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© UNICEF / Urdaneta

The Government of Canada’s International Assistance 2020-2021

In 2020-2021, Canada and its partners helped reduce poverty. We built a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world.


Canada played a leadership role in the ACT-Accelerator and its COVAX Facility, committing $1.3 billion to this important initiative to promote equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines.

Canada provided close to $1.2 billion to meet the humanitarian needs of some 115 million people around the world.

Canada supported women’s organizations working for change by providing $23 million to Women’s Voice and Leadership initiatives. We helped eliminate sexual and gender-based violence through a contribution of $95 million.


This report includes:

  • an overview of Canada's global response to COVID-19
  • a summary of how Canada has advanced the priorities set out in the Feminist International Assistance Policy and the 2030 Agenda
  • Canada's commitment to partnerships, innovation and inclusion

Guided by Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy, we helped improve the lives of millions of people. We addressed global inequities through international assistance programming.

Top 10 recipient of international assistance
Top 10 recipient of international assistance
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1 - Ethiopia$215.50 million
2 - Afghanistan$198.55 million
3 - Bangladesh$197.46 million
4 - Tanzania$133.82 million
5 - Mali$132.93 million
6 - Mozambique$132.50 million
7 - South Sudan$129.20 million
8 - Lebanon$127.08 million
9 - Nigeria$126.56 million
10 - Democratic Republic of the Congo$120.73 million
Disbursements by action area of the Feminist International Assistance Policy
Disbursements by action area of the Feminist International Assistance Policy
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Action areaInternational assistance
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls$377 million
Global health and nutrition$2,232 million
Education$452 million
Humanitarian action$1,162 million
Jobs, opportunities and economic growth$877 million
Climate and environment$1,080 million
Inclusive governance$446 million
Peace and security$257 million

Stories of change

Behind the data, international assistance focuses on people and organizations who work hard to make a difference.

A community health worker in Bangladesh takes a patient’s temperature

Working on the ground to fight COVID-19 in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, health workers distributed masks and life-saving messages to limit the spread of COVID-19.

A woman at a computer

Developing lifelong readers by better preparing teachers

There is a teacher shortage in Mozambique, and one-on-one literacy mentoring may be the answer.

A group of people with disabilities waiving

Countering discrimination and violence against women and people with disabilities in Haiti

Canada helped counter violence towards women and people with disabilities in Haiti.

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