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Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2017-2022 - Status of Women Canada - Progress report for fiscal year 2017-2018

Status of Women Canada (SWC) works particularly closely with the lead Action Plan partner departments Global Affairs Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to increase their capacity to apply a gender and diversity lens to their policies, plans and operations.

SWC is leading the development and implementation of Canada’s Strategy to Address and Prevent Gender-Based Violence (Canada’s GBV Strategy), in which DND/CAF and the RCMP are partners. In conjunction with Canada’s GBV Strategy, SWC is supporting Action Plan lead partners on internal cultural change initiatives geared to increasing the number of women who are able to deploy in support of peace operations. Specifically:

SWC has been actively supporting the RCMP and DNA/CAF in developing their internal capacity to apply Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to their internal policies, decision-making, plans and programs, all in support of their internal culture-change initiatives. This has included the collaborative development of advanced GBA+ training for policy personnel.

The Government of Canada’s Action Plan on GBA+ includes the requirement for SWC to consult departments on the creation and/or updating of tools such as a GBA+ guide and GBA+ training.

Completed Activities within the RCMP:

Completed Activities within DND/CAF:

In working on this activity, DND/CAF plan to:

Results and Progress:

Results and Progress with the RCMP include:

Results and Progress with CAF/DND include:

SWC is also working with various partners (including the RCMP and DND/CAF) on initiatives to address GBV, including participating in the development of a new federal regime to ensure that federal workplaces are free from harassment and sexual violence.

Completed Activities: The Government of Canada is committed to preventing and addressing GBV in all its forms.

On June 19, 2017, the Minister of Status of Women announced It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (Canada’s GBV Strategy) which includes three pillars of action: prevention, support for survivors and their families, and promoting responsive legal and justice systems. Canada’s GBV Strategy will fill gaps in support for diverse populations, which could include: women and girls, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQ2 community members, gender non-binary individuals, those living in northern, rural, and remote communities, people with disabilities, newcomers, children and youth, and seniors.

Canada’s GBV Strategy is a whole-of-government approach to prevent and address this form of violence, with investments from: SWC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Public Safety Canada, the DND, the RCMP, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Canada’s GBV Strategy also includes initiatives from other departments and agencies whose work, beyond the six funded partners above, is also critical to end GBV across Canada.

Budget 2017 included $100.9 million over five years, and $20.7 million per year ongoing, to support the implementation of the GBV Strategy:

Budget 2018 proposes to provide an additional $86 million over five years, starting in 2018-19, and $20.0 million per year ongoing, to expand Canada’s GBV Strategy with support for initiatives that include:

Also proposed in Budget 2018 were the following key issues to address GBV:

In addition:

Other related initiatives by the RCMP include:

Other related initiatives by DND/CAF include:

Results and Progress :

Canada’s GBV Strategy has just reached its first anniversary.  For the 2017-2018 Annual Report, which includes the achievements of both funded and unfunded federal partners, visit A Year in Review

Performance indicators have been established for the Strategy’s funded partners; however, due to the lack of existing data, baselines are currently being determined and results won’t be available until 2019/20.

Other related initiatives by the RCMP have yield the following results:

Other related initiatives by CAF/DND have yield the following results:

SWC is also actively supporting the RCMP in reviewing current gender- and culturally-sensitive training policies for federal frontline law enforcement officers to ensure that they are strong and effective and in building and strengthening GBA+ capacity, in keeping with additional commitments outlined in the mandate letter of the Minister of Status of Women.

Completed Activities:

Results and Progress:

SWC also works closely with Global Affairs Canada in preparing for and in negotiating the agreed conclusions of the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women, which includes advancing the Government of Canada’s position on WPS.

Completed Activities:

Results and Progress :

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