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About the DevData dashboard

DevData is an interactive dashboard that contains data from Canada’s annual Statistical Report on International Assistance. This easy-to-use tool includes detailed data from Canadian federal, provincial and municipal governments that support economic, environmental, social and political development in partner countries. The interactive map and graphics show data by fiscal year, government department, country or region, sector and partner. You can also view and download data in table format.

Uploads to DevData occur twice a year, with preliminary data and estimates uploaded every fall and the final dataset uploaded before March 31. Data correction uploads can occur at other times as needed.

Data standards and methodologies

DevData uses international standards to compare historical data for domestic and international audiences. The dashboard covers international assistance spending and Official Development Assistance (ODA) expenses from all levels of government. Funds include expenses from within the international assistance envelope (IAE) and from outside the envelope, such as in-donor refugee costs and debt relief.

This dashboard is presented based on expenditures. Expenditures are counted when the payment is registered in the accounting systems, with the understanding that organizations receiving Canadian funding will use it over the length of the project. Costs like refugee resettlement costs use international standards to calculate the data. Revisions to the standards occur regularly in forums such as the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD-DAC).

Expenditures by country, region or sector are the estimated share of support from individual projects. Expenditures recorded under Canada or other developed countries refer to public awareness and outreach activities. They could also support development conferences occurring in those countries.

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that the information it provides is open and transparent. Reports prepared in accordance with the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (ODAAA) are available on the ODAAA web page. To enhance the efficiency and accountability of Canada’s international assistance, Global Affairs Canada provides links to Canadian international development statistical data on the Open Government Portal. In addition, Global Affairs Canada provides detailed information on its international assistance projects in the Project Browser. Canada publishes information about international assistance projects in accordance with the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).

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