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Global Affairs Canada: Departmental Results Report 2017-18

Government of Canada Catalogue Number: FR2-25E-PDF
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2561-2182

Table of Contents

Minister’s message

The challenges facing the world today—from climate change to violent conflict, to humanitarian emergencies and human rights violations, to outright assaults on democracy and the institutions that support it—demand not only action but, crucially, an understanding that we are all better off when we confront these challenges together.

That is why Canada values the rules-based international order and is committed to making sure that it is functioning at its best. As a founding member of some of the institutions that help to underpin the rules-based international order, including the United Nations, NATO, and the WTO, Canada understands that partnership is the pathway to progress. We are committed to multilateral organizations that promote our shared values and priorities. This very much includes La Francophonie.  In short, the achievement of common global goals—peace and security, development, human rights, to name a few—is possible when we pursue them together.

Canada is advocating a rules-based, open trading system that focuses on economic opportunities for all. At a time when concerns such as job prospects, income inequality and pension security are causing many to question the fairness of the current system, we must ensure that workers and their families are at the center of national economic policy and international economic integration. This was the core of our objectives during the successful negotiation of the new NAFTA, or USMCA.

With its Feminist International Assistance Policy, Canada is also becoming a global leader in promoting sustainable development through a gender lens. Canada believes that the best way to eradicate poverty is to empower women and girls to develop their full potential and have a tangible impact on their families, communities and the economy. We support gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls because in doing so we can address the root causes of inequality, including poverty. The Feminist International Assistance Policy and its goals demonstrate Canada’s strong commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, which jointly aim to eradicate poverty by 2030. Canada is committed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda both at home, through the development of a national strategy, and abroad and recognizes the importance of measuring the impact of our actions. This is why a results framework for the Feminist Policy has been developed that will help Canadians see what has been achieved. We will also continue to align our reporting frameworks with national and global SDG targets and indicators.

This report highlights how Canada’s integrated trade, development and foreign policy is making a difference in the world and advancing Canadian interests at home and abroad.

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland
Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau
Minister of International Development

The Honourable James Gordon Carr
Minister of International Trade Diversification

The Honourable Mélanie Joly
Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie

Results at a glance

Departmental Spending by Strategic outcome

Departmental Spending by Strategic outcome
Text version
  • SO1: $977,907,875
  • SO2: $252,194,903
  • SO3: $4,112,887,468
  • SO4: $968,738,508
  • Internal Services: $262,558,260
  • Actual Spending for 2017-18: $6,574,287,014

Full Time Equivalents by Strategic outcome

Full Time Equivalents by Strategic outcome
Text version
  • SO1: 2,622
  • SO2: 1,799
  • SO3: 1,086
  • SO4: 4,418
  • Internal Services: 1,363
  • Actual FTEs for 2017-18: 11,288

Strategic Outcome 1—Canada’s International Agenda

Strategic Outcome 2—International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians

Strategic Outcome 3—International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation

Strategic Outcome 4—Canada’s Network Abroad

For more information on the department’s plans and priorities, as well as the results achieved, see the “Results: what we achieved” section of this report.

Raison d’être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do

Raison d’être

Global Affairs Canada, under the leadership of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of International Trade Diversification, the Minister of International Development, and the Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie, is responsible for advancing Canada’s international relations, including the development and implementation of foreign policy, international trade and commerce, international assistance (encompassing humanitarian, development, and peace and security assistance), La Francophonie, consular services for Canadians, and the Government of Canada’s global network of missions abroad.

Mandate and role

Global Affairs Canada manages Canada’s diplomatic and consular relations with foreign governments and international organizations, engaging and influencing international players to advance Canada’s political and economic interests, including poverty reduction, the empowerment of women and girls, the promotion of a rules-based international system, international peace and security, human rights, inclusive and accountable governance, peaceful pluralism, inclusion and respect for diversity, and environmental sustainability.

To eradicate global poverty and to contribute to a more peaceful, prosperous and inclusive world, the department manages the majority of Canada’s international assistance. The department also leads coordinated Canadian responses to crises and natural disasters abroad, including the provision of needs-based humanitarian assistance.

Global Affairs Canada also manages Canada’s international platform—a global network of 178 missions in 110 countries that supports the international work of the department and 37 partner departments, agencies and co-locators.

To improve and maintain market access for Canadian businesses, the department leads the negotiation of bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral trade agreements, the administration of export and import controls, as well as the management of international trade disputes. Global Affairs Canada also provides advice and services to help Canadian businesses succeed abroad and attract foreign direct investment to Canada, and supports international innovation, science and technology.

The department delivers consular services and provides travel information to Canadians. It also supports global peace and stability and addresses international security threats such as terrorism, transnational organized crime and the proliferation of weapons and materials of mass destruction.

The department helps ensure Canada’s strong and sustained engagement in La Francophonie’s various institutions, in particular the Organisation internationale de La Francophonie. It works with member States and Governments of the Organisation to better define its core mandate, improve its functioning and transparency, and increase its impact.

Global Affairs Canada develops and implements policy and programming based on analysis of available evidence, including through consultation and engagement with Canadians and its international stakeholders. The department is responsible for fostering the development of international law and its applications in Canada’s foreign relations.

The department’s legal responsibilities are detailed in the 2013 Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act.Footnote i

For more general information about the department, see the “Supplementary information” section of this report. For more information on the ministers’ mandated commitments, see the minister’s mandate letters.Footnote ii

Operating context and key risks

Operating context

Global Affairs Canada manages Canada’s network of 178 missions in 110 countries around the world. Due to the nature of its mandate and the distribution of its operations, Global Affairs Canada is uniquely impacted by changes in the international landscape as compared to other federal institutions.

A decade after the financial crisis of 2007–08, its long-term impacts continued to be felt. Progress toward a global economic recovery was uneven and characterized by volatility. Sporadic economic growth and continuing income inequality despite efforts to alleviate poverty have resulted in reduced political stability—which has in turn provided fertile ground for groups promoting populism, social instability, and violent extremism. A small group of states have acted in defiance of the international community by deploying chemical weapons or pursuing other weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them more effectively. Some of the key international institutions and relationships, which have provided the foundation for global governance and security since the conclusion of the Second World War, were called into question and subjected to new stresses. This dynamic introduced serious challenges to meeting global problems requiring international coordination.

Cyber threats, originating from both state and non-state actors, continued to become more sophisticated. In response, the department adjusted its strategies to ensure that information management and technology systems supported the secure delivery of programs and services, and will increase the resources it has dedicated to foreign cyber policy.

Geopolitically, the global balance of power has continued to shift, with the rising powers of Asia exerting increased influence. Non-state actors, such as multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations and illicit groups have taken on steadily expanding roles. Canada has a significant interest in an international order based on rules and open markets, which can benefit all, including the poorest and most vulnerable. Within a dynamic and volatile international context, Canada continued over the past year to seek opportunities to promote bilateral and multilateral engagement, to advance its national interests and values, and to work with a range of stakeholders to confront cross-border challenges that impact all global citizens.

While decades of globalization have contributed to the increased movement of people, commerce and ideas, recently such flows have become subject to increased constraints due to growing nationalism and concerns regarding irregular immigration and security. Amid rising protectionist sentiments abroad, Canada played a leadership role in 2017-18 in promoting progressive approaches to trade and international collaboration, including support of inclusive economic growth.

The impacts of ecosystem degradation worldwide and climate change continued to draw headlines and impact communities. Industrial societies have pushed natural ecosystems beyond the environmental thresholds that allow human beings to adapt easily to their environment. The Government of Canada has recognized that climate change is a shared challenge, undertaking initiatives both domestically and internationally to confront it.

Key risks

The department faces a number risks in completing its mandate. This report focuses on the key risks outlined in Global Affairs Canada’s Corporate Risk Profile. They were identified through a consultative risk identification and assessment process, based on the department’s operating context and planning objectives. Implementation of the risk response strategies is monitored.

Risk 1—International security landscape

Operating in a global environment, the department faces unique challenges in achieving its programming and policy goals, with more than half of its employees working abroad; Global Affairs Canada regards the safety and security of employees, their dependents and mission visitors as a top priority.

Risks: Fragility and instability (e.g., terrorism, civil unrest) in a continuously evolving international landscape may adversely affect the delivery of Canada’s international objectives.

Mitigating strategy and effectiveness: Highlights of risk responses include:

Link to the department’s Programs: Links to all Programs.

Link to mandate letter commitments and any government-wide or departmental priorities: Expand Canadian diplomacy and leadership on global issues and in international institutions. (Foreign Affairs)

Risk 2—Cyber threats

Governments, companies, institutions and civil society around the world increasingly rely on technology to facilitate their operations, including coordinating across national boundaries and connecting to the world. However, this reliance carries risks due to increasingly organized and constantly evolving cyber threats. Global Affairs Canada continued to work with partners in other federal institutions with a mandate for cyber security to improve its understanding and to respond to these evolving threats and vulnerabilities.

Risks: A cyberattack and/or breach of information could compromise the department’s ability to deliver on programs and services, damage international relations and violate privacy rights.

Mitigating strategy and effectiveness: Highlights of risk responses include:

Link to the department’s Programs: Links to all Programs.

Link to mandate letter commitments and any government-wide or departmental priorities: Expand Canadian diplomacy and leadership on global issues and in international institutions. (Foreign Affairs)

Risk 3—Simultaneous emergencies

The department’s international mandate exposes it to simultaneous emergencies abroad or domestically that could disrupt departmental operations and programming activities (e.g., natural disasters, climate change impacts, terrorist attacks, outbreak of diseases). Recent trends and studies support the link between climate change and adverse conditions, including more frequent and severe climate-related natural disasters. Risks related to climate change and infectious diseases such as Ebola will significantly impact developing countries and increasingly shape Canada’s international development agenda. Such events could strain resources at headquarters, which plays a role in coordinating emergency management activities. Accordingly, the department identified emergency management as a priority risk.

Risks: Simultaneous emergencies (e.g., natural disasters, climate change impacts, terrorist attacks, outbreak of diseases) abroad or domestically could disrupt departmental operations.

Mitigating strategy and effectiveness: Highlights of risk responses include:

Link to the department’s Programs: Links to all Programs.

Link to mandate letter commitments and any government-wide or departmental priorities: Provide international assistance to countries that are vulnerable to the destabilizing effects of climate change (Development)

Results: What we achieved

Strategic outcome 1: Canada’s International Agenda – The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values.

Program 1.1: Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Policy

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada draws upon its expertise at headquarters and abroad to establish integrated foreign policy, international trade and development priorities and to provide information, intelligence and advice to Government of Canada decision makers, including ministers, senior officials and key partners to support decisions that advance Canadian values and interests.


Through progressive and integrated policies and active engagement with partners and stakeholders, Global Affairs Canada has advanced Canada’s international leadership on the world stage and enhanced Canada’s prosperity and security.

Feminist foreign policy

The Government of Canada is committed to promoting gender equality, human rights, inclusion and respect for diversity and inclusive governance, both in Canada and internationally. In June 2017, the Minister of International Development launched Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. Efforts over the year focused on continued engagement with a wide range of stakeholders and partners, such as La Francophonie, on the six interlinked action areas outlined in the Policy (gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; human dignity; growth that works for everyone; environment and climate action; inclusive governance; and peace and security) in support of helping the world’s poorest and most vulnerable and building a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world.

Over the past year, Canada pursued many initiatives to advocate for gender equality on the world stage, including the launch of Canada’s second National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security that recognizes the role of women in conflict prevention, management and resolution. A Gender Equality Advisory Council for Canada’s G7 presidency composed of Canadian and international experts was also established to recommend concrete actions on gender equality and women’s empowerment across all areas of G7 work.

Evidence-informed advice

Global Affairs Canada provided integrated and evidence-based advice to decision makers on a broad range of policy issues ranging from trade and investment to humanitarian assistance. Integrated legal and policy advice was provided to advance and defend Canada’s rights and implement Canada’s obligations under international law with respect to a broad range of issues such as international criminal law, human rights and humanitarian law, treaty law, environmental law and the law of the sea, as well as the legal regime applicable to Arctic issues.

The 2017 International Policy Ideas Challenge

The Challenge received 74 proposals from over 25 Canadian universities. Winning research topics included: new frontiers in Canada–China relations, advancing Canada’s progressive trade agenda, innovative ways to assist refugees and applications of block chain technology at Global Affairs Canada.

Policy advice was strengthened through cooperation with academia, think-tanks, international organizations and non-governmental organizations. The department also made investments in the areas of research and innovation, including the establishment of a research and knowledge facility to support the Feminist International Assistance Policy’s commitment to invest more in research with a focus on women and girls’ empowerment.

Results achieved

Expected Results: Government of Canada policies and strategies on how to advance Canada’s interests and values are well informed and integrated.

Performance indicators: Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, policies and strategies to advance Canada’s interests and values integrate development, trade and foreign policy considerations, and are informed by results-based evidence, government priorities and expert advice.

Target: Target not yet establishedFootnote 1

Date to achieve target: 2018-04-01

2017–18 Actual results: 4.5

2016–17 Actual results: 4.4

2015–16 Actual results: Indicator has changed.

Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Financial, human resources and performance information for the Global Affairs Canada’s Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.Footnote iii

Program 1.2: Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada uses diplomacy, advocacy, and program delivery, informed by consultations with domestic stakeholders, to engage and influence international players in order to advance Canadian interests and values.


Over the past year, Canada has continued to play an active role in the preservation and strengthening of the rules-based international order, advancing Canadian interests and values for the benefit of Canadians at home and abroad.

Multilateralism and international collaboration

Global Affairs Canada’s efforts in 2017-18 continued to demonstrate Canada’s commitment to multilateralism and international engagement and leadership on global issues, such as climate change and human rights, including women’s rights. In June 2017, Canada became co-chair of the Equal Rights Coalition, a network of 35 governments committed to promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI persons in collaboration with international organizations and civil society around the world. Canada also continued to co-chair the International Contact Group for Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Canada remained actively engaged on human rights within the UN system (Human Rights Council, the General Assembly's Third Committee and the UN Economic and Social Council, among others) to advance human rights, including the rights of women and girls, persons with disabilities, LGBTI persons, Indigenous peoples, and human rights defenders, as well as on diversity, inclusion and freedom of religion or belief. In June 2017, Canada led the UN Human Rights Council resolution on accelerating efforts to eliminate violence against women, which focused on engaging men and boys in preventing and responding to violence against all women and girls.

Diplomacy and Protocol

The Office of Protocol of Canada provides services to the Governor General, the Prime Minister, Global Affairs Canada ministers, senior departmental officers, and 8,000 foreign representatives accredited to Canada. In 2017-18, the office coordinated 38 incoming official visits to Canada and 171 visits abroad, facilitated 1,073 airport courtesies and delivered 245 events serving over 9,200 guests.

Through its active support, Canada helps La Francophonie’s various institutions, and in particular the International Organisation of La Francophonie, to promote democracy, human rights, and the empowerment of women and girls in Francophonie countries. 

Additionally, Canada contributed to holding individuals and states accountable for the commission of international crimes and human rights violations through international mechanisms, such as the activation of the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression and the imposition of domestic sanctions under the Special Economic Measures Act and the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act.

The department also advanced Canadian security priorities, particularly in relation to threats stemming from weapons of mass destruction, instability and state fragility, international crime, terrorism and violent extremism. For example, Canada exercised leadership on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament by chairing the UN group of experts mandated to prepare for the eventual United Nations General Assembly negotiation of a treaty that would halt the production of explosive materials used in nuclear weapons. Canada also engaged with partners from several nations through the Stabilization Leaders Forum to advance early warning, conflict prevention, peacebuilding and stabilization objectives in fragile and conflict affected states. Through Bill C-47, An Act to amend the Export and Import Permits Act and the Criminal Code, Canada took steps toward accession to the Arms Trade Treaty, which regulates the international trade in conventional weapons by states that have ratified the treaty.

Canada assumed the presidency of the G7 in January 2018 and put forward a progressive agenda, championing the themes of investing in growth that works for everyone; preparing for jobs of the future; advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment; working together on climate change, oceans and clean energy; and building a more peaceful and secure world. Under the responsibility of a designated Deputy Minister for the G7 Summit, a Summits Management Office was established to direct the organization of the Leaders’ Summit, ministerial meetings and other G7-related meetings and events. Extensive consultations were held across Canada and online to seek input on the themes and initiatives, with a particular focus on youth, Indigenous communities and residents of Charlevoix, Quebec, where the summit was held. Canada led negotiations in the run-up to the G7 ministerial meetings and Leaders’ Summit, the results of which will appear in the next Departmental Results Report. Canada’s work within the G20 on gender issues also led to the creation of the Business Women Leaders Task Force.

Sustaining Peace

Canada engaged on reform of the UN peace and security architecture and in support of the Secretary-General’s “sustaining peace” agenda. In November 2017, the Prime Minister announced four specific contributions that Canada will make: the launch of the Vancouver Principles on child soldiers; the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations to develop innovative approaches to overcoming barriers to women's meaningful participation in peace operations; new training support for the UN; and the offer of high-end military capabilities for deployment.

Global Affairs Canada leads Canada’s international assistance efforts, responding to pressing global development, humanitarian, and peace and security challenges. In this context, the department works with a range of partners including local civil society organizations, the private sector, and partner governments. In 2017-18, the department fostered civil society leadership through policy dialogue, programming and public engagement, and leveraged partner resources, expertise, networks and innovation to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Consistent with its commitment to transparency and engagement, Global Affairs sought input from a wide range of stakeholders on six draft Action Area policies in 2017-18, which support the implementation of the Feminist International Assistance Policy, and will provide operational guidance to staff and partners on the department’s priorities and expectations. In 2017 Canada also became a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, and has been helping ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed throughout the organization’s work. Canada’s Development Finance Institute, FinDev Canada was established in 2018 to mobilize private capital to support women’s economic empowerment and gender equality, sustainable economic development, and climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries.

Global Affairs Canada continued to advance its progressive trade agenda, which aims to ensure that the benefits of free trade are shared more widely, including among small and medium-sized enterprises and under-represented groups such as women and Indigenous peoples. A number of important trade agreements were signed, including the modernized Canada–Chile Free Trade Agreement and Canada–Israel Free Trade Agreement, both of which have a new chapter on trade and gender. The Government also signed the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership with Australia, Brunei, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. When it enters into force, it will be one of the largest free trade agreements in the world, representing a combined GDP of $13.5 trillion, and will provide Canadians enhanced access to key Asian markets. This includes small and medium-sized enterprises, which will benefit from a dedicated chapter in the Agreement. In addition, Canada announced the creation of a Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise so that Canadian values are reflected in the world and also championed the Joint Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment, which gained the support of more than 120 members of the World Trade Organization.

North America

During the 2017-18 fiscal year, Global Affairs Canada, the Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C., and the network of Canadian consulates general across the United States (U.S.) coordinated strategic engagement with political leaders and influencers, including the administration, members of Congress, governors and other leaders across all levels of government to advance Canadian interests related to trade, market access, border issues, defence, and energy and the environment. Global Affairs Canada played a critical role in supporting more than 80 high-level visits to the U.S. by the Prime Minister, ministers and other Canadian elected officials.

Canadian advocacy focused sharply on Canada’s commitment to a successful North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) modernization and the importance of a win-win-win outcome for the economic prosperity of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Canada’s mission network also undertook ongoing engagement with federal, state and local elected officials and influencers in an effort to maintain Canada’s market access and combat protectionism. Advocacy efforts targeted issues such as softwood lumber, supercalenderedFootnote 2 paper, the Bombardier–Boeing trade dispute and “Buy American” provisions. Canadian engagement also ensured that U.S. decision makers understand Canadian positions and encouraged them to take action in support of positions that are mutually beneficial to both countries.

Promoting Canada’s Creative Industries

In collaboration with Canadian Heritage, the department promoted Canadian artists abroad and supported creative industries. In 2017-18, 581 initiatives received support from the Mission Cultural Fund. For example, Canadian missions in the Czech Republic, Warsaw and Croatia supported a musical tour of Tomson Highway (a respected Cree storyteller, playwright, novelist, pianist and Order of Canada recipient). The tour included musical performances around the theme of the Indigenous experience in Canada and reconciliation.

At the request of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, the Canadian mission network in the U.S. supported ministerial and other high-level engagements in order to correct misinformation circulating about Canada’s immigration system and to reaffirm the Government of Canada’s commitment to keeping our border secure. The mission network in the U.S. actively engaged members of Congress, governors and lieutenant governors and met with numerous diplomatic representatives, immigrant aid and community organizations, and municipal, county and state-level officials in communities. This included both traditional and social media engagement.

Canadian engagement with the U.S. administration and other influencers also underscored the fact that Canada is a reliable and trusted partner in North American defence. This engagement aimed to build a network of U.S. allies who understand that, under no circumstance, should Canada be considered a security threat to the U.S. Missions conducted outreach and activities to highlight the depth of our security cooperation in association with the 60th anniversary of North American Aerospace Defense Command.

The mission network in North America significantly increased its public diplomacy activities across the United States and Mexico, highlighting Canadian priorities, promoting Canadian culture, and undertaking activities marking Canada 150. For example, the Embassy of Canada in Mexico undertook more than 20 cultural activities, contributing to Canada’s enhanced profile across Mexico. This has contributed to increased cooperation, especially with regard to NAFTA and regional issues, and a strengthened Canada–Mexico relationship.


In September 2017, the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement came into force, further strengthening the links between Canada and the European Union (EU). Global Affairs Canada has since been working to raise awareness about the Agreement and market opportunities in the EU.

In 2017-18, the department also provided support for the Canada–European Union Strategic Partnership Agreement, which reinforces existing cooperation between Canada and the European Union in strategic areas such as human rights and democracy, international peace and security and sustainable development. EU–Canada cooperation was also expanded to three new policy areas: development policy, employment and social issues.

The department also worked with European partners to champion gender equality and opportunities for youth and women. For example, a first Canada–EU dialogue on employment, social affairs and decent work was held in Brussels in December 2017. Participation of women in the labour market and gender gaps as well as how to promote youth employment were examined.


Canada continued to demonstrate international leadership on Arctic issues. In May 2017, Canada played an essential role at the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting held in Alaska, where agreement was reached among the eight Arctic states to recognize the importance of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the need to reduce both long-lived greenhouse gases and short-lived climate pollutants, including the goal to reduce black carbon emissions by 25 to 33% below 2013 levels by 2025. These actions are important for the health and well-being of northern peoples and communities. At this meeting Canada also signed the Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation, which reinforces Canada’s role as a leader in Arctic science and will help attract international researchers to the Canadian Arctic, notably to the Canadian High Arctic Research Station in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut.

Climate Change Resilience

In response to the destruction caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Caribbean, in September 2017, Canada pledged $100 million to support reconstruction and longer-term climate resilience in the region. Canada also supported the World Food Programme to strengthen the capacity of 2,063 farmers to apply best practices for enhancing their climate change resilience.

Canada also took an active part in the successful negotiation of a groundbreaking multilateral agreement on fisheries in the central Arctic Ocean. Further, Canada is continuing its efforts to define the outer limits of its continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean and hosted the ninth annual continental shelf workshop in December 2017, which involved scientific and legal experts from all five Arctic Ocean coastal states.


Canada continued active engagement with the Latin America and Caribbean region this year with significant initiatives related to climate change resilience, gender equality, human rights, inclusion and respect for diversity and inclusive growth.

Canada provided leadership on the crisis in Venezuela, including hosting the third ministerial meeting of the Lima Group in Toronto in October 2017 and imposing two rounds of targeted sanctions on 56 individuals linked to the Maduro regime.

Throughout 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada held high-level bilateral consultations with Costa Rica, Cuba and Jamaica to advance dialogue and cooperation in areas related to human rights, climate change and gender equality. In March 2018, Global Affairs Canada partnered with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to host a conference on human rights and corruption in the Americas. The event featured recipients of Global Affairs Canada’s first “Canada in the Americas—Human Rights Leader Award” and contributed to Canada’s engagement in advance of the Eighth Summit of the Americas.

The department also continued with efforts to improve regional security and support the rights of marginalized groups. For example, in Guatemala, support was provided to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to promote the rights of Indigenous and other disadvantaged women. In Colombia, projects in the areas of transitional justice and security, announced during President Juan Manuel Santos’ October 2017 state visit to Canada, have supported the implementation of Colombia’s peace process. In addition, Canada contributed to preserving security and stability in Haiti, including through the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti and by working with the Haitian national police to strengthen the rule of law and human rights monitoring.

Canada launched two significant trade initiatives in the region this year. In October 2017, Canada, as part of a bloc with Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, began negotiations toward becoming an associated state with the Pacific Alliance with Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, a market with a combined GDP of almost $2.3 trillion and a population of more than 220 million. This initiative is an opportunity to modernize and expand Canada's existing free trade agreements with each Pacific Alliance member and include new progressive trade elements. Then in March 2018, Canada launched negotiations toward a comprehensive and progressive free trade agreement with Mercosur, a trading bloc and customs union consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, representing a GDP of $3.2 trillion and a population of 260 million.

In June 2017, Canada and Chile signed modernizations to our bilateral free trade agreement that will support open and progressive rules-based trade. These modernizations add new chapters on trade and gender, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and technical barriers to trade; update the existing investment chapter; and, make technical amendments to the existing government procurement chapter.

Middle East

Global Affairs Canada continued to play a significant role in the Middle East, particularly in advocating for peace and human rights for all, including vulnerable and marginalized groups, especially women and girls. Canada’s investment of $2 billion (2016-19) toward its Middle East engagement strategy enabled strong advocacy for the protection of civilians, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access, as well as accountability for violations of international law and human rights.

The department supported the meaningful participation of women in Syrian peace negotiations. When restructuring and revising its leadership at the end of 2017, the Syrian opposition’s Syrian Negotiation Commission responded to advocacy from Canada and Sweden by increasing the number of women in its ranks from two to six (representing 17% of the overall membership). Canada’s vigorous lobbying helped ensure that extremely qualified women delegates were selected and that they had the support of the various groups and interests represented within the Syrian Negotiation Commission. Canada also supported the Women’s Advisory Board to advance women’s views at the Geneva peace talks. 


Over the past year, Global Affairs Canada supported more than 25 high-level visits to China, including by the Prime Minister, which resulted in agreements to increase collaboration in agriculture and tourism as well as to expand market access for Canadian companies. Overall, 11 bilateral commitments were reached that advance the relationship between the two countries on strategic issues.

Growing Commercial Relations with South Asia

Commercial relations with South Asia grew over the last fiscal year. Two-way trade with India grew 5% to $8.4 billion, making the country Canada’s 7th largest export destination. Bangladesh and Pakistan also represent billion-dollar trading partners.

Promotion of trade and investment with India remained a high priority, both in terms of advancing market access and supporting the conclusion of commercial agreements. This culminated with the announcement during the Prime Minister’s visit in February 2018 of $1 billion dollars in new trade and investment deals between Canadian and Indian enterprises, expected to generate 5,800 new Canadian jobs. This built upon Global Affairs Canada’s steady effort to coordinate a wide range of Canadian government institutions to strengthen relationships with Indian counterparts and promote productive economic connections in areas as wide-ranging as nuclear energy, film co-production, educational cooperation, intellectual property and information technology.

In 2017-18, Canada deeply engaged other world leaders on the crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh. Canada provided funding to aid partners to deliver life-saving and gender-responsive support for refugees, displaced people, and the communities who are hosting them. This included $12.5 million for the Myanmar Crisis Relief Fund that matched the generous contributions Canadians made to charities between August and November 2017. Since the beginning of 2017, Canada has provided $66.1 million for aid partners to deliver life-saving assistance for refugees that supports women and girls, displaced people and the communities that are hosting them. In May 2018, Canada also announced $300 million and a four-pronged strategy to address the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh and imposed economic sanctions on seven individuals who were senior Myanmar military officials that played a significant role in the brutal violence against and persecution of the Rohingya communities in Myanmar.

Last year, Canada also co-hosted a Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on Security and Stability in the Korean Peninsula. Representatives of 20 countries met in Vancouver to demonstrate solidarity in opposition to North Korea’s actions and to advance diplomatic efforts toward a stable, secure and denuclearized Korean Peninsula. Among the next steps that ministers identified was the need to work with partners to ensure full and effective implementation of sanctions on North Korea, which includes countering North Korea’s maritime smuggling. Canada also advanced the issue of comprehensive implementation of UN Security Council sanctions on North Korea during its G7 presidency.


In Sub-Saharan Africa, Canada promoted issues that Canadians care about, such as gender equality and women’s empowerment, inclusive governance, peace and security, human rights, democracy, inclusion and respect for diversity through regular engagement with its African partners. For example, during Canada’s annual consultations with South Africa, a framework was agreed upon to advance shared priorities such as diversity and inclusion, the protection of the environment, women’s empowerment and inclusive economic growth. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Canada contributed to peaceful pluralism through our support for civil and electoral education campaigns, which aimed to increase political participation and promote democratic values. In North Africa, Canada continued to work with strategic partners to enhance security and stability in the region, most notably through the Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program projects in Libya and Tunisia, and through Canada’s co-chairmanship of the Global Counterterrorism Forum’s Capacity-building in the West Africa Region Working Group.

In South Sudan, Canada worked to increase the impact of women’s voices in conflict resolution, peace and security discussions and the formal peace process, notably through promoting women’s participation in a future peace settlement and its implementation. Canada also worked with local and international partners to promote and protect women’s and girls’ human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in South Sudan. Canada provided funding for a gender equality advisor to work with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, which is the main regional organization for the Horn of Africa and plays an important role in advancing sustainable development, peace, and security initiatives in the region.

Canada strengthened its collaboration on shared priorities with key sub-Saharan African partners in multilateral institutions such as the UN, the African Union and La Francophonie. For example Canada supported the African Union Commission’s efforts to promote gender equality through support for several high-level African Union activities, including the 2018 Gender Pre-Summit, the 4th High Level Panel on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, and the launch of the African Women Leaders Network. Canada also supported the International Organisation of the Francophonie’s program to promote employment through entrepreneurship among women and youth in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. As of December 2017, as part of this program, the International Organisation of the Francophonie collaborated with 37 business incubators in 13 French-speaking sub-Saharan African countries to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of women and youth in these countries.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
International actors are engaged and influenced to gain support for actions consistent with Canada’s interests and values.Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, Canada’s positions are reflected in bilateral agreements/initiatives.42018-04-
Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, Canada’s positions are reflected in multilateral agreements/initiatives42018-04-0143.773.50
Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, Canada’s positions are reflected in bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral trade negotiations/ agreements.42018-04-01444
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Strategic outcome 2: International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians – Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services.

Program 2.1: International Commerce

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada delivers commercial services and advice to Canadian businesses and supports their pursuit of international business opportunities. This is primarily achieved through Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service, which, helps Canadian businesses access global value chains, supports the facilitation, expansion or retention of foreign direct investment, international innovation, science and technology partnerships, and organizes sector-specific, targeted trade missions to priority markets.


In 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada continued to support Canadian business of all sizes in their efforts to expand to markets abroad and attract foreign investment. Key to this has been the efforts of the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS). The TCS is one of the four government flagship platforms identified in Budget 2018 that helps ensure Canadian companies are provided a streamlined user experience, with a particular focus on serving the needs of high-potential Canadian firms of all sizes.

Global Affairs Canada facilitated the success of Canadian companies operating in the global marketplace to attract jobs and investments to Canada. In 2017-18, 1,019 commercial agreements were concluded, with a further 1,593 commercial agreements currently being pursued by Canadian companies with the help of the TCS. Canadian businesses continued to report high levels of satisfaction with TCS services, with 91.6% of respondents indicating they were either satisfied or very satisfied with services provided, a 2.1% improvement over 2016-17.

Through Global Affairs Canada’s CanExport program, 480 Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises were supported in their efforts to develop and expand their exports into new markets to fuel their growth. This led to over 300 export successes, including a total of 118 commercial agreements facilitated by the TCS for that same fiscal year. Though many of the funded projects are still underway and the results are only expected to come to fruition up to three years after projects are completed, recipients have already reported over $100 million in export sales directly resulting from activities associated with CanExport.

Through the Global Opportunities for Associations (GOA) Program, Global Affairs Canada provides direct assistance to Canadian national associations in support of their members’ and greater industry’s trade diversification and expansion efforts to international markets. In 2017-18, GOA funding supported activities in 16 industry sectors and 32 markets, benefitting some 15,000 member companies (the majority of which are SMEs) as well as the broader national industry. Further, 63% of GOA recipients stated that GOA funded projects resulted in foreign sales or contracts.

Through its assistance to companies and organizations looking to export, invest abroad, or develop innovation and research and development partnerships, the TCS helps attract foreign investment. In 2017-18, the TCS facilitated 184 exploratory company visits to Canada by prospective foreign investors to pursue specific investment projects.

Through the Invest Canada–Community Initiatives program, Global Affairs Canada also helped increase employment opportunities by supporting the efforts of 77 Canadian communities to attract, retain and expand foreign direct investment. In addition, new innovation and skills programs such as the Global Skills Strategy, the Innovation Superclusters Initiative, and the Strategic Investment Fund, led by key federal partners, contributed to the TCS success in exceeding targets for 2017-18 with 138 new and expanded foreign direct investments representing approximately $3.6 billion and 7,640 new jobs.Footnote 3

Canada continued to press for a strengthened rules-based global trading environment and a reduction of trade barriers. Substantial progress was achieved on elements pertaining to the trade in goods in Canada’s free trade agreements, including the successful conclusion of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, ongoing negotiations related to the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Pacific Alliance, and the launch of negotiations with Mercosur countries (consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). Progress was also achieved on trade and goods issues at the World Trade Organization, in particular ongoing discussions with the U.K. on Brexit implications and advocating for Canadian industries facing barriers to trade.

Supporting innovation in international commerce

Global Affairs Canada helped Canadian businesses gain increased access to international technology networks, partners and resources in knowledge-intensive and export-driven sectors. In 2017-18, the TCS facilitated 125 international research and innovation partnerships and disseminated 391 research innovation leads, enabling Canadian businesses and organizations to access international networks, partners and resources that enhanced their ability to innovate.

The department’s Canadian Technology Accelerator Initiative helped small Canadian technology companies with high growth potential accelerate their growth in the United States through dedicated TCS support in Canada and at key missions in the U.S. In 2016-17, CTA companies reported creating 121 new jobs, accessing over $2 million in new private sector capital; over $30 million in new revenue; and 132 strategic partners as a result of their participation in the program. Companies overwhelmingly cited the benefits of program participation: 90% of clients reported that the CTA increased their customer base in Canada and abroad; 85% reported identifying new verticals for products/services and strengthened capacity for raising capital; and 77% credited the program with saving time in conducting business and reducing risks and uncertainties in new markets. In addition, the Going Global Innovation program helped Canadian innovators commercialize technology through partnerships abroad. In 2017-18, the Program provided $633,879 in funding to 107 innovators, which resulted in contractual agreements worth a total value of $32.7 million.

Promoting Investment in Canada

More than 5,800 potential investors attended TCS investment-specific events around the world, with 96% of survey respondents indicating that the event had increased their knowledge of investment opportunities in Canada.

The department continued to provide advice and information to Canadian companies in priority sectors. One such sector is clean technologies for which the TCS launched a new International Business Development Strategy that includes enhanced support for exporters, a new climate finance business development program, and a domestic outreach effort to reach new exporters. Over the year, the TCS doubled its funding to support trade activities abroad, delivered over 4,400 services to clean technology clients (more than 10% increase over 2016-17), and acquired 225 new clean technology clients.

International education is another sector that continues to be a major Canadian service export success story, with significant contributions to Canada’s market diversification and progressive trade agenda, Innovation and Skills Plan, and the Atlantic Growth Strategy. In 2017-18, international students to Canada generated an estimated $18.7 billion in service exports and sustained over 169,000 jobs across Canada. In addition to this, through the TCS’s ongoing support, education clients secured a number of large multi-million dollar services and training contracts in 2017-18.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
Canadian exporters, innovators and investors are successful in their international business development efforts.# of concluded commercial agreements facilitated by the TCS.1,0002018-04-0110191008963
% of Canadian businesses that are satisfied with commercial services provided by the TCS.85%2018-04-0191.6%89.5%85%
Foreign direct investment is facilitated, expanded or retained.# of successful FDI projects (Wins) facilitated by the TCS.1102018-04-01138101109
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Program 2.2: Consular Services and Emergency Management

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada delivers high-quality consular assistance and travel advice to Canadians travelling, working and living abroad. This program also enables the department to coordinate the Government of Canada’s response to international emergencies.


Through Global Affairs Canada’s Emergency Watch and Response Centre, Canadians had access to timely and appropriate emergency consular assistance when in distress abroad, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week. In 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada handled more than 266,980 cases, including 6,645 cases related to Canadians who required urgent assistance while traveling or residing abroad. Canadians who completed a consular client feedback form reported high levels of satisfaction with routine consular services, with 91% indicating that they were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied.”

In addition, Global Affairs Canada worked to modernize consular services through four key initiatives in its 21st Century Consular Plan.

Under the Strengthen our Response Network initiative, the department reinforced emergency preparedness with other federal entities to ensure a timely and coordinated whole-of-government response to international emergencies. Global Affairs Canada convened 19 interdepartmental task force meetings in 2017-18 to respond to emergencies affecting Canadians travelling abroad, such as hurricanes Irma and Maria, the earthquake in Mexico and volcano eruptions in Bali and Hawaii, as well as contingency planning for the large number of Canadians who travelled to the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in South Korea.

Helping Canadians in Need

During Hurricane Maria, Global Affairs Canada worked closely with the Canadian Armed Forces to assist Canadian citizens in departing areas affected by the hurricane via cargo aircraft, sent into the area in support of the humanitarian relief efforts.

Under the Focus on Children initiative, the department developed specific consular policies to guide operations in support of Canadian children and families in distress abroad. In addition, the department promoted the accession and implementation of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and co-chaired the Working Party on cross-border family mediation. These initiatives will serve to improve outcomes for Canadian children abroad.

Under the Go Digital initiative, the department continued to develop, implement and promote innovative technology solutions to help Canadians make safe and smart travel decisions. The Travel Smart mobile application saw an increased number of downloads during 2017-18, with 18,926 downloads through the iOS platform (an increase of 12% over last year) and 12,911 through Android (a 32% increase).

Under the Targeted Outreach initiative, the Department provided daily social media content targeting Canadians who were travelling or living abroad. Hundreds of targeted messages and dedicated web content helped provide timely and accurate information to Canadians, particularly during the hurricane season in the Caribbean.

To respond to unexpected critical incidents affecting Canadians or Canadian interests abroad, Global Affairs Canada maintained its Standing Rapid Deployment Team. During 2017-18, twelve Standing Rapid Deployment Team members were deployed in response to four emergencies—hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Bali volcano eruption and the Las Vegas shooting, providing critical support to affected Canadians.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
4 Baseline results were collected in 2017-18; however, as a result of the transition to the Government of Canada’s Policy on Results, amendments to targets were not possible prior to the 2017-18 reporting cycle.
Canadians receive satisfactory consular assistance abroad.% of Canadians satisfied with routine consular services.90%2018-04-0191%92%94%
Canadians are better informed on how to travel safely and responsibly.Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, the Travel Advice and Advisories are accurate and of high quality.Target not yet established42018-04-013.753Indicator changed
Whole-of-government response to emergencies is coordinated in a timely manner.Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, international emergency response is coordinated with other government departments in a timely manner.42018-04-01444
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Strategic Outcome 3: International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation – Poverty is reduced and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages.

Program 3.1: International Security and Democratic Development

Description: This program contributes to increased international security and stability by enhancing the capacity of foreign governments, civil society and international organizations to manage international peace and security challenges and build stable, democratic foundations necessary for peace, sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

International security and threat reduction

In 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada worked with partner states to strengthen their ability to prevent and respond to international and domestic security threats. State fragility, international crime and terrorism, space and cyber threats, and the proliferation of weapons continue to challenge efforts toward peace and poverty-alleviation.

As part of peacebuilding efforts, Global Affairs Canada through the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program implemented a wide range of projects in priority countries, including Afghanistan, Colombia, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali and the Sahel, Myanmar, Syria, and Ukraine. In 2017-18, this program disbursed $252.7 million toward efforts to promote peace and stability in fragile and conflict-affected states. In addition, through the Canadian Police Arrangement, co-managed by Global Affairs Canada, Public Safety Canada, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian police contributed expertise to multilateral and bilateral policing missions in Colombia, Haiti, Iraq, Ukraine, and the West Bank/Gaza.

Canada one of top donors to UN Office on Drugs and Crime and INTERPOL

Canada remains one of the top 3 donors to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, supporting 21 active projects in 2017-18. It is also one of the top 5 donors to INTERPOL, and supported 12 active counterterrorism projects to enhance connectivity to INTERPOL databases in an effort to help detect persons of interest.

Furthermore, the Civilian Deployments Platform continued to deploy civilian experts to support peace and stability, including efforts to enhance women’s contributions to peace processes and increase their representation in national security structures.

Global Affairs Canada’s counterterrorism and anti-crime capacity-building programs continued to work with beneficiary states, international and non-governmental organizations, and other federal departments and agencies, to contribute to the safety of Canadians and Canadian interests, at home and abroad. The Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program strengthened borders to prevent the trafficking of narcotics, goods and people, while the Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program worked to prevent and counter radicalization to violence globally.

Through the Weapons Threat Reduction Program, Global Affairs Canada supported $65 million in programming initiatives in a wide-range of countries that address concerns regarding the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials. This program has contributed $19.4 million since 2013 to activities related to the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria and Libya, including $16.8 million to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. In line with the Feminist International Assistance Policy, the program also implemented a more direct feminist approach by encouraging greater participation of women in its training and capacity-building efforts and ensuring that the facilities it constructs are designed with women’s needs in mind. In addition, the program contributed over $3.2 million in 2017-18 to increase the capacity of various countries to effectively implement sanctions against North Korea, in support of a peaceful, diplomatic resolution to the North Korean nuclear issue.

Advancing democracy, human rights, freedom, and the rule of law

Through its human rights-based approach and inclusive Feminist International Assistance, Canada is helping to build and support the foundations necessary for peace, sustainable development and poverty alleviation. Global Affairs Canada supported the protection of the rights and freedoms of human rights defenders, independent media, activists and civil society organizations under threat by providing emergency assistance funding and support to counter digital and other threats from repressive governance in authoritarian states.

To strengthen accountability for sexual and gender-based violence crimes, Global Affairs Canada supported the rapid deployment of experts to investigate alleged human rights abuses and violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity, including sexual and gender-based violence and conflict-related violations involving children. In Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Syria, the department’s Peace and Stabilization Operations Program supported survivors of gender-based violence by strengthening their ability to effectively engage in transitional justice measures, as well as helping promote gender-responsive approaches to transitional justice mechanisms.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
5 Baseline data has been established; however, as a result of the transition to the Government of Canada’s new Policy on Results, amendments to targets were not possible prior to the 2017-18 reporting cycle.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
Reduced threats to Canadians, affected populations where Canada engages and globally from instability, state fragility, international crime, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and/or chemical-, biological-, radiological-, nuclear-related materials.# of incidents interdicted or interrupted by intermediary over the past year in countries in which Global Affairs Canada engages.Target not yet established52018-04-0141251Indicator has changed
# / total of countries where Peace and Stabilization Operations is active that show an improvement in their scores in related and relevant indices (Fragile State Index, Global Peace Index, United Nations Office on Drugs Index and Corruption and World Governance Index).Target not yet established62018-04-0142.5% (17/40 countries)8/26Indicator has changed
Increased freedom, human dignity and empowerment of all people, particularly for women, the poor, the marginalized and those at risk, as a result of Canadian engagement.# / total countries in which Global Affairs Canada engages with advancing democracy programming where the score in the Worldwide Governance indicators’ sub-indice on Voice and Accountability has increased.Target not yet established72018-04-0130% (6/20 countries)6/20Indicator has changed
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Program 3.2: International Development

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada contributes to reducing poverty and inequality in developing countries, including in fragile contexts, through Canadian, multilateral, international and local partners.


In June 2017, the Minister of International Development launched Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. This policy seeks to eradicate poverty and build a more peaceful, more inclusive and more prosperous world. It recognizes that supporting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is the best way to achieve this. To do this, it supports targeted investments, partnerships, innovation and advocacy efforts with the greatest potential to close gender gaps, making sure everyone, especially women and girls, is empowered to reach their full potential. But it also works across other action areas that reflect the multi-dimensional nature of poverty, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. The department worked across six action areas (gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; human dignity; growth that works for everyone; environment and climate action; inclusive governance; and peace and security) that reflect the multidimensional nature of poverty, in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To make the feminist approach a reality, the Department significantly increased its support for initiatives that advance gender equality and women’s empowerment and has developed a target to ensure it is on track. By 2021-22, no less than 95% of Canada’s bilateral international development assistance initiatives will target (15%) or integrate (80%) gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls across all action areas.

Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

As part of Canada’s feminist approach, Global Affairs Canada committed $150 million over five years to the Women’s Voice and Leadership Program. Its goal is to support local women’s organizations that seek to empower women and girls, advance the protection of women’s rights, and achieve gender equality in their societies. This will contribute to changes in policy, legislation, services and systems, as well as social beliefs and practices that are discriminatory and violate the human rights of women and girls.  

Further to this, the department committed $650 million from 2017-2020 to support access to the full range of sexual and reproductive health services with comprehensive sexuality education and family planning (including contraception, prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence, safe and legal abortion, and post-abortion care). Aligned with this investment, in March 2018, Global Affairs Canada launched a 5-year, $40 million “Partnerships for Her Voice, Her Choice” call for preliminary proposals, which solicits the participation of Canadian organizations to support sexual and reproductive health as part of the $650 million investment.

Women’s Voice and Leadership

The Women’s Voice and Leadership Program, launched in 2017 as part of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, responds to the needs of local women’s organizations and movements in developing countries, which are working to advance the rights of women and girls and promote gender equality. The Program will provide support to these organizations and movements, to build their capacity so that they can better advocate for changes in policies, legislation and services, and to allow them to more effectively challenge harmful and discriminatory social beliefs and practices.

Canada’s emphasis on advocacy and sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian contexts was highlighted by the Minister’s engagement in the SheDecides movement. As a SheDecides Champion, the Minister of International Development has advocated globally and with country partners for the rights of every girl and every woman to be empowered to make informed sexual and reproductive health choices.

Canada is also supporting advocacy through its partnership with Women Deliver and as host for the next Women Deliver Global Conference in Vancouver in 2019. In 2017-18, Canada also continued to provide support to the UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence, particularly in emergency contexts. This support contributed to initiatives undertaken by the Office in a range areas including targeting legal reforms, community security programs, the development of specialized services for victims and witnesses, awareness-raising campaigns and rehabilitation programmes.

As part of its objective to prioritize and integrate gender equality into the activities and international assistance programmes of La Francophonie’s various institutions, Canada supported through the International Organization of La Francophonie the organisation of the Conference of Women of La Francophonie held in Bucharest, Romania, in November 2017. The conference led to the creation of the Francophone Network of Women Entrepreneurs and to the drafting of a Francophonie Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality, the Rights and the Empowerment of Women and Girls.

Ending early and forced marriage

Canada supported the Girls Not Brides organization whose membership has grown to over 1,000 civil society organizations in over 95 countries. Advocacy efforts from this partnership and its members contributed to the adoption of national strategies or action plans to end child marriage in Ghana and significant legal changes in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Lebanon and Malawi.

Human dignity (Education, Health and nutrition, and Gender-responsive humanitarian action)

Education played an integral role in furthering Canada’s human dignity work in 2017-18. The department’s approach to education contributes to a vision where every girl and boy, regardless of circumstance, is able to enrol in and complete primary and secondary education in a safe, secure and respectful environment, and where youth and adults can develop the skills they need to succeed in life. In 2017, through Canadian support to the Global Partnership for Education, Canada contributed to 18.5 million children (8.8 million girls) attending school, with 76% of children completing primary school, and 50% completing lower secondary school.

To further support the health, rights and well-being of women and children, Canada sought to improve the quality and accessibility of health services, increase comprehensive sexual and reproductive health access and rights, and improve their nutritional status. Canada’s $3.5 billion commitment to maternal, newborn and child health (2015-2020) includes $220 million to support the Global Financing Facility, an innovative, multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral financing mechanism that incentivizes countries to invest in women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health.

Supporting Sexual and Reproductive Health

Canada supported Population Services International (PSI) to improve sexual and reproductive health for women and adolescent girls in Francophone West Africa. The project (2017-2020) focuses on providing quality, youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services and increasing contraception use among women and adolescent girls in Ivory Coast. It will also develop a regional strategy to strengthen coordination among key Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights stakeholders in Francophone West Africa.

Canada is using its $650 million commitment (2017-2020) to close gaps in sexual and reproductive health and rights, including through Family Planning 2020, a global partnership that has helped to ensure access to modern contraceptives for 38.8 million more women and girls across 69 countries since 2012. Canada also joined the Ouagadougou Partnership, which aims to strengthen policy and advocacy to accelerate the use of family planning in Francophone West Africa.

To further support positive health outcomes, Canada committed $100 million to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative for 2017-2020, which has led to the development of a range of innovations to ensure every last child is vaccinated against polio. Canada also continued to play a leading role in the fight against tuberculosis. In addition to its significant contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ($804 million for 2017-2019), Canada supported innovative and gender-sensitive approaches to tuberculosis through its support of TB REACH ($85 million for 2016-2020).

Growth that works for everyone

Global Affairs Canada contributed to a multitude of initiatives in 2017-18 that increased women’s economic, social and political empowerment by fostering networks, partnerships, and market opportunities. In Colombia, for example, the Government of Canada’s investments in rural development supported the economic empowerment of more than 9,000 rural women in 2017-2020, enabling their equal participation with men as decision makers in agricultural cooperatives and associations, as well as control over resources such as income, credit, infrastructure and land.

In Ethiopia, Canadian funding to the Women Entrepreneurship Development Project supports female-owned businesses, providing them advanced business skills and easier access to credit to expand their businesses. By the end of 2017, the project had provided loans to 2,583 women entrepreneurs and business training to 3,694 female entrepreneurs.

Improving economic opportunities for women

In Indonesia, Canada supported eight women-led enterprises in the apparel, footwear and coffee sectors to increase their export opportunities in Canada and internationally. This initiative led to increased economic opportunities and income for hundreds of micro-suppliers in their value chain, many of whom are home-based female workers.

The department’s efforts to bolster women’s economic empowerment included enhancing the skills and capabilities of women to improve opportunities and quality of employment. Working with local partners, Canada helped establish partnerships between Canadian and African colleges and institutes to develop innovative professional programs in Senegal. Women, particularly marginalized women unable to access traditional training programs, were supported in gaining the required competencies to effectively compete in sectors with good job prospects, including male-dominated industries. Elsewhere, in South Sudan, the Fortifying Equality and Economic Diversity project implemented by Canadian partner NGOs increased women’s access to productive assets in target areas, increasing the number of women (46,859) in the target group from 43% to 77%.

Canada’s contributions to the African Trade Policy Centre supported the conclusion of initial negotiations of an Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area in March 2018 (signed by 49 out of 55 African Union member states as of July 2018). Support to the Policy Centre included technical assistance which, among other activities, helped advance the inclusion of specific objectives relating to the promotion and attainment of gender equality within the Agreement. The Agreement has the potential to cover a market of 1.2 billion people, a GDP of US$2.5 trillion across all 55 African Union countries and boost intra-African trade by over 50% through tariff elimination.

Environment and climate action

As the state of the environment around the world continues to deteriorate, Canada is an active and influential actor in a large number of international meetings and negotiations addressing environmental protection issues, such as climate change, oceans management, the ozone layer, endangered species or the management of chemical products and wastes. Global Affairs Canada provides support and advice on those important matters, together with active representation at the international level, including for the effective development and implementation of international law.

Canada provides focused support to sustainable natural resource management, in particular to concrete actions empowering women to gain greater access to, and control over, natural resources. For example, in Ethiopia, Canada is helping public and private institutions better design, build and manage irrigation infrastructure to help farmers cope with unpredictable rains and droughts. Through the Capacity Building for Sustainable Irrigation and Agriculture project, Canada supported 49 small-scale irrigation schemes through training, job-embedded support and 24 women-only subcommittees of the Irrigation Water Users Association. These subcommittees are specifically formed to promote women’s leadership and to identify special initiatives within irrigation schemes to promote greater benefits for women farmers.

Canadian Climate Fund

In 2017-18, this fund provided US$8.1 million to the first phase of the Eastern Indonesia Renewable Energy Project to support the construction and operation of a 72 MW wind power plant in South Sulawesi. The renewable energy generated by the project will avoid 159,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually, the equivalent of 34,000 cars taken off the road each year.

Global Affairs Canada is taking action to address climate change by delivering on the Government of Canada’s $2.65 billion commitment to help developing countries transition to low-carbon, sustainable and resilient economies. In 2017-18, Canada announced new contributions in support of this commitment, including $200 million in funding to the Asian Development Bank to establish a second phase of the Canadian Climate Fund for the Private Sector in Asia, with an increased focus on addressing adaptation challenges and empowering women and girls. Canada’s 2017-18 commitment also included $20 million to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves to improve access to efficient cookstoves in Haiti, reducing health and safety problems associated with indoor air pollution, particularly for women. This investment builds on Canada’s other climate finance investments, which include $300 million for the Green Climate Fund, $150 million for the G7 Africa Renewable Energy Initiative, and $50 million for the G7 Climate Risk Insurance Initiative. In 2018, Canada also reached an agreement with the International Finance Corporation to establish the $250 million Blended Climate Finance Program. This financing, when blended with the International Finance Corporation’s investments, are expected to mobilize significant private sector resources. To date, Canada’s blended finance programs at Multilateral Development Banks have leveraged approximately $6 for every $1 dollar of Canadian funding.  

Canada continued to be a strong player for climate action and sustainable development on the world stage, including as co-chair of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture and engagement in key global events such as Climate Week NYC, the Committee on World Food Security, COP23 in Bonn, and the 4th Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture in Johannesburg. In September 2017, at the Thirteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Ordos, China, Canada advanced its Feminist International Assistance Policy priorities by leading the negotiation toward the adoption of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Gender Action Plan.

Inclusive governance

To strengthen political and social empowerment, Canada provided funding for civic and electoral education campaigns and women-led initiatives to increase political participation, especially among women and youth and those living in fragile and conflict-affected states. For example, of the 4 million participants in an electoral education campaign in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 45% of the facilitators and 53% of the participants were women. In addition, Canada partnered with the International Republican Institute on a $2.9 million project in Mongolia to improve women’s representation in the national and local legislatures. Thanks in part to this initiative, the last national legislative elections saw a record number of female candidates and women elected.

Democratic governance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Global Affairs Canada’s support to ParlAmericas has strengthened democratic governance in Latin America and the Caribbean by increasing the ability of elected officials to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. In 2017-18, 73 parliamentarians (44 female) and 21 civil society representatives (20 females) received training which improved their ability to effectively integrate gender equality into parliamentary work.


Global Affairs Canada works with a range of Canadian and international partners, including local civil society organizations, the private sector and partner governments. In 2017-18, the department leveraged expertise, networks and resources by funding over 270 Canadian organizations to deliver development programming results aligned with the Feminist International Assistance Policy and Sustainable Development Goals, and fostered civil society leadership through policy dialogue, programming and public engagement. Global Affairs Canada has continued to increase its engagement with Canadians, including many youth, across the country through public engagement activities such as International Development Week in February 2018, the theme of which was “Partners for a Better World.” Additionally, the Volunteer Cooperation Program, through 15 Canadian partner organizations, sent 1,694 Canadian volunteers (1,045 women, 649 men) in professional fields to work with local partners in 41 developing countries.

In addition, Departmental officials and Canadian partners are working together through a newly-formed advisory group to support implementation of Canada’s Policy for Civil Society Partnerships for International Assistance—A Feminist Approach, which was published in September 2017. The department is also collaborating with Canadian partners through a new Task Force on Improving Effectiveness to identify solutions to streamline processes that guide how we deliver international assistance.


Canada’s commitment to advancing international assistance innovation is reflected in the Feminist International Assistance Policy, which encourages experimentation and the scaling-up of sustainable solutions for systemic change. For Global Affairs Canada, innovation includes new or improved business models, policy practices, approaches, technologies, behavioural insights or ways of delivering products and services that benefit and empower the poorest and most vulnerable people in developing countries. Because Canadian and international partners play a central role in identifying innovative solutions to reduce extreme poverty, Global Affairs Canada is building innovation and experimentation into its international assistance programming and policy work to support their efforts.

Global Affairs Canada has demonstrated a commitment to innovation through several initiatives. For example, the Canadian Small and Medium Organizations for Impact and Innovation initiative, announced in May 2017, will support Canadian organizations in testing innovations that have the potential to address important challenges in ways that are more effective than existing approaches. In addition, since July 2017, Canada has been chairing the Gender Equality and Innovation Working Group of the International Development Innovation Alliance, a group of government and non-government donors working together to advance innovation and the empowerment of women and girls. Further, Global Affairs Canada promoted Canadian views on innovation by co-hosting the first round table on development innovation with the OECD Development Assistance Committee in November 2017.

Transparency and accountability

Global Affairs Canada continued to demonstrate its commitment to increasing transparency and accountability. As Chair of the Governing Board of the International Assistance Transparency Initiative from 2016 to 2018, Canada helped strengthen and expand collaboration with governments, multilateral and civil society organizations to increase transparency on international assistance efforts. Access to the department’s open data on international assistance was made easier due to the department’s improved Project Browser; regular progress updates on mandate letter commitments were made monthly via the results portal. Canada’s success in transparency and accountability is reflected in its improved score and rank in the independent 2018 Aid Transparency Index.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
Improved sustainable economic prosperity for the poor, particularly women and youth, in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in sustainable economic growth programming.# / total of countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in sustainable economic growth programming that show a decrease in unemployment (% of total labour force modeled International Labour Organization estimate).43%01/04/201840% (17/42 countries)43% (19/44 countries)Indicator has changed
Increased well-being and empowerment of children and youth, in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in children and youth programming.# / total of countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in maternal, newborn and child health programming in which under-five mortality (deaths per 1,000 live births) has decreased, or shown no significant change.98%01/04/201890.48% (38/42 countries)98% (41/42 countries)Indicator has changed
Increased food security for food insecure populations, in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in food security programming.# / total of countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in food security programming in which the number of people undernourished has decreased, or shown no significant change.64%01/04/201845% (17/38 countries)64% (25/39 countries)Indicator has changed
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Program 3.3: International Humanitarian Assistance

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada reduces the vulnerability of people in crisis situations, such as during armed conflicts, acute food insecurity and natural disasters, by providing timely and appropriate funding for food, water, shelter, protection and other humanitarian assistance. It also provides long-term institutional support to key humanitarian assistance partners to support their ability to fulfill their mandates.


Humanitarian needs arising from natural disasters, acute food insecurity, health emergencies and armed conflicts remained at unprecedented levels in 2017-18, mainly due to the intensification and duration of conflict in several parts of the world.

Global Affairs Canada continued to strengthen its support for gender-responsive humanitarian action to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain the dignity of those affected by conflicts or natural disasters, including by responding to the differentiated needs of men, women, boys and girls. Ninety-five percent of the department’s humanitarian assistance projects integrated gender considerations, and Canada provided $68.7 million in support of sexual and reproductive health in its humanitarian assistance programming.

Humanitarian Support in the West Bank and Gaza

Canada provided $72 million in multi-year humanitarian assistance in the West Bank and Gaza to respond to food security, health, protection, shelter, and livelihood-support needs, as well as the needs of survivors of gender-based violence. Through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, Canada’s funds contributed to:

  • providing education to 526,646 children (with full gender parity),
  • over 8.3 million primary health care consultations, and
  • providing social safety net assistance to over 255,000 individuals.

In 2017-18, Canada provided over $821 million in humanitarian assistance support through UN partners, NGOs, and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Notably, in 2017 Canadian humanitarian assistance provided through United Nations Population Fund reached over 16 million crisis-affected people, including adolescents. This assistance supported access to sexual and reproductive health services, including services addressing gender-based violence in humanitarian settings, and saw over 2,900 communities abandon female genital mutilation. In 2017, Global Affairs Canada also allocated more than $295 million in life-saving assistance in response to famine, food insecurity, and conflict-induced displacements in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. This includes $21.4 million from the Government of Canada Famine Relief Fund that was launched in May 2017, which matched contributions Canadians made to charities between March 17 and June 30, 2017.

As part of its three-year Middle East strategy, in 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada provided $280 million to respond to humanitarian needs in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. This included meeting basic needs such as food, water, health (including sexual and reproductive health), protection and education.

Canada’s direct support in Syria and in the region to over 81 women and girls’ safe spaces helped reach nearly 270,000 survivors of, and those at-risk of, gender-based violence with prevention and response services. Canada also responded to the humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh and Myanmar by having provided $45.9 million since the beginning of 2017 to meet the needs of the crisis-affected population.

Education remains one of the most underfunded areas of humanitarian assistance, yet it plays a critical role in protecting children and providing them with stability and well-being. Currently some 75 million children, including over 17 million refugees, have had their education disrupted. In 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada actively sought to respond to these needs by contributing $20 million to Education Cannot Wait. Along with other donors, Canada helped provide access to quality education to more than 650,000 children and youth, of whom 48% were girls—among the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach on the globe. This funding also helped to train to 4,708 teachers, of whom 61.2% were women; provide rehabilitation and equipment for 1,138 classrooms; and install 300 gender-sensitive latrines.

Multi-Year Assistance

In line with commitments made at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, 55% of Canada’s humanitarian assistance funding in 2017-18 was multi-year, providing partner organizations with predictable and flexible financing to more efficiently and effectively respond to crises.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
8 Current indicator was been slightly revised from the indicator used last year: No. of beneficiaries who receive emergency food assistance (and nutrition assistance) in countries where the department engages.
Reduced suffering, increased and maintained human dignity and lives saved in communities experiencing humanitarian crises or that are acutely food insecure, in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in humanitarian programming.# of people reached with humanitarian assistance and protection activities.8Not applicable 91,400,00096,200,000Indicator has changed
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending(authorities used)2017–18 Difference(actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Strategic Outcome 4: Canada’s Network Abroad – The department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities.

Program 4.1: Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

Description: Through this program, Global Affairs Canada manages Canada’s network of 178 missions in 110 countries around the world. To support its own operations and those of 37 partner organizations located in the missions, such as federal and provincial government departments and Crown corporations, the department provides strategic governance, efficient and cost-effective services, and infrastructure.


In 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada continued to provide support for Canada’s presence abroad through the management and delivery of resources, infrastructure and services.

Measures were taken to further enhance the safety and security of personnel, assets, information and infrastructure abroad supported in part by funding announced in the Fall Economic Statement 2017. Mission security teams were strengthened and investments were made in the department’s armoured vehicle fleet, as well as the acquisition of intrusion detection and personal protective equipment.

Greening Initiatives at Missions

Conversion of lighting to LED was completed at various missions abroad, including in Washington and Bangkok, reducing energy consumption and supporting the department’s greenhouse gas reduction commitments.

To further enhance security at missions abroad, the department began the implementation of a Security Culture Improvement Plan. Communications and tools were provided to heads of mission and security teams at missions for their use in reinforcing security awareness and improving security-conscious behaviours.

The department continued to transform and modernize the way in which common services were delivered to missions abroad. In support of this effort, a real property portfolio planning pilot project was initiated in the sub-Saharan Africa region targeting seven missions. The pilot portfolio plans will incorporate real property supply, demand, and cost considerations over a ten-year horizon and aim to present a standardized and transparent approach to prioritizing investment requirements and related decisions.

As part of ongoing efforts to strengthen relationships and share best practices, the department organized a Global Common Services Forum, which provided a venue for senior officials from Canada and other foreign ministries to share information and discuss the management and delivery of common services in missions abroad. Participating countries were Australia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
Efficient and effective governance, strategic direction and common services are provided to Canada’s mission network abroad.Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, Global Affairs Canada cooperates with mission partners to ensure that common service standards are clearly defined and common services are sustainably delivered.42018-04-01433.7
Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, the International Platform Branch enables the department to achieve its international priorities by providing sound governance, strategic direction, and efficient and cost-effective common services to the mission network.42018-04-
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Program 4.2: Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad

Description: Through this program, the department and central agencies manage and administer statutory payments to Government of Canada employees abroad, both Canada-based staff (CBS) and locally engaged staff (LES). This includes Foreign Service Directives (FSDs) payments, which are the benefits and allowances for CBS serving abroad, as well as the pension and insurance benefits and affiliation in local social security programs for LES.


In 2017-18, Global Affairs Canada continued to effectively manage and deliver statutory payments to Government of Canada employees abroad, maintaining effective stewardship over public funds and securing long-term financial sustainability.

Global Affairs Canada engaged with unions and other government departments through the National Joint Council’s Foreign Service Directives Committee. Through the Committee, the department actively participated in the cyclical review of the Foreign Services Directives, the first such review in 10 years.

Foreign Service Directives

In 2017-18, a project began to improve and streamline business processes related to Foreign Service Directives. This project will target over 300 Foreign Service Directive processes currently in place and is projected to take 30 months to complete.

The department also demonstrated leadership through active chairing, management and participation within various interdepartmental governance structures, including the Working Group for Policy Interpretation and Consultation, the Interdepartmental Hardship Post Committee, and the Committee on Accommodation Deficiencies.

Global Affairs Canada continued to deliver Foreign Service Directives benefit payments in accordance with service standards in most instances. In 2017-18, 85% of required allowances were paid to Canada-based staff within service standards.Footnote 9 Benefit payments to locally engaged staff were made accurately and within established service standards in 96% of cases.

Results achieved
Expected ResultsPerformance indicatorsTargetDate to achieve target2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual results2015–16 Actual results
The department provides leadership to interdepartmental governance structures and the National Joint Council on Foreign Service Directives (FSD) policies.Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, the department coordinates and participates in interdepartmental FSD governance structures and National Joint Council.42018-04-
FSD and locally engaged staff (LES) benefits are paid pursuant to the required terms and on a timely and accurate basis.% of required FSD payments to Canada-based staff that are made accurately and within established service standards.80%2018-04-0185%90%65%
% of required benefit payments to LES that are made accurately and within established service standards.75%2018-04-0196%100%96%
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (Actual spending minus Planned spending)
Human resources (FTEs)
2017–18 Planned full-time equivalents2017–18 Actual full-time equivalents2017–18 Difference (Actual full-time equivalents minus Planned full-time equivalents)

Internal Services


Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the federal government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations. Internal Services comprises the activities and resources of the 10 distinct service categories that support program delivery, regardless of the internal services delivery model in a department. The 10 service categories are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; and Acquisition Services.


Management and oversight

Global Affairs Canada’s governance committees continued to manage and integrate the department’s policies and resources ensuring clear accountability for the delivery of programs and results. In 2017-18, the department established the new Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee, which serves as an advisory body to the Deputy Head for oversight of departmental performance and evaluation. Sixteen corporate evaluations covering various aspects of the department’s operations and programmes were produced and approved. Moreover, a Results and Delivery Unit was established to monitor and publicly report on progress in delivering portfolio ministers’ mandate letter commitments and to work on the development of a departmental data strategy.

In support of workplace well-being, the department announced the appointment of a new co-champion for psychological health and well-being. The two co-champions act as focal points for departmental action in this critical area and focus on collaboration across Global Affairs Canada and with the wider Government of Canada community to develop more effective approaches in order to support mental health awareness and promote stigma-free dialogue for all employees. In addition, the departmental psychological health and well-being strategy was further advanced, incorporating the views from various stakeholders, including the bargaining agents.

To improve management practices, risk mitigation and workplace culture, the Office of the Inspector General conducted nine on-site mission inspections and 49 e-inspections. The results provided management with feedback on mission trends and pressures. In support of reducing the risk of fraud, a fraud risk assessment update ensured that stronger internal controls are in place to reduce the risk of potential fraud. Also, a new fraud risk vulnerability assessment pilot project was introduced for on-site mission inspections in order to provide an assessment of the missions’ controls regarding the potential risk of fraud. The Inspector General also completed 35 investigations relating to wrongdoing, harassment and potential losses of funds and/or assets.

In 2017-18, the Office of the Chief Audit Executive completed 19 internal audits to ensure that risk management, governance and internal control processes are effective. Notable audit engagements included 12 mission audits as well as audits of grants and contributions, human resources, real property, physical security, and the CanExport Program.


Global Affairs Canada provided high-quality legal analysis and advice on international law to enable policy-makers to understand and integrate legal implications into their planning and programming. In 2017-18, the department provided advice on a variety of initiatives, including the trade and investment law implications of high-profile initiatives such as cannabis legalization, the Trans Mountain Pipeline, the transitioning of agreements following the United Kingdom’s upcoming departure from the European Union (Brexit), and issues related to government procurement. The department also provided international treaty law advice and assisted clients through the domestic treaty adoption processes in support of 57 formal treaty actions. In 2017-18, 27 bilateral and multilateral treaties entered into force for Canada. Clients were also supported through the 97 memorandums of understanding that were signed in 2017-18 and the provision of legal advice in relation to the drafting of international non-legally binding instruments. In addition, Global Affairs Canada provided production and publication services for all legal instruments signed by Canada and also prepared a compendium of all treaties that were brought into force for Canada, known as the Canada Treaty Series, which is used by legal practitioners and scholars.

Financial management

Significant progress was made this year to reduce the reporting burden on Global Affairs Canada partners, while still ensuring appropriate financial controls. The department significantly streamlined all Fiduciary Risk Evaluation Tool templates for all grant and contribution recipients, reducing the content required from partner organizations by 41%. The department also developed an innovative approach for performing recipient audits, called Horizontal Financial Compliance Audits, allowing Global Affairs Canada to obtain a more complete and comprehensive view of partners’ internal controls and financial capacity.


Canada 150

Canada’s global network of missions delivered a wide array of creative public diplomacy initiatives throughout 2017, taking advantage of the opportunities raised by Canada 150. The department undertook activities aimed at advancing Canada’s international priorities along the four Canada 150 themes: diversity; reconciliation with Indigenous peoples; respect for the environment; and youth.

Global Affairs Canada continued to be one of the most active federal departments in social media with approximately 9 million followers for its accounts. This allows the department to communicate with Canadians about its activities, especially consular services. It also allows Canada to engage with audiences on a global scale, delivering timely and reliable information on major platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram. In 2017-18, 84 heads of mission were active on Twitter in a professional capacity. In addition to French and English content, 28 missions are active in 14 different local languages on social media.

Human resource management

Global Affairs Canada’s human resources team implemented several initiatives to modernize the human resources frameworks for LES including the automation of annual salary scale updates, the streamlining of HR data entry, the development of generic job descriptions for partners and programs, the automation of classification decisions, and the streamlining of the Total Compensation Review process. The Canadian Foreign Service Institute, the primary training provider for Global Affairs Canada, continued to provide valuable training in 2017-18. Highlights include the drafting of a department-wide training plan; the alignment of learning products to respond to key priorities for the department; and the review of the curriculum to identify, address and include behavioural competencies in the design of courses and programs. Global Affairs Canada is proud of the progress made in gender representation within our head of mission community over the last several years, progressing from 27% in 2013-14 to 43% in 2017-18, establishing us as a leader among like-minded foreign ministries.

Information management and information technology (IM/IT)

Work on improving the prioritization of IM/IT needs and aligning resources has progressed well in the past year, and investments were made in key areas including overseas connectivity to address identified critical risks in the department. Global Affairs Canada also worked to address mobility, big data, social technologies and Open Government to align with new digital and mobile technologies which are changing how employees deliver services, engage with citizens, and collaborate within the department as well as across and outside the Government of Canada.

Real property, materiel, and acquisition

To align Global Affairs Canada’s domestic accommodations with the government’s standards for modernized workspaces, Global Affairs Canada worked closely with Public Services and Procurement Canada and Shared Service Canada to initiate a 10-year project to renovate the Lester B. Pearson Building at 125 Sussex drive and to upgrade selected floors at 111 Sussex Drive and 200 Promenade du Portage. Global Affairs Canada staff was actively engaged in the development of the design vision for the 125 Sussex renovations through co-design workshops, town halls, design questionnaires, and visits to pilot-project that featured activity-based working furniture, space designs, and prototypes of advanced audio-visual collaboration equipment.

Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2017–18 Total authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2017–18 Difference (actual spending minus planned spending)
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017–18 Planned FTEs2017–18 Actual FTEs2017–18 Difference (actual FTEs minus planned FTEs)

Analysis of trends in spending and human resources

Actual Expenditures

Departmental Spending Trend Graph

Departmental Spending Trend Graph
Text version
  • Sunset Programs - Anticipated:
    • 2015-16: $0
    • 2016-17: $0
    • 2017-18: $0
    • 2018-19: $182,094,037
    • 2019-20: $351,026,182
    • 2020-21: $351,026,182
  • Statutory:
    • 2015-16: $432,223,415
    • 2016-17: $413,751,805
    • 2017-18: $402,186,234
    • 2018-19: $378,128,995
    • 2019-20: $372,685,666
    • 2020-21: $372,119,365
  • Voted:
    • 2015-16: $5,564,629,151
    • 2016-17: $5,846,273,001
    • 2017-18: $6,172,100,780
    • 2018-19: $6,112,703,405
    • 2019-20: $5,392,768,510
    • 2020-21: $5,262,082,293
  • Total:
    • 2015-16: $5,996,852,566
    • 2016-17: $6,260,024,806
    • 2017-18: $6,574,287,014
    • 2018-19: $6,672,926,437
    • 2019-20: $6,116,480,358
    • 2020-21: $5,985,227,840

The above graph presents the department’s spending trend from 2015-16 to 2020-21, divided into three spending categories: voted spending (in dark blue), which is provided by Parliament to support program delivery and for managing the department’s resources; statutory spending (in red), for expenditures mandated by legislative regulations; and, anticipated sunset programs (in light blue) which is funding that is schedule to expire, but could be subject to renewal.

Expenditures for 2015-16 to 2016-17 reflect the financial information previously reported in the Public Accounts. The increase of $263.2 million in actual spending for those years is attributable to additional funding received for the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative and Climate Fund for the private sector in Asia, funding to address the crises in Iraq and Syria including regional impacts, funding to provide humanitarian assistance for people affected by conflicts or disasters, as well as funding for the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program.

From 2016-17 to 2017-18, the increase of $314.3 million in actual spending is attributable to additional funding for: International humanitarian assistance in response to the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh; mission security abroad to mitigate risks to physical infrastructure, mission readiness, and security of information (hereafter referred to as Duty of Care); Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; additional International assistance envelope funding aligned with the Feminist International Assistance; helping developing countries to address the impact of climate change; Canada’s G7 Presidency in 2018; and Canada’s contributions to the United Nations Peace Operations.

From 2017-18 to 2020-21, Global Affairs Canada’s spending profile varies from $6.6 billion in 2017-18 to $6.0 billion in 2020-21. Significant items contributing to the decrease include the following:

Budgetary performance summary for Programs and Internal Services (dollars)
Programs and Internal Services2017–18 Main Estimates2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending2019–20 Planned spendingTotal authorities available for use2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used)2016–17 Actual spending (authorities used)2015–16 Actual spending (authorities used)
1.1 Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy82,495,83084,279,76486,608,50767,818,52787,434,91485,887,17284,371,56976,209,297
1.2 Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements975,067,088982,515,627995,124,587793,153,7921,040,565,157892,020,703896,561,089954,956,846
SO1 Subtotal1,057,562,9181,066,795,3911,081,733,094860,972,3191,128,000,071977,907,875980,932,6581,031,166,143
2.1 International Commerce199,530,308205,010,348217,169,940188,497,135214,584,937205,025,709193,902,346164,459,301
2.2 Consular Services and Emergency Management54,513,18956,140,96763,668,60952,200,04257,740,92647,169,19448,746,98248,404,466
3.1 International Security and Democratic Development475,406,438475,585,381575,351,607689,861,043546,545,279533,784,782465,232,381364,417,410
3.2 International Development2,337,159,3532,337,470,1632,444,702,3712,139,245,2472,760,151,4202,685,829,9092,553,957,6252,480,948,658
3.3 International Humanitarian Assistance726,422,468726,443,560812,446,779587,147,5401,048,169,023893,272,777852,045,849700,103,212
4.1 Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services673,226,550735,657,199783,905,773746,919,179835,042,799724,413,945702,069,649693,665,951
4.2 Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad234,213,875234,379,557260,607,354255,886,016245,972,514244,324,563229,333,161234,377,684
Internal Services244,090,968250,124,702251,246,872244,725,655274,741,698262,558,260233,804,155279,309,741
Total 6,002,126,0676,087,607,2686,490,832,3995,765,454,1767,110,948,6676,574,287,0146,260,024,8065,996,852,566

Explanation of Variances

The above table provides an overview of the Department’s financial performance over the past three years, and also includes anticipated spending through to the 2019-20 fiscal year. The table includes the Total Authorities available for use (total amount the Department received in spending authority during the year), actual spending (amount the Department actually spent in the specified fiscal year), Main Estimates (initial financial resources for the delivery of departmental programs) and planned spending (actual anticipated spending over the course of the fiscal years).

In 2017–18, Global Affairs Canada has transitioned from its Strategic Outcome and Program Alignment Architecture, which was required under the previous Policy on Management Resources and Results Structures, to a Departmental Results Framework, which is required under the new Policy on Results. As such, the planned spending for 2018–19 and 2019–20 were prepared as per the Departmental Results Framework and restated to the Program Alignment Architecture for illustration purposes only.

For 2017-18, the variance between the Main Estimates ($6. 0 billion) and planned spending ($6.1 billion) was attributable to funding received after the submission of the Main Estimates, such as the Operating and Capital Budget carry forward (unused funds) from 2016-17 and the reimbursement of paylist expenditures. Paylist expenditures refer to those expenses primarily related to severance pay and parental benefits for Canada-based and locally engaged staff at missions abroad.

The variance of $ 1.0 billion between planned spending ($6.1 billion) and total authorities ($7.1 billion) is related to supplementary funding received during the fiscal year, such as:

The variance ($486.6 million) between planned spending and actual spending in 2017-18 is explained by program below.

Explanation of Variances by Program

1.1 Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy

Actual spending was $1.6 million higher than planned spending. The variance (+1.9%) is attributable to additional funding received as a result of the ratified Collective Bargaining Agreement.

1.2 Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements

Actual spending was $90.5 million lower than planned spending. The variance (-9.2%) is attributable to unspent funds for the International Civil Aviation Organization headquarters in Montreal, as well as funds related to the surplus Assessed Contributions to International Organizations. These surpluses were offset by expenditures related to the G7 Presidency in 2018.

2.1 International Commerce

Actual spending was in line with the planned spending.

2.2 Consular Services and Emergency Management

Actual spending was $8.9 million lower than planned spending. The variance is attributable to the transfer of some consular expenditures related to passport processing to Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada and to expenditure realignment.

3.1 International Security and Democratic Development

Actual spending was $58.2 million higher than planned spending. The variance (12.2%) is attributable to an internal transfer received from the International Development Program for development activities in the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program, and to funding received for Canada’s contribution to United Nations Peace Operations and for the Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program.

3.2 International Development

Actual spending was $348.4 million higher than planned spending. The variance (14.9%) is attributable to funding received through Supplementary Estimates to support developing countries address the impact of climate change, Global fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, as well as funding received for the International Assistance Envelope to support Canada’s international assistance priorities aligned with the Feminist International Assistance Policy (Budget 2017).

These funds were reduced by the transfer to the International Security and Democratic Development Program required for development activities in the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program.

3.3 International Humanitarian Assistance

Actual spending was $166.9 million higher than planned spending. The variance (23.0%) is attributable to funding received through Supplementary Estimates for International humanitarian assistance in response to the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh, and humanitarian assistance to the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa and neighbouring countries.  

4.1 Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

Actual spending was $11.2 million lower than planned spending. The variance (-1.5%) is a result of unspent funds for Strengthening Security at Missions Abroad, delays in the development of major capital projects, as well as delays in planned staffing.

4.2 Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad

Actual spending was $9.9 million higher than planned spending. The variance (4.2%) is attributable to the funding received through Supplementary Estimates to support departmental staff located at missions abroad, as well as the Foreign Service allowance.

5.1 Internal Services

Actual spending was $12.4 million higher than planned spending. The variance (5.0%) is attributable to additional funding received through Supplementary Estimates for Duty of Care, as well as funds received as a result of ratified Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Actual Human Resources

Human resources summary for Programs and Internal Services (full-time equivalents)
Programs and Internal Services2015-16 Actual FTEs2016-17 Actual FTEs2017-18 Planned FTEs2017-18 Actual FTEs2018-19 Planned FTEs2019-20 Planned FTEs
1.1 Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy816809832811865851
1.2 Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements1,6441,6361,6631,8111,7301,694
2.1 International Commerce1,3111,3381,3641,3591,4191,397
2.2 Consular Services and Emergency Management371420433440451443
3.1 International Security and Democratic Development137158168173175170
3.2 International Development696848892835928906
3.3 International Humanitarian Assistance406970787370
4.1 Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services4,2874,2954,1474,3714,3134,239
4.2 Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad534956475957
Internal Services1,5331,3821,5341,3631,5131,518

From 2015-16 to 2019-20, Global Affairs Canada’s human resources increased by 457 FTEs (4%) to deliver new programs and initiatives in support of the department's mandate and priorities. In 2017-18, the actual number of full-time equivalents slightly exceeds the planned FTE. The variance forecasted between 2018-19 and 2019-20 reflects anticipated full-time equivalents as a result of the completion of Canada's G7 presidency in 2018.

Expenditures by Vote

For information on the Global Affairs Canada’s organizational voted and statutory expenditures, consult the Public Accounts of Canada 2017–2018.Footnote iv

Government of Canada spending and activities

Information on the alignment of the Global Affairs Canada’s spending with the Government of Canada’s spending and activities is available in the GC InfoBase.

Financial statements and financial statements highlights

Financial statements

The Global Affairs Canada’s financial statements (unaudited) for the year ended March 31, 2018, are available on the departmental website.

Financial statements highlights

The financial statements highlights presented within this Departmental Results Report are intended to serve as a general overview of the Department’s financial position and operations. The Department’s financial statements (unaudited) are prepared in accordance with accrual accounting principles. The detailed financial statements of the Department can be found on the Office of the Chief Financial Officer web page.Footnote v

The tables below illustrate the March 31, 2018 ending balances for each major financial statement grouping, along with the corresponding change from the planned results and the previous fiscal year.

Condensed Statement of Operations (unaudited) for the year ended March 31, 2018 (dollars)
Financial information2017–18 Planned results2017–18 Actual results2016–17 Actual resultsDifference (2017–18 Actual results minus 2017–18 Planned results)Difference (2017–18 Actual results minus 2016–17 Actual results)
Total expenses5,896,904,0006,127,236,6645,820,969,469230,332,664306,267,195
Total revenues51,121,00037,712,89435,732,966(13,408,106)1,979,928
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers5,845,783,0006,089,523,7705,785,236,503243,740,770304,287,267

The 2017-18 planned results information is provided in Global Affairs Canada’s Future-Oriented Statement of Operations and Notes 2017-18.Footnote vi


The Department’s total expenses increased by $306.3 million (+5%) during 2017-18 compared to 2016-17. Higher spending in transfer payments and salaries and employee benefits are the main source of this difference.

The difference between GAC’s actual expenses and planned results is mostly due to an increase in grants and contributions authorities during the fiscal year that resulted in higher associated expenses.

The distribution of actual expenses by program is presented in the following chart.

Expenses by Program – 2017-18 PAA

Expenses by Program – 2017-18 PAA
Text version
  • International Development: 38.7%
  • Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements: 13.9%
  • International Humanitarian Assistance: 13.9%
  • Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services: 10.1%
  • Internal Services: 4.4%
  • International Security and Democratic Development: 8.2%
  • Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad: 4.1%
  • International Commerce: 4.4%
  • Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy: 1.4%
  • Consular Services and Emergency Management: 0.8%


The Department’s total revenue increased by $2 million (+5%) during 2017-18 compared to 2016-17 due to foreign currency fluctuations, which resulted in higher foreign currency gains this year partly offset by decrease in the sales of goods and services. The difference between GAC’s earned and planned revenues was due to lower actual gains on disposal of departmental tangible capital assets as well as lower actual gains on foreign currency exchange than planned.

The distribution of departmental revenues by type is presented in the following chart.

Revenue breakdown

Revenue breakdown
Text version
  • Sales of goods and services: 66.5%
  • Gain on disposal of tangible capital assets: 5.2%
  • Foreign exchange gain: 17.3%
  • Amortization of discount on loans: 8.5%
  • Other: 2.5%
Condensed Statement of Financial Position (unaudited) as of March 31, 2018 (dollars)
Financial Information2017–182016–17Difference (2017–18 minus 2016–17)
Total net liabilities1,453,020,3221,159,627,625293,392,697
Total net financial assets1,260,916,987967,474,698293,442,289
Departmental net debt192,103,335192,152,927(49,592)
Total non-financial assets1,525,413,6261,479,407,98146,005,645
Departmental net financial position1,333,310,2911,287,255,05446,055,237


The Department’s total liabilities increased by $293.3 million (+25%) in 2017-18 compared to 2016-17. This is mainly the result of a net increase in accounts payable to third parties resulting from timing differences in the settlement of the payables.

Liability Breakdown

Liability Breakdown
Text version
  • Accounts payable and accrued liabilities: 86.6%
  • Vacation pay and compensatory leave: 2.3%
  • Employee future benefits: 8.6%
  • Deferred revenue: 2.4%


The Department’s total assets increased by $339.4 million (+14%) in 2017-18 compared to 2016-17. The difference is due to an increase in financial assets, more specifically the amount of the due from the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) and partly by an increase in non-financial assets. The increase in liabilities (including accounts payables) caused an increase in the current year balance of the amount due from the CRF. The increase in non-financial assets is mainly explained by a relative increase in project costs and acquisitions of real-property assets abroad offset in part by the amortization of these assets.

Asset breakdown

Liability Breakdown
Text version
  • Tangible capital assets: 53.8%
  • Due from the Consolidated Revenue Fund: 38.6%
  • Accounts receivable and advances: 6.7%
  • Prepaid expenses: 0.9%

Supplementary information

Corporate Information

Organizational profile

Appropriate ministers: Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development; James Gordon Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification; and Melanie Joly, Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie.

Institutional heads: Ian Shugart, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Timothy Sargent, Deputy Minister for International Trade; Diane Jacovella, Deputy Minister of International Development; and Guylaine Roy, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie.

Ministerial portfolio: Global Affairs Canada and the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. The following crown corporations operate at arm’s length and report to Parliament through the Global Affairs Canada’s ministers, the Canadian Commercial Corporation, Invest in Canada, Export Development Canada and the International Development Research Centre.

Enabling instrument: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act, S.C. 2013, c. 33, s. 174.Footnote vii

Year of incorporation / commencement: 1909

Reporting framework

Global Affairs Canada’s Strategic Outcome and Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) of record for 2017–18 are shown below:

SO 1. Canada’s International Agenda

The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values.

Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy

Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements

SO 2. International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians

Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services.

International Commerce

Consular Services and Emergency Management

SO 3. International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation

Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages.

International Security and Democratic Development

International Development

International Humanitarian Assistance

SO 4. Canada’s Network Abroad

The department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities.

Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad

Internal Services

Supporting Information on Lower-Level Programs

Financial, human resources and performance information for the Global Affairs Canada’s lower-level programs is available in the GC InfoBase.iii

Supplementary Information Tables

The following supplementary information tables are available on Global Affairs Canada’s website:

Federal Tax Expenditures

The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures.Footnote viii This report also provides detailed background information on tax expenditures, including descriptions, objectives, historical information and references to related federal spending programs. The tax measures presented in this report are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.

Organizational Contact Information

Global Affairs Canada 
Tel.: 1-800-267-8376 (toll-free in Canada);
613-944-4000 (National Capital Region and outside Canada)
TTY: 1-800-394-3472 (toll-free from the U.S. and Canada only); 613-944-1310 (National Capital Region and outside Canada)
Fax: 613-996-9709

Enquiries Services
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2
Tel.: 1-800-267-8376 (toll-free in Canada);
613-944-4000 (National Capital Region and outside Canada)
Fax: 613-996-9709

Other Portfolio Related Contacts

Canadian Commercial Corporation
350 Albert Street, 7th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0S6
Tel.: 1-800-748-8191 (toll-free in Canada)
613-996-0034 (National Capital Region and outside Canada)
Fax: 613-995-2121

International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
234 Laurier Avenue West, 22nd Floor
Ottawa, ON K1P 6K6
Tel.: 613-995-2984
Fax: 613-993-5583

Export Development Canada
150 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 1K3
Tel.: 613-598-2500 (local); 1-800-229-0575 (toll-free North America)
TTY: 1-866-574-0451
Fax: 613-598-3811

Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission
459 Route 774 
Welshpool, NB E5E 1A4
Tel.: 1-877-851-6663 (toll-free); 506-752-2922 (local)
Fax: 506-752-6000

International Development Research Centre 
150 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 0B2
Postal Address: P.O. Box 8500
Ottawa, ON K1G 3H9
Tel.: 613-236-6163
Fax: 613-238-7230

Appendix: Definitions

appropriation (crédit)
Any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
budgetary expenditures (dépenses budgétaires)
Operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
Core Responsibility (responsabilité essentielle)
An enduring function or role performed by a department. The intentions of the department with respect to a Core Responsibility are reflected in one or more related Departmental Results that the department seeks to contribute to or influence.
Departmental Plan (plan ministériel)
A report on the plans and expected performance of an appropriated department over a three-year period. Departmental Plans are tabled in Parliament each spring.
Departmental Result (résultat ministériel)
A Departmental Result represents the change or changes that the department seeks to influence. A Departmental Result is often outside departments’ immediate control, but it should be influenced by program-level outcomes.
Departmental Result Indicator (indicateur de résultat ministériel)
A factor or variable that provides a valid and reliable means to measure or describe progress on a Departmental Result.
Departmental Results Framework (cadre ministériel des résultats)
Consists of the department’s Core Responsibilities, Departmental Results and Departmental Result Indicators.
Departmental Results Report (rapport sur les résultats ministériels)
A report on an appropriated department’s actual accomplishments against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the corresponding Departmental Plan.
evaluation (évaluation)
In the Government of Canada, the systematic and neutral collection and analysis of evidence to judge merit, worth or value. Evaluation informs decision making, improvements, innovation and accountability. Evaluations typically focus on programs, policies and priorities and examine questions related to relevance, effectiveness and efficiency. Depending on user needs, however, evaluations can also examine other units, themes and issues, including alternatives to existing interventions. Evaluations generally employ social science research methods.
experimentation (expérimentation)
Activities that seek to explore, test and compare the effects and impacts of policies, interventions and approaches to inform evidence-based decision making, by learning what works and what does not.
full-time equivalent (FTE) (équivalent temps plein [ETP])
A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person-year charge against a departmental budget. Full-time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) (analyse comparative entre les sexes plus [ACS+])
An analytical approach used to assess how diverse groups of women, men and gender-diverse people may experience policies, programs and initiatives. The “plus” in GBA+ acknowledges that the gender-based analysis goes beyond biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences. We all have multiple identity factors that intersect to make us who we are; GBA+ considers many other identity factors, such as race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability. Examples of GBA+ processes include using data disaggregated by sex, gender and other intersecting identity factors in performance analysis, and identifying any impacts of the program on diverse groups of people, with a view to adjusting these initiatives to make them more inclusive.
government-wide priorities (priorités pangouvernementales)
For the purpose of the 2017–18 Departmental Results Report, those high-level themes outlining the government’s agenda in the 2015 Speech from the Throne, namely: Growth for the Middle Class; Open and Transparent Government;  A Clean Environment and a Strong Economy; Diversity is Canada’s Strength; and Security and Opportunity.
horizontal initiative (initiative horizontale)
An initiative where two or more departments are given funding to pursue a shared outcome, often linked to a government priority.
non-budgetary expenditures (dépenses non budgétaires)
Net outlays and receipts related to loans, investments and advances, which change the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
performance (rendement)
What an organization did with its resources to achieve its results, how well those results compare to what the organization intended to achieve, and how well lessons learned have been identified.
performance indicator (indicateur de rendement)
A qualitative or quantitative means of measuring an output or outcome, with the intention of gauging the performance of an organization, program, policy or initiative respecting expected results.
performance reporting (production de rapports sur le rendement)
The process of communicating evidence-based performance information. Performance reporting supports decision making, accountability and transparency.
plan (plan)
The articulation of strategic choices, which provides information on how an organization intends to achieve its priorities and associated results. Generally a plan will explain the logic behind the strategies chosen and tend to focus on actions that lead up to the expected result.
planned spending (dépenses prévues)

For Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports, planned spending refers to those amounts that receive Treasury Board approval by February 1. Therefore, planned spending may include amounts incremental to planned expenditures presented in the Main Estimates.

A department is expected to be aware of the authorities that it has sought and received. The determination of planned spending is a departmental responsibility, and departments must be able to defend the expenditure and accrual numbers presented in their Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports.

priority (priorité)
A plan or project that an organization has chosen to focus and report on during the planning period. Priorities represent the things that are most important or what must be done first to support the achievement of the desired Strategic Outcome(s) or Expected Results.
Program (programme)
Individual or groups of services, activities or combinations thereof that are managed together within the department and focus on a specific set of outputs, outcomes or service levels.
Program Inventory (répertoire des programmes)
Identifies all of the department’s programs and describes how resources are organized to contribute to the department’s Core Responsibilities and Results.
result (résultat)
An external consequence attributed, in part, to an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results are not within the control of a single organization, policy, program or initiative; instead they are within the area of the organization’s influence.
statutory expenditures (dépenses législatives)
Expenditures that Parliament has approved through legislation other than appropriation acts. The legislation sets out the purpose of the expenditures and the terms and conditions under which they may be made.
sunset program (programme temporisé)
A time-limited program that does not have an ongoing funding and policy authority. When the program is set to expire, a decision must be made whether to continue the program. In the case of a renewal, the decision specifies the scope, funding level and duration.
target (cible)
A measurable performance or success level that an organization, program or initiative plans to achieve within a specified time period. Targets can be either quantitative or qualitative.
voted expenditures (dépenses votées)
Expenditures that Parliament approves annually through an Appropriation Act. The Vote wording becomes the governing conditions under which these expenditures may be made.
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