars to co-design the Open Insights Hub



Host a first annual, high-level “Open Insights Conference,” with a focus on key issues of national interest, including climate change, the clean energy transition and critical minerals 



Officially launch the Open Insights Hub with active participation of Canada’s missions abroad, Canadian and foreign academic institutions and other stakeholders



Publicly release analytical products and reports through the Open Insights Hub, connected to GAC’s knowledge management systems



Launch new “OpenGAC” fellowships to bring scholars-in-residence from diverse academic institutions to GAC headquarters, and eventually extend to missions abroad to host scholars and experts from local universities



Cyber and digital leadership: GAC plays a lead role as part of whole-of-government efforts to shape global norms on emerging and disruptive technologies

Appoint a dedicated senior official at GAC for cyber, technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and digital issues to leverage GAC’s assets, collaborate with partner departments and agencies, and engage international partners



Working in tandem with partner departments and agencies and leveraging our presence abroad, develop coherent and strategic approaches to help shape and engage on various efforts related to the global governance of emerging technologies, including AI



Launch a program and seek collaboration with governmental and non-governmental partners to increase in-house awareness on technology and cyber issues to ensure such awareness is applied as a key lens across GAC’s policy and programming activities



Climate change, green transition and critical minerals: GAC leverages its unique global assets to work with partners in delivering whole-of-government approaches to climate change, the green transition and critical minerals

With Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada and other partners, better integrate climate, environmental and energy priorities across Canada’s international strategic engagement, including on critical minerals, the green transition, supply chains and investment promotion



Increase climate literacy across GAC via training, leveraging the Open Insights Hub and strengthened knowledge management



Develop and present actionable options to deputy ministers for strengthening GAC’s strategic contribution to whole-of-government leadership on climate change, the green transition and critical minerals



Implement decisions to strengthen leadership on climate change, the green transition and critical minerals



Crisis response: GAC effectively leads whole-of-government responses to global crises, built on its well-established consular and humanitarian capacities

Develop and test interim solutions for increasing surge capacity to support GAC’s crisis response 



Conduct a full review of GAC’s crisis management and present options to deputy ministers for strengthening whole-of-government responses to the full range and duration of global crises



Implement improvements to GAC’s crisis response capabilities and approaches



Our processes and tools: Building a high-performing organization
Outcomes and actionsStartEnd

Red tape: GAC is working efficiently, taking smart risks and focusing on the highest value work for Canadians

Launch a deputy minister-led department-wide red-tape reduction and process modernization exercise, including taking immediate actions to reduce burdensome processes and increase smart risk taking at HQ and missions abroad



In parallel, and mindful of security of information considerations, engage with early adopters to develop approaches and best practices in the use of emerging technologies (e.g. AI, quantum computing) to streamline key areas of work across the department



Grants and contributions (Gs&Cs): GAC has a modernized set of tools and processes, maximizing efficiencies, partnerships and value for Canadians

Redesign programming processes, including a single common data model for all grants and contributions



Design risk, financial and results-based management components of a new single-project management system



Develop and implement digital approaches and automate programming, workflow, collaboration, monitoring and oversight, leveraging the use of emerging technologies and AI



Launch a public reporting tool to continue to increase transparency for Canadians 



IM/IT backbone: GAC has a solid IM/IT foundation and infrastructure that is secure and reliable, enabling a resilient and secure digital base

Establish an integrated, whole-of-department approach to aligning information management and information technology (IM/IT) needs with resources



Advance GAC’s international IM/IT network by building a secure and resilient digital infrastructure that reduces business risk, improves performance and increases agility  



Strengthen cyber security by enhancing the Security Operations Centre to include cloud threat detection and response



Improve connectivity at missions abroad and ensure that GAC employees at mission can make use of digital tools in secure zones



Tools and systems: GAC’s platforms are modern, innovative, interconnected and responsive to the emerging needs of the department, and the department has the behaviours and practices needed to use tools and systems effectively to share and manage knowledge

Deliver department-wide AI and data analytics capabilities to meet existing and future demands across business lines  



Improve efficiency by investing in solutions to support data collection, management and analysis across various existing departmental systems



Implement a streamlined and centralized information management system in Microsoft 365 to improve storing and sharing information and knowledge



Enhance IM/IT service delivery and support at missions by increasing automation and employee self-service



Digital skills: GAC employees are empowered with the right tools and training to innovate, optimize and improve their work through increased digital and data literacy

Establish the role of a chief digital officer to facilitate data literacy and culture change, including promoting a digital-first mindset 



Strengthen education of all staff regarding cyber threats and develop a digital HR strategy to ensure the department has the right IT and digital skills 



Empower employees through strong engagement and training to ensure employees understand and support digital transformation solutions



Expand the presence of IT professionals at missions abroad to improve service delivery



Increase tools and resources for employee self-service and establish a user-experience centre of expertise to incubate employee-driven innovation



Data insights: GAC is fully harnessing data for complex analysis, decision-making and policy-making

Enhance collaboration between the chief data officer and chief digital officer to identify and address critical data challenges 



Map the existing data environment at GAC to find areas of excellence in data collection and use that can be amplified and replicated



Design and implement a “data accelerator lab” that leverages talent from across the department to deliver innovative solutions for priority data challenges



Increase data literacy across the entire department and cultivate a network of “data advocates” who are creatively incentivized to promote data culture



Transition the "data accelerator lab" into a sustainable hub to deliver solutions for ongoing data challenges, including around culture change



Annex D: Future of Diplomacy

PDF version (1.08 MB)

Table of contents

Executive summary

After 3 decades of unprecedented security and prosperity, Canada is grappling with a shift in economic and political power away from its traditional allies and partners, a return of great power competition, increasing vulnerability to transnational threats like climate change and cyber attacks, and rapid technological change. At the same time, the fabric of Canada has evolved: Canadians are much more connected to the world than in the past, and they have higher expectations for how their government will promote and protect their interests overseas.

Global Affairs Canada stands at the forefront of Canada’s international policies and operations. It has a proud history but now faces the challenge of adapting to this rapidly changing environment. Faced with similar pressures, many of Canada’s allies and partners are re-investing in their diplomatic capacities. Canada must do so now, or risk losing ground to partners and competitors alike.

A revitalized Global Affairs Canada would be:

To accomplish this, the department should:

A Chief Transformation Officer, Antoine Chevrier (Assistant Deputy Minister), has been appointed to create a team and drive the transformation process for an initial period of 3 years (2023-26). He will report directly to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and with matrixed reporting responsibilities to the Deputy Ministers of International Trade and International Development. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs will report on progress every 6 months to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and be held accountable for implementation.

Successful implementation will require reallocation of existing financial resources. It will also require new investments to enable Global Affairs Canada to adapt to the challenges of the coming decades.

Why does diplomacy matter for Canadians?

Global challenges today know no borders, and the prosperity, well-being and security of Canadians is directly affected by events abroad. This was evident at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when disruptions in global supply chains led to increased prices and product shortages in Canada. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has driven up the cost of food and gas worldwide, including in communities across Canada. And rising tensions and greater instability in many regions of the world mean Canadians travelling and living abroad can face unexpected peril.

Canada’s diplomatic network can help. Canadians posted to diplomatic missions abroad, working together with their colleagues in Canada and with local staff, are the eyes, ears and legs of Canada overseas. They are the first responders when things go wrong and Canadians need help. They also negotiate the rules and agreements that will directly affect Canadians, including those related to climate change and advanced technologies. During the pandemic, they evacuated tens of thousands of stranded Canadians and helped secure scarce supplies of personal protective equipment and vaccines for Canadians at home. They also provided life-saving support to assist partner countries cope with the pandemic. In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Canada’s global diplomatic network helped deliver humanitarian assistance, worked with partners on mechanisms to drive down the costs of food and gas, and became part of a broad international effort to sanction Russia and hold it accountable. In recent years, Canada’s trade diplomats have criss-crossed the globe to secure major trade treaties, promote exports and attract investments, helping to create jobs in Canada by opening new markets abroad.

Canada’s diplomatic missions and the work of its officials in Canada and abroad will become even more important in the future. There are nearly 200 countries in the world and Canada has diplomatic relations with almost all of them. Canada is also represented in numerous multilateral organizations. Maintaining a complex web of international relationships takes time, effort and investment. But effective diplomatic engagement means that when Canada is contending with wildfires, Mexican, Australian, American and South African firefighters come to help. It means that when Canada is short of COVID vaccines, contractors in other countries honour their commitments. It means that when Canadian citizens are arbitrarily detained abroad, the world rallies around Canada. It also means that when other countries call, particularly those in greatest need, Canada does its part.

Diplomacy is ultimately about relationships between countries. Much of the work of building effective relationships goes on behind the scenes, and progress is often slow. But Canada’s relationships around the world, built and nurtured over time by generations of Canadians and local staff working at home and at missions abroad, mean that Canada can have global influence, and can bring that influence to bear, when and where it matters most. This, in turn, means greater prosperity and security for all Canadians.

1. Introduction

Global Affairs Canada stands at the forefront of Canadian foreign policy. Its staff in Canada and at missions abroad work around the clock and across time zones to advance Canada’s interests and protect Canadians from existing and emerging threats. They help to create jobs by supporting Canadian exporters and by attracting investment into the country. They support Canadians abroad who are in distress. And they work with other countries to find solutions to the world’s toughest problems like climate change, conflict, hunger, human rights and gender inequality.

Today’s Global Affairs Canada traces its roots back to 1909 and the creation of the Department of External Affairs. The department sent the first fully accredited Canadian diplomats to London, Paris and the League of Nations in Geneva in the mid-1920s. Footnote 1 It opened legations (precursors to full embassies) in Washington, Paris and Tokyo several years later. Canada’s first consulate general opened in New York City in 1943. Footnote 2 The department’s mandate expanded to include supporting Canadian exporters when it took on the Trade Commissioner Service from the former Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce in 1982. This mandate expanded even further to include helping to reduce global poverty when it merged with the former Canadian International Development Agency in 2013. And for nearly 100 years, the department’s embassies, high commissions and consulates around the world have been a port of call for Canadians abroad seeking assistance.

The organization has of course grown and changed considerably as its mandate has expanded. Today, close to 14,000 Global Affairs Canada staff serve at headquarters in the National Capital Region, in regional offices across Canada, and in 178 diplomatic missions in 110 countries across 6 continents, a network that also houses staff from multiple partner departments and provinces. By the end of 2023, it is expected that Canada will have 182 missions in 112 countries, with the establishment of a fully dedicated mission and permanent observer to the African Union in Addis Ababa and the opening of new missions in Milan, Italy; Suva, Fiji; and Yerevan, Armenia. The network of missions supports the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of International Trade and the Minister of International Development, as well as other ministers with international aspects in their mandates.

In recent years, the international environment has become more complex, and the pace of change has increased. The global pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rise of an increasingly disruptive China, and the growing effects of climate change have demonstrated to Canadians that the security and prosperity they have enjoyed since the end of the Cold War cannot be taken for granted.

The last major study of the department and, in particular, its foreign service, took place in 1981—a Royal Commission led by Pamela A. McDougall, then Deputy Minister of National Health and Welfare. Footnote 3 Recognizing that the department needed to adapt to new and emerging global realities, on December 16, 2021, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly to “lead Canada’s contribution to addressing global challenges, including by […] strengthening Canada’s diplomatic capacity.”

In May 2022, Minister Joly launched the “Future of Diplomacy: Transforming Global Affairs Canada” initiative alongside the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Drawing on a comprehensive process of consultation, reflection and prioritization, this internal review suggests various ways Global Affairs Canada can be strengthened to more effectively promote and protect the interests of Canada now and well into the future.

Figure 1
Text version

Global Affairs at a glance

  • 14,000 employees
  • 178 missions
  • 110 countries


Global Affairs Canada defines, shapes, and advances Canada’s interests and values in a complex global environment. Global Affairs Canada staff manage diplomatic relations, promote international trade, provide consular assistance, and lead international development, humanitarian, and peace and security assistance efforts. They also contribute to national security and the development of international law.

2. Drivers of change

The end of the Cold War in 1989 ushered in a period of unprecedented globalization and interconnectedness, centred around the pre-eminence of the United States and a widely accepted web of international rules, founded on democratic principles. Canada, surrounded by 3 oceans and bordered by a friendly superpower and the world’s largest market, thrived. Its multilateral diplomats were active in disarmament talks and the decommissioning of Soviet-era weapons and ammunition stockpiles. The 1997 Ottawa Convention (also known as the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty) showed global Canadian leadership.

Canada’s trade diplomats criss-crossed the world during this period, such that by 2020 Canada had preferred access to 61% of the world’s GDPFootnote 4 (accounting for 1.5 billion consumers) and was the only G7 member to have a free trade agreement with all other G7 countries. Consular services also increased dramatically as more and more Canadians travelled abroad, and to more distant places. Canadian development assistance contributed to a steadily declining global poverty rate, which reached a historic low prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. By 2019, 3.5 billion people had achieved the health and income levels enjoyed by only 1.3 billion in 2000.Footnote 5

In recent years, the global context has changed significantly. The post-Cold War period of globalization is transitioning to a new era of growing complexity and myriad emerging threats and obstacles, rooted in the following major trends.

2.1. Shift of economic and political power to the south and east

In the mid-1970s, G7 countries—France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada—accounted for roughly 63% of global GDP.Footnote 6 This meant, in a very real sense, that when the G7 took a position, the rest of the world followed. The G7’s share of the global economy, which had increased to 66% by the end of the Cold War, now stands at 44%. In 2023, China alone accounts for 18% of current world economic output. Canada has slid from the seventh largest economy in 1976 to 10th today.Footnote 7 The shift in economic power has led to changes in the political realm. China, India and other emerging economies are on the rise and, collectively, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are aiming to redefine key elements of existing international rules and norms and are actively building new institutions and writing a new narrative in support of this approach. Some developing countries and emerging economies feel pressured to choose between spheres of influence, especially given the growing divide between democratic and authoritarian regimes. All of this means that the map of world power has been gradually tilting to the south and east, while Canada and its closest partners remain largely in the north and west.

Figure 2
Text version

G7 countries’ share of world GDP has decreased significantly

Share of GDP19751991 (end of Cold War)2023
Other countries’ share of world GDP37%34%56%
G7 countries’ share of world GDP63%66%44%

Source: What does the G7 do? (2022) Council on Foreign Relations.

2.2. Return of Great Power competition and rules-based order challenged

After 40 years of relative peace and prosperity, great-power rivalries have re-emerged. China’s rise as a global player in both economic and military terms is presenting a direct challenge to the rules-based international order. Russia has dropped all pretense of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and has reverted to military aggression, launching the most brutal war in Europe since WWII. There is increasing cooperation between China and Russia, including in the Arctic, where Canada, the United States and Nordic partners are facing a new geopolitical reality. In parallel with the dawning of a new multipolar era, there has been a clear weakening of agreed international rules. Conflicts between states are on the rise, with 56 recorded in 2020,Footnote 8 the highest number since the early 1990s. These crises are longer, more protracted and less responsive to traditional forms of resolution. Further, democracies are facing significant challenges, including the rise of malign populism, which in some countries has further undercut the rules-based international order.

2.3. Increased impact of transnational forces

Canada is also facing complex challenges that are transcending international borders and lie beyond the control of single states. Hostile state and non-state actors, cyber threats, organized crime, weak international governance and waning rule of law are just some examples. Migratory pressures are increasing, as millions of people around the world flee conflict and other threats. The COVID-19 pandemic showed all Canadians their vulnerability to threats coming from beyond their borders. It also brought home the importance of reliable and resilient supply chains. More recently, the spillover effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have underscored how millions of people around the world remain vulnerable to food insecurity. And, of course, the entire planet is facing the existential threat of climate change which, among other impacts, has led to a fivefold increase in natural disasters over the past 50 years, which in turn has resulted in a sevenfold increase in economic losses from the 1970s to the 2010s.Footnote 9 Tackling climate change and related issues such as biodiversity loss and mass migration requires extensive international collaboration, but also major investments, including by Canada.

2.4. New technologies and new domains of competition

Everywhere they look, Canadians see their world changing and the pace of change accelerating. New technologies are transforming production and labour demands in unprecedented ways. Canadians have already felt these dynamics in their professional and personal lives, yet even bigger changes may be on the horizon. Newer technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI)—powered by machine learning—quantum computing and advances in biotechnology may prove to be more significant than the invention of the printing press or the Internet. It is impossible to know if the digital and related revolutions will ultimately have a positive impact on international relations, allowing countries to work together more collaboratively and efficiently, and increasing democratic development. But new technologies are already presenting new threats, in the form of military technologies developed by adversaries; technologically enabled authoritarianism; increased cyber threats; misinformation; and AI-driven disinformation, all of which threaten Canada’s democracy, prosperity and national security. Technological advancement is also leading to new areas of geopolitical rivalry, including in space and on the deep seabed. There are opportunities here for Canada, but new threats as well. This is why Canada needs, more than ever, to be present in every international forum that will influence the development of new international norms and rules related to emerging technologies.

2.5. A rapidly changing Canada

Finally, Canada today is not the Canada of several decades ago. The Indigenous population in Canada grew 56.8% between 2006 and 2021—nearly 4 times faster than the non-Indigenous population.Footnote 10 Significant demographic and social shifts have changed what Canadians expect of their government internationally and how it should represent and serve them abroad. Almost one-quarter of the population in Canada was born outside of Canada, the highest among the G7, with this percentage projected to climb as high as one third of the population within the next 20 years. In large metropolitan areas like Vancouver and Toronto, nearly a quarter of children start school with neither English nor French as their first language.Footnote 11 India, China and Afghanistan were the top 3 source countries for new Canadian permanent residents in 2022; the overall share of new immigrants to Canada from Nigeria, the Philippines, France, Pakistan, Iran, the United States and Syria is also rising.Footnote 12 The rise of modern, affordable travel and telecommunications (including social media) means that all Canadians can be more connected to the world outside their borders. It also means that new Canadians can maintain stronger linkages to their countries of origin.

Global Affairs Canada has of course been adapting to these drivers of change. It has undertaken new programs and investments in recent years to augment its diplomatic outreach and international engagement, create more spaces and opportunities for collaboration with allies, like-minded and non-traditional partners, improve services to Canadians abroad, support developing countries in key areas such as climate change, and expand its presence in strategic locations critical to Canadian prosperity, security and people-to-people connections. These investments include:

Strengthening security and preparedness at missions abroad (2017)

The department is investing $1.8 billion over 10 years to improve security and ensure it can fulfill its duty of care obligation to its employees and other Canadians serving in its missions abroad.

Increasing climate finance (2021)

Global Affairs Canada is programming a significant portion of the $5.3 billion over 5 years that Canada is providing to support developing countries’ efforts to combat climate change and prevent biodiversity loss.

Increasing consular capacities (2022)

Global Affairs Canada is investing $101.4 million over 6 years to improve communications with Canadians abroad and strengthen support in times of crisis.

Indo-Pacific Strategy (2022)

As part of the government’s $2.3-billion Indo-Pacific Strategy, Global Affairs Canada is investing $637.7 million over 5 years to enhance support for Canadian exporters; increase development assistance to partner countries, including for disaster risk reduction; strengthen people-to-people ties via scholarships; and enhance security, including cyber security.

Augmenting China capacity (2022)

The department is coordinating an investment of $35 million over 5 years to build China-focused analytical capacity across its global mission network and within the wider federal government; enhance interdepartmental policy coordination; expand collaboration with provinces and territories; and strengthen engagement with Canadian researchers and civil society.

Expanding presence abroad (2023)

The department will have invested $110 million by the end of 2023 to: establish a fully dedicated mission and permanent observer to the African Union in Addis Ababa; convert Canadian offices in Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Rwanda into full embassies and high commissions with resident heads of mission; and open new missions in Armenia, Fiji and Milan. The department will also further strengthen its presence at its embassy in Latvia in 2024.

Creating a more diverse workforce and healthier workplace (ongoing)

While there is more work to be done, implementation of a department-wide Anti-Racism Strategy and Action Plan, as well as a Reconciliation Action Plan, are underway. A total of 26.2% of the department’s Canada-based employeesFootnote 13 are visible minorities and half of all heads of missionFootnote 14 are women. In February 2023 the department established an ombud’s office to promote a work environment in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

These recent investments and initiatives are a good start and can be built upon. But Global Affairs Canada has not yet undertaken the kind of comprehensive and ambitious modernization exercise needed to fully respond to changes in both Canada and the wider international context.Footnote 15 Some of Canada’s partner countries have already embarked on concrete initiatives to respond to the evolving global environment. The United States, for example, launched its “Modernization of the State Department” exercise in October 2021 (prior to this, its last major change was the adoption of the landmark Foreign Service Act in 1980). In 2023, France completed its own diplomatic service review, which will lead to 700 additional positions and an increase of 20% of the ministry’s annual budget. In Canada’s own Parliament, the Senate’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade is studying the “Canadian foreign service and elements of the foreign policy machinery within Global Affairs Canada” and will report in December 2023.

3. What kind of global affairs department does Canada need?

To serve Canada and Canadians effectively, Global Affairs Canada must be able to:

Global Affairs Canada must play a consequential role on priority international issues, be able to help Canadians navigate challenges, and support the development of integrated, whole-of-government strategies. Federal government partners look to Global Affairs Canada to chart the overarching direction for Canadian foreign policy, gather stakeholders, lead Canada’s global engagement on a myriad of issues, and support their own important mandates and international engagements. Likewise, provinces, territories, the private sector, civil society and academia expect Global Affairs Canada to frame the agenda on crosscutting global issues that intersect with their own responsibilities and interests. Finally, the department must maximize the advantages of having all the major elements of modern international engagement—foreign affairs, international trade, international development, and consular policies and programs—under a single roof. To be truly effective, Global Affairs Canada must be much greater than the sum of its parts.

Canada needs a department that is:

Strategic and influential where and when it matters.
Open and connected to Canadians and the world.
Agile and responsive to emerging challenges and opportunities.
The leading player in a whole-of-government international policy effort.
Equipped with a workforce that is diverse, highly skilled, bilingual, healthy and dedicated to excellence.

4. How to get there? Action areas and recommendations

The 4 action areas and recommendations that follow are the result of an extensive process of consultation, analysis and reflection over many months. The department conducted more than 80 consultations with Global Affairs Canada staff from headquarters and missions, inclusive of all business lines, as well as with the Diversity and Inclusion Council, the Anti-Racism Secretariat, and unions. Wide-ranging consultations also took place with countries undertaking similar modernization exercises, other federal government partners, provinces that are co-located at Canada’s missions abroad, former senior officials, and other key stakeholders. In total, over 9,000 individual ideas and submissions were received and considered.

In addition, the department benefited greatly from an external advisory council to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, which also engaged with other countries and consulted key stakeholders, such as current and former heads of mission and the Global Affairs Canada Young Professionals Network.

Overall, there was a remarkable degree of convergence among those consulted. While there were some differences in emphasis, most (in both Canada and elsewhere) agreed that true change would come by focusing on some combination of policy expertise, presence abroad, people and the processes and tools needed to carry out the department’s multiple mandates.

The recommendations that follow are therefore structured around 4 key “action areas.”

  1. build new policy expertise and capacity to manage prolonged crises.
  2. increase presence abroad.
  3. invest in the people of Global Affairs Canada.
  4. invest in the department’s tools, processes and culture.

The action areas should not be seen as discrete or siloed but rather as a mutually reinforcing package to prepare the department for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

4.1. Build new expertise on international issues key to Canada’s future, and increase capacity to anticipate and manage prolonged crises

a) Why?

Canada faces a wider range of complex and layered issues than ever before, as explained above. Given the current pace of change, Global Affairs Canada should increase its ability to anticipate and analyze global trends that matter for Canada and prepare policy prescriptions to address them and protect Canadian interests.

At the same time, recent experiences in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan and Haiti have shown that crises initially perceived as “international” can quickly take on significant domestic policy dimensions (e.g. sudden influxes of refugees) or continue for a protracted period. As Canada’s leading department on all things international, Global Affairs Canada must continue to provide a robust whole-of-government platform to support Canada’s operational and policy response to short-term and protracted crises in an increasingly complex world.

b) How?
Increase capacity in key policy areas.
Increase overall capacity to understand the implications of key geopolitical and geo-economic shifts and to act on them early, in pursuit of Canada’s interests.
Increase capacity to anticipate and manage whole-of-government response to geopolitical and security crises.

4.2. Enhance Canada’s capacity to exert influence by increasing its presence abroad, including at multilateral tables

a) Why?

Diplomacy is about influence—the ability to convince or dissuade others in service of Canada’s interests around the world. Overseas, Canada exercises influence primarily via its network of diplomatic missions, which conduct a range of activities in support of Canada’s foreign, development and trade policy objectives, including programs that provide direct financial support to partner countries to combat climate change, conflict and hunger, and promote gender equality.

Canada’s diplomatic missions are headed by ambassadors, high commissioners and other senior officials who serve as heads of mission (HOMs). They lead teams who are specialists in foreign policy, trade promotion and investment attraction, consular affairs and international development. These teams include Canadians posted abroad and locally engaged staff (mostly nationals of host countries) who directly deliver programs and provide common services for mission operations for a broad range of federal departments and agencies, and Canadian provinces.Footnote 16 Canadian missions abroad regularly host visits from the Prime Minister and other Cabinet ministers, provincial premiers, senior officials from across government, trade delegations and leading cultural figures, all of which helps to increase Canada’s influence abroad.Footnote 17

Global Affairs Canada’s network of missions abroad, and the quality of its people who serve there, is its greatest value-added to Canadian government policies and programs. It is expected that by the end of 2023, the current network will be comprised of 182 embassies, high commissions and consulates in 112 countries.Footnote 18

While the number of Canadian missions abroad has remained relatively stable over time,Footnote 19 Canada’s overall presence and ability to exert influence abroad has not kept pace with evolving global realities. The chart below shows spending by like-minded foreign ministries on a per capita basis, including on their missions abroad.

Figure 3
Text version

Foreign Ministry Spending per Capita, 2021-22 (foreign affairs, trade and international assistance

CountryTotal spending (2021-22)Spending per capita
United Kingdom$19,983,874,933$297

Note: These figures should be interpreted as rough estimates to provide general context on Global Affairs Canada spending.

Source: Figures are drawn from the budgets, financial reports, and websites of these countries’ respective governments and MFAs. Population and GDP data were drawn from IMF reports. Note: Where foreign affairs, international trade, and development mandates are split over multiple agencies, respective budgets were tallied. These figures have not been vetted by the Australian, German or UK  relevant authorities.

The number and composition of Global Affairs Canada staff posted abroad have fluctuated over time, mainly because of various rounds of expenditure reviews (positions abroad are much more expensive than at headquarters) and technological progress (several functions once performed by employees overseas are now automated, require much less human intervention or can be performed by headquarters). The high point was at the end of the Cold War in 1990, when there were 2,993 Canada-based staff (CBS) overseas. The number had declined to 2,014 by 1998. In 2022 there were 2,777 CBSFootnote 20 posted abroad.

Canada’s representation at the UN today is one of the lowest among G7 and G20 partners and competitors alike, despite Canada’s rank as the UN’s seventh largest financial contributor. The UN system is at the centre of norm setting and rule development across a wide spectrum of issues critical to Canada’s future (e.g. development of 6G technologies, rules around use of the deep seabed). Canada’s long-term interests demand that its diplomats be in the rooms where this is happening.

Figure 4
Text version

Comparison of presence abroad

Number of FTEs at the Permanent Mission to New York comparison with other countries

Country (year)FTE at the Permanent Mission to New York
Russia (2020)200
US (2020)150
China (2023)140
Germany (2020)120
UK (2020)108
Japan (2023)102
France (2020)73
Indonesia (2020)65
Italy (2020)60
EU (2020)60
Republic of Korea (2023)35
Australia (2020)30
Canada (2022)25*

Number of countries with diplomatic presence comparison with other countries

CountryNumber of countries with diplomatic presence (2023)
Republic of Korea191
South Africa102

Source: Chart on left: PRMNY paper 2021: Aligning Canada’s Interests & Human Resources at the UN in New York; PRMNY, Feb 8, 2023. Chart on right: Global Affairs Canada; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan; Federal Foreign Office, Germany; Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France; Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, United Kingdom; Ministry of External Affairs, India; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Türkiye; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil; Department of International Affairs and Cooperation, South Africa.

*Note that Canada’s FTE number includes OGDs (7 FTEs) but excludes common services and sunsetting positions. Canada and like-minded country numbers include national diplomats and LES; China and Russia do not have LES.

b) How?

Where and how Canada is represented abroad merits new consideration. While advances in technology offer new possibilities for virtual and hybrid global engagement, strengthened presence on the ground is required to report, advocate and represent Canada’s strategic interests where it matters most. This may also require looking at where presence should be reallocated, to support areas where Canada’s interests are greater.

Global Affairs Canada should:

Strengthen presence in the international bodies that matter most to Canada.

Strengthen presence in key G20 and other strategically important countries.

Develop and implement a mechanism to regularly review and rebalance presence abroad.

Pursue innovative means of promoting Canadian interests abroad.

Strengthen its communication, advocacy, engagement and consultations capacity, to more effectively reach both Canadians and foreign stakeholders and audiences.

4.3. Ensure Global Affairs Canada’s workforce is highly skilled, bilingual, diverse, healthy and capable of delivering world-class results for Canadians

a) Why?

Global Affairs Canada employees, Canada-based staff (CBS) and locally engaged staff (LES) alike, are at the heart of everything the department does. They serve around the clock and around the world, often in hardship postings, far from family and loved ones. The 2022 Public Service Employee Survey shows that 85% of Global Affairs Canada employees are proud of their work Footnote 23. But, put plainly, one of the clearest messages to come out of the consultations and surveys that went into preparing this report is that there is an urgent need to modernize and strengthen many of Global Affairs Canada’s human resources practices and systems, to ensure employees throughout the workforce can contribute to their utmost potential. Employees also expect more from their workplaces today. Factors such as the shift to a hybrid workforce, the tightening of the labour market, rebalancing demographics and rapid advancements in technology are just a few of the factors affecting Global Affairs Canada and its ability to attract and retain top talent.

The department’s workforce is complex. There are approximately 8,300 Canada-based staff and 5,600 locally engaged staff. Within the CBS group, approximately 2,000 are foreign service employees (rotational).Footnote 24 The balance between foreign service and other occupational groups has undergone a significant shift in the last 20 years: 2 decades ago, a majority of staff were foreign service employees, while today the vast majority (74%) are from other groups. They are policy analysts, experts in trade, development, and consular affairs; financial and human resource officers; legal advisers; and IT professionals and analysts, to name a few. This shift toward other occupational groups can be traced to a variety of factors, including the amalgamation with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in 2013,Footnote 25 and the virtual halting of entry level and other recruitment into foreign service positions for over a decade because of financial constraints. Failure to recruit regularly meant that while foreign service employees still went abroad, work that had previously been done by foreign service employees at headquarters began to be done by other professional groups, many of whom first entered the department as casual or term employees. Finally, the expansion of functions at headquarters to manage information technology systems, ensure security of staff abroad, manage the global network of missions (including the growing presence of other government departments and provinces/territories) and growing consular demands further contributed to the growth of positions in Canada outside of the foreign service.

These structural factors have led to frustration within parts of the workforce. While it is not true that Global Affairs Canada does not value expertise—for instance, the department has nurtured and developed some of the best trade policy and gender-based analysis expertise in the world—some employees working in a number of areas of the department, including younger employees, have felt disadvantaged compared to foreign service employees. Employees in certain categories have raised concerns with having less access to specialized training, fewer career advancement possibilities and lower priority for postings abroad. While the average attrition rate for the past 5 fiscal years for rotational employees is at 3.4%, the rate for other professional groups in the department is 9.9% - almost 3 times more. Some employees, including foreign service officers with in-depth expertise in specific geographies and issue areas, have increasingly felt disadvantaged over time, including in promotional processes, where emphasis has been placed on management competencies, rather than geographic, linguistic or issue-area expertise. Many foreign ministries are wrestling with the “generalist versus specialist” balance and there are legitimate concerns that over time Global Affairs Canada has tilted too far toward generalists.

The realities of the locally engaged workforce add even more complexity: this cadre represents 81% of Global Affairs Canada staff at missions, works in over 110 different labour jurisdictions, and performs a range of duties from assistants to drivers to senior officers on various programs. All Canadians serving abroad know that LES are the backbone of Canada’s global mission network, serving loyally and courageously, often in very difficult locales. Over the years, the increased sophistication of the LES competency profile, coupled with labour market conditions, suggests there is a need to look deeply at the optimum role of LES at individual missions, now and into the future, as well as to whether Global Affairs Canada is doing everything necessary to retain and develop this key component of the workforce. The department also needs to ensure proper standard of care for LES in times of crisis, including through consultations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, heads of mission and relevant partner departments.

Finally, Global Affairs Canada must be a place where all employees feel safe and respected, and where everyone understands that there is zero tolerance for misconduct or wrongdoing of any kind. The recent creation of the Office of the Well-being Ombud, which provides a one-stop-shop for all staff to obtain information and support to resolve workplace issues, is an important new investment in the well-being of all employees. The department is also taking additional measures to support the ecosystem and processes through which allegations of wrongdoing and misconduct are received, investigated and addressed. In summer 2023, while taking appropriate steps to protect privacy, the department will begin reporting regularly and transparently to staff on allegations of wrongdoing and measures taken as a result. Having a positive, people-centred organizational culture, founded upon trust, respect, pride in the work being done, and confidence in leadership, must be central to the Global Affairs Canada of today and the future.

b) How?
Career development
Conditions of service abroad
Locally engaged staff
Heads of mission

4.4. Ensure Global Affairs Canada has the tools, processes and culture to thrive into the future

a) Why?

Whether at home or abroad, the Global Affairs Canada workforce must be empowered to provide the highest levels of service and advice—anytime, anywhere—in a way that is informed, capable and secure. Modernized processes and tools are an important part of an efficient, effective and people-centred organizational culture. Enabler functions, like the IT backbone of the department, and business processes should be aligned with the ambitious vision and objectives of the organization, including when the objectives evolve to accommodate new developments in the international context.

The department’s information management and information technology (IM/IT) and digital systems are rapidly aging. This is felt every day by Global Affairs Canada employees, while the real threat of cyber attacks by states and their sponsored actors continues to rise. Although investments have been made in recent years to better serve Canadians, such as the Consular Case Management System and the Export and Import Controls System, IM/IT functionalities continue to be a challenge throughout the organization, and particularly at missions abroad. IM/IT infrastructure and service delivery need to be continuously maintained, upgraded and improved to keep up with rapidly evolving technology and threats.

In addition to the need for more modernized IT and tools, corporate culture also needs to change. Simpler is better. The department must do more to address rigid and burdensome policies and business processes that stymie efficiency and innovation. While it is easy to point fingers elsewhere, the truth is that many of the constraints that hobble Global Affairs Canada are self-imposed. The department needs to rethink how it manages risk, including the unintended consequences of a corporate culture that is too risk averse. Layers of review, both vertically and horizontally, should be re-examined, including their impact on effective decision-making. Staff need agency to do the right thing at whatever their level of responsibility. This means senior management should show greater trust in the judgment of employees; it also means that employees should accept greater accountability for acting to advance the public’s interests.

b) How?

5. Summary of recommendations

Action area 1: Build new expertise on international issues key to Canada’s future, and increase capacity to anticipate and manage prolonged crises

Action area 2: Enhance Canada’s capacity to exert influence by increasing its presence abroad, including at multilateral tables

Action area 3: Ensure Global Affairs Canada’s workforce is highly skilled, bilingual, diverse, healthy and capable of delivering world-class results for Canadians

Action area 4: Ensure Global Affairs Canada has the tools, processes and culture to thrive into the future

6. Implementation

This discussion paper presents key recommendations for how to ensure Global Affairs Canada can serve Canadians more effectively now and into the future. However, understanding what needs to happen is only one part of the challenge. Most plans for institutional transformation fail not because recommendations are wrong; they fail because of inadequate or incomplete implementation.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs should be given overall responsibility for ensuring the success of the Future of Diplomacy: Transforming Global Affairs Canada implementation plan, and making progress on implementation should be a key part of his or her annual performance management agreement.

The Senate’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade’s study on “the Canadian foreign service and elements of the foreign policy machinery within Global Affairs Canada” will issue a report in December 2023. The department will study the report and its recommendations and adjust its plans as necessary.

To launch the implementation phase of this initiative, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs has already appointed a senior executive, Chief Transformation Officer, Antoine Chevrier, to drive the change process over an initial period of 3 years (2023-2026). The Chief Transformation Officer will report directly to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, with matrixed reporting responsibilities to the Deputy Ministers of International Trade and International Development.

Successfully implementing the recommendations in this report will require new resources and a reallocation of existing financial resources. As noted above, the department has already begun a significant reallocation exercise and is building ways to be able to do this on an ongoing basis as circumstances change. Overall, incentives must be found at all levels throughout the department to reward cost-consciousness around the broader concept of strategic alignment.

Footnote 1

Canadians served in London and Paris from the late 19th century onward, where they functioned as Canada’s representatives but did not enjoy diplomatic status. The Imperial Conference of 1926, which acknowledged the equality of the Dominions with the United Kingdom, paved the way for full diplomatic status for Canada’s representatives abroad.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Canada has consulates and consulates general in large commercial and other non-capital cities around the world. These support Canadian companies and provide passport and other services to Canadian travelers and residents. Many Canadian consulates and consulates general host staff from a range of federal government departments.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

McDougall, Pamela A. Royal Commission on Conditions of Foreign Service. Ottawa, Ontario: Privy Council Office, 1981.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

State of Trade 2022: The Benefits of Free Trade Agreements, Global Affairs Canada,

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Chris Bradley, Marc Canal, Sven Smit, and Jonathan Woetzel, December 2022 “The Correlation Between GDP and Life Expectancy, Chapter 2: A Miracle of Widespread Progress: a 20-year journey of health and income” McKinsey Global Institute,

Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

“What does the G7 do?” (2022) Council on Foreign Relations.

Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

“Shift of global economic power to emerging economies set to continue in long run, with India, Indonesia and Vietnam among star performers.” PwC.

Return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

Julia Palik, Anna Marie Obermeier, Siri Aas Rustad, “Conflict Trends: A Global Overview, 1946-2021” Peace Research Institute Oslo, PRIO Paper 2022, Conflict Trends: A Global Overview, 1946–2021 - World | ReliefWeb.

Return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

World Meteorological Organization “WMO Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970-2019)”, WMO-No.1267, 2021ml.

Return to footnote 9 referrer

Footnote 10

Statistics Canada “Indigenous population continues to grow and is much younger than the non-Indigenous population, although the pace of growth has slowed”, September 2022,

Return to footnote 10 referrer

Footnote 11

Statistics Canada. Table 98-10-0219-01 Mother tongue by age: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts.

Return to footnote 11 referrer

Footnote 12

"Government of Canada, IRCC Monthly Updates, "Canada: Permanent Residents by Country of Citizenship" 2022,

Return to footnote 12 referrer

Footnote 13

Canada-based staff (CBS) is a designation primarily used at Canadian missions abroad to distinguish between diplomatically accredited Canadian public service employees and staff hired locally, usually from the host country

Return to footnote 13 referrer

Footnote 14

Canada uses the term head of mission or “HOM” to describe ambassadors, high commissioners (HOMs in Commonwealth countries) and consuls general

Return to footnote 14 referrer

Footnote 15

Earlier efforts include a Transformation Agenda, launched in 2007, designed as a department-wide exercise to ensure that policies, programs and operations were aligned with Government of Canada priorities. Among other reforms, the Transformation Agenda resulted in the creation of the International Platform Branch as a single window for common service delivery for all government departments operating within the diplomatic and consular framework. In addition, a strategic review launched by the Trade Commissioner Service in 2017 led to an increase in positions in key overseas markets and in Canada.

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Footnote 16

Global Affairs Canada provides the international platform for 21 government departments and agencies working abroad in its missions, 3 Crown corporations and 6 provincial governments. For example, at Canada’s embassy in Washington D.C., there are 15 co-locators, including: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Alberta; Canada Border Services Agency; Department of Finance Canada; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; Ontario; Public Safety Canada; Public Services and Procurement Canada; RCMP; and Transport Canada, for a total of 99 CBS and 36 LES. In some of Canada’s missions, such as in New Delhi, there are more CBS belonging to IRCC (34) than those belonging to Global Affairs Canada (30). In a small number of places, Canada’s missions also support the co-location of other countries’ missions, such as the United Kingdom in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and Australia in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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Footnote 17

International summitry is a much greater feature of modern diplomacy than in past years. The 2023 Japanese G7 presidency will see 14 different Canadian ministers, plus the Prime Minister’s visit to Japan in 2023; the current Indian G20 presidency will see 15 different Canadian ministers, plus the Prime Minister, visit India in 2023.

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Footnote 18

An individual country can have only 1 embassy or high commission but multiple consulates general and consulates. In the United States, Canada is represented via the embassy in Washington and 16 consulates general or trade offices around the country. In China, Canada has an embassy in Beijing and 4 consulates general. In India, Canada has the high commission in New Delhi, plus 7 consulates general or trade offices. In Mexico, Canada has an embassy in Mexico City and 8 consulates general and other consular agencies, owing to the large number of Canadian tourists and residents in that country.

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Footnote 19

The number of missions abroad has hovered around 175 for the past 20 years. The high point was 180 in 2012. It will reach 182 by the end of 2023.

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Footnote 20

This number includes Canada-based staff from Global Affairs Canada, other government departments and agencies, and provinces.

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Footnote 21

The members of the G20 are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

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Footnote 22

The Honorary Consul Program allows the Government of Canada to provide representation and services to Canadians in locations where no Canadian diplomatic mission or consular office exists. Though they are official representatives of the Government of Canada, they are not government employees. They are private individuals who provide consular and other services on behalf of the government, generally on a part-time basis.

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Footnote 23

Based on responses of Canada-based staff only; does not include locally engaged staff responses.

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Footnote 24

Rotationality is a condition of employment, meaning staff commit to being posted abroad regularly, including to hardship missions and elsewhere according to the needs of the department.

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Footnote 25

CIDA did not have a rotational workforce. CIDA staff served overseas on a single assignment, on a voluntary basis.

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Footnote 25

This commitment has been made by Deputy Ministers to all staff in a recent communication.

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Footnote 27

Treasury Board of Canada serves as employer for the core public administration, of which Global Affairs Canada forms a part. “Separate employer” is a term that generally refers to agencies that are their own employer under Schedule V of the Financial Administration Act. They generally have their own appointment (staffing) authority conferred by their respective enabling legislation and develop their own human resources regimes. They do not share employment classification systems with the rest of the core public administration, they conduct their own negotiations with unionized employees, and they determine the compensation levels for non-unionized employees, within a mandate approved by the President of the Treasury Board, and subject to final approval by the Treasury Board.

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Footnote 28

In the United States the functions performed by Global Affairs Canada are spread over the State Department, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, some aspects of the Department of Commerce, and the United States Agency for International Development.

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