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© UNICEF/UNI488035/Dabaan

Report to Parliament on the Government of Canada's international assistance

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Most recent report (2022-2023)

The 2022-2023 report shows how our investments have advanced Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It provides real-world examples of Canada’s programming and its impact. They are the results of our response to issues that affect the world’s poorest and most vulnerable.

The issues include:

  • new humanitarian crises  
  • protracted conflicts 
  • climate change 
  • climate events 
  • high inflation 
  • food insecurity 


Canada partnered with experienced humanitarian organizations to provide more than $1.3 billion in humanitarian assistance. We assisted and protected approximately 29 million refugees.

Canada strengthened education systems in more than 90 countries. We helped impact 107 million students worldwide, distribute 56 million textbooks, train more than 675,000 teachers and support the building or renovation of 8,500 classrooms.

Our support helped to prevent an estimated 8 million unintended pregnancies, 170,000 maternal and child deaths, and 2.2 million unsafe abortions to hard to reach women and girls worldwide.

Previous reports

Official Development Assistance Accountability Act

Canada’s annual International Assistance Report to Parliament is a legislative requirement under the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act, which came into force on June 28, 2008.

This report provides an overview of Canada’s federal international assistance results achieved through the collective efforts of 21 departments and agencies.

Volume 1 is a whole-of-government overview of Canada’s federal international assistance activities. Volume 2 reports on Canada’s engagement with international financial institutions.

This report is complemented by the Statistical Report on International Assistance. It is published in the spring each year.

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