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Statistical Report on International Assistance 2022-2023

ISSN 2293-4642

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Table of contents


About this report

In accordance with the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (ODAAA, or the Act), the Minister of International Development is required to issue the following key reports on behalf of the Government of Canada within 1 year of the end of each fiscal year:

The Statistical Report on International Assistance is produced annually to further enhance the efficiency and accountability of Canada’s international assistance. This report covers the reporting period from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023 (fiscal year 2022 to 2023). It complements the Report to Parliament on the Government of Canada’s International Assistance 2022 to 2023. As 1 of the 2 annual reports legislated by the ODAAA, the report provides a single source for statistics on international assistance expenditures, including official development assistance (ODA) and other official assistance, for Canada as a whole.

Understanding this report

This report is presented on an expenditures basis and uses international standards that facilitate historical comparisons of Canada’s ODA as well as comparisons with reports from other international assistance donors. Expenditures are counted when the payment is recorded in the accounting systems, with the understanding that organizations receiving Canadian funding would use it over the length of the project. Repayments of loans previously extended to developing countries are shown for information purposes (see Appendix 1). Certain costs (e.g. refugee resettlement costs) are calculated based on agreed-upon international standards. Such standards are regularly revised in forums such as the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD-DAC).

Transparency and accountability

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that information on its international assistance funding is open and transparent.

Reports are prepared in accordance with the ODAAA to further enhance the efficiency and accountability of Canada’s international assistance. Data is available on the Open Government Portal and the DevData dashboard.

In addition, Global Affairs Canada provides detailed information on its international assistance projects on the Project Browser. This information is also published daily in accordance with the standard of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), of which Canada is a member.

Department of Finance Canada and the International Development Research Centre also publish data in accordance with the IATI standard.

Scope of international assistance statistics

Total official support for sustainable development (TOSSD) encompasses all officially supported resource flows to promote sustainable development in developing countries and to support development enablers and address global challenges at regional or global levels. As such, it includes almost all reported ODA. TOSSD also includes private resources mobilized by the public sector (e.g. through public-private partnerships).

International assistance (IA) includes all financial resources and activities provided by Canadian governments (federal, provincial, territorial or municipal) to support economic, environmental, social and political development in other (primarily developing) countries.

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Total official support for sustainable development (TOSSD) includes international assistance and support to the sustainable development goals beyond international assistance.

International assistance (IA) includes funding from the international assistance envelope (IAE) and ODA from other federal sources, provinces, territories and municipalities.

Official development assistance (ODA) includes ODA as per the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act and eligible funding from other federal department, provinces, territories and municipalities.

The Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (ODAAA) includes most funding from the international assistance envelope and eligible funding from other federal sources.

Non-ODA eligible activities funded by the international assistance envelope may be reported as TOSSD.

The international assistance envelope (IAE) is a dedicated, whole-of-government pool of resources that funds the majority of Canada’s international assistance. Most of the activities funded by the IAE qualify as official development assistance (ODA) and comply with the requirements of Canada’s Official Development Assistance Accountability Act.

Non-ODA eligible activities funded by the international assistance envelope include, for example, security, conflict prevention, stabilization or peacebuilding initiatives that do not meet ODA eligibility due to country eligibility or activity type.

Official development assistance (ODA) represents the vast majority of Canada’s international assistance. Canada accepts 2 definitions of ODA:

  1. ODA, as defined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD-DAC), is defined as assistance that flows to countries and territories on the DAC list of ODA recipients and to multilateral institutions. Funding must be provided by official agencies, including state and local governments, or by their executive agencies. Each transaction must be administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective and/or is concessional in character.
  2. Canada’s ODA definition under the ODAAA is compatible with the OECD-DAC definition above but must also meet the 3 criteria set out in subsection 4.1 of the Act, which are: a) contribute to poverty reduction; b) take into account the perspectives of the poor; and c) be consistent with international human rights standards. International assistance to alleviate the effects of a disaster or other emergencies is also counted as ODA under the Act.

Canada’s international assistance by department or source

Figures in millions of Canadian dollars.

Department/SourceInternational assistanceof which
Programs funded by the IAEODA: ODAAAODA: OECD-DAC*
Departments reporting under the ODAAA
Global Affairs Canada6,978.226,927.446,708.386,708.38
Department of Finance Canada**6,360.155,860.152,906.072,906.07
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada***1,705.331.841,705.331,705.33
Public Health Agency of Canada181.09-181.09181.09
International Development Research Centre180.04180.04180.04180.04
Environment and Climate Change Canada52.0240.8552.0252.02
Royal Canadian Mounted Police15.4815.4814.5714.57
Canadian Institutes of Health Research14.51-14.5114.51
Department of National Defence8.47-8.478.47
Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program6.86-6.866.86
Canada Revenue Agency6.
Natural Resources Canada4.754.604.754.75
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada0.94-0.940.94
Parks Canada0.78-0.780.78
Canada Post - Universal Postal Union0.44-0.440.44
Statistics Canada0.16-0.160.16
Canadian Space Agency0.11-0.110.11
Canadian Intellectual Property Office0.03-0.030.03
Canadian Museum of Nature0.01-0.010.01
Public Service Commission of Canada0.01-0.010.01
Transport Canada****0.00-0.000.00
Services received without charge by Global Affairs Canada25.2310.7025.2325.23
Subtotal - Departments reporting under the ODAAA15,540.8213,045.1211,815.9911,815.99
% of international assistance84%76%76%
Other departments, sources
Cost of refugees in Canada (1st year) - provinces and territories461.03--461.03
Provinces, territories and municipalities48.03--48.03
Subtotal - Other departments, sources509.06--509.06
% of total international assistance81%74%77%

* The “ODA: OECD-DAC” figures in this table are presented on a fiscal-year basis, in Canadian dollars, to allow for comparing and contrasting of reporting under the ODAAA versus the ODA reported to the OECD-DAC. When Canada reports to the OECD-DAC, figures are reported on a calendar-year basis in U.S. dollars. Their depiction in this table is for illustrative purposes only. Only the grant equivalent of repayable instruments is reported as ODA under the ODAAA and OECD-DAC; reflows on repayable contributions and loans are disclosed in Table A as information items only.

** In 2022-2023, the Department of Finance Canada provided $4.85 billion in the form of loans to help meet Ukraine’s urgent balance of payments needs and support its macroeconomic stability. Only the grant equivalent of these loans is reported as ODA under the ODAAA and OECD.

*** Includes costs of refugees in Canada (first year) and other projects. As per the OECD-DAC guidelines, the first year of federal and provincial support to refugees is reportable as ODA. The exceptional increase in fiscal year 2022-2023 is the result of higher numbers of resettled refugee arrivals and asylum seekers, and the establishment of the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel.

**** Figures in this table are represented in millions of Canadian dollars; Transport Canada’s 2022-2023 contributions totaled $4,000.

Canada uses a whole-of-government approach

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Global Affairs Canada$6,978M
Department of Finance Canada$6,360M
International Development Research Centre$180M
Cost of refugees in Canada: IRCC and provinces$2,147M
Public Health Agency of Canada$181M
Other departments and provinces, territories and municipalities$204M
Total $16B

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) leads Canada’s international assistance efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by leveraging Canadian expertise and financial resources, providing bilateral development assistance and institutional support to multilateral organizations, humanitarian assistance responses, and security and stability assistance in fragile and conflict-affected states.


Department of Finance Canada manages Canada’s relationship with the World Bank Group, including the International Development Association, the International Monetary Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in addition to multilateral and bilateral debt relief initiatives.
In 2022 to 2023, the Department of Finance Canada provided $4.85 billion in the form of loans to help meet Ukraine’s urgent balance of payments needs and support its macroeconomic stability.


The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) invested $180M in knowledge, innovation and solutions to improve lives and livelihoods in the developing world.


The cost of refugees includes health care and financial assistance provided by IRCC, the provinces and territories to refugees arriving in Canada.


The Public Health Agency of Canada provided $181M, including vaccine donations to developing countries in fiscal year 2022 to 2023. Vaccine costs are reported based on the OECD-DAC recommended valuation of US$6.66 for calendar year 2022. This recommended valuation does not reflect vaccine purchase price.


Other departments and provinces, territories and municipalities


Total (in center)


Geographic distribution of Canada’s international assistance

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Top 20 recipients of international assistance

Democratic Republic of Congo$95M$111M$207M
South Sudan$105M$32M$136M

*These costs are global in nature and cannot be assigned by country or sector. Consult Table D1 for more details

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Continent Totals + Bi/Multi Split (Circles)
Middle East$819M
Continent Top 5 (Under Circles)
Democratic Republic of Congo$207M
North Macedonia$27M
Middle East
Papua New Guinea$6M
Solomon Islands$3M

** Canadian support in response to the October 2023 escalation of conflict in the Middle East will be reflected in further reporting; this report only covers the period from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023.

*** In 2022-2023, Finance Canada provided $4.85 billion in the form of loans to help meet Ukraine’s urgent balance of payments needs and support its macroeconomic stability.

Responding quickly and effectively to international humanitarian crises

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Asia and Oceania$162M
Middle East$306M

The figures above represent total humanitarian assistance by region, including bilateral and imputed multilateral assistance. Canadian assistance is provided through experienced humanitarian organizations and not through governments.

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Top 15 recipients of bilateral humanitarian assistance

South Sudan$38M
Democratic Republic of Congo$35M

Ukraine: Humanitarian needs in Ukraine continue to be significant, with an estimated 17.6 million people (over 30% of the population) requiring humanitarian assistance as of March 2023. Canada is supporting humanitarian partners in responding to essential needs such as shelter, water, sanitation, food and urgent health care, such as sexual and reproductive health, as well as protection needs amid growing risks of sexual exploitation and abuse, gender-based violence and human trafficking.

Syria: Humanitarian needs in Syria were the highest since the Syrian conflict began in 2011. The 15 million people deemed in need of humanitarian assistance as of March 2023 were also considered food insecure. The humanitarian crisis continued to be driven by worsening socio-economic conditions, ongoing conflict, significant protracted displacement, disease outbreaks and natural disasters. The February 2023 earthquakes drove millions more people into humanitarian need and exacerbated protection risks of vulnerable people. Canada supported a multi-sectoral response across Syria , with a particular focus on emergency health, including sexual and reproductive health rights services, protection, and nutrition and food security.

Yemen: High levels of humanitarian needs in Yemen continued to be driven by conflict, economic deterioration, weakened infrastructure, a fuel crisis, disease outbreaks and natural disasters. Food insecurity remained widespread, and child malnutrition rates continue to be among the highest globally. More than 21 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance as of March 2023, the majority of whom required health and protection assistance. Canada supported life-saving humanitarian interventions targeting health, food security and protection, and water, sanitation and hygiene.

* Canadian support in response to the October 2023 escalation of conflict in the Middle East will be reflected in further reporting; this report only covers the period from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023.

Total official support for sustainable development

Total official support for sustainable development (TOSSD) encompasses all officially supported resource flows to promote sustainable development in developing countries, support developing enablers and address global challenges. TOSSD is tracked on a calendar-year basis; figures on this page represent expenditures in the 2022 calendar year.

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TOSSD total:$14B
Amounts mobilized:$55M
TOSSD by pillar
ContinentPillar 1 Pillar 2
Middle East$459M$157M
Total $6.75B$7.05B

In 2022, Canada mobilized an additional $55M-worth of private investment in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a shared global vision for a better world that leaves no one behind. Its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are interrelated and mutually reinforcing, articulate a roadmap towards greater inclusion, peace and prosperity, balanced between the 3 dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental and grounded in human rights principles. Canada demonstrates leadership, at home and abroad, in shaping a sustainable and resilient future for all.

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Canada’s support to the Sustainable Development Goals

SDGs (Bar Chart)
SDGPillar 1Pillar 2
SDG 13,8623,782
SDG 2599573
SDG 31,3491,326
SDG 4533309
SDG 5937181
SDG 6100360
SDG 7465284
SDG 8515199
SDG 9176274
SDG 102181,391
SDG 11158403
SDG 1213981
SDG 13533148
SDG 14997
SDG 15167286
SDG 16906678
SDG 17136649

Statistical tables

Section A: Canadian international assistance

A: International assistance by government source and channel

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

TotalBilateralMultilateralof which ODAAA
Programs funded by the international assistance envelope7,660.85 7,207.60 13,045.12 10,341.88 2,703.23 9,738.32
Global Affairs Canada6,954.155,909.086,927.44 5,619.841,307.606,657.60
Geographic programs1,568.941,314.031,475.58 1,428.8846.701,472.04
of which the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives32.9823.5926.33 26.33-26.33
Partnerships for Development Innovation510.13275.36333.11 333.11-333.07
Global Issues and Development4,154.423,656.334,397.55 3,158.891,238.664,251.91
Global initiatives3,843.913,260.583,918.28 3,158.89759.393,772.64
Payments to international financial institutions310.51395.75479.27 -479.27479.27
International Security and Political Affairs378.39307.31348.04 326.2921.75227.42
Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program13.0615.5015.83 15.83-0.61
Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program17.8526.8529.73 29.73-4.37
Non-Proliferation and Security Threat Reduction167.2083.9487.61 87.61-30.80
Peace and Stabilization Operations Program140.64138.90175.81 175.81-158.02
International Security Policy22.8320.7516.50 -16.5016.39
Office of Human Rights, Freedoms and Inclusions16.8121.3718.07 12.825.2517.23
Other programs4.50 4.50--
International Business Development, Investment and Innovation1.854.174.56 4.56-4.56
Strategic Policy6.466.359.17 8.690.489.17
Other programs0.120.020.12
Operations and management265.31275.47291.23 291.23-291.23
Services rendered abroad68.5470.0468.07 68.07-68.07
Memo: Reflows from repayable contributions and loans (1)-71.16-170.98-74.46 -48.47-25.99
Department of Finance Canada (2)511.501,107.875,860.15 4,465.001,395.152,824.11
Ukraine loan4,350.00 4,350.00-1,530.57
International Development Association (IDA)423.24423.24911.44 -911.44911.44
IDA - Concessional Partner Loan borrowing program-360.65386.75 -386.75170.14
World Bank - Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction and Reform Trust Fund--115.00 115.00-115.00
International Monetary Fund - Resilience and Sustainability Trust-40.14 -40.1440.14
IDA - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative34.0932.5332.20 -32.2032.20
African Development Fund - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative3.8020.6024.62 -24.6224.62
International Finance Corporation-220.84----
International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust-50.00----
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) (3)50.37-----
International Development Research Centre152.74141.34180.04 180.04-180.04
Royal Canadian Mounted Police14.1420.2315.48 15.48-14.57
Services received without charge from Public Services and Procurement Canada (4)11.2810.5510.70 10.70-10.70
Environment and Climate Change Canada9.4611.9240.85 40.370.4840.85
Canada Revenue Agency5.255.184.01 4.01-4.01
Natural Resources Canada2.321.424.60 4.60-4.60
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada--1.84 1.84-1.84
Other government sources768.92 1,190.82 3,004.77 2,932.84 71.93 2,077.66
Global Affairs Canada16.1244.9550.78 6.0344.7550.78
International Youth Internship Program0.562.403.42 3.42-3.42
International Scholarships Program1.051.962.51 2.51-2.51
Other programs14.5140.5944.84 0.0944.7544.84
ODA-eligible imputed costs594.92921.752,161.31 2,161.31-1,700.28
Cost of refugees in Canada (1st year) - IRCC (5)351.25447.761,685.75 1,685.75-1,685.75
Cost of refugees in Canada (1st year) - provinces and territories229.88459.54461.03 461.03--
Imputed foreign student subsidies------
Services received without charge by Global Affairs Canada (4)13.7914.4514.53 14.53-14.53
Provinces, territories and municipalities32.9656.5448.03 31.4016.63-
Quebec28.3242.5735.40 18.7716.63-
Alberta-11.0010.00 10.00--
Manitoba1.201.201.08 1.08--
British Columbia-1.001.00 1.00--
Nova Scotia1.00-0.25 0.25--
Federation of Canadian Municipalities0.380.200.24 0.24--
New Brunswick0.050.040.06 0.06--
Northwest Territories-0.05----
Prince Edward Island-0.05----
Other federal departments124.93167.58744.65 734.1110.54326.61
Department of Finance Canada--500.00 500.00-81.96
Public Health Agency of Canada (6)-130.03181.09 181.09-181.09
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (7)3.249.6917.74 15.082.6617.74
Canadian Institutes of Health Research--14.51 14.51-14.51
Department of National Defence (8) 8.47-8.47
Environment and Climate Change Canada7.706.4811.17 4.536.6411.17
Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program1.756.786.86 6.86-6.86
Canada Revenue Agency2.031.892.19 2.19-2.19
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada0.900.920.94 0.090.850.94
Parks Canada0.835.200.78 0.78-0.78
Canada Post - Universal Postal Union0.550.320.44 0.040.400.44
Statistics Canada0.130.170.16 0.16-0.16
Natural Resources Canada--0.15 0.15-0.15
Canadian Space Agency0.090.050.11 0.11-0.11
Canadian Intellectual Property Office0.060.030.03 0.03-0.03
Public Service Commission of Canada--0.01 0.01-0.01
Canadian Museum of Nature0.020.020.01 0.01-0.01
Transport Canada0.000.00 0.00-0.00
FinDev Canada100.00-----
Other federal departments0.61-----
Memo: Loan repayments to EDC (not included in total) (1)-16.60-18.78-16.43 -16.43-
Total8,429.78 8,398.42 16,049.89 13,274.73 2,775.16 11,815.99

(1) The Statistical Report is prepared on an expenditures basis, and repayments of loans and repayable contributions are not subtracted from totals. These transactions are presented for informational purposes only; more details are available in Appendix 1.

(2) This excludes Finance Canada’s $50-million guarantee for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s €300-million credit facility with Naftogaz to help compensate for the loss of natural gas production due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

(3) On June 14, 2023, the Government of Canada halted all government-led activity at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

(4) These items refer to services provided to Global Affairs Canada without charge: accommodation provided by Public Services and Procurement Canada; contributions covering employers’ share of employees’ insurance premiums and expenditures paid for by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat; legal services provided by Department of Justice Canada; and workers’ compensation benefits provided by Employment and Social Development Canada.

(5) Costs covered by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The increase in fiscal year 2022 to 2023 is the result of higher numbers of resettled refugee arrivals and asylum seekers, and the establishment of the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel.

(6) This includes Can$120 million for bilateral vaccine donations (valued at US$6.66 per dose as per the OECD-DAC recommendation) and the provision of supplies to developing countries.

(7) In addition to refugee support reported above, IRCC provides international assistance through various partners and initiatives.

(8) Since the last publication, the Department of National Defence’s international assistance in 2021 to 2022 has been revised to take into consideration amounts returned from a mission.

Section B: Canadian international assistance by sector category

Canadian international assistance by sector

Figures in millions of Canadian dollars.

SectorTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Population policies/programs and reproductive health473.52286.48173.09459.585.838.1213.94
Water and sanitation157.8764.9727.4792.440.3165.1165.43
Government and civil society729.67439.8646.77486.6444.03199.00243.03
Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security335.56274.7932.04306.8318.2110.5228.73
Other social infrastructure and services252.5051.4543.8995.3415.36141.81157.16
Transport and storage136.350.1074.2174.310.0062.0462.05
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency785.67563.5465.67629.2017.12139.35156.47
Banking and financial services176.90102.6821.63124.310.2952.3052.59
Business and other services60.8639.673.3042.973.2814.6217.89
Agriculture, forestry and fishing624.61400.51112.47512.9812.8598.78111.62
Trade policy and regulations36.2010.792.9513.740.8321.6322.46
General environmental protection249.37113.4384.23197.6532.8618.8651.72
Humanitarian assistance1,288.591,114.5591.381,205.9311.8970.7682.65
Other aid expenditures7,686.39382.9376.45459.377,179.8447.177,227.01
Total - International assistance16,049.895,625.871,352.356,978.227,648.861,422.809,071.67
Figures in millions of Canadian dollars

Canadian international assistance by sector category*

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Population policies/programs and reproductive health474
Water and sanitation158
Government and civil society730
Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security336
Other social infrastructure and services253
Transport and storage136
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency786
Banking and financial services177
Business and other services61
Agriculture, forestry and fishing625
General environmental protection249
Humanitarian assistance1,289

* For the purpose of this visual, costs incurred in Canada (administrative, refugee and development awareness costs) and aid not allocated by sector are excluded.

B1: International assistance by sector

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

SectorTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaTotalOther government sources
BilateralMultilateralFinance CanadaInternational Development Research CentreProvinces, territories and municipalitiesOthers (2)Total
Geographic programsPartnerships for Development InnovationGlobal Issues and DevelopmentInternational Security and Political AffairsOthers (1)Total - BilateralUnited Nations agency, fund or commissionRegional development banksOther multilateral institutionsTotal - Multilateral
Education 680.50 201.29 42.00 247.37 0.38 7.08 498.12 27.03 6.03 3.67 36.72 534.84 135.65 9.64 0.37 -145.65
11110Education policy and administrative management197.14 21.352.78136.53--160.66 2.192.37-4.56 165.21 24.627.31--31.93
11120Education facilities and training37.11 20.421.860.10--22.38 0.430.000.520.95 23.33 13.77-0.01-13.78
11130Teacher training60.24 19.033.0024.05--46.08 46.66 13.400.18--13.58
11182Educational research4.66 0.690.180.81--1.69 1.43--1.43 3.12 0.521.03--1.54
11220Primary education145.57 38.513.7457.30--99.55 19.880.11-19.99 119.54 25.98-0.05-26.02
11230Basic life skills for youth and adults10.65 5.641.940.550.16-8.30 0.01-0.910.92 9.22 1.26-0.16-1.42
11231Basic life skills for youth15.93 9.285.27---14.55 1.08-0.131.21 15.76 0.17---0.17
11232Primary education equivalent for adults0.93 0.78-0.15--0.93 ----0.93 -----
11240Early childhood education18.01 0.386.132.05--8.56 0.330.00-0.33 8.89 8.920.20--9.11
11250School feeding13.73 11.840.061.60--13.50 0.03--0.03 13.53 -0.130.07-0.20
11260Lower secondary education5.08 4.760.31---5.07 0.00--0.00 5.08 -----
11320Secondary education60.14 6.568.0923.20--37.85 -0.24-0.24 38.09 22.06---22.06
11321Lower secondary education1.72 1.72----1.72 ----1.72 -----
11322Upper secondary education2.65 2.420.23---2.65 ----2.65 -----
11330Vocational training69.84 47.954.710.950.22-53.83 0.162.930.813.90 57.72 12.04-0.07-12.12
11420Higher education28.70 4.503.450.07-7.0815.10 0.000.370.781.15 16.25 11.660.79--12.45
11430Advanced technical and managerial training8.41 5.450.25---5.71 1.430.00-1.43 7.14 1.26-0.00-1.27
Health 1,783.40 213.73 36.42 852.16 0.12 -1,102.44 36.52 16.31 248.79 301.62 1,404.06 172.94 24.78 0.54 181.09 379.35
12110Health policy and administrative management150.87 15.353.0128.000.04-46.39 22.395.8021.6149.79 96.19 43.6211.050.02-54.69
12181Medical education/training3.72 0.850.80-0.04-1.70 -0.00-0.00 1.70 1.820.20--2.02
12182Medical research5.59 0.060.801.42--2.29 0.95--0.95 3.24
12191Medical services49.87 1.351.16---2.51 -0.01-0.01 2.52 47.15-0.20-47.35
12196Health statistics and data (1)6.96 6.480.48---6.96 ----6.96 -----
12220Basic health care109.58 65.7415.343.75--84.83 6.760.40-7.16 91.99 17.53-0.07-17.60
12230Basic health infrastructure90.63 8.630.0510.00--18.68 0.060.00-0.06 18.74 10.860.20-60.8371.89
12240Basic nutrition99.20 27.782.2057.71--87.69 2.120.39-2.51 90.19 8.620.39--9.00
12250Infectious disease control214.64 12.904.4583.08--100.42 1.362.5875.0078.94 179.37 28.177.11--35.28
12261Health education23.31 10.601.462.45--14.50 0.03--0.03 14.54 8.610.16--8.77
12262Malaria control104.76 2.29----2.29 0.01-101.01101.02 103.31 1.450.01--1.46
12263Tuberculosis control51.97 ------0.30-51.1751.47 51.47 0.50---0.50
12264COVID-19 control814.95 42.310.54642.00--684.85 0.537.13-7.66 692.52 -2.18-120.25122.44
12281Health personnel development35.95 12.571.7716.000.04-30.38 0.99--0.99 31.38 4.57---4.57
12310Noncommunicable diseases control, general4.07 4.00----4.00 0.070.00-0.07 4.07 -----
12320Tobacco use control0.20 ------------0.20--0.20
12340Promotion of mental health and well-being5.26 0.854.35---5.19 0.070.00-0.07 5.26 -----
12350Other prevention and treatment of noncommunicable diseases9.38 --7.75--7.75 0.81--0.81 8.56 0.000.82--0.82
12382Research for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases2.47 2.00----2.00 0.07-0.000.07 2.07 -0.40--0.40
Population policies/programs and reproductive health 473.52 177.60 65.80 43.09 --286.48 12.91 0.06 160.12 173.09 459.58 8.12 5.69 0.13 -13.94
13010Population policy and administrative management22.28 7.671.62---9.29 10.00--10.00 19.28 1.161.84--3.00
13011Sexual and reproductive rights (1)62.13 42.7619.120.25--62.13 ----62.13 -----
13012Comprehensive sexuality education (1)14.10 8.465.64---14.10 ----14.10 -----
13020Reproductive health care104.45 52.6022.1118.49--93.20 1.870.06-1.93 95.14 5.423.750.13-9.31
13021Safe abortion services and post-abortion care (1)6.15 2.673.48---6.15 ----6.15 -----
13030Family planning58.12 34.955.8916.27--57.10 0.31--0.31 57.41 0.610.10--0.71
13040STD control including HIV/AIDS174.53 4.141.748.08--13.95 0.32-160.12160.43 174.39 0.14---0.14
13081Personnel development for population and reproductive health28.09 20.856.04---26.89 0.42--0.42 27.31 0.78---0.78
13096Population statistics and data3.66 3.500.16---3.66 ----3.66 -----
Water and sanitation 157.87 11.75 5.56 47.66 --64.97 5.19 17.62 4.67 27.47 92.44 63.28 0.10 2.04 -65.43
14010Water sector policy and administrative management25.73 0.64----0.64 1.560.101.042.69 3.34 21.630.090.68-22.39
14015Water resources conservation (including data collection)6.26 0.470.20---0.67 0.660.340.891.89 2.56 3.35-0.35-3.70
14020Water supply and sanitation - large systems22.51 ------1.6815.000.6717.35 17.35 5.15---5.15
14021Water supply - large systems39.79 0.80-25.00--25.80 -0.350.040.40 26.20 13.59---13.59
14022Sanitation - large systems12.91 0.25----0.25 0.280.65-0.92 1.18 11.73---11.73
14030Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation0.79 ------0.00--0.00 0.00 0.41-0.37-0.79
14031Basic drinking water supply5.36 2.050.10---2.15 0.200.800.361.37 3.52 1.84---1.84
14032Basic sanitation11.86 4.445.02---9.45 9.80 2.06---2.06
14040River basins development2.79 ------ 0.46 1.69-0.64-2.33
14050Waste management/disposal27.14 1.860.0621.93--23.85 25.30 1.830.01--1.85
14081Education and training in water supply and sanitation2.73 0.60--0.60 2.73 -----
Government and civil society 729.67 275.69 82.69 20.25 59.65 1.58 439.86 30.89 11.12 4.77 46.77 486.64 196.34 18.78 0.84 27.07 243.03
15110Public sector policy and administrative management96.73 8.840.480.534.450.6314.93 6.564.520.9111.99 26.92 65.823.720.240.0469.82
15111Public finance management52.82 0.064.10-4.17 12.90 39.080.83--39.91
15112Decentralization and support to subnational governments50.43 5.531.700.28--7.50 0.570.62-1.20 8.69 41.74---41.74
15113Anti-corruption organizations and institutions7.45 2.190.71-1.03-3.94 0.390.05-0.44 4.38 2.900.08-0.093.08
15114Domestic revenue mobilization41.11 0.43-0.23--0.66 0.011.14-1.15 1.80 33.20--6.1039.31
15116Tax collection0.18 -0.18---0.18 ----0.18 -----
15117Budget planning1.68 0.760.180.68-0.061.68 ----1.68 -----
15118National audit1.43 -0.181.25--1.43 ----1.43 -----
15119Debt and aid management0.94 --0.88-0.060.94 ----0.94 -----
15121Foreign affairs0.57 --------0.570.57 0.57 -----
15123Administration of developing countries’ foreign aid0.06 --0.06--0.06 ----0.06 -----
15124General personnel services0.15 -0.15---0.15 ----0.15 -----
15125Central procurement3.60 0.19----0.19 -0.01-0.01 0.20 3.260.14--3.40
15126Other general public services2.81 2.81----2.81 ----2.81 -----
15127National monitoring and evaluation1.04 0.80--0.80 1.04 -----
15128Local government finance0.11 0.11----0.11 ----0.11 -----
15130Legal and judicial development21.96 11.000.560.231.59-13.37 17.71 1.772.49--4.25
15131Justice, law and order policy, planning and administration6.74 4.86--1.810.076.74 ----6.74 -----
15132Police9.77 4.120.05-5.59-9.77 ----9.77 -----
15134Judicial affairs0.70 -0.57---0.57 --0.130.13 0.70 -----
15135Ombudsman0.18 -0.18---0.18 ----0.18 -----
15136Immigration0.70 0.70----0.70 ----0.70 -----
15137Prisons0.65 0.61--0.04-0.65 ----0.65 -----
15142Macroeconomic policy4.20 0.14----0.14 0.710.44-1.15 1.28 0.012.90--2.91
15143Meteorological services0.28 ------0.28--0.28 0.28 -----
15144National standards development0.39 ---0.39-0.39 ----0.39 -----
15150Democratic participation and civil society49.11 23.0318.990.134.750.1347.02 0.19-0.600.79 47.81 0.350.790.16-1.30
15151Elections9.55 6.200.18-1.21-7.60 1.60-0.351.96 9.55 -----
15152Legislatures and political parties4.07 3.170.72-0.00-3.89 0.18--0.18 4.07 -----
15153Media and free flow of information7.07 3.221.31-1.65-6.18 0.02-0.290.31 6.49 -0.58--0.58
15155Tax policy and administration support0.33 0.33----0.33 ----0.33 -----
15156Other non-tax revenue mobilization0.08 0.08----0.08 ----0.08 -----
15160Human rights58.09 18.6512.750.9717.44-49.80 5.950.000.896.83 56.63 -1.290.16-1.46
151601Transitional justice3.52 0.79--2.73-3.52 ----3.52 -----
151602International criminal justice2.57 ---2.57-2.57 ----2.57 -----
15170Women’s equality organizations and institutions18.11 0.721.77---2.48 8.240.15-8.39 10.88 4.121.640.221.257.24
15171Women’s rights organizations and movements (1)93.46 64.1719.301.997.920.0793.46 ----93.46 -----
15172Public-sector capacity for gender equality (1)28.69 24.462.350.451.42-28.69 ----28.69 -----
15173Data and evidence for gender equality (1)11.45 4.734.470.920.770.5611.45 ----11.45 -----
15178Female genital mutilation/cutting (1)2.95 0.310.142.50--2.95 ----2.95 -----
15179Child, early and forced marriage (1)11.20 4.471.225.50--11.20 ----11.20 -----
15180Ending violence against women and girls83.43 59.7512.892.712.32-77.67 1.80--1.80 79.46 2.431.510.02-3.97
15185Local government administration2.54 1.080.380.130.95-2.54 ----2.54 -----
15190Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility33.38 9.87--0.94-10.81 0.310.00-0.31 11.12 1.660.980.0419.5822.26
15196Government and civil society statistics and data3.40 ----1.58 -1.81--1.81
Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security 335.56 11.70 0.16 0.01 262.91 0.00 274.79 29.68 0.01 2.34 32.04 306.83 10.52 0.15 -18.06 28.73
15210Security system management and reform24.10 0.13-0.0110.38-10.52 12.76 1.75--9.5911.33
15220Civilian peacebuilding, conflict prevention and resolution112.93 9.770.16-92.430.00102.36 1.56-0.321.88 104.24 8.540.15--8.69
15230Participation in international peacekeeping operations48.42 0.17--12.85-13.02 26.78--26.78 39.80 0.15--8.478.62
15240Reintegration and control of small arms and light weapons1.40 0.06--1.24-1.30 0.02--0.02 1.32 0.08---0.08
15250Removal of land mines and explosive remnants of war45.26 0.58--44.68-45.25 0.00--0.00 45.26 -----
15261Child soldiers (prevention and demobilization)1.75 0.10--1.62-1.72 0.03--0.03 1.75 0.00---0.00
1513010Fight against transnational organized crime5.38 ---5.38-5.38 ----5.38 -----
1513020Countering violent extremism19.11 ---19.11-19.11 ----19.11 -----
1513030Cybercrime3.74 ---3.74-3.74 ----3.74 -----
15297Combatting the financing of terrorism (1)1.26 ---1.26-1.26 ----1.26 -----
1520020Preventing violent extremism10.24 0.90--9.34-10.24 ----10.24 -----
1520010Disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)61.98 ---60.89-60.89 1.09--1.09 61.98 -----
Other social infrastructure and services 252.50 42.99 3.40 2.33 2.72 -51.45 24.39 12.21 7.29 43.89 95.34 141.81 7.95 0.39 7.02 157.16
16010Social and welfare services141.72 3.670.14---3.81 3.053.580.617.24 11.05 127.023.590.05-130.67
16011Social protection and welfare services policy, planning and administration9.08 9.08----9.08 ----9.08 -----
16015Social services (incl. youth development, women and children)7.45 6.55-0.90--7.45 ----7.45 -----
16020Employment policy and administrative management24.94 10.372.25---12.62 3.760.010.033.79 16.42 5.652.560.31-8.52
16030Housing policy and administrative management1.63 -------0.29-0.29 0.29 1.34---1.34
16040Low-cost housing1.95 0.000.32---0.32 -0.071.471.53 1.85 0.10---0.10
16050Multisector aid for basic social services31.50 7.890.54---8.43 5.658.124.2518.02 26.45 4.980.07--5.05
16061Culture and recreation0.51 0.13----0.13 0.30 0.21---0.21
16062Statistical capacity building9.52 2.380.101.00--3.48 1.550.12-1.67 5.15 2.511.69-0.164.37
16063Narcotics control2.72 ---2.72-2.72 ----2.72 -----
16064Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS5.20 0.00-0.16--0.16 5.04--5.04 5.20 -----
16066Culture2.34 0.10----0.10 1.43-0.782.21 2.31 --0.03-0.03
16070Labour rights11.29 1.710.06---1.76 2.67--2.67 4.43 ---6.866.86
16080Social dialogue2.68 1.12-0.27--1.40 1.25--1.25 2.65 -0.04--0.04
Transport and storage 136.35 0.09 --0.01 -0.10 0.22 73.53 0.45 74.21 74.31 62.04 --0.00 62.05
21010Transport policy and administrative management18.87 ------0.0112.050.4212.48 12.48 6.38--0.006.38
21020Road transport105.62 ------0.2057.770.0458.01 58.01 47.61---47.61
21030Rail transport2.03 -------1.350.001.36 1.36 0.67---0.67
21040Water transport6.57 ------ 0.15 6.42---6.42
21050Air transport3.00 ---0.01-0.01 - 2.08 0.92---0.92
21061Storage0.17 ------- 0.13 0.04---0.04
21081Education and training in transport and storage0.09 0.09----0.09 ----0.09 -----
Communications 42.86 3.38 2.27 0.54 0.48 -6.66 0.39 3.73 0.37 4.49 11.15 29.67 1.02 0.07 0.94 31.71
22010Communications policy and administrative management8.33 0.02----0.02 0.11 7.870.330.02-8.22
22011Communications policy, planning and administration0.56 -0.08-0.48-0.56 ----0.56 -----
22020Telecommunications11.22 -------3.69-3.69 3.69 6.59--0.947.53
22030Radio/television/print media0.62 0.62----0.62 0.00--0.00 0.62 -----
22040Information and communication technology (ICT)22.13 2.742.190.54--5.47 0.330.020.350.69 6.16 15.220.690.06-15.96
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency 785.67 10.52 0.52 552.49 --563.54 3.48 46.88 15.31 65.67 629.20 139.35 0.29 0.10 16.73 156.47
23110Energy policy and administrative management111.55 0.47-33.40--33.87 0.8235.816.9343.55 77.42 30.100.29-3.7334.13
23111Energy sector policy, planning and administration14.65 --0.160.16 3.65 ---11.0011.00
23112Energy regulation1.40 --1.40--1.40 ----1.40 -----
23181Energy education/training2.58 1.16-1.40--2.56 ----2.56 0.02---0.02
23182Energy research1.40 --1.40--1.40 ----1.40 -----
23183Energy conservation and demand-side efficiency5.73 2.21-0.23--2.44 -0.351.501.85 4.29 1.44---1.44
23210Energy generation, renewable sources - multiple technologies477.49 0.940.27466.62--467.83 0.590.005.556.15 473.98 1.41-
23220Hydroelectric power plants15.16 0.01-1.40--1.41 -7.36-7.36 8.77 6.39---6.39
23230Solar energy51.08 4.11-37.30--41.41 0.390.140.050.58 41.99 9.09---9.09
23231Solar energy for isolated grids and standalone systems8.98 0.52-6.30--6.82 0.060.00-0.06 6.88 2.10---2.10
23232Solar energy - thermal applications0.01 ------0.01--0.01 0.01 -----
23240Wind energy0.85 ------ 0.14 0.71---0.71
23260Geothermal energy0.88 -------0.12-0.12 0.12 0.76---0.76
23270Biofuel-fired power plants0.21 -0.07---0.07 -0.07-0.07 0.14 0.07---0.07
23310Energy generation, non-renewable sources – unspecified0.39 -------0.31-0.31 0.31 0.08---0.08
23330Oil-fired electric power plants0.46 -----------0.46---0.46
23340Natural gas-fired electric power plants1.48 -----------1.48---1.48
23510Nuclear energy electric power plants1.29 ------1.29--1.29 1.29 -----
23620District heating and cooling0.09 -------0.09-0.09 0.09 -----
23630Electric power transmission and distribution (centralized grids)80.75 0.83----0.83 0.302.211.073.57 4.40 76.35---76.35
23631Electric power transmission and distribution (isolated mini grids)9.09 ------0.020.19-0.21 0.21 8.88---8.88
23640Gas distribution0.13 -------0.13-0.13 0.13 -----
23642Electric mobility infrastructures0.02 --------0.020.02 0.02 -----
Banking and financial services 176.90 20.15 0.95 81.52 0.05 -102.68 2.12 19.51 0.01 21.63 124.31 52.30 0.29 --52.59
24010Financial policy and administrative management74.27 0.41-31.08--31.49 0.891.370.012.27 33.76 40.50---40.50
24020Monetary institutions1.96 1.30-0.60--1.90 -0.05-0.05 1.95 0.01---0.01
24030Formal sector financial intermediaries72.10 6.580.5338.51--45.63 0.8416.79-17.63 63.25 8.610.24--8.85
24040Informal/semi-formal financial intermediaries20.42 4.380.1311.330.05-15.89 -1.30-1.30 17.19 3.170.06--3.23
24081Education/training in banking and financial services8.15 7.470.29---7.76 0.39--0.39 8.15 0.01---0.01
Business and other services 60.86 23.52 12.00 4.16 --39.67 1.35 1.94 -3.30 42.97 14.62 3.28 --17.89
25010Business support services and institutions38.39 10.259.790.75--20.80 1.170.38-1.55 22.35 14.491.55--16.04
25020Privatization0.12 -----------0.12---0.12
25030Business development services21.23 12.862.203.40--18.47 0.091.14-1.23 19.70 0.001.52--1.53
25040Responsible business conduct1.12 0.40----0.40 0.100.42-0.52 0.92 -0.20--0.20
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 624.61 191.06 29.40 180.05 --400.51 18.23 44.32 49.92 112.47 512.98 96.56 8.65 3.95 2.46 111.62
31110Agricultural policy and administrative management74.12 7.380.634.38--12.39 2.3136.3910.5849.28 61.67 10.531.910.02-12.46
31120Agricultural development68.32 19.863.1734.27--57.29 59.38 6.321.451.17-8.94
31130Agricultural land resources14.13 6.150.481.88--8.51 0.790.082.223.09 11.60
31140Agricultural water resources35.39 4.550.74-5.29 17.81 17.070.51--17.58
31150Agricultural inputs59.79 55.360.751.57--57.67 0.110.02-0.13 57.81 1.99---1.99
31161Food crop production34.31 17.932.664.38--24.97 0.854.430.055.33 30.30 2.850.320.84-4.01
31162Industrial crops / export crops3.92 0.010.06-0.06 2.74 0.89-0.29-1.18
31163Livestock13.26 0.570.460.17--1.21 1.820.360.192.37 3.58 9.68---9.68
31164Agrarian reform0.00 ------0.00--0.00 0.00 -----
31165Agricultural alternative development2.80 ------0.30-2.502.80 2.80 -----
31166Agricultural extension17.67 11.173.11---14.28 0.040.00-0.04 14.32 3.35---3.35
31181Agricultural education/training19.12 0.02-0.200.22 18.38 0.390.030.32-0.74
31182Agricultural research30.51 2.551.15---3.70 0.490.0022.6123.10 26.80 2.381.34--3.71
31191Agricultural services20.18 9.841.240.11--11.19 0.090.36-0.45 11.64 8.29-0.24-8.53
31192Plant and post-harvest protection and pest control2.31 0.45----0.45 0.600.011.021.63 2.08 0.120.11--0.23
31193Agricultural financial services131.13 8.070.31117.10--125.48 1.210.00-1.22 126.70 3.480.94--4.43
31194Agricultural co-operatives28.32 19.845.94---25.78 0.70--0.70 26.48 1.47-0.37-1.84
31195Livestock/veterinary services6.05 -0.250.75--1.00 0.14--0.14 1.14 4.620.28--4.91
31210Forestry policy and administrative management25.33 1.710.893.28--5.88 1.440.003.234.67 10.56 13.300.28-1.1914.77
31220Forestry development14.88 12.88 1.280.640.08-2.00
31261Fuelwood/charcoal0.37 ------0.00-0.150.15 0.15 0.22---0.22
31281Forestry education/training1.40 0.710.05---0.76 0.00--0.00 0.76 ---0.640.64
31282Forestry research0.69 ------0.00--0.00 0.00 0.05--0.640.69
31291Forestry services0.27 0.15----0.15 0.00-0.120.12 0.27 -----
31310Fishing policy and administrative management6.31 0.730.070.47--1.27 0.690.000.591.28 2.55 3.76-0.00--3.76
31320Fishery development12.24 1.450.744.71--6.91 0.860.791.082.73 9.63 1.930.420.26-2.61
31381Fishery education/training1.12 0.620.28---0.89 ----0.89 0.23---0.23
31382Fishery research0.35 -0.01---0.01 0.01--0.01 0.02 0.060.27--0.33
31391Fishery services0.32 -0.05---0.05 0.00--0.00 0.05 0.27---0.27
Industry 86.67 21.33 5.44 2.48 --29.26 9.47 5.48 18.64 33.59 62.85 22.61 1.09 0.12 -23.82
32110Industrial policy and administrative management14.51 -0.18---0.18 0.031.8410.3612.23 12.41 2.11---2.11
32120Industrial development0.58 0.08----0.08 -0.01-0.01 0.08 0.49---0.49
32130Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development33.17 12.991.240.66--14.89 7.271.99-9.26 24.15 7.970.990.06-9.02
32140Cottage industries and handicrafts0.11 -0.11---0.11 ----0.11 -----
32161Agro-industries18.20 1.933.680.30--5.91 1.861.560.213.63 9.53 8.580.080.01-8.67
32162Forest industries0.06 ------0.01-0.000.01 0.01 0.06---0.06
32163Textiles, leather and substitutes0.10 ------0.000.01-0.01 0.01 0.09---0.09
32164Chemicals0.00 ------0.00--0.00 0.00 -----
32167Energy manufacturing0.30 --0.30--0.30 ----0.30 -----
32168Pharmaceutical production0.14 ------ 0.14 -----
32171Engineering0.03 --------0.030.03 0.03 -----
32182Technological research and development8.43 0.16----0.16 0.25-7.938.19 8.34 0.09---0.09
32210Mineral/mining policy and administrative management7.58 0.000.04-0.04 5.59 1.930.020.04-1.99
32220Mineral prospection and exploration0.33 0.17----0.17 0.05--0.05 0.23 0.10---0.10
32261Coal0.06 0.06----0.06 -0.00-0.00 0.06 -----
32262Oil and gas1.54 0.45----0.45 ----0.45 1.09---1.09
32265Precious metals/materials1.03 1.03----1.03 ----1.03 -----
32266Industrial minerals0.10 -----------0.10---0.10
32310Construction policy and administrative management0.39 0.38----0.38 ----0.38 0.01-0.01-0.02
Trade policy and regulations 36.20 7.11 2.10 1.58 --10.79 1.74 0.94 0.27 2.95 13.74 21.63 0.75 0.07 -22.46
33110Trade policy and administrative management15.17 2.820.460.37--3.64 0.510.00-0.51 4.15 10.700.32--11.03
33120Trade facilitation7.41 2.660.150.37--3.18 0.940.36-1.30 4.48 2.94---2.94
33130Regional trade agreements0.76 0.21----0.21 0.14--0.14 0.36 0.41---0.41
33140Multilateral trade negotiations0.60 0.11-0.45--0.56 0.04--0.04 0.60 -----
33150Trade-related adjustment0.01 0.01----0.01 ----0.01 -----
33181Trade education/training1.18 0.550.050.40--1.00 1.18 -----
33210Tourism policy and administrative management11.06 0.741.44---2.18 0.100.520.160.78 2.97 7.590.430.07-8.09
General environmental protection 249.37 55.60 13.29 44.36 -0.17 113.43 16.60 3.47 64.15 84.23 197.65 11.20 5.13 0.75 34.64 51.72
41010Environmental policy and administrative management149.04 13.192.8134.15-0.0750.22 9.623.4046.5559.57 109.79 7.514.410.4626.8739.25
41020Biosphere protection14.04 5.061.40--0.056.51 5.87-1.147.00 13.51 0.41--0.130.53
41030Biodiversity52.98 16.763.686.81-0.0527.30 1.040.0716.4717.58 44.88 1.31-0.286.508.09
41040Site preservation2.42 0.78----0.78 0.03--0.03 0.80 1.41--0.201.61
41050Flood prevention/control0.06 0.06----0.06 ----0.06 -----
41081Environmental education/training24.14 16.064.482.86--23.40 0.03--0.03 23.43 0.480.
41082Environmental research6.70 3.690.920.55--5.17 0.01--0.01 5.18 0.080.68-0.761.52
Multisector 462.40 113.42 15.75 10.90 -3.55 143.63 59.94 47.43 13.03 120.40 264.03 105.60 68.25 7.53 16.99 198.37
43010Multisector aid156.64 37.8210.634.61-0.6653.72 49.0039.964.0192.97 146.69 0.077.750.881.259.95
43030Urban development and management20.85 0.070.901.102.08 2.52 16.970.241.12-18.33
43032Urban development0.15 0.15----0.15 ----0.15 -----
43040Rural development28.14 3.484.180.50--8.16 2.384.001.938.32 16.48 11.530.070.06-11.66
43041Rural land policy and management1.95 1.230.490.24--1.95 ----1.95 -----
43042Rural development1.22 1.22----1.22 ----1.22 -----
43050Non-agricultural alternative development0.80 0.80----0.80 ----0.80 -----
43060Disaster risk reduction54.76 23.360.075.25--28.68 0.400.593.084.06 32.74 17.780.053.191.0022.02
43071Food security policy and administrative management13.12 3.03---0.443.46 0.63--0.63 4.09 0.337.750.94-9.02
43072Household food security programs25.68 22.240.15---22.40 0.02-2.902.92 25.31 -0.100.27-0.36
43073Food safety and quality1.12 0.13----0.13 0.98--0.98 1.11 0.01-0.00-0.01
43081Multisector education/training3.03 0.01--0.01 0.23 -1.721.080.002.80
43082Research/scientific institutions70.11 -0.050.04-2.452.54 2.250.01-2.26 4.80 -50.570.0014.7465.30
51010General budget support-related aid4.90 ------3.001.890.014.90 4.90 -----
52010Food aid and food security programs21.42 19.76----19.76 1.21--1.21 20.96 0.46---0.46
60010Action relating to debt0.07 -------0.07-0.07 0.07 -----
60020Debt forgiveness1.63 -----------1.63---1.63
60030Relief of multilateral debt56.82 -----------56.82---56.82
Humanitarian assistance 1,288.59 48.00 2.90 1,063.65 --1,114.55 86.88 0.00 4.50 91.38 1,205.93 70.76 -0.04 11.82 0.11 82.65
72010Material relief assistance and services356.33 7.332.17294.92--304.42 36.19--36.19 340.61 3.92-11.80-15.72
72011Basic health-care services in emergencies134.39 2.00-132.39--134.39 ----134.39 -----
72012Education in emergencies11.79 -0.5111.28--11.79 ----11.79 -----
72040Emergency food aid506.22 2.23-477.42--479.64 25.85--25.85 505.49 0.73---0.73
72050Relief coordination; protection and support services157.68 0.800.10144.03--144.94 12.58--12.58 157.52 0.05--0.110.16
73010Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation35.06 21.76-0.54--22.30 27.69 7.35-0.02-7.37
74010Disaster prevention and preparedness1.86 1.85-0.05--1.90 ----1.90 --0.04---0.04
74020Multi-hazard response preparedness85.25 7.09-4.2711.36 26.54 58.71---58.71
Other aid expenditures 7,686.39 78.06 33.50 42.62 49.29 179.45 382.93 31.40 0.25 44.79 76.45 459.37 5,005.14 24.24 480.33 1,717.30 7,227.01
91010Administrative costs415.30 78.1317.6338.3649.24175.95359.31 ----359.31 -24.300.5731.1255.99
93010Refugees in donor countries1,014.79 ------0.01--0.01 0.01 ---1,014.791,014.79
93011Refugees / asylum seekers in donor countries - food and shelter469.89 --------------469.89469.89
93013Refugees / asylum seekers in donor countries - health544.62 -------------343.55201.07544.62
93014Refugees / asylum seekers in donor countries - other temporary sustenance117.48 -------------117.48-117.48
99810Sectors not specified5,108.38 - 31.360.2544.7976.41 84.12 5,005.14-18.670.445,024.26
99820Promotion of development awareness15.93 0.0115.850.04--15.91 0.03--0.03 15.94 --0.060.06-0.00-0.01
Total – International assistance 16,049.89 1,507.01 354.16 3,197.25 375.62 191.82 5,625.87 398.44 310.85 643.07 1,352.35 6,978.22 6,360.15 180.04 509.06 2,022.41 9,071.67
(1) These sector codes were created for departmental use and are not part of OECD-DAC's purpose codes list.

B2: Humanitarian assistance by country or organization

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

Recipient countryTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Emergency responseReconstruction relief and rehabilitationDisaster prevention and preparednessTotal
Material relief assistance and servicesBasic health-care services in emergenciesEducation in emergenciesEmergency food aidRelief coordination; protection and support services
Sub-Saharan Africa (1)323.82 78.37 59.70 3.30 157.35 23.32 0.14 1.58 323.76 0.06
Benin0.02 ------0.020.02 -
Burkina Faso13.61 0.772.850.128.571.29-0.0113.61 -
Cameroon5.06 0.880.790.362.300.73--5.06 -
Central African Republic11.75 0.192.19-9.38---11.75 -
Chad11.53 1.713.670.294.271.59--11.53 0.00
Democratic Republic of Congo34.52 3.909.630.1218.352.52--34.52 -
Côte d’Ivoire0.01 ------0.010.01 -
Eswatini0.00 --------0.00
Ethiopia39.98 -
Gambia0.00 --------0.00
Kenya22.57 2.993.000.1115.950.53--22.57 -
Madagascar1.70 0.42--1.25---1.67 0.03
Malawi0.50 ---0.50---0.50 0.00
Mali8.58 ---8.330.25--8.58 -
Mauritius0.00 --------0.00
Mozambique1.12 0.65--0.250.20--1.10 0.02
Niger8.82 0.490.250.327.450.30--8.82 -
Nigeria23.89 3.737.270.1311.401.38--23.89 0.00
Rwanda0.01 ------0.010.01 -
São Tomé and Príncipe0.00 --------0.00
Senegal0.02 ------0.020.02 -
Somalia32.87 9.7311.750.0811.020.30--32.87 0.00
South Africa0.00 --------0.00
South Sudan38.15 10.426.110.1220.270.73-0.5038.15 -
Sudan32.48 10.577.470.3012.491.65--32.48 0.00
Tanzania0.15 0.06-0.02-0.08--0.15 -
Uganda2.87 1.580.290.17-0.84--2.87 -
Zambia0.00 --------0.00
Zimbabwe1.25 ---1.25---1.25 -
East Africa0.91 0.36-0.09-0.46--0.91 -
Sub-Saharan Africa6.30 6.30------6.30 -
Africa25.13 9.381.170.912.949.570.141.0325.13 -
North Africa1.59 0.49 -0.10 -0.50 --1.09 0.50
Algeria0.50 0.20-0.05-0.25--0.50 -
Libya1.00 0.20-0.05-0.25--0.50 0.50
Tunisia0.00 --------0.00
North Africa0.09 0.09------0.09 -
Middle East292.29 79.75 41.11 3.96 128.24 35.27 1.50 2.50 292.32 -0.03
Iraq17.76 6.353. -
Jordan11.10 2.501.280.473.153.73--11.13 -0.03
Lebanon42.09 11.263.731.6513.8011.65--42.09 -
Syria106.00 35.8018.471.1040.2310.40--106.00 -
West Bank and Gaza13.00 6.482.00-2.230.801.50-13.00 -
Yemen82.87 14.3610.550.2553.261.94-2.5082.87 -
Middle East19.49 -
Asia116.54 37.80 6.21 0.69 60.28 9.78 0.18 1.54 116.48 0.06
Afghanistan58.27 10.56--46.001.69--58.25 0.02
Bangladesh14.20 3.912.740.304.003.26--14.20 0.00
Myanmar4.79 1.001.300.062.000.370.040.004.79 -
China0.00 --------0.00
India0.02 --------0.02
Indonesia0.00 --------0.00
Nepal0.02 ------0.020.02 -
Pakistan23.55 15.95- 0.00
Philippines0.06 0.05------0.05 0.01
Sri Lanka3.04 1.041.00-1.00---3.04 -
Thailand0.00 --------0.00
Asia11.78 -
South Asia0.30 0.26--0.05---0.30 -
Southeast Asia0.50 ------0.500.50 -
Americas91.83 11.41 10.61 0.88 29.97 7.15 20.35 11.45 91.82 0.02
Belize1.11 ------1.111.11 -
Bolivia0.02 ------0.020.02 -
Brazil0.00 --------0.00
Colombia8.06 1.392.140.123.520.87--8.05 0.01
Cuba0.10 0.10------0.10 -
Dominica1.07 ------1.071.07 -
Dominican Republic0.00 --------0.00
Ecuador1.00 0.20-0.050.500.25--1.00 0.00
El Salvador0.50 ---0.50---0.50 -
Grenada1.07 ------1.071.07 -
Guatemala5.18 ---5.17--0.015.18 -
Guyana1.07 ------1.071.07 -
Haiti37.94 1.304.00-12.630.0020.000.0137.94 -
Honduras4.98 -0.75-4.23---4.98 0.00
Jamaica1.07 ------1.071.07 -
Nicaragua0.50 ---0.50---0.50 -
Peru0.70 0.15-0.040.320.19--0.70 0.00
Saint Lucia1.07 ------1.071.07 -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1.11 ------1.111.11 -
Suriname1.16 0.05-----1.111.16 -
Venezuela6.05 0.602.550.152.000.75--6.05 0.00
Caribbean2.25 0.32----0.221.712.25 -
Central America1.91 0.97- -
South America0.41 0.36--0.05---0.41 -
Americas13.50 5.961.170.380.504.330.141.0213.50 -
Europe296.94 95.91 16.36 2.86 101.80 68.58 0.14 0.00 285.64 11.30
Hungary0.40 0.130.13--0.14--0.40 -
Moldova10.55 5.790.130.75-3.88--10.55 -
Poland3.30 2.760.26--0.27--3.30 -
Romania6.27 5.380.13--0.75--6.27 -
Slovakia1.40 1.130.13--0.14--1.40 -
Türkiye30.63 19.93--10.000.20--30.13 0.50
Ukraine229.85 54.1214.981.2191.8056.94--219.05 10.80
Europe14.55 6.650.590.90- -
Oceania1.41 0.69 0.40 --0.31 -0.00 1.41 0.00
Solomon Islands0.00 --------0.00
Tonga0.00 --------0.00
Vanuatu0.00 --------0.00
Oceania1.41 0.690.40--0.31-0.001.41 -
Global/unallocable2.02 ---2.00 0.03 --2.03 -0.01
Bilateral humanitarian assistance1,126.45 304.42 134.39 11.79 479.64 144.94 22.30 17.08 1,114.55 11.89
Recipient organization
Central Emergency Response Fund29.40 18.17--7.054.18--29.40 -
Food and Agriculture Organization0.88 0.12--- -
Global Environment Facility Trust Fund4.50 ----- -
Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation, Multilateral Investment Fund and Fund for Special Operations0.00 -----0.00-0.00 -
International Development Association70.76 --------70.76
International Labour Organization0.05 -----0.05-0.05 -
United Nations Children’s Fund6.15 6.15------6.15 -
United Nations Development Programme5.72 0.20-- -
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs2.00 ----2.00--2.00 -
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees12.60 7.18---5.42--12.60 -
United Nations Population Fund2.12 1.59---0.52-0.002.12 -
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East1.87 1.87------1.87 -
World Trade Organization - International Trade Centre0.00 ------0.000.00 -
World Food Programme23.28 ---18.800.362.731.4023.28 -
World Health Organization2.82 0.91-----1.912.82 -
Multilateral humanitarian assistance162.14 36.19 --25.85 12.58 5.39 11.36 91.38 70.76
Total - Humanitarian assistance1,288.59 340.61 134.39 11.79 505.49 157.52 27.69 28.44 1,205.93 82.65
(1) Projects coded to Africa are included under Sub-Saharan Africa because the majority of the benefits will incur to countries in that region.

Section C: Canadian international assistance by recipient organization

C1: Summary of Global Affairs Canada’s international assistance by type of organization

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars and excludes operations and management costs as well as services rendered abroad.

TotalGeographic programsGlobal Issues and DevelopmentPartnerships for Development InnovationInternational Security and Political AffairsOther programs
Canadian organizations1,158.01421.09339.00331.2258.767.95
Civil society (1)1,022.89346.75335.01319.6414.427.08
Private sector83.8466.121.717.268.76-
Foreign organizations859.59320.15401.945.31130.531.67
Civil society (1)419.20179.14144.475.2488.681.67
Government (2)278.74123.61120.15-34.99-
Private sector161.6517.40137.320.076.86-
Multilateral organizations (3)4,601.30750.093,685.62-158.856.75
Grants and contributions4,122.0750.093,206.35-158.856.75
Payments to international financial institutions479.27-479.27---
Total6,618.91 1,491.33 4,426.55 336.53 348.13 16.36

(1) For a detailed breakdown of transfer payments to civil society organizations, please consult Section 6 of the Public Accounts of Canada.

(2) Global Affairs Canada’s assistance to foreign governments is based on program-based approaches (such as budget support and pooled funding), in line with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.

(3) More information on contributions to multilateral organizations can be found in Table C2 of this report.

Text version

Types of organization

Top Canadian organizations$1,158M
Regional development banks$602M
Other multilateral institutions$1,027M
Top international and global partners$581M
Top partner governments$279M
United Nations agency, fund or commission$2,267M
IMF, World Bank Group and World Trade Organization$703M

Top partners

Top Canadian organizations
Nutrition International$54M
Grand Challenges Canada$51M
Save the Children Canada$47M
Top partner governments
Government of Jordan*$133M
Government of the United Kingdom**$23M
Government of Tanzania$22M
Top international and global partners
BlueOrchard LAC GDI Fund$48M
responsAbility CSAFS Fund$44M
Mirova Gigaton Fund$42M
Top multilateral organizations
WFP - World Food Programme$545M
UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund$367M
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria$334M

* Includes a CAD$120M sovereign loan to Jordan’s education sector

** Delegated cooperation to the Government of the United Kingdom for the Health Pooled Fund aiming to improve the health and well-being of the South Sudanese population

C2: International assistance by multilateral organization

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars and excludes operations and management costs as well as services rendered abroad.

Recipient OrganizationTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Institutional support to multilateral organizationsGlobal initiativesGeographic programsOther programs (1)TotalDepartment of Finance CanadaQuebecEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaOthers (2)Total
United Nations agency, fund or commission2,326.09 398.44 1,205.11 539.18 124.23 2,266.96 -1.07 24.85 33.20 59.12
CERFCentral Emergency Response Fund29.40 29.40---29.40 -----
UNCCDUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification1.48 0.281.20--1.48 -----
ESCAPEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific2.15 -2.15--2.15 -----
ECAEconomic Commission for Africa3.50 --3.50-3.50 -----
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization97.92 14.545.0078.38-97.92 -----
IARCInternational Agency for Research on Cancer0.66 0.66---0.66 -----
IAEA-TCFInternational Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund)11.53 3.44--8.0911.53 -----
IAEA-AssessedInternational Atomic Energy Agency - Assessed Contributions5.01 5.01---5.01 -----
IFADInternational Fund for Agricultural Development39.92 25.0011.923.00-39.92 -----
ILO-AssessedInternational Labour Organization - Assessed Contributions7.42 7.42---7.42 -----
ILO-RBSAInternational Labour Organization - Regular Budget Supplementary Account30.77 --20.85-20.85 ---9.929.92
UNIDIRUnited Nations Institute for Disarmament Research0.51 ---0.510.51 -----
IOMInternational Organization for Migration63.02 -35.0013.636.6655.29 ---7.727.72
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union0.94 --------0.940.94
UNAIDSJoint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS5.00 5.00---5.00 -----
MFMPMultilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol13.71 10.43---10.43 --3.28-3.28
PAHOPan-American Health Organization88.01 15.751.2571.00-88.00 -0.01--0.01
UNUnited Nations84.76 76.68--8.0884.76 -----
UNICEFUnited Nations Children’s Fund461.06 16.20364.9973.066.65460.90 ---0.160.16
UNDEFUnited Nations Democracy Fund1.00 ---1.001.00 -----
UNDPKOUnited Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations34.45 26.75--7.7134.45 -----
UNDPPA-SZAUnited Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs1.00 ---1.001.00 -----
UNDPUnited Nations Development Programme126.67 40.0012.4366.087.18125.69 --0.850.120.97
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization11.74 7.141.30-0.408.84 -0.51-2.382.89
UN WOMENUnited Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women35.72 6.502.0023.603.6235.72 -----
UNEPUnited Nations Environment Programme15.31 -0.660.50-1.16 -0.5212.121.5114.15
UNFCCCUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change2.05 0.55---0.55 --1.50-1.50
OHCHROffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions)10.61 5.00-0.704.9110.61 -----
UNIDOUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization5.25 --5.25-5.25 -----
UNISDRUnited Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction2.00 --2.00-2.00 -----
UNMASUnited Nations Mine Action Service2.04 ---2.042.04 -----
UNOPSUnited Nations Office for Project Services18.07 -2.008.922.6513.57 --4.50-4.50
UNOCHAUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs54.87 2.0052.070.80-54.87 -----
UN DCOUnited Nations Development Coordination Office3.74 3.00--0.743.74 -----
UNHCRUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees126.89 12.60100.8610.35-123.81 -0.01-3.073.08
UNODCUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime17.24 --2.0015.1517.15 ---0.090.09
PBF Window 2United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (Window Two: Restricted Contributions)0.87 ---0.870.87 -----
UNFPAUnited Nations Population Fund91.65 15.6025.5548.40-89.55 ---2.102.10
UNRWAUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East35.25 28.505.001.75-35.25 -----
UNUUnited Nations University (including Endowment Fund)2.70 2.00---2.00 ---0.700.70
UNVFVTUnited Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture0.06 ---0.060.06 -----
UPUUniversal Postal Union0.44 --------0.440.44
UN MPTFUN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office33.02 ---31.5231.52 --1.50-1.50
WFPWorld Food Programme555.38 25.00438.1492.25-555.38 -----
WHO-AssessedWorld Health Organization - Assessed Contributions0.06 --0.06-0.06 -----
WHOWorld Health Organization175.38 13.01143.6010.254.51171.38 ---4.004.00
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization0.05 0.02---0.02 ---0.030.03
WMOWorld Meteorological Organization1.10 -------1.10-1.10
WTO-ITCWorld Trade Organization - International Trade Centre0.96 0.96---0.96 -----
Other United Nations agency, fund or commission13.77 0.00-2.8610.8813.73 -0.01-0.030.04
International Monetary Fund4,390.54 --0.40 -0.40 4,390.14 --- 4,390.14
World Bank Group2,161.94 10.00 564.76 127.80 0.50 703.06 1,445.38 -13.50 - 1,458.88
IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development587.06 10.00464.76112.30-587.06 -----
IDAInternational Development Association1,298.18 -----1,298.18--- 1,298.18
IDA-MDRIInternational Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative32.20 -----32.20---32.20
IFCInternational Finance Corporation100.00 -100.00--100.00 -----
PMIPartnership for Market Implementation11.00 -------11.00-11.00
Other World Bank Group133.50 --15.50 0.50 16.00 115.00 -2.50 -117.50
World Trade Organization1.40 -1.40 --1.40 -----
Regional development banks626.99 310.85 283.13 8.10 0.30 602.37 24.62 ---24.62
ADBAfrican Development Fund283.95 257.23-2.10-259.33 24.62---24.62
AsDBAsian Development Bank30.64 30.14-0.50-30.64 -----
CDBCaribbean Development Bank20.35 20.35---20.35 -----
EBRDEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development283.13 -283.13--283.13 -----
IDB FSOInter-American Development Bank, Fund for Special Operations0.25 0.25---0.25 -----
IDBInter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and Multilateral Investment Fund8.67 2.87-5.500.308.67 -----
Other multilateral institutions1,054.31 633.07 363.56 12.17 18.31 1,027.11 -23.86 1.13 2.21 27.20
AFAdaptation Fund10.00 ------10.00--10.00
AUAfrican Union (excluding peacekeeping facilities)2.00 --2.00-2.00 -----
ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations: Economic Cooperation0.75 --0.75-0.75 -----
CARICOMCaribbean Community Secretariat0.54 --0.54-0.54 -----
CGIARConsultative Group on International Agricultural Research25.20 25.00---25.00 ---0.200.20
CFCommonwealth Foundation1.13 1.13---1.13 -----
COLCommonwealth of Learning4.60 2.602.00--4.60 -----
CSCommonwealth Secretariat6.22 6.22---6.22 -----
GICHDGeneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining0.83 ---0.830.83 -----
GAVIGavi, The Vaccine Alliance230.00 70.00160.00--230.00 -----
GEFGlobal Environment Facility Trust Fund132.99 132.99---132.99 -----
Global FundGlobal Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria433.90 333.90100.00--433.90 -----
GPEGlobal Partnership for Education100.00 -100.00--100.00 -----
IICAInter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture4.76 4.75---4.75 -0.02--0.02
IDLOInternational Development Law Organization0.39 --0.39-0.39 -----
IFFImInternational Finance Facility for Immunisation5.00 5.00---5.00 -----
IDEAInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance0.50 0.25--0.250.50 -----
INBARInternational Bamboo and Rattan Organization0.04 -------0.04-0.04
OIFInternational Organization of La Francophonie43.14 29.25---29.25 -13.83-0.0613.89
IRENAInternational Renewable Energy Agency0.48 0.48---0.48 -----
JSCAJustice Studies Center of the Americas0.59 --0.49-0.49 ---0.090.09
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development4.05 -1.560.601.253.41 --0.500.140.64
OECD-Dev. CentreOECD Development Centre0.02 ------0.02--0.02
OASOrganization of American States22.43 13.45-1.837.0322.30 ---0.120.12
OSCEOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe8.88 8.05--0.838.88 -----
Other multilateral institutions15.88 --5.57 8.12 13.69 --0.59 1.59 2.18
Total10,561.28 1,352.35 2,417.95 687.65 143.34 4,601.30 5,860.15 24.94 39.48 35.41 5,959.97

Section D: Canadian international assistance by recipient

Geographic distribution of Canada’s total international assistance

Figures in millions of Canadian dollars

Text version
Continent totalTotalPercentage of total
Middle East8196%
ContinentCountryAmountPercentage of full circle
AfricaAfrica, regional980








AfricaDemocratic Republic of Congo207








AfricaSouth Sudan136






AfricaBurkina Faso105






AfricaSouth Africa89


AfricaCôte d’Ivoire88






AfricaOther countries682


AmericasAmericas, regional430










AmericasOther countries342


AsiaAsia, regional544
















AsiaOther countries283




EuropeEurope - Other countries345


Middle EastJordan188


Middle EastMiddle East, regional167


Middle EastSyria125


Middle EastYemen120


Middle EastLebanon98


Middle EastIraq64


Middle EastWest Bank and Gaza56


Middle EastIran0.7


Middle EastIsrael0.3




* Details presented in this chart may not add up to exact totals due to rounding.

D1: International assistance by channel and continent

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

Recipient organizationTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Geographic programsPartnerships for Development InnovationGlobal Issues and DevelopmentInternational Security and Political AffairsOthersTotalDepartment of Finance CanadaInternational Development Research CentreEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaProvinces, territories and municipalitiesOthersTotal
Sub-Saharan Africa (1)4,045.14 613.83 252.23 1,915.05 74.76 76.68 2,932.55 935.50 70.27 3.61 9.14 94.05 1,112.59
Bilateral aid2,335.11 613.83252.231,149.3071.0476.672,163.07 -70.273.614.5193.65172.04
Country-allocable1,499.04 551.38193.97585.7425.330.701,357.12 -40.433.614.2493.63141.91
of which ODA1,490.51 551.38193.93585.7416.840.701,348.60 -40.433.614.2493.63141.91
Unallocable by country836.08 62.4458.27563.5645.7175.97805.95 -29.84-0.270.0230.13
of which ODA819.79 62.4458.27562.7130.2775.97789.66 -29.84-0.270.0230.13
Multilateral aid1,710.03 --765.753.720.00769.48 935.50--4.630.41940.54
United Nations agency, fund or commission160.67 --156.603.660.00160.27 ----0.410.41
Regional development banks281.85 --257.23--257.23 24.62----24.62
World Bank Group915.08 --4.20--4.20 910.88----910.88
Other multilateral organizations352.42 --347.720.06-347.78 ---4.63-4.63
North Africa51.70 24.98 4.11 15.69 2.51 0.22 47.51 -3.22 -0.97 0.00 4.20
Bilateral aid44.69 24.984.118.842.400.2240.54 -3.22-0.920.004.15
Country-allocable40.15 24.981.967.962.400.2237.50 -1.72-0.920.002.65
of which ODA37.84 24.981.967.960.090.2235.19 -1.72-0.920.002.65
Unallocable by country4.54 -2.160.88--3.04 -1.50---1.50
of which ODA4.54 -2.160.88--3.04 -1.50---1.50
Multilateral aid7.01 --6.850.11-6.96 ---0.05-0.05
United Nations agency, fund or commission3.20 --3.090.11-3.20 ------
Regional development banks-------------
World Bank Group-------------
Other multilateral organizations3.82 --3.77--3.77 ---0.05-0.05
Total – Africa4,096.84 638.80 256.35 1,930.75 77.27 76.90 2,980.06 935.50 73.50 3.61 10.11 94.05 1,116.78
Middle East818.54 157.43 12.71 526.42 61.29 17.59 775.45 26.55 6.17 -0.44 9.93 43.10
Bilateral aid741.54 128.9312.71505.1661.0317.59725.41 -6.17-0.159.8116.13
Country-allocable577.58 122.338.91393.0447.870.02572.16 -3.34-0.151.945.42
of which ODA566.85 122.338.91393.0437.140.02561.43 -3.34-0.151.945.42
Unallocable by country163.97 6.603.81112.1213.1617.57153.25 -2.84--7.8710.71
of which ODA161.23 6.603.81112.1210.4217.57150.52 -2.84--7.8710.71
Multilateral aid77.00 28.50-21.270.27-50.03 26.55--0.290.1326.97
United Nations agency, fund or commission45.32 28.50-16.420.27-45.19 ----0.130.13
Regional development banks-------------
World Bank Group26.55 ------26.55----26.55
Other multilateral organizations5.13 --4.84--4.84 ---0.29-0.29
Asia1,718.21 290.42 33.85 896.97 66.06 37.09 1,324.39 315.82 19.21 3.60 3.68 51.52 393.83
Bilateral aid1,174.96 290.4233.85675.9962.3937.091,099.73 -19.213.600.9951.4275.23
Country-allocable687.47 267.6820.66341.4331.980.22661.97 -10.763.600.2210.9325.50
of which ODA667.87 267.6820.66341.4312.380.22642.37 -10.763.600.2210.9325.50
Unallocable by country487.49 22.7313.18334.5630.4236.87437.76 -8.46-0.7740.5049.72
of which ODA476.24 22.7313.18333.7220.0136.87426.51 -8.46-0.7740.5049.72
Multilateral aid543.26 --220.983.670.00224.65 315.82--2.690.10318.60
United Nations agency, fund or commission58.70 --56.522.070.0058.60 ----0.100.10
Regional development banks28.89 --28.89--28.89 ------
World Bank Group317.82 --2.00--2.00 315.82----315.82
Other multilateral organizations137.85 --133.571.59-135.16 ---2.69-2.69
Americas1,066.99 377.14 42.23 450.91 57.93 33.21 961.43 22.11 30.84 1.74 4.36 46.51 105.56
Bilateral aid885.02 343.1942.23329.9354.9233.21803.48 -30.841.742.5946.3681.54
Country-allocable542.96 268.1727.95157.5627.691.40482.76 -17.501.742.3038.6560.19
of which ODA521.75 264.6327.95155.2312.361.40461.55 -17.501.742.3038.6560.19
Unallocable by country342.06 75.0314.28172.3727.2331.81320.72 -13.34-0.297.7121.34
of which ODA332.10 75.0314.28171.5218.1231.81310.76 -13.34-0.297.7121.34
Multilateral aid181.97 33.94-120.993.010.00157.95 22.11--1.770.1524.02
United Nations agency, fund or commission41.43 --38.332.950.0041.28 ----0.150.15
Regional development banks23.48 --23.48--23.48 ------
World Bank Group24.61 --2.50--2.50 22.11----22.11
Other multilateral organizations92.46 33.94-56.680.06-90.69 ---1.77-1.77
Europe5,781.98 96.12 0.69 536.85 104.98 19.56 758.20 5,004.60 0.04 -11.58 7.56 5,023.78
Bilateral aid5,684.07 96.120.69484.7799.1019.55700.24 4,965.000.04-11.307.494,983.83
Country-allocable5,480.32 92.380.21335.1268.79-496.51 4,965.000.04-11.307.474,983.81
of which ODA5,455.46 92.380.21323.7555.31-471.65 4,965.000.04-11.307.474,983.81
Unallocable by country203.75 3.740.49149.6530.3119.55203.73 ----0.020.02
of which ODA197.84 3.740.49148.8025.2519.55197.82 ----0.020.02
Multilateral aid97.91 --52.085.880.0057.96 39.60--0.280.0739.95
United Nations agency, fund or commission31.39 --29.391.930.0031.32 ----0.070.07
Regional development banks-------------
World Bank Group39.90 --0.30--0.30 39.60----39.60
Other multilateral organizations26.62 --22.393.95-26.34 ---0.28-0.28
Oceania97.44 9.51 1.32 51.12 15.92 3.84 81.72 15.43 0.26 -0.03 0.00 15.72
Bilateral aid67.35 9.511.3237.6014.813.8467.08 -0.26--0.000.26
Country-allocable1.82 -0.06--0.000.07
of which ODA1.82 -0.06--0.000.07
Unallocable by country65.53 8.341.2937.0814.813.8265.33 -0.20---0.20
of which ODA61.24 8.341.2936.6011.003.8261.04 -0.20---0.20
Multilateral aid30.09 --13.521.110.0014.64 15.43--0.03-15.45
United Nations agency, fund or commission3.52 --2.401.110.003.52 ------
Regional development banks1.25 --1.25--1.25 ------
World Bank Group16.43 --1.00--1.00 15.43----15.43
Other multilateral organizations8.90 --8.87--8.87 ---0.03-0.03
Global/unallocable 2,469.88 0.04 7.01 71.89 13.92 4.13 96.98 40.14 50.02 43.06 478.87 1,760.80 2,372.90
Bilateral aid2,341.99 -50.0235.95471.981,757.752,315.69
of which ODA2,337.67 -50.0235.95471.981,756.842,314.77
of which refugee costs763.04 ---------461.03302.01763.04
Multilateral aid127.89 --66.223.990.4870.68 40.14-7.126.903.0657.21
Bilateral international assistance13,274.73 1,507.01354.163,197.25375.62191.825,625.87 4,965.00180.0444.90492.431,966.497,648.86
Multilateral international assistance2,775.16 62.44-1,267.6621.750.501,352.35 1,395.15-7.1216.633.901,422.80
Total – International assistance16,049.89 1,569.46 354.16 4,464.91 397.38 192.32 6,978.22 6,360.15 180.04 52.02 509.06 1,970.39 9,071.67
(1) Projects coded to Africa are included under Sub-Saharan Africa because the majority of the benefits will incur to countries in that region.

D1.1: Total international assistance by recipient and type of aid

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

RecipientTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Africa4,096.84 2,203.61 776.45 2,980.06 176.19 940.59 1,116.78
Sub-Saharan Africa (1)4,045.14 2,163.07 769.48 2,932.55 172.04 940.54 1,112.59
Angola4.84 0.763.994.75 -0.090.09
Benin46.66 17.357.4524.81 1.4720.3821.85
Botswana1.29 0.05-0.05
Burkina Faso105.04 58.9413.9872.91 8.4623.6732.13
Burundi25.55 6.2310.4916.73 0.038.798.83
Cameroon50.90 15.9719.4335.41 0.8514.6415.49
Cabo Verde4.22 0.160.981.14
Central African Republic32.64 12.1812.8725.05 0.157.447.58
Chad35.98 21.189.3630.54 0.055.405.45
Comoros6.28 0.932.593.51 0.022.752.76
Democratic Republic of Congo206.71 91.1052.45143.55 4.1559.0263.17
Congo15.08 3.593.266.85
Côte d’Ivoire88.46 36.6210.0046.62 0.6341.2241.85
Equatorial Guinea1.23 0.090.600.70 0.53-0.53
Eritrea4.08 0.153.924.07 0.01-0.01
Eswatini5.03 3.931.105.03 0.00-0.00
Ethiopia250.70 130.0037.29167.29 1.3382.0983.41
Gabon0.73 0.080.640.72 0.01-0.01
Gambia17.01 3.914.118.03 1.147.848.99
Ghana116.68 70.0120.3290.34 3.3323.0126.35
Guinea26.51 6.9712.3119.28 1.305.937.22
Guinea-Bissau11.51 1.596.107.68 0.013.813.82
Kenya154.90 55.9328.2384.16 10.2760.4770.74
Lesotho6.27 0.273.553.82 0.012.442.45
Liberia25.53 1.527.629.14 6.3710.0216.39
Madagascar39.77 5.8714.4320.31 0.7618.7019.46
Malawi57.89 11.0721.2732.33 0.8224.7325.56
Mali128.24 95.7017.36113.06 3.9311.2515.18
Mauritania11.39 1.123.394.52 0.016.866.87
Mauritius1.07 0.130.810.94
Mozambique173.04 97.6428.75126.39 0.4146.2446.65
Namibia3.80 0.113.593.70
Niger95.03 27.0322.6649.68 5.9139.4445.35
Nigeria277.10 73.5447.83121.38 27.19128.54155.73
Rwanda44.82 6.8912.4419.33 1.7123.7825.50
São Tomé and Príncipe5.31 0.042.372.41 0.002.902.90
Senegal138.91 92.458.18100.63 3.2535.0338.28
Seychelles0.23 0.23-0.23 ---
Sierra Leone31.51 7.3810.3317.70 0.5513.2613.81
Somalia78.20 47.2511.6458.88 0.0419.2819.32
South Africa88.62 73.4012.1085.50 3.12-3.12
South Sudan136.35 104.2620.47124.73 0.2711.3511.62
Sudan64.51 49.1013.7462.84 0.341.331.67
Tanzania228.62 88.7536.03124.78 26.4977.35103.84
Togo24.90 4.097.8711.96 1.6711.2712.94
Uganda90.36 19.6035.4755.07 7.9627.3435.29
Zambia77.16 6.0413.4719.51 16.6840.9757.65
Zimbabwe23.32 5.6716.7622.43 0.450.440.90
Sub-Saharan Africa218.16 205.540.41205.95 11.670.5312.21
West Africa7.71 0.841.492.33 -5.375.37
Central Africa3.66 3.400.013.41 0.25-0.25
East Africa10.01 5.383.088.47 -1.541.54
Southern Africa0.84 0.350.490.84 ---
Africa735.21 590.42126.18716.60 18.200.4118.61
North Africa51.70 40.54 6.96 47.51 4.15 0.05 4.20
Algeria2.59 1.331.112.44 0.15-0.15
Egypt16.94 14.212.3416.55 0.39-0.39
Western Sahara0.30 -0.300.30 ---
Libya1.86 0.830.531.36 0.50-0.50
Morocco15.62 12.482.0114.49
Tunisia9.64 8.650.479.12 0.52-0.52
North Africa4.75 1.50-1.50
Middle East818.54 725.41 50.03 775.45 16.13 26.97 43.10
Israel0.26 0.26-0.26 ---
Iraq63.69 62.671.0263.68 0.01-0.01
Iran0.73 -0.730.73 ---
Jordan187.98 179.757.29187.04 0.640.290.94
Lebanon98.16 88.198.1696.35 1.80-1.80
West Bank and Gaza56.41 35.9517.5153.45 2.96-2.96
Syria124.80 118.536.27124.80 ---
Yemen119.69 86.826.3493.16 0.0026.5326.54
Middle East166.82153.252.71155.9710.710.1410.85
Asia1,718.21 1,099.73 224.65 1,324.39 75.23 318.60 393.83
Afghanistan129.52 118.248.10126.34 0.732.453.18
Armenia1.85 0.531.071.60 -0.250.25
Azerbaijan1.41 0.331.081.41 ---
Bangladesh233.86 122.0915.21137.29 2.1994.3796.57
Bhutan6.69 1.271.572.84 0.553.303.85
China12.96 1.039.7610.78 2.18-2.18
Georgia2.07 0.171.701.87
Indonesia111.75 88.9720.73109.70 1.780.272.06
India111.87 68.9225.5694.48 0.4916.8917.39
Kyrgyzstan12.17 4.471.846.31 0.025.845.86
Cambodia23.07 0.7713.9614.74
North Korea0.34 -0.340.34 ---
Kazakhstan6.37 4.331.966.29 -0.080.08
Laos8.53 2.481.684.16
Sri Lanka25.03 16.993.2020.19 0.644.194.83
Myanmar51.63 43.806.5750.36 0.880.391.26
Mongolia14.49 10.321.5811.90 0.012.582.59
Maldives1.22 0.020.820.84
Malaysia4.43 1.011.852.87 1.350.221.57
Nepal33.85 1.0124.6125.61
Philippines94.19 83.439.0292.45 1.74-1.74
Pakistan152.99 67.7125.7493.45 2.2657.2959.55
Singapore0.03 0.03-0.03 ---
Thailand4.48 0.812.973.78 0.70-0.70
Tajikistan13.72 2.073.395.46
Timor-Leste1.63 0.081.301.38
Turkmenistan1.59 0.441.151.59 ---
Uzbekistan55.27 5.465.4010.87 3.6540.7544.40
Vietnam57.54 10.685.5716.25 4.3236.9741.28
Asia470.18 412.7350.40463.14 6.870.187.04
Southcentral Asia4.76 4.640.124.76 ---
South Asia4.68 2.590.573.17
Central Asia8.62 0.230.961.18 7.360.077.43
Southeast Asia54.33 16.463.6220.08 34.25-34.25
Eastern Asia1.11 1.11-1.11 ---
Americas1,066.99 803.48 157.95 961.43 81.54 24.02 105.56
Antigua and Barbuda1.05 1.05-1.05 ---
Argentina5.85 0.674.094.76 1.09-1.09
Barbados0.80 0.80-0.80 ---
Bolivia27.45 20.682.2422.92 2.012.524.53
Brazil8.60 2.564.747.29 1.31-1.31
Bahamas0.26 0.26-0.26 ---
Belize12.02 4.996.5411.52 0.50-0.50
Chile3.82 3.82-3.82 ---
Colombia69.38 61.423.8465.26
Costa Rica6.80 4.371.585.95 0.740.100.84
Cuba8.60 3.833.086.91 1.69-1.69
Dominica9.86 4.862.827.68
Dominican Republic32.08 30.301.3931.69 0.39-0.39
Ecuador28.05 21.863.0424.89 2.560.603.16
Grenada5.91 0.131.441.57
Guatemala26.45 22.302.4224.72 1.73-1.73
Guyana13.77 10.590.2610.85 0.382.542.92
Honduras36.26 29.683.5533.23 1.191.853.03
Haiti140.11 125.475.18130.65 3.106.379.46
Jamaica26.83 25.470.8026.27 0.150.410.56
Saint Kitts and Nevis0.43 0.43-0.43 ---
Saint Lucia13.17 5.147.1912.33 0.140.700.84
Montserrat0.41 0.410.000.41 ---
Mexico43.86 7.952.0610.01 33.85-33.85
Nicaragua17.09 8.444.5212.97 0.343.784.13
Panama6.37 4.921.055.97 0.310.090.40
Peru41.77 33.614.8438.45
Paraguay2.81 1.581.192.77 0.04-0.04
Suriname4.66 3.521.144.66 ---
El Salvador15.68 12.941.5314.47 1.21-1.21
Trinidad and Tobago1.88 1.88-1.88 ---
Uruguay0.22 0.22-0.22 ---
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines4.98 3.820.113.93 0.120.941.05
Venezuela20.06 18.731.3020.04 0.02-0.02
Americas325.75 242.8181.73324.54
Central America29.46 22.410.1822.59 6.810.066.87
South America47.14 34.250.3334.58 12.56-12.56
Caribbean27.33 21.245.0826.32 0.920.091.01
Europe5,781.98 700.24 57.96 758.20 4,983.83 39.95 5,023.78
Albania0.98 0.160.720.88
Bosnia and Herzegovina1.76 0.251.521.76 ---
Belarus2.52 0.691.832.52 ---
Hungary0.40 0.40-0.40 ---
Moldova19.54 10.821.4612.28
Montenegro0.86 0.060.710.77 -0.090.09
North Macedonia26.85 25.661.1026.76 -0.090.09
Poland3.30 3.30-3.30 ---
Romania6.27 6.27-6.27 ---
Serbia1.33 0.331.001.33 ---
Slovakia1.40 1.40-1.40 ---
Türkiye32.54 30.331.6832.01 0.53-0.53
Ukraine5,436.92 416.667.91424.57 4,983.2729.095,012.35
Kosovo5.14 0.191.701.88
Ex-states of Yugoslavia0.00 -0.000.00 ---
Europe242.15 203.7338.33242.06
Oceania97.44 67.08 14.64 81.72 0.26 15.45 15.72
Fiji7.98 0.083.403.49 -4.494.49
Micronesia0.58 -0.410.41
Kiribati0.87 0.000.670.67
Marshall Islands1.50 0.630.060.68 -0.820.82
Nauru0.02 -0.020.02 ---
Niue0.27 -0.270.27 ---
Papua New Guinea5.93 0.364.114.47 0.001.461.47
Palau0.07 -0.070.07 ---
Solomon Islands3.08 0.080.880.96
Tokelau0.01 -0.010.01 ---
Tonga2.73 0.200.540.74 0.001.991.99
Tuvalu0.69 0.000.620.62
Vanuatu1.30 0.100.350.45 0.060.800.85
Samoa3.00 0.001.921.92
Oceania69.42 65.333.7469.07
Global/unallocable (2)2,469.88 26.30 70.68 96.98 2,315.69 57.21 2,372.90
International assistance16,049.89 5,625.87 1,352.35 6,978.22 7,648.86 1,422.80 9,071.67
(1) Projects coded to Africa are included under Sub-Saharan Africa because most of the benefits will incur to countries in that region.
(2) Unallocable aid refers to disbursements that cannot be identified for any particular recipient or sector (e.g. cost of refugees in Canada).

Geographic distribution of Canada’s bilateral international assistance

Figures in millions of Canadian dollars

Text version
Continent totalTotalPercentage of total
Middle East7427%
ContinentCountryAmountPercentage of full circle
AfricaAfrica, regional841






AfricaSouth Sudan105










AfricaDemocratic Republic of Congo95


AfricaSouth Africa77




AfricaBurkina Faso67




AfricaOther countries415


AmericasAmericas, regional342










AmericasOther countries270


AsiaAsia, regional487














AsiaOther countries129




EuropeOther countries284


Middle EastJordan180


Middle EastMiddle East, regional164


Middle EastSyria119


Middle EastLebanon90


Middle EastYemen87


Middle EastIraq63


Middle EastWest Bank and Gaza39


Middle EastIsrael0.3




* Details presented in this chart may not add up to exact totals due to rounding.

D2: Bilateral international assistance

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

RecipientTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Geographic programsGlobal issues and developmentPartnerships for Development InnovationInternational Security and Political AffairsOthersTotalInternational Development Research CentreRoyal Canadian Mounted PoliceEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaProvinces, territories and municipalitiesOthersTotal
Humanitarian Assistance DivisionGlobal initiatives
Africa - Total2,379.81 638.80 326.50 831.64 256.35 73.44 76.89 2,203.61 73.50 4.60 3.61 5.43 89.05 176.19
Sub-Saharan Africa (1)2,335.11 613.83 325.50 823.80 252.23 71.04 76.67 2,163.07 70.27 4.60 3.61 4.51 89.04 172.04
Angola0.76 0.04-0.440.28--0.76 ------
Benin18.82 7.32-0.589.430.02-17.35 1.28--
Botswana0.10 0.05-----0.05 0.05----0.05
Burkina Faso67.39 31.1713.604.267.612.29-58.94 1.63--1.005.838.46
Burundi6.27 0.07-3.402.77--6.23 0.03----0.03
Cameroon16.82 1.624.804.693.301.56-15.97 0.78--
Cabo Verde0.18 0.12--0.04--0.16 0.02----0.02
Central African Republic12.33 0.0311.750.360.040.00-12.18 0.02--0.13-0.15
Chad21.23 5.6011.503.760.040.28-21.18 0.05---0.000.05
Comoros0.95 0.02--0.90-0.010.93 0.02----0.02
Democratic Republic of Congo95.25 15.5734.5228.5711.450.99-91.10 0.702.69-0.260.504.15
Congo3.68 --3.400.040.15-3.59 0.01--0.08-0.09
Côte d’Ivoire37.25 7.28-21.008.320.02-36.62 0.63---0.000.63
Djibouti0.26 0.02- 0.01---0.000.01
Equatorial Guinea0.62 0.06--0.04--0.09 0.01---0.520.53
Eritrea0.16 --0.15---0.15 0.01----0.01
Eswatini3.93 0.12-3.400.40--3.93 ----0.000.00
Ethiopia131.32 69.2644.230.6613.532.210.11130.00 1.27--0.05-1.33
Gabon0.10 0.02--0.06--0.08 0.01---0.000.01
Gambia5.06 0.12-3.360.430.00-3.91 0.27-0.88-0.001.14
Ghana73.35 29.98-20.6718.770.60-70.01 2.44-0.880.02-3.33
Guinea8.27 0.71-0.715.520.02-6.97 1.12--
Guinea-Bissau1.60 0.11-0.151.33--1.59 0.01----0.01
Kenya66.20 15.2922.571.8313.832.310.1155.93 5.61--0.064.5910.27
Lesotho0.28 0.14--0.13--0.27 0.01----0.01
Liberia7.88 0.07--1.320.120.011.52 0.31-0.88-5.186.37
Madagascar6.64 0.131.670.693.39--5.87 0.26--
Malawi11.89 0.200.505.115.25--11.07 0.80--
Mali99.63 74.418.581.386.914.41-95.70 0.151.91-0.121.753.93
Mauritania1.14 0.68- 0.01----0.01
Mauritius0.13 0.09--0.04--0.13 0.00---0.000.00
Mozambique98.05 65.081.0523.687.720.000.1197.64 0.26--
Namibia0.17 0.07--0.04--0.11 0.06----0.06
Niger32.94 12.088.560.402.753.24-27.03 0.66---5.245.91
Nigeria100.73 15.8723.8932.270.960.55-73.54 3.43---23.7627.19
Rwanda8.60 0.43--6.440.02-6.89 1.71----1.71
São Tomé and Príncipe0.04 ---0.04--0.04 0.00---0.000.00
Senegal95.70 60.77-14.7216.690.160.1192.45 1.93-
Seychelles0.23 ---0.040.20-0.23 ------
Sierra Leone7.93 2.14-0.914.190.14-7.38 0.55----0.55
Somalia47.29 8.3232.875.150.000.91-47.25 0.04---0.000.04
South Africa76.52 4.32-67.200.810.960.1173.40 2.60--0.020.503.12
South Sudan104.53 54.3537.656.842.942.48-104.26 0.26--0.01-0.27
Sudan49.43 9.2532.485.021.360.880.1149.10 0.34---0.000.34
Tanzania115.24 56.920.1524.576.700.41-88.75 2.17--0.1024.2226.49
Togo5.76 0.14-0.563.340.05-4.09 0.70-0.880.100.001.67
Uganda27.56 0.702.820.7515.300.03-19.60 7.60--
Zambia22.72 0.24-0.355.450.00-6.04 0.33--0.0216.3316.68
Zimbabwe6.12 0.411.25-3.980.03-5.67 0.22--
Sub-Saharan Africa217.22 2.645.00156.5040.021.350.03205.54 11.67----11.67
West Africa0.84 0.53-0.190.13--0.84 ------
Central Africa3.65 --3.40---3.40 ---0.25-0.25
East Africa5.38 4.470.91----5.38 ------
Southern Africa0.35 ----0.35-0.35 ------
Africa608.63 54.8025.12372.4418.1144.0175.94590.42 18.17--0.020.0218.20
North Africa44.69 24.98 1.00 7.83 4.11 2.40 0.22 40.54 3.22 --0.92 0.00 4.15
Algeria1.48 0.240.500.00-0.59-1.33 0.15----0.15
Egypt14.61 10.20-3.550.040.320.1114.21 0.39----0.39
Libya1.33 0.200.50--0.13-0.83 ---0.50-0.50
Morocco13.56 7.32-3.400.770.880.1112.48 0.77--0.31-1.08
Tunisia9.16 7.01- 0.40--
North Africa4.54 --0.882.16--3.04 1.50----1.50
Middle East741.54 128.93 276.74 228.42 12.71 61.03 17.59 725.41 6.17 1.81 -0.15 8.00 16.13
Israel0.26 ----0.26-0.26 ------
Iraq62.67 13.7617.76--31.15-62.67 0.01----0.01
Jordan180.39 36.4811.13125.013.134.01-179.75 0.42--
Lebanon90.00 40.7042.09-1.993.41-88.19 1.80----1.80
West Bank and Gaza38.91 28.35-3.402.162.020.0235.95 1.101.81-0.05-2.96
Syria118.53 0.54106.003.401.636.97-118.53 ------
Yemen86.82 2.5080.373.90-0.05-86.82 0.00----0.00
Middle East163.97 6.6019.4092.723.8113.1617.57153.25 2.84---7.8710.71
Asia1,174.96 290.42 115.40 560.59 33.85 62.39 37.09 1,099.73 19.21 -3.60 0.99 51.42 75.23
Afghanistan118.97 56.4758.25-1.302.23-118.24 0.67--
Armenia0.53 0.18---0.34-0.53 ------
Azerbaijan0.33 0.02--- ------
Bangladesh124.28 97.7314.208.210.661.28-122.09 1.19--
Bhutan1.82 1.26----0.011.27 0.55----0.55
China3.20 0.87--- 0.07-1.60-0.502.18
Georgia0.17 0.10---0.07-0.17 0.00----0.00
Indonesia90.75 17.25-71.350.150.22-88.97 1.04-0.67-0.081.78
India69.41 0.61-67.930.38--68.92 0.48---0.020.49
Kyrgyzstan4.49 0.12-3.400.640.30-4.47 0.02----0.02
Cambodia3.85 0.18--2.700.20-3.07 0.59--
Kazakhstan4.33 0.25--- ------
Laos2.67 0.16--0.421.90-2.48 0.18--0.01-0.19
Sri Lanka17.63 0.63--0.02-0.64
Myanmar44.67 26.954.703.401.876.87-43.80 0.88----0.88
Mongolia10.33 5.20-4.770.280.07-10.32 0.01---0.000.01
Maldives0.11 0.05---0.05-0.10 0.02----0.02
Malaysia2.36 0.19--0.020.80-1.01 0.75---0.601.35
Nepal4.16 0.39-0.602.100.06-3.15 0.99--0.02-1.01
Philippines85.17 9.30-70.602.441.09-83.43 0.62-0.670.040.411.74
Pakistan69.97 36.3923.501.813.022.98-67.71 0.61---1.652.26
Singapore0.03 ----0.03-0.03 ------
Thailand1.51 0.22--0.090.50-0.81 0.70---0.000.70
Tajikistan2.09 0.06--1.210.80-2.07 0.02----0.02
Timor-Leste0.08 0.08-----0.08 0.00----0.00
Turkmenistan0.44 0.06---0.370.010.44 ------
Uzbekistan9.11 0.11---5.350.015.46 0.00---3.643.65
Vietnam15.00 8.43-0.531.700.03-10.68 0.75-0.67-2.904.32
Asia419.60 17.9311.44309.2712.7224.5036.87412.73 6.08--0.770.026.87
Southcentral Asia4.64 --2.95-1.69-4.64 ------
South Asia3.84 -0.301.510.270.51-2.59 1.25----1.25
Central Asia7.59 --0.04-0.19-0.23 0.36---7.007.36
Southeast Asia50.71 4.80-7.940.203.52-16.46 0.77---33.4834.25
Eastern Asia1.11 --1.11---1.11 ------
Americas885.02 343.19 60.42 269.51 42.23 54.92 33.21 803.48 30.84 0.53 1.74 2.59 45.84 81.54
Antigua and Barbuda1.05 0.75---0.29-1.05 ------
Argentina1.75 0.38-- 1.09----1.09
Barbados0.80 0.59---0.21-0.80 ------
Bolivia22.69 8.24-7.364.960.12-20.68 1.12--0.310.572.01
Brazil3.86 1.97---0.540.042.56 0.84---0.471.31
Bahamas0.26 0.13---0.12-0.26 ------
Belize5.49 3.55--0.191.25-4.99 0.37-0.13--0.50
Chile3.82 1.34-2.34-0.14-3.82 ------
Colombia65.43 33.338.0511.501.976.550.0261.42 2.38-0.430.420.784.01
Costa Rica5.11 0.28- 0.72--0.02-0.74
Cuba5.52 3.83-----3.83 0.38--
Dominica4.86 4.70--0.050.11-4.86 0.00----0.00
Dominican Republic30.69 0.30-29.610.020.37-30.30 0.39---0.000.39
Ecuador24.42 10.611.008.731.080.44-21.86 2.09-
Grenada4.34 4.10---0.11-4.21 0.00-0.13--0.13
Guatemala24.03 9.495.174.771.950.92-22.30 1.01--0.560.161.73
Guyana10.97 8.63--1.410.55-10.59 0.00-0.13-0.250.38
Honduras30.86 15.754.984.503.590.85-29.68 0.90--
Haiti128.57 83.2517.8813.035.655.660.01125.47 0.620.530.080.311.563.10
Jamaica25.62 14.74-8.360.861.490.0125.47 0.15----0.15
Saint Kitts and Nevis0.43 0.32---0.11-0.43 ------
Saint Lucia5.28 4.99--0.040.11-5.14 0.02-0.13--0.14
Montserrat0.41 0.41-----0.41 ------
Mexico41.80 2.05-2.34-2.251.317.95 1.23-0.380.0732.1733.85
Nicaragua8.79 5.500.501.860.59--8.44 0.28--0.07-0.34
Panama5.22 0.34-3.530.051.00-4.92 0.31----0.31
Peru36.82 22.710.705.394.360.45-33.61 2.44-0.300.070.413.21
Paraguay1.62 0.31-1.19-0.08-1.58 0.04----0.04
Suriname3.52 3.26--0.110.15-3.52 ------
El Salvador14.15 5.780.504.930.850.89-12.94 0.98--
Trinidad and Tobago1.88 0.40---1.47-1.88 ------
Uruguay0.22 ----0.22-0.22 ------
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines3.93 3.71---0.11-3.82 0.12----0.12
Venezuela18.75 12.426.05--0.26-18.73 0.02---0.000.02
Americas243.87 52.0913.49123.965.3120.7027.27242.81 ---0.290.761.05
Central America29.22 5.891.809.673.021.380.6422.41 1.65---5.166.81
South America46.81 6.000.3018.252.944.352.4134.25 11.39---1.1712.56
Caribbean22.16 11.04-4.903.010.811.4921.24 0.30---0.620.92
Europe5,684.07 96.12 285.50 199.27 0.69 99.10 19.55 700.24 0.04 0.57 -11.30 4,971.93 4,983.83
Albania0.16 0.16-----0.16 0.00----0.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina0.25 0.22--0.02--0.25 ------
Belarus0.69 0.17---0.53-0.69 ------
Hungary0.40 -0.40----0.40 ------
Moldova10.82 0.2710.55----10.82 0.00----0.00
Montenegro0.06 0.06-----0.06 ------
North Macedonia25.66 0.06-25.60---25.66 ------
Poland3.30 -3.30----3.30 ------
Romania6.27 -6.27----6.27 ------
Serbia0.33 0.27--0.06--0.33 ------
Slovakia1.40 -1.40----1.40 ------
Türkiye30.86 0.3330.00----30.33 0.03--0.50-0.53
Ukraine5,399.93 90.70219.0538.560.1268.23-416.66 -0.56-10.804,971.914,983.27
Kosovo0.19 0.15---0.04-0.19 -0.01---0.01
Europe203.75 3.7414.53135.110.4930.3119.55203.73 ----0.020.02
Oceania67.35 9.51 1.35 36.25 1.32 14.81 3.84 67.08 0.26 ---0.00 0.26
Fiji0.08 0.07----0.010.08 ------
Micronesia0.15 0.15-----0.15 ------
Kiribati0.06 0.06-----0.06 0.00----0.00
Marshall Islands0.63 0.10-0.53---0.63 ------
Papua New Guinea0.36 0.36-----0.36 0.00----0.00
Solomon Islands0.08 0.08-----0.08 ----0.000.00
Tonga0.20 0.20-----0.20 0.00---0.000.00
Tuvalu0.04 0.04-----0.04 0.00----0.00
Vanuatu0.16 0.06--0.04-0.010.10 0.06---0.000.06
Samoa0.06 0.06-----0.06 0.00----0.00
Oceania65.53 8.341.3535.731.2914.813.8265.33 0.20----0.20
Global/unallocable (2)2,341.99 0.04 2.00 3.67 7.01 9.94 3.65 26.30 50.02 7.97 35.95 471.98 1,749.77 2,315.69
International bilateral assistance 13,274.73 1,507.01 1,067.90 2,129.35 354.16 375.62 191.82 5,625.87 180.04 15.48 44.90 492.43 6,916.01 7,648.86

(1) Projects coded to Africa are included under sub-Saharan Africa because most of the benefits will incur to countries in that region.

(2) Unallocable aid are disbursements that cannot be identified for any particular recipient or sector (e.g. cost of refugees in Canada).

Geographic distribution of Canada’s multilateral international assistance

Figures in millions of Canadian dollars

Text version
Continent totalTotalPercentage of total
Middle East773%
ContinentCountryAmountPercentage of full circle


AfricaAfrica, regional140






AfricaDemocratic Republic of Congo111












AfricaCôte d’Ivoire51








AfricaBurkina Faso38








AfricaSouth Sudan32




AfricaOther countries326


AmericasAmericas, regional88






AmericasSaint Lucia8


AmericasOther countries67






AsiaAsia, regional56














AsiaOther countries93


EuropeEurope, regional38




EuropeOther Countries23


Middle EastYemen33


Middle EastWest Bank and Gaza18


Middle EastLebanon8


Middle EastOther countries18




* Details presented in this chart may not add up to exact totals due to rounding.

D3: Multilateral international assistance

Multilateral aid cannot be accurately attributed to Canada's contributions, regardless of the methodology used. See definition of “multilateral aid” in the Glossary for a complete explanation.

This table includes ODA and other official assistance expenditures in millions of Canadian dollars.

RecipientTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
United Nations agency, fund or commissionRegional development banksOther multilateral organizationsTotalDepartment of Finance CanadaOthersTotal
Africa - Total1,717.04 163.50 257.23 355.71 776.45 935.50 5.09 940.59
Sub-Saharan Africa1,710.03 160.30 257.23 351.94 769.48 935.50 5.04 940.54
Burkina Faso37.652.462.788.7313.9823.400.2823.67
Cabo Verde4.040.35-0.640.983.05-3.05
Central African Republic20.317.901.233.7412.877.44-7.44
Democratic Republic of Congo111.4711.8016.7823.8752.4559.02-59.02
Côte d’Ivoire51.
Equatorial Guinea0.600.32-0.280.60---
São Tomé and Príncipe5.270.550.431.392.372.90-2.90
Sierra Leone23.581.385.313.6310.3312.930.3313.26
South Africa12.100.91-11.1912.10---
South Sudan31.8210.815.364.3020.4711.35-11.35
Sub-Saharan Africa0.940.14-0.270.410.53-0.53
West Africa6.870.351.110.041.495.37-5.37
Central Africa0.010.01--0.01---
East Africa4.620.092.050.943.081.54-1.54
Southern Africa0.490.250.23-0.49---
Africa (1)126.5833.2560.6632.27126.18-0.410.41
North Africa7.01 3.20 -3.77 6.96 -0.05 0.05
Western Sahara0.300.30--0.30---
North Africa0.210.21--0.21---
Middle East77.00 45.19 -4.84 50.03 26.55 0.42 26.97
West Bank and Gaza17.5117.51--17.51---
Middle East2.860.77-1.942.710.020.130.14
Asia543.26 58.60 28.89 137.16 224.65 315.82 2.79 318.60
North Korea0.340.14-0.200.34---
Sri Lanka7.400.701.
Southcentral Asia0.120.12--0.12---
South Asia0.840.420.010.140.570.27-0.27
Central Asia1.
Southeast Asia3.620.120.043.463.62---
Americas181.97 57.04 23.48 77.43 157.95 22.11 1.92 24.02
Costa Rica1.690.160.101.331.58-0.100.10
Dominican Republic1.390.
Saint Lucia7.890.027.17-7.190.70-0.70
El Salvador1.530.530.060.941.53---
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1.050.05-
Central America0.
South America0.330.320.01-0.33---
Europe97.91 31.32 -26.64 57.96 39.60 0.35 39.95
Bosnia and Herzegovina1.520.22-1.301.52---
North Macedonia1.200.21-0.901.10-0.090.09
Ex-states of Yugoslavia0.000.00--0.00---
Oceania30.09 3.52 1.25 9.87 14.64 15.43 0.03 15.45
Marshall Islands0.880.
Papua New Guinea5.580.400.613.114.111.46-1.46
Solomon Islands3.
Global/unallocable127.89 39.27 -31.41 70.68 40.14 17.07 57.21
Multilateral international assistance2,775.16 398.44 310.85 643.07 1,352.35 1,395.15 27.65 1,422.80
(1) Projects coded to Africa are included under sub-Saharan Africa as most of the benefits will incur to countries in that sub-region.


Appendix 1 - Reflows from repayable contributions and loans

In millions of Canadian dollars.

Global Affairs CanadaExport Development Canada
Bilateral loans18.15 16.43
Americas0.35 -
Dominican Republic0.14-
Asia8.75 16.32
Europe0.01 -
Repayable contributions56.31 -
Total74.46 16.43

This table refers to repayments of loans granted to developing countries by the former Canadian International Development Agency and by Export Development Canada and repayable contributions for development-related purposes issued by Global Affairs Canada and the Department of Finance Canada.

Note that reflows on repayable contributions and loans are shown as negative amounts in some OECD reports as these were counted as ODA when they were granted.

Under Section 23 of the Export Development Act, Export Development Canada reports as ODA concessional sovereign loans. These concessional credits, meeting approved development criteria, are not considered part of the international assistance envelope.

Appendix 2 - Other bilateral official flows by recipient

This table includes non-ODA bilateral assistance expenditure in millions of Canadian dollars.

RecipientTotalGlobal Affairs CanadaOther government sources
Geographic programsPartnerships for Development InnovationAnti-Crime Capacity Building ProgramCounter-Terrorism Capacity Building ProgramNon-Proliferation and Security Threat ReductionPeace and Stabilization Operations ProgramOther programs
Sub-Saharan Africa24.81 -0.04 0.30 7.16 9.93 6.51 0.88 -
Burkina Faso0.89 ---0.89----
Benin0.02 ----0.02---
Côte d’Ivoire0.02 ----0.02---
Cameroon0.21 ---0.190.03---
Djibouti0.02 ----0.02---
Ghana0.60 ----0.070.53--
Gambia0.00 ----0.00---
Guinea0.02 ----0.02---
Kenya1.48 ---1.48----
Mali0.86 ---0.840.02---
Mauritania0.23 ---0.210.02---
Mozambique0.00 ----0.00---
Niger1.37 ---1.340.02---
Nigeria0.19 ---0.19----
Seychelles0.23 -0.04-0.20----
Sudan0.04 ---0.04----
Sierra Leone0.02 ----0.02---
Senegal0.02 ----0.02---
Somalia0.72 ---0.72----
Chad0.21 ---0.190.02---
Togo0.03 ----0.03---
Tanzania0.39 ---0.39----
Uganda0.00 ----0.00---
South Africa0.92 ----0.92---
Zambia0.00 ----0.00---
Zimbabwe0.00 ----0.00---
Sub-Saharan Africa0.44 --0.12-0.32---
Southern Africa0.35 ----0.35---
Africa15.49 --0.180.507.975.970.88-
North Africa2.31 ---2.31 ----
Algeria0.59 ---0.59----
Egypt0.32 ---0.32----
Libya0.08 ---0.08----
Morocco0.86 ---0.86----
Tunisia0.47 ---0.47----
Middle East13.46 ---8.88 3.60 0.98 --
Israel0.26 -----0.26--
Iraq5.68 ---4.890.79---
Jordan3.63 ---2.920.71---
Lebanon0.89 ---0.89----
Syria0.18 ---0.18----
West Bank and Gaza0.09 -----0.09--
Middle East2.74 ----2.100.64--
Asia30.85 --1.43 5.88 18.44 4.22 0.88 -
Afghanistan0.03 ---0.03----
Bangladesh0.70 ---0.70----
China0.03 ----0.03---
Indonesia0.03 ----0.03---
Kyrgyzstan0.30 ---0.30----
Cambodia0.20 ---0.020.18---
Kazakhstan4.05 ---0.303.75---
Laos1.81 ----1.81---
Sri Lanka0.03 --0.03-----
Myanmar0.70 -----0.70--
Mongolia0.07 ----0.07---
Maldives0.03 --0.03-----
Malaysia0.63 ---0.010.61---
Nepal0.06 --0.03-0.03---
Philippines1.07 ---0.100.97---
Pakistan2.97 --0.382.58----
Singapore0.03 ----0.03---
Thailand0.34 ----0.34---
Tajikistan0.80 ---0.740.07---
Turkmenistan0.37 ---0.300.07---
Uzbekistan5.35 ---0.305.05---
Vietnam0.03 ----0.03---
Asia7.38 --0.140.503.692.180.88-
Southcentral Asia0.70 -----0.70--
Southeast Asia2.85 --0.66-1.700.50--
South Asia0.32 --0.18--0.14--
Americas31.17 3.54 -12.53 -5.08 2.26 7.76 -
Antigua and Barbuda1.05 0.75-0.29-----
Argentina0.21 --0.17-0.01-0.04-
Barbados0.80 0.59-0.15-0.01-0.06-
Bolivia0.09 --0.05-0.00-0.04-
Brazil0.32 --0.04-0.24-0.04-
Bahamas0.26 0.13-0.12-0.01---
Belize1.25 --0.55---0.70-
Chile3.82 1.34-0.06---2.42-
Colombia0.68 --0.64-0.01-0.04-
Costa Rica0.58 --0.52-0.02-0.04-
Dominica0.11 --0.11-----
Dominican Republic0.34 --0.25---0.09-
Ecuador0.41 --0.37-0.00-0.04-
Grenada0.11 --0.11-----
Guatemala0.89 --0.61-0.02-0.26-
Guyana0.53 --0.47---0.06-
Honduras0.82 --0.62-0.00-0.20-
Haiti0.12 --0.12-0.00---
Jamaica1.46 --0.70-0.01-0.76-
Saint Kitts and Nevis0.43 0.32-0.11-----
Saint Lucia0.11 --0.11-----
Mexico2.20 --0.57-0.05-1.59-
Panama0.95 --0.76-0.10-0.09-
Peru0.43 --0.29-0.09-0.04-
Paraguay0.08 --0.04---0.04-
Suriname0.15 --0.09-0.00-0.06-
El Salvador0.86 --0.57-0.09-0.20-
Trinidad and Tobago1.85 0.40-1.38-0.01-0.06-
Uruguay0.19 --0.15---0.04-
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines0.11 --0.11-----
Americas4.65 --0.18-3.570.020.88-
Central America0.78 --0.74-0.03---
South America3.72 --0.74-0.752.23--
Caribbean0.81 --0.74-0.07---
Europe24.50 --0.03 -15.58 2.91 5.98 -
Slovakia1.40 ------1.40-
Ukraine13.49 ----12.001.49--
Hungary0.40 ------0.40-
Poland3.30 ------3.30-
Europe5.91 --0.03-3.581.420.88-
Oceania4.29 ----2.86 0.92 0.51 -
Oceania4.29 ----2.860.920.51-
Global/unallocable4.32 --0.93 1.13 1.32 -0.03 0.91
Total – Other official bilateral flows135.70 3.54 0.04 15.22 25.36 56.80 17.79 16.04 0.91

Appendix 3 – Abbreviations

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Department of National Defence
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Export Development Canada
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Global Affairs Canada
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance)
Global Environment Facility
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
International assistance envelope
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Development Association
Inter-American Development Bank
International Development Research Centre
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International financial institution
International humanitarian assistance
International Monetary Fund
Multilateral development institutions
Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
Maternal, newborn and child health
Non-governmental organization
Official development assistance
Official Development Assistance Accountability Act
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Development Assistance Committee
International Organization of La Francophonie
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Regional trade agreements
Sustainable Development Goals
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Weapons of mass destruction
Total official support for sustainable development
United Nations
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
World Food Programme
World Trade Organization

Appendix 4 - Glossary

Administrative costs (see also operations and management)
In 1979, OECD-DAC members agreed that ODA figures should include the administrative costs of extending assistance. The inclusion of administrative cost data was intended to improve the comparability of total ODA figures among donor countries.
Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP)
The ACCBP improves the capacity of beneficiary states to prevent and respond to threats posed by transnational organized criminal activity throughout the hemisphere, thereby contributing to the full range of Canada’s interests in the Americas. The ACCBP Human Smuggling Envelope is administered by the ACCBP to respond specifically to the global threat posed to Canada by human smuggling ventures abroad.
Assessed contributions
Assessed contributions are payments made by the federal government as a result of Canada’s membership in an international organization. To maintain its status in good standing, Canada is required to provide its share of the total operations costs.
Bilateral assistance (as opposed to multilateral assistance)
Bilateral assistance is the disbursement of funds where the donor earmarks or controls the funds by specifying the recipient and/or other aspects of the initiative. Bilateral assistance can be undertaken:

- by a donor country directly with a developing country
- with national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in development and other interal development-related transactions such as interest subsidies, spending on promotion of development awareness, debt reorganization and administrative costs
- with a multilateral organization when the donor effectively controls the disposal of the funds by specifying the recipient or other aspects of the disbursement

Table A shows the breakdown of Canada’s bilateral and multilateral assistance by source and by channel.
Table D2 shows the breakdown of Canada’s bilateral assistance by recipient.
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)
The CFLI is a contributions program administered at Canadian missions abroad, that is used to advance Canadian interests and priorities in a targeted and flexible manner. It occupies a unique niche: distinct, yet complementary to other Global Affairs Canada programming (i.e. development, security, democracy, humanitarian responses). The CFLI funds small-scale, locally-developed projects of up to $50,000, worth $25,000 on average.
In the context of this report and international development statistics, the term “channel” is used to distinguish between bilateral and multilateral assistance (see definitions for bilateral assistance and multilateral assistance).
Civil society (as opposed to government institutions or private sector institutions)
In this report, civil society includes:

- Canadian not-for-profit organizations that have a legal personality in Canada, including NGOs, international NGOs, volunteer cooperation agencies, cooperatives, unions and federations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, educational and policy research institutes
- regional, national and local institutions, not-for-profit organizations and agencies from developing countries and territories that have a legal personality
- international not-for-profit organizations that have a legal personality in the country in which their headquarters are located

To be considered international, an organization must have an international membership and management, and its governing body must be elected regularly on an international basis.

See Table C1.
Cost of refugees
Refers to refugee-related costs incurred during refugees’ first year in a donor country. It includes the estimated expenditures to bring refugees to a donor country and the costs associated with food, shelter and training. The methodology used is consistent with OECD-DAC directives.

Note that only costs covered by the federal government are considered ODA under the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act. See “About this report” at the beginning of this document.

See definition of ‘‘ODA-eligible imputed costs.’’
Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program (CTCBP)
The CTCBP improves the capacity of beneficiary states to prevent and respond to threats posed by terrorist activity through the provision of training, equipment, and technical and legal assistance.
Country programs
(as opposed to regional programs)
Country programs are presented in Tables D1 and D2 and cover a broad range of activities. These include programs carried out directly with government organizations, including with direct budget support. Funds are also managed through an executing agent, or local or international NGOs or institutions, depending on program delivery and the specific conditions and agreements reached with the recipient country.
Developmental food assistance
The term refers to the supply of edible human food under national or international programs, including transportation costs, cash payments made for food supplies, project food assistance and food assistance for market sales, excluding emergency food assistance. See definition of ‘‘emergency food assistance.’’

An example of developmental food assistance is the World Food Programme’s School Feeding Program. School meals encourage hungry children to attend school and help them concentrate on their studies.
Disaster prevention and preparedness
Refers to a specific set of humanitarian assistance activities that support disaster risk reduction (e.g. developing knowledge, natural-risk cartography, legal norms for construction); early warning systems; and emergency contingency stocks and contingency planning, including preparations for forced displacement.
Emergency food assistance
This refers to a specific set of humanitarian assistance activities, including general free distribution or special supplementary feeding programs providing short-term relief to targeted population groups affected by emergency situations. The term excludes non-emergency food security assistance programs/food assistance. See ‘‘developmental food assistance.’’
The term “expenditures” includes:

- amounts spent (e.g. transfer payment in the form of a grant or contribution)
- capital subscriptions or advances to an international financial institution in the form of a note issuance
- estimated ODA-eligible cost (e.g. a cost for refugees in Canada)
Export Development Canada (EDC)
Canada reports as ODA concessional credits that it grants through the Export Development Corporation under Section 23 of the Export Development Canada Act. These concessional credits, meeting approved development criteria, are not, however, considered part of the regular assistance program budget (i.e. international assistance envelope).

Since 2014-15, the Statistical Report has been prepared on an expenditures basis and the loan repayments for previous ODA loans are no longer netted out of the totals.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
Any ODA expenditures are reported by the FCM on behalf of its members. Members of the FCM include Canada’s largest cities, small urban and rural communities, and 17 major provincial and territorial municipal associations.
Department of Finance Canada
This refers to ODA flows reported by the Department of Finance Canada, which is responsible for delivering a major portion of Canada’s ODA including debt relief, that is, debt reorganization that relieves the overall burden of debt in partner countries. The Department of Finance also takes the lead in managing Canada’s relationship with the World Bank Group. The funding to the World Bank’s International Development Association and to the International Monetary Fund is reported to Parliament through the Department of Finance’s Main Estimates.

Since 2020-21, the Department of Finance Canada no longer reports contributions to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative. These are now reported by Export Development Canada.
FinDev Canada
A development finance institution that offers financial solutions to businesses in developing countries, with the potential to positively impact market development, empower women and mitigate climate change.
Fiscal year
This report is prepared on the fiscal-year basis adopted by the Government of Canada. The fiscal year begins April 1 and ends March 31.
General budget support
This refers to a particular category defined by the OECD-DAC as unearmarked contributions to the government budget, support for the implementation of macroeconomic reforms (structural adjustment programs, poverty reduction strategies) and general program assistance (when not allocable by sector).
Geographic programs
Global Affairs Canada delivers most of its bilateral assistance through country programs (see “Country programs”) or regional programs (see ‘‘Regional programs”), managed by the department’s Geographic Programs.
Global Affairs Canada
Under this department, Canada continues to advance its priorities abroad by undertaking diplomacy and programming in support of international peace and security, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The development side of Global Affairs Canada remains dedicated to delivering tangible results for those most in need in the developing world, and the department continues to provide whole-of-government coordination in response to international crises and natural disasters.
Global Issues and Development
This Global Affairs Canada branch manages the development aspects of Canada’s relations with multilateral organizations, provides financial support for these organizations, and helps determine their policies and programs throughout the world.

Global Issues and Development delivers bilateral and multilateral assistance. See related definitions of ‘‘bilateral assistance’’ and ‘‘multilateral assistance.’’
Global Partnership Program
This is the main mechanism through which Canada supports international efforts through concrete projects to prevent the proliferation of weapons and materials of mass destruction and their potential use by terrorists.
Global Peace and Security Program
This program responds to increasing international demand for Canadian support and involvement in complex crises, including conflicts and natural disasters, and coordinates whole-of-government engagements in fragile and conflict-affected states. The program also integrates policy, operations, coordination and programming to provide agile, timely and responsive programming to further advance the government’s priorities in the important area of peace and security.
Humanitarian assistance
Humanitarian assistance is defined as assistance designed to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain and protect human dignity during emergencies and in their aftermath. Humanitarian assistance is delivered in a manner that is consistent with the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

Humanitarian assistance includes:

- disaster prevention and preparedness
- the provision of shelter, food, water, sanitation and health services, and other items of assistance for the benefit of
affected people, and to facilitate the return to normal lives and livelihoods
- measures to promote and protect the safety, welfare and dignity of civilians and those no longer taking part in hostilities
- rehabilitation, reconstruction and transition assistance while the emergency situation persists
Imputed foreign student costs
This refers to the cost of educating foreign students from ODA-eligible countries in Canada. It excludes tuition fees paid by foreign students or their sponsors. See definition of ‘‘ODA-eligible imputed costs.’’
International assistance
Canada’s international assistance includes all financial resources provided by Canadian governments (federal, provincial, territorial or municipal) to support economic, environmental, social and political development in other (primarily developing) countries.

See section “Understanding the report” for more information.
International assistance envelope (IAE)
The international assistance envelope is a dedicated, whole-of-government pool of resources for international assistance. It funds the majority of Canada’s international assistance. Most of the activities funded by the IAE qualify as ODA and comply with the requirements of Canada’s Official Development Assistance Accountability Act. Non-ODA eligible activities funded by the international assistance envelope include, for example, security, conflict prevention, stabilization and peacebuilding initiatives that do not meet ODA eligibility due to country eligibility or activity type.
International Business Development and Innovation
This Global Affairs Canada branch supports private sector engagement and the management and administration of several international scholarship opportunities for Canadians and foreign students.
International Development Association (IDA)
The IDA is the part of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries. The IDA is funded largely by contributions from the governments of its developed member countries. The IDA lends money (known as credits) on concessional terms. This means that IDA credits have no interest charge, and repayments are stretched out over 35 to 40 years, including a 10-year grace period. The IDA also provides grants to countries at risk of debt distress.

Canadian funding to IDA is managed by the Department of Finance Canada.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
The IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation funded through the IAE that invests in knowledge, innovation and solutions to improve lives and livelihoods in the developing world.
International financial institution (IFI)
IFIs are financial institutions that have been established (or chartered) by more than 1 country and are therefore subject to international law. Their owners or shareholders are generally national governments, although other international institutions and other organizations occasionally figure as shareholders. The most prominent IFIs are creations of multiple nations, although some bilateral financial institutions (created by 2 countries) exist and are technically IFIs. Many of these are multilateral development banks. The best-known IFIs are the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and regional development banks.
International Humanitarian Assistance Bureau
This Global Affairs Canada bureau responds to funding requests from multilateral humanitarian organizations such as the United Nations World Food Programme, UNICEF and other experienced humanitarian partners, including the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs, except in the West Bank and Gaza, where the country program also provides humanitarian assistance.

Refer to Table B2 for a detailed summary of Canada’s international humanitarian assistance.
International Scholarship Program
This program attracts international students and researchers to Canada by offering scholarships to Canadian and foreign students and by promoting government-funded awards.
International Security and Crisis Response
This Global Affairs Canada branch is responsible for coordinating Canadian peace and security objectives.
Loan repayments
In this report, the term “loan repayments” refers to repayments to Canada of development-related loans by developing countries, whether the loans were issued by Global Affairs Canada or other departments. A detailed breakdown by country/organization is available in appendices 1 and 2.

“Bilateral loans” – refers to repayments of loans granted by Global Affairs Canada to developing countries prior to 1986.

“Multilateral loans” – refers to repayments of loans granted by Global Affairs Canada to the Andean Development Corporation, the African Development Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Long-term institutional support
Long-term institutional support, also known as core funding, is the business delivery model that allows the Government of Canada to provide financial support to entities (organizations, institutions or recipient countries) whose actions achieve development results that reflect the Government of Canada’s goals and objectives.

In accordance with international standards, this reports counts long-term institutional support to multilateral organizations as multilateral assistance, while long-term institutional support to NGOs is counted as bilateral assistance. In addition, long-term institutional support to multilateral institutions includes the ODA portion of assessed contributions. See definition of ‘‘assessed contributions.’’
Material relief assistance and services
In Table B2, this refers to a specific set of humanitarian assistance activities:

- the provision of shelter, water, sanitation and health services
- the supply of medicines and other non-food relief items
- assistance other than for food or protection to refugees and internally displaced people in developing countries.
Mobilized private finance
Mobilized private finance refers to the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects. Official actors such as Canada can attract private investment in developing countries by mitigating risk and improving the enabling environment. The financial engagement of the private sector in a particular project is “mobilized” because of Canada’s involvement to make the project financially viable.
Multilateral assistance
(as opposed to bilateral
assistance), also known as long-term institutional support
to multilateral
Multilateral assistance is funding provided to a multilateral institution that:

- conducts all or part of its activities in favour of development
- is an international agency, institution or organization whose members are governments, or a fund managed autonomously
- pools contributions so that they become an integral part of the financial assets

In this report, the term ‘‘multilateral assistance’’ includes both ODA and non-ODA elements.

To estimate/impute the portion of assistance going through multilateral organizations to developing countries, the OECD has developed a series of coefficients based on the flow of resources (on a calendar-year basis) disbursed by the organizations in the developing countries. This set of coefficients is used, in part, to estimate the disbursements shown in Table D3.

It is important to note that any methodology for imputing multilateral flows will always be an approximation. Multilateral flows in a given year are not exactly imputable to donors’ contributions in that year, no matter what methodology is used. Among the reasons for this are:

- General approximations and timing. The estimated country and sector amounts are counted when the government makes the payment to the organization and are based on the totality of the program, rather than when the payment is used by the ultimate recipient. Donors’ contributions to multilateral institutions are reportable in the year they are paid. Many trust funds aim to catalyze additional funding from other investors and donors. Such funds typically need to reach a certain funding threshold before disbursements begin, sometime after Canada’s contribution.
- Limits of data on multilateral outflows. While several multilateral agencies report to the OECD on the use of their funding (by country, by sector, etc.), some do not. Therefore, the country and sector breakdowns of multilateral organizations are estimated using others sources, such as annual reports.
- Grants to lending institutions. Some institutions lend rather than grant funds. Their lending in any one year may be much greater than donors’ contributions, since it also draws on reflows of principal, interest receipts and transfers of funds within the institution.
Multilateral organizations
The OECD-DAC defines multilateral organizations as international institutions with governmental membership that conduct all, or a significant part of, their activities in favour of development and assistance to recipient countries. They include multilateral development banks (e.g. the World Bank and regional development banks), United Nations agencies, international public-private partnerships, and regional groupings (e.g. certain European Union organizations).
National Defence
This refers to ODA-eligible contributions from the Department of National Defence, such as the provision of humanitarian relief supplies. Military-type interventions (for example, bilateral peacekeeping missions) and other activities that are not development-focused are not included in this report.
ODA-eligible imputed costs
This describes a cost category that is eligible for ODA status under the OECD-DAC guidelines, but with no actual expenditure data readily available. Instead, an estimate is produced based on a statistical model and/or professional judgement. This includes the cost of refugees (first year), imputed foreign student costs, services provided without charge by other government departments and imputed interest on advance payments, for which definitions can be found in this glossary. The Policy on Transfer Payments no longer requires departments to report the imputed interest costs on advance payments and therefore these costs no longer appear in the Statistical Report.
Office of Human Rights, Freedoms and Inclusions
The Office of Human Rights, Freedoms and Inclusion supports religious communities that are facing intolerance or persecution in their country through projects in 4 areas: education on freedom of religion and pluralism; research and monitoring; interreligious dialogue; and legal and legislative support.
Official bilateral debt relief
Official bilateral debt relief refers to debt-service relief negotiated through multilateral forums such as the Paris Club. The transfer of funds, administered by the Department of Finance Canada, is considered ODA-eligible.
Official development assistance (ODA)
Official development assistance (ODA) represents the vast majority of Canada’s international assistance. Canada accepts 2 definitions of ODA:

. As defined by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, ODA refers to flows to countries and territories on the DAC list of ODA recipients and to multilateral institutions. Funding must be provided by official agencies, including state and local governments, or by their executive agencies. Each transaction must be administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective and/or be concessional in character.

The term "ODA," as defined by Canada’s Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (ODAAA), is used in Government of Canada publications. Canada’s ODAAA spending is compatible with the OECD-DAC
definition above but is only applicable to federal entities and, in addition, must meet the 3 criteria set out in subsection 4.1 of the Act: a) contribute to poverty reduction, b) take into account the perspectives of the poor, and c) be consistent with international human rights standards. International assistance to alleviate the effects of a disaster or other emergencies is also counted as ODA under the Act.
Operations and management (see also Administrative costs)
In this report, the term "operations and management costs" refer to those directly incurred by the donor agency to cover the day-to-day costs of extending international assistance.
Other official assistance (also known as non-ODA)
This refers to activities that do not meet the conditions for eligibility as official development assistance because they are not primarily aimed at development (e.g. counter-terrorism capacity building, military observers). On the other hand, incremental costs incurred for the use of a donor’s military equipment to deliver humanitarian assistance or perform development services are ODA-eligible (e.g., emergency assistance by the Disaster Assistance Response Team). Activities outside the IAE that are not ODA-eligible are considered out of the scope of this report and hence not reported (e.g. military-related training, supply of military equipment and services to peacekeeping missions, and the forgiveness of debts incurred for military purposes).
Partnerships for Development Innovation
This Global Affairs Canada branch provides opportunities for Canadians to engage in international development and contributes to initiatives designed and delivered predominantly by Canadian civil society organizations; the private sector; colleges, universities and research entities; and provincial and regional councils and foundations. The branch facilitates knowledge exchange across the department and with civil society and international partners to advance innovative approaches to international development.
Payables at year-end
The recording against the current fiscal year of liabilities incurred but which have not been paid by the end of the accounting period.
Program assistance
This term refers to international assistance spending by Global Affairs Canada’s assistance programs, excluding operations and management costs, and changes in the value of investments in IFIs.
Regional development banks
These are international financial institutions (IFIs) that are owned and operated by member nations. They are designed to extend development loans and provide other assistance to member nations. The world’s 5 regional development banks are the African Development Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Caribbean Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank.
Regional programs
Refers to regional programs managed by Global Affairs Canada’s Geographic Programs Bureau (see above) that address the regional issues countries face together. In Tables D1 and D2, these programs are reported separately from country programs. See ’’Country programs’’ above.
Repayable contributions
A contribution provided to a recipient institution for investment purposes, with the expectation of long-term reflows at conditions specified in the financing agreement. The provider assumes the risk of total or partial failure of the investment.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
This refers to ODA disbursements made by the RCMP for bilateral programs aimed at post-conflict peacebuilding and security system management and reform.
Sector codes (Table B1)
Sector codes are used to describe the purpose of assistance. The list of sectors is compiled by the OECD-DAC. From time to time, modifications are made with the approval of donor countries. The OECD-DAC sector classification contains the following broad categories:

- social infrastructure and services – covering the sectors of education, health, population, water, government and civil society
- economic infrastructure and services – covering transport, communications, energy, banking and finance, and business services
- production – covering agriculture, forestry, fishing, industry, mining, construction, trade and tourism
- multi-sector – covering, for example, general environmental protection; other multi-sector assistance, including urban and rural development; and non-sector allocable assistance for contributions not susceptible to allocation by sector, such as general budget support, actions relating to debt, humanitarian assistance, and internal transactions in the donor country.

The sector identifies the specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure the contribution is intended to foster. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided.
Services provided without charge by other departments
This refers to costs incurred by other departments for accommodation, legal and cheque-issuing services rendered to Global Affairs Canada. See "ODA-eligible imputed costs" above.
Services rendered abroad
These are common services provided to Canada-based and locally engaged Global Affairs Canada personnel at Canada’s diplomatic and consular missions abroad. These funds help to facilitate the presence of development officers in the field and support the implementation of international assistance projects.
Strategic Policy and Summits
This Global Affairs Canada branch represents Canada at international forums and ensures that international commitments are reflected in Canadian development policies.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In September 2015, Canada and 192 other UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is a 15-year global framework centred on an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 169 targets and over 230 indicators. The 2030 Agenda envisions a secure world free of poverty and hunger, with full and productive employment, access to quality education and universal health coverage, the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and an end to environmental degradation.

The 2030 Agenda is a global framework of action for people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. It integrates social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, as well as peace, governance and justice elements. It is universal in nature, meaning that developing and developed countries alike will implement the Agenda. Furthermore, the Agenda includes an overarching principle of ensuring that no one is left behind in the achievement of the SDGs.

Canada’s international assistance projects can support multiple SDGs at the same time.
Total official support for sustainable development (TOSSD)
TOSSD is a new international statistical framework for monitoring official resources and private finance mobilized by official interventions in support of sustainable development. It encompasses all officially supported resource flows to promote sustainable development in developing countries, and to support development enablers and address global challenges at regional or global levels. As such, it includes almost all reported ODA. TOSSD also includes private resources mobilized by the official sector (e.g. through public-private partnerships).
Unallocable or non-allocable assistance (as opposed to allocable assistance)
When assistance disbursements cannot be assigned by country or sector (e.g. costs of refugees in Canada), the disbursement is referred to as unallocable or non-allocable.
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