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Quarterly Financial Report - For the period ended December 31, 2017

Table of contents

Statement outlining results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and programs

1. Introduction

This quarterly report for the period ending December 31, 2017 has been prepared by management as required by section 65.1 of the Financial Administration Act and in the form and manner prescribed by the Treasury Board. The report has not been subject to an external audit or review, and should be read in conjunction with the Main Estimates and the Supplementary Estimates for the current year.

A summary description of the Department's programs can be found in Part II of the Main Estimates.

Basis of Presentation

This quarterly report has been prepared using an expenditure basis of accounting. The authority of Parliament is required before money can be spent by the Government. Approvals are given in the form of annually approved limits through appropriation acts, or through legislation in the form of statutory spending authority for specific purposes.

The accompanying Statement of Authorities includes the department's spending authorities granted by Parliament, and those used by the department consistent with the Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates (as applicable) for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. This quarterly report has been prepared using a special purpose financial reporting framework designed to meet financial information needs with respect to the use of spending authorities.

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) uses the full accrual method of accounting to prepare and present its annual departmental financial statements that are part of the departmental results reporting process. However, the spending authorities voted by Parliament remain on an expenditure basis.

2. Highlights of fiscal quarter and fiscal year to date (YTD) results

A. Significant changes to Authorities

The following table shows the total budget available for use by the Department. Only authorities available for use and granted by Parliament as at December 31, 2017 are included.

Authorities (in thousands of dollars)Fiscal Year 2017-2018Fiscal Year 2016-2017Variance ($)Variance (%)
Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2018*Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2017*
* Includes only Authorities available for use and granted by Parliament at quarter-end.
Operating Expenditures1,777,8451,616,698161,14710%
Capital Expenditures197,249241,958(44,709)(18%)
Grants and Contributions4,200,6563,932,660267,9967%
Locally engaged staff pensions, insurance and social security66,27364,7061,5672%
Budgetary statutory authorities
Contributions to employee benefit plans144,226111,24132,98530%
Ministers' salary and motor car allowance25325121%
Payments under the Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Act2742502410%
Debt forgiveness to Pakistan84,694124,640(39,946)(32%)
Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets2,9783,653(675)(18%)
Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years-15(15)(100%)
Payments to International Financial Institutions – Direct Payments227,048245,000(17,952)(7%)
Total Budgetary authorities6,701,4966,341,072360,4246%
Non-budgetary authorities56,20125,08631,115124%
Total Authorities6,757,6976,366,158391,5396%
i. Budgetary Authorities

Operating Expenditures authorities have increased by $161.1 million compared to last year. Items contributing to changes in operating expenditure authorities include:

These increases were partly offset by the impact of foreign currency fluctuations incurred on expenditures at missions abroad.

Capital Expenditures authorities have decreased by $44.7 million. Items contributing to changes in capital expenditure authorities include:

These decreases were partly offset by funding received in 2017-18 for:

Grants and Contributions authorities have increased by $268.0 million compared to last year. Items contributing to changes in grants and contributions expenditure authorities include:

Increases were partly offset by a decrease in amount of funding provided to international organizations, through assessed contributions, due to budgetary changes and fluctuating currency values. Additionally, costs were offset by sunsetting funding related to the Youth Employment Strategy.

ii. Budgetary Statutory Authorities

Contributions to employee benefits plans (EBP) statutory authorities have increased by $33.0 million. This is attributable to the adjustment to departmental contributions to employee benefit plans. Also contributing to the increase was the salary component of the funding received for the initiatives to support mission security abroad. Expenditure fluctuations for allowances provided to Canadians working at diplomatic missions abroad, Investment promotion Canada and enhanced trade commissioner services also contributed to the increase.

Debt forgiveness to Pakistan of $84.7 million represents the available balance from previous years. In 2006-2007, the Government of Canada, as represented by the Department, entered into an agreement with the Government of Pakistan to forgive its outstanding $447.5 million loan. In order to retire its debt obligation, the Government of Pakistan is required to make corresponding investments in their education sector. For 2016-17, the opening balance was $124.6 million of which $39.9 million was used during the year.

iii. Non-budgetary Authorities

The Department’s non-budgetary authorities have increased by $31.1 million. This is attributable to an increase in the anticipated payments to International Financial Institutions for capital subscriptions.

B. Significant changes to budgetary expenditures by standard object

The following table shows the budgetary expenditures and revenues netted against expenditures of the Department for the period and their comparison with the same period last year.

Standard object (in thousands of dollars)April to December 2017-18April to December 2016-2017Variance ($)Variance (%)
Salaries and employee benefits884,853810,45874,3959%
Transportation and communications78,931 71,3837,54811%
Professional and special services152,205148,8773,3282%
Repair and maintenance13,64514,959(1,314)(9%)
Utilities, materials and supplies26,89326,6932001%
Total Operating1,349,2741,273,79375,4816%
Acquisition Expenditures
Acquisition of land, buildings and works16,37547,200(30,825)(65%)
Acquisition of machinery and equipment19,70721,447(1,740)(8%)
Total Acquisition36,08268,647(32,565)(47%)
Transfer payments2,437,7452,244,666193,0799%
Total gross budgetary expenditures3,823,1013,587,106235,9957%
Less revenues netted against expenditures
Revenue Credited to the Vote34,03231,0972,9359%
Total Net Budgetary Expenditures3,789,0693,556,009233,0607%
i. Operating Expenditures

Salaries and employee benefits – The increase of $74.4 million is mainly due to the implementation of the new collective agreements and the adjustment of contributions to employee benefit plans which resulted in increases to Canada based staff regular pay and retroactive salary payments. Also contributing to the variance is the salary component of the initiatives to support mission security abroad as well as the locally engaged staff salaries and related benefits paid at missions abroad.

Transportation and communications – The increase of $7.5 million can be explained by a timing differences in both expenditures incurred for employee relocation and those related to the Civilian Deployments Platform as part of the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program that was implemented late last fiscal year.

Information – The increase of $1.9 million is related to higher spending this fiscal year on trade fairs in addition to timing differences in expenditures related to conferences and access to databases.

Rentals – The decrease of $5.8 million is partly attributable to the acquisition in the third quarter of fiscal year 2016-17 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) building in Montreal which was previously rented by the department. Also contributing to the decrease is the new annual payment approach used at certain missions. These decreases were partly offset by regular annual rent increases.

Other – The net decrease of $4.7 million relates mainly to a lower portion of debt from the Government of Pakistan being forgiven this year compared to last year.

ii. Capital Expenditures

Acquisition of land, building and works – The decrease of $30.8 million can be explained by costs that were incurred in 2016-17 for the lease extension of the Canada High Commission and the purchase of staff quarters in London as well as the acquisition of the chancery in Bamako, Mali.

iii. Transfer Payments

The increase of $193.1 million is attributable to payments made this year to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the United Nations. Approximately $50 million was disbursed to these organizations this year in response to the famine and food security crises in multiple African countries and Yemen. Also contributing to the increase is a timing difference resulting from the annual funding prioritization process of NGOs. Most of the NGOs’ funding was disbursed earlier this fiscal year.

The increase of $2.9 million in revenues originates from a timing difference in the recovery of costs from other organizations that share the department’s space and services at missions abroad (Co-locators).

3. Risks and Uncertainties

As a federal department delivering a complex mandate in a rapidly changing international environment, Global Affairs Canada’s ability to deliver on its mandate is influenced by many factors. These factors include the political conditions, economic controls, social contexts and shifting global trends, which expose the department to a broad range of risks, both domestically and abroad. Effective risk management is, therefore, critical to the department’s ability to deliver results for Canadians. The department undertakes formal risk exercises annually at headquarters, missions abroad and regional offices to review and validate the key risks in their operating environment and to assess the progress and effectiveness of their proposed risk responses.

The Corporate Risk Profile (CRP) guides the department in managing risks that affect the department’s strategic plans and priorities. It is integrated into the department’s business planning process and feeds into both the Departmental Plan and Departmental Results Report. The 2017-18 CRP identifies unique pressures associated with resource management and fiduciary oversight due to its geographically dispersed operations. Business planning, resource allocation and prioritization are fundamental to the achievement of GAC’s strategic priorities.

GAC continues to be more pragmatic and versatile in its management of risks and uncertainties associated with resources. It has improved financial forecasting and continues to find ways to absorb or fund activities, always within approved budgets.

Branches and program areas have also grown more attentive to the department’s financial limitations as they are identifying their pressures earlier, reviewing their activities and available funds more frequently, and are increasingly utilizing forward planning. The department also continues to closely monitor its salary expenditures since the federal government’s transition to centralized pay services.

Global Affairs Canada also applies a range of measures to manage the risks associated with fraud. Examples of these measures include a recent update of its Values and Ethics Code and the management practice of auditing fraud risks at missions coordinated by the Office of the Chief Audit Executive. The department is also taking steps to develop and implement a Fraud Risk Management (FRM) Action Plan that will provide a more integrated and coordinated approach to addressing fraud-related risk. The FRM Action Plan will focus on three key elements: prevention and training; monitoring and detection; and mitigation and response. Specialized training promoting sound management, increased fraud awareness and good management practices will also be conducted at missions.

In addition to these tools, Global Affairs Canada’s Fiduciary risk Evaluation Tool (FRET) which supports a consistent and systematic approach to evaluate, mitigate, monitor and manage fiduciary risk for the department’s development assistance investments is currently being redesigned to create a Harmonized Risk Management Tool (RMT) for projects and programs. The RMT will offer a more tailored, streamlined approach to managing fiduciary risk as well as all other relevant programming risks and will be used by all Gs&Cs programs.

4. Significant changes in relation to operations, personnel and programs

The appointment of an Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs took effect on November 6, 2017.

There have been no other significant changes in relation to operations, personnel and programs during this quarter.

Approval by Senior Officials

Approved, as required by the TB Policy on Financial Management:

Ian Shugart
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Arun Thangaraj
Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Planning, Finance and Information Technology

Ottawa, Ontario
Date: March 1, 2018

Statement of Authorities (Unaudited)

This table includes authorities available for use and granted by Parliament as at December 31, 2017.

Authorities (in thousands of dollars)Fiscal Year 2017-2018Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Total available for use for the year ending March 31, 2018*Used during the quarter ended December 31, 2017Year-to-date used at quarter-endTotal available for use for the year ending March 31, 2017*Used during the quarter ended December 31, 2016Year-to-date used at quarter-end
* Includes only Authorities available for use and granted by Parliament at quarter-end.
Operating Expenditures1,777,845385,1751,133,6301,616,698368,4531,068,723
Capital Expenditures197,24922,39146,391241,95817,96681,805
Grants and Contributions4,200,656682,1042,218,0103,932,660963,0822,016,876
Locally engaged staff pensions, insurance and social security66,27314,41039,95364,70612,40337,623
Budgetary statutory authorities
Contributions to employee benefit plans144,22635,387106,576111,24126,95981,089
Ministers' salary and motor car allowance2536319025141142
Payments under the Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Act2748727425075250
Debt forgiveness to Pakistan84,694-24,584124,640-39,946
Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets2,978--3,653-2,000
Refunds of amounts credited to revenues in previous years---15215
Payments to International Financial Institutions – Direct Payments227,048108,534219,461245,000-227,540
Total Budgetary authorities6,701,4961,248,1513,789,0696,341,0721,388,9813,556,009
Non-budgetary authorities56,201(5,313)42,81825,086(1,935)8,878
Total Authorities6,757,6971,242,8383,831,8876,366,1581,387,0463,564,887

Departmental budgetary expenditures by Standard Object (unaudited)

This table includes authorities available for use and granted by Parliament as at December 31, 2017.

Standard object (in thousands of dollars)Fiscal Year 2017-2018Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Planned expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2018Expended during the quarter ended December 31, 2017Year-to-date used at quarter-endPlanned expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2017Expended during the quarter ended December 31, 2016Year-to-date used at quarter-end
Salaries and employee benefits1,166,112294,962884,8531,065,435268,416810,458
Transportation and communications148,95234,68078,93189,82026,01371,383
Professional and special services327,55064,340152,205296,13659,895148,877
Repair and maintenance36,6015,09113,64550,0375,40614,959
Utilities, materials and supplies62,6379,79526,89364,39711,05626,693
Acquisition of land, buildings and works133,1647,96816,375208,2544,05447,200
Acquisition of machinery and equipment66,3399,95919,70736,7339,77221,447
Transfer payments4,427,978790,7242,437,7454,177,910963,1582,244,666
Total gross budgetary expenditures6,747,4211,264,9393,823,1016,389,2971,390,6753,587,106
Less revenues netted against expenditures
Revenue Credited to the Vote45,92516,78834,03248,2251,69431,097
Total revenues netted against expenditures45,92516,78834,03248,2251,69431,097
Total Net Budgetary Expenditures6,701,4961,248,1513,789,0696,341,0721,388,9813,556,009

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