2019-2020 Department of National Defence departmental progress report for Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security
Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) recognize that armed conflict, natural disasters, and humanitarian crises affect women, men, girls, and boys differently. As noted in Canada's 2017 defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE), women's participation is vital to achieving and sustaining peace, and has a tangible impact on the operational effectiveness of our forces. Women broaden the range of skills and capacities among all categories of personnel, improve the delivery of peace and security tasks, enhance situational awareness and early-warning by facilitating outreach to women in communities, and improve a military force's accessibility, credibility, and effectiveness in working among local populations.
As such, DND/CAF is committed to being a strong partner with Global Affairs Canada in putting women and girls at the centre of Government of Canada efforts to prevent and resolve conflict. Integrating United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and embedding gender perspectives into our policies, training/education, and operations are moral and operational imperatives that will contribute to a culture of respect internally and increase DND/CAF effectiveness as it delivers on its mandate.
DND/CAF support for Canada's renewed Action Plan builds on a number of recent, new directives and initiatives - as set out in SSE - aimed at integrating gender perspectives into our internal policies and into our operations abroad, notably as it relates to recruitment, diversity, responding to inappropriate behaviour, and training/education. DND/CAF will use targets and indicators to track our progress as we implement our strategies.
Over the course of Canada’s renewed Action Plan 2017-2022, DND/CAF will focus on implementing and tracking these initiatives, with a view to delivering results – for example to further integrate Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) within DND, meet diversity recruitment targets, and increase the number of uniformed women deployed on international operations. DND/CAF is also committed to ensuring as well as enhancing a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees; addressing systemic misconduct, including sexual misconduct, hateful conduct, harassment and discrimination. DND/CAF, as a committed partner, has identified a number of priority activities to support the ongoing implementation of the Action Plan, consistent with SSE. These activities are organized around the following themes:
- Governance and Accountability;
- Recruitment and Retention;
- Training and Education; and
- Integration into Operations.
Each of these themes have specific targets that will be measured and reported on an annual basis, and if required, may be re-examined in line with the departmental and Government of Canada priorities. The detailed list of DND/CAF targets for the Action Plan 2017-2022 - including baselines, activities, and indicators to measure progress - is provided below.
The departmental report below covers the period of April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. For every target, it provides a high-level snapshot of the progress achieved to date, outlines completed activities, and analyzes results and progress.
1. Governance and accountability
Context: DND/CAF continues to establish and update departmental directives, policies and guidelines to ensure that tenants of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, using gender perspectives and GBA+, are embedded in all processes, policies procedures and associated documentation.
- Continue to mainstream gender equality analysis throughout policies and programming - taking into account the different needs of women, men, and non-binary people;
- Continue to advance the Employment Equity PlanFootnote 1 to be more reflective of the composition of Canadian society, and to contribute to the enhancement of defence and security missions at home and abroad;
- Continue DND/CAF efforts to eliminate inappropriate sexual behaviour and other harmful conduct within the DND/CAF and to effect a culture change where men, women and non-binary people feel safe, respected and included.
- DND/CAF is committed to shed light on the causes for the continued presence of harassment and sexual misconduct, identify barriers to reporting inappropriate behaviour and to assess the adequacy of the response when reports are made, and to make recommendations on preventing and eradicating harassment and sexual misconduct; and
- Domestically, continue to work to implement the Department of Women and Gender Equality's Strategy to prevent and address Gender-Based Violence for which Budget 2017 allocated a total of four million dollars over five years to increase funding for Family Crisis Teams within the Defence Team.
DND/CAF is committed to the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and to ensuring that we continue to advance gender equality, both within the institution at home and abroad, and to champion Women, Peace and Security (WPS). The Defence Team leadership will continue to work with like-minded partners to promote human rights in all fora. DND/CAF`s leadership is committed to ensuring that gender perspectives are woven into our daily activities and will advocate for the advancement of the WPS agenda when we engage bilaterally or in multi-national fora, including North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nation (UN).
Implement the tenets of UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions
Target 1.1: Fully institutionalize the integration of gender perspectives using GBA+ in DND/CAF.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: On track
Baseline: The January 2016 Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) Directive for Integrating UNSCR 1325 and Related Resolutions into CAF Planning and Operations, and the January 2018 Deputy Minister’s Policy Statement on Diversity and Inclusion.
1.1.1 Integrate gender perspectivesFootnote 2 using GBA+ into Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board and associated Cabinet submissions, policy documents, appropriation directions, procurement requirements, project proposals, strategies, operational plans, operational orders, exercises, and related peace and security activities.
1.1.2 Establish the DND Gender Diversity and Inclusion Directorate to support the integration of GBA+ and gender and diversity into all Defence activities as directed in SSEFootnote 3 Footnote 4.
1.1.3 Publish a Joint Directive to provide guidance to the Assistant Deputy Ministers (ADMs) and Commanders (CAF L1s) on systematically integrating GBA+ within each organization.
1.1.4 Mandate ADMs to establish senior Gender Focal Points and to develop a GBA+ transition plan for integrating GBA+ into existing and future policies, projects, programs, and initiatives.
1.1.5 Establish a Gender Advisor (GENAD) and/or gender focal point within each DND and CAF organization, and large operation.
1.1.1 Number of CAF L1s that have established a GENAD.
1.1.2 Number of DND Senior Gender Focal Points.
Completed Activities:
- Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)Footnote 5 continues to institutionalize the use of Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)in an ever expanding variety of programs, projects, policies and plans where GBA+ findings inform decisions that support the WPS agenda within the DND/CAF and in our military operations. In particular, in 2019-20, DND/CAF conducted the following activities:
- Implementation of gender neutral language in operations, orders, and policies:
- DND/CAF strives to remove gender pronouns and gender identifiers where appropriate, referring to individuals by title, and collective groups as members, soldiers, leaders, etc.;
- In 2019 the CAF directed the elimination of gender based pronouns from Personnel Evaluation Reports (PERs) making the reports gender neutral; and
- Elimination of binary terminology (i.e. Men and Women) from all new DND/CAF policies, directives and corporate documents, as well as existing ones during cyclical review/update;
- Implementation of gender neutral language in operations, orders, and policies:
- DND/CAF revised its network of Senior Management Champions which includes: two Gender and Diversity Champions; one Women, Peace and Security Champion; one Champion for the Modernization of Sex and Gender Information Practices; one Champion for Youth and Youth Networks; and, four Employment Equity Champions. Within their line of effort, the Champions increased awareness on the value of using GBA+ internally and also engaged with external stakeholders, from academia to international partners, to share knowledge and best practices in advancing gender equality and inclusion;
- DND/CAF continues to develop better governance and improve its capacity to integrate gender perspectives using GBA+ with an expansive network of GBA+ Focal Points, Gender AdvisorsFootnote 6 (GENADs) and Gender Focal Points (GFPs) positioned throughout the organization;
- The merger of the Directorate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (DGDI) (DND) and the Directorate for Integration of Gender Perspectives (DIGP) (CAF) has been approved to provide a more focused and coordinated effort for the implementation of the WPS agenda and institutionalization of GBA+. The newly named Directorate for Gender Equality and Intersectional Analysis was also approved to grow to 26 full-time equivalents, an increase from 19 in 2018-2019;
- GENADs and GFPs continue to be deployed on all expeditionary and domestic CAF military operations;
- DND/CAF maintains four full-time (FTE) GENADs in L1Footnote 7 Headquarters. In addition, there are 18 senior GFPsFootnote 8 appointed to other L1 organizations within DND/CAF who participate to DIGP/DGDI chaired Working Group mandated to further the implementation of WPS and GBA+; and
- In addition, DND/CAF benefits from a network of approximately 90 DND/CAF trained GFPs within the institution, ready to be deployed on small missions;
- All communications produced at DND/CAF apply a GBA+. A total of 264 speeches in the fiscal year, incorporated GBA+ considerations into all of them;
- Introduction of GBA+ into Capability Based Planning (CBP); a process that is a key decision aid that assists senior leadership in making Force Development (FD) choices concerning future capabilities required to produce strategically relevant, operationally responsive, and tactically decisive military forces;
- Assistant Deputy Minister for Civilian Human Resources (ADM (HR-CIV)) developed a diversity and inclusion (D&I) lens tool to assist the GBA+ in their mandated activities;
- All CAF procurement projects are subject to a formal GBA+ analysis, which is incorporated into the PRICIE-GFootnote 9 analysis, where the "G" was added for GBA+. This ensures that issues of gender equality, diversity and human rights, as well as risks of unequal benefit, harm or exclusion, are addressed. The analysis covers the full length of the project, from inception through to project closeout, including any evaluation or review of the project; and
- Gender perspectives have been integrated into several Canadian Army (CA) personnel policy engagements, including (a) flagging issues related to personnel records of transgender CA members to CMP policy office of primary interest (OPI); (b) raising the impact of Canadian Ranger issues on their families and communities when briefing CA leadership; and (c) when discussing gender-based factors in the context of the CAF retention strategy and Adaptive Career Path initiative.
Results and Progress:
- Pursuant to the 2016 Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) Implementation Directive on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) and the 2018 Deputy Minister's (DM) Policy Statement on Diversity and Inclusion, the integration of gender perspectives has been progressively implemented across DND/CAF. Work is continuing to strengthen a coordinated DND/CAF focus for the implementation of the WPS Agenda objectives through the use of GBA+;
- There is strong senior-level leadership for the implementation of the WPS agenda within DND/CAF with CDS and DM personal sustained demand that GBA+ findings inform policies and program development and delivery. The Champions framework has been reviewed as our understanding of the interdependencies of GBA+ and the WPS Agenda became clearer and as a result, the Champions for GBA+ were deemed unnecessary. DND/CAF therefore now has a Senior leader as the Champion for Gender and Diversity assisted by a Chief Warrant Officer and another Senior leader as the Champion for WPS;
- The robust community of Champions, GENADs and GFPs within DND/CAF continues to advocate internally to DND/CAF senior leaders and employees and externally to partners and allies the critical importance of the WPS agenda and promote our continued commitment to its implementation at home and abroad;
- CAF continues to use GBA+ in the preparation of all operational plans and orders while monitoring and supporting CAF L2sFootnote 10 in their use of GBA+ to force generation and operational readiness activities, including for all CAF operational and/or exercise;
- ADM (HR-CIV) developed a D&I lens tool to assist the GBA+ in the staffing process, development of policy, programs, communications, etc. The D&I tool also encourages engagement with DAG's and other identity group representatives with the note that a true GBA+ analysis is not complete without engagement;
- The integration and institutionalization of GBA+ into the planning and execution of all Canadian Armed Forces activities greatly assist in identifying biases in policies and programs. Addressing these issues throughout the planning processes, as well as in orders and directives for the execution of programs and tasks, ensures that our actions as a department have an equitable impact on different groups, or at least create mitigation strategies. Concrete benefits of this include:
- Respecting individuals' gender identity, both CAF members and civilians with whom we interact, through the use of appropriate language, non-binary pronouns, etc.;
- Procurement of equipment that meets ergonomic requirements of all CAF members;
- Ensuring that all soldiers and leaders are well prepared to factor in GBA+ considerations when deployed either domestically and internationally, which increases the effectiveness of operations through consideration of gender perspectives and WPS agenda; and
- Consideration of Indigenous Peoples-specific factors when managing our Indigenous members, including Canadian Rangers, as well as how our force generation and domestic operations activities may impact them differently;
- The Project Approval Directive (PAD) mandates that GBA+ be conducted and integrated into project documentation and associated deliverables. In accordance with the PAD, projects are now required to include an Appendix on GBA+;
- For example, for the Hornet Extension Project (HEP), GBA+ considerations will be given in the acquisition of the digital helmet for pilots as part of the Phase 1 upgrade. The consideration of the weight of users will be considered as this helmet, when combined with ejection seat parameters, has an impact on the safety of pilots based on their weight (i.e., pilots of lighter weight are typically women and visible minority groups); and
- Another project where GBA+ considerations were taken into account and generated concrete outcomes was the Pistol Replacement Project, where the requirement for diverse grip sizes and force required to cock the pistol were taken in consideration;
- Programs and Networks related to LGBTQ2+ advocacy continue to promote GBA+ throughout DND/CAF, with a focus on inclusive representation and community:
- Positive Space Program - Launched in the DND/CAF in 2017. Positive Space Ambassadors are part of a DND/CAF peer-based support network within the workplace. Information briefings and training are regularly provided to those interested in becoming Positive Space Ambassadors to create a network of Ambassadors and trainers across DND/CAF. There are currently 223 Ambassadors and 22 Instructors trained to date;
Year Number of Ambassadors Number of courses 2017 4 1 (Pilot course) 2018 45 11 2019 223 24 Total change (%) 495% increase 218% increase - Defence Team Pride Network (DTPN) - Stand up of the Defence Team Pride Network- a joint CAF and DND Advisory Group with National Civilian and Military Co-chairs. The creation of the DTPN is further to the Defence Team commitment to fully leverage Canada's diversity and will promote diversity and inclusion as a core institutional value. An important aspect of diversity and inclusion is fostering awareness of LGBTQ2+ communities. The role of this advisory group (as with all Advisory Groups) is to provide unfettered advice and grass roots insight to the Defence Team leadership on issues relevant to their respective communities. The DTPN will provide essential advice to DND/CAF leaders, identifying current systemic challenges and anticipating the impact of new policies and initiatives as they relate to LGBTQ2+ people, enhancing LGBTQ2+ inclusion in the Defence Team and consulting on existing LGBTQ2+ training within the workplace;
- Positive Space Program - Launched in the DND/CAF in 2017. Positive Space Ambassadors are part of a DND/CAF peer-based support network within the workplace. Information briefings and training are regularly provided to those interested in becoming Positive Space Ambassadors to create a network of Ambassadors and trainers across DND/CAF. There are currently 223 Ambassadors and 22 Instructors trained to date;
- The Sexual Misconduct Resource Centre (SMRC) launched the Sexual Assault Centre Contribution Program (SACCP) as part of Canada's overall commitment to responding to gender-based violence. This program provides financial support to Canadian civilian society (non-military) not-for-profit sexual assault centres that are offering a full range of victim and survivor support services and are located near the ten locations with the largest CAF populations. The objective of this program is to provide opportunities for increased collaboration between community-based civilian service providers and CAF linked service providers and providing better access to CAF members to victim and survivor support services;
- Subject Matter Experts (SME) worked with military members of the Joint Capability Planning Team to incorporate GBA+ into the Capability Based Planning Process. This approach was very successful in strategic d senior DND/CAF leadership decisions for future force structure. DND/CAF Public Affairs has been a Government of Canada leader in establishing a communications plan related to gender equality and diversity for the organization. The plan, which is a direct deliverable stemming from the mandate letter to the DND/CAF Diversity Champions, will help DND/CAF communicate the results of sound GBA+ analyses on Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE) initiatives; this, in turn, will support institutional culture change and profile the concrete actions DND/CAF is taking to be more diverse and inclusive. For example, all news releases related to equipment procurement highlight the work done to evaluate GBA+ considerations during the procurement process when applicable. During Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20, communications products about trials for new uniforms and Armoured Combat Support Vehicles in particular highlighted our efforts to ensure equipment was tailored to all members, sometimes mentioning GBA+ evaluations directly;
- Public Affairs personnel capturing imagery are striving to reflect a diverse, inclusive and respectful DND/CAF Corporate internal communications and social media platforms are routinely leveraged to profile Defence initiatives to build a more diverse, inclusive and respectful culture. In FY 2019-20, just some examples of communications efforts in this regard included Pride Month, GBA+ Awareness Week, Women's History Month, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 16 Day of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, and International Women's Day; and
- During FY 19/20 Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) created subject matter briefs for the Canadian Forces Staff College on gender perspectives as well as assisted deployed GENADs and GFPs with briefing materials to support tactical objectives. These activities resulted in the further education of our future senior officers and task forces on the importance of GBA+ and the WPS agenda and their impacts on operational effectiveness.
Implement all aspects of the Departmental Diversity and Employment Equity strategies
Target 1.2: Effective support for and implementation of the CAF Employment Equity Plan.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: Attention required
Baseline: CAF Diversity Strategy and the CDS approved Action Plan as per January 2017.
1.2.1 Promote attainment of Employment Equity (EE) within the CAF through a better understanding of barriers and the use of tools to support EE.
1.2.2 Allocate, with support and commitment of leadership, appropriate resources and capabilities to effectively implement the CAF Employment Equity Plan.
1.2.1 Number of cyclical meetings of Employment Equity supporting committee and Defence Advisory Group meetings conducted.
1.2.2 Number of Employment Equity Implementation Task Table initiatives implemented.
1.2.3 Percentage of Bases/Wings with active Defence Advisory Groups.
1.2.4Trends in Employment Equity and Diversity based on surveys conducted during the reporting period.
Completed Activities:
DND/CAF continues with its efforts with regards to EE governance in order to provide guidance and direction as well as ensure that EE considerations are at the forefront of our recruiting and retention efforts:
- In fiscal year 2019-2020, DND/CAF worked to advance our diversity, equity, inclusion and recruitment goals engaging Canadians, including women, Indigenous Peoples, and other diverse and underrepresented groups, in support of the WPS Agenda and Canada's diversity objectives;
- The CAF saw a marked demand for consultations with the Defence Advisory Groups (DAGs)Footnote 11 during the reporting period. Monthly coordination meetings, the annual DAG Co-Chair meeting, consistent participation in the Champion and Chairs Committee meetings, and the establishment of an all department Representation and Inclusion Sub-Committee, reporting directly to a Vice CDS and Associate Deputy Minister level HR Committee meeting, are examples of the persistent engagement in and around the realm of Employment Equity (EE);
- The Employment Equity Diversity Departmental Committee re-commenced its efforts to focus the work of the EE Champions and other similarly identified Champions to ensure alignment and synchronization with the DAGs;
- Bases and wings remain active in supporting the DAGs, though a more dedicated effort needs to occur to ensure consistency of engagement within each Base/Wing for each of the EE DAGs;
- Driven by the EE Working group, the CAF has achieved 95% of the tasks identified in the 2015-2020 CAF EE Plan - a plan that is being actively refreshed to guide EE efforts for the next 5 years. The updated plan will be founded by an insightful Employment Systems Review, a scientifically based research effort spanning more than a year of work. Additionally, DAG leadership is actively engaged in contributing to a refreshed set of tasks that will help progress the CAF toward its long term EE goals; and
- In November 2019, CANSOFCOM refreshed and published the Military and Civilian Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Planthat focuses on the following departmental efforts:
- Workforce data collection;
- Internal governance, training and education;
- Communications and Stakeholder Engagements; and
- Recruitment and attraction.
Results and Progress:
- Canada's Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, introduced several initiatives that leverage Canada's diversity. The policy provides direction to promote diversity and inclusion as a core institutional value across DND/CAF, to focus on the recruiting and retention of under-represented populations within the CAF, and to aspire to increase the representation of women in the CAF to reach 25.1% of the overall force by 2026. Despite a fully developed plan, the CAF is encountering challenges in achieving the 25% target. The CAF has increased women's representation by less than 1% in the last three years, so it needs to develop more effective approaches in order to achieve the 2026 objective;
- CAF continues to focus on creating and facilitating a safe and inclusive workplace for all members. Over the last three years, there has been a shift in focus from understanding demographic representation towards a safe and inclusive workplace as a key driver of recruitment and retention. In doing so, research and analysis has considered issues like harassment, discrimination, burnout, and psychological distress for Employment Equity and diverse groups. Understanding the link between workplace well-being and recruitment/retention will inform the development of strategies as we move forward;
- Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) has implemented a Military and Civilian Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan. These CANSOFCOM directives and plans demonstrate a continued commitment to ensure institutional and international norms and standards align with the broader goals of promoting gender equality, the integration of gender perspectives and the WPS Agenda at home and abroad;
- The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) completed a comprehensive annual report on all activities related to employment equity and diversity. Air Force Order 5012-0, Employment Equity and Diversity Program provides direction to all levels of command in the RCAF ensuring that advisory groups are established; and
- DND and CAF Employee Self-Identification forms are the method in which to acquire and report on gender diversity with respect to the four Employment Equity groups as legislated under the Employment Equity Act. Self-Identification is voluntary and requires respondent consent for use of information;
- Data Caveats:
- All of DND/CAF's EE data is based on voluntarily self-identification by employees. The return rate has varied between 60 and 80% over the last 3 years. The data does not capture employees who could self-identify but choose not to do so.
- All EE Data is extracted once in a fiscal year and does not capture changes that occur between data extractions.
- Below is an excerpt from the 2020 Director Strategic Planning and Accountability (DSPA) EE Dashboard. This graph illustrates progress towards EE targets for each group over the last few years. The targets are represented by the dotted line, which is to meet Workforce Availability for each group. The percentages in each bar of the graph represent percentage towards meeting the target. For example, a bar at 80% means 80% of the target was met.
EE-Group Representation in DND - Percentage of representation goals met over three years
Text version
EE-Group Representation in DND - Percentage of representation goals met over three years EE-Group 2018 2019 2020 Expected Indigenous 121% 81% 81% 100% Persons with Disabilities 117% 61% 61% 100% Visible Minorities 90% 79% 84% 100% Women 24% 93% 93% 100% - While three EE groups are above 80% of their representation goal, none have reached 100%. The large changes between 2018 and 2019 reflects a transition from using 2011 Census data to 2016 Census data for calculating workforce availability.
- For FY 2019/2020, overall women's representation in the Regular Force and Primary Reserve increased 0.3% from FY 2018/19 to reach a new benchmark of 16.0%, while Aboriginal peoples' representation decreased by 0.1% and Visible Minority representation increased by 0.4%. In addition, Women's representation in the Regular Force Officers has increased across almost every occupation group over last year. Key examples include a new Major-General, an additional Brigadier-General, twenty-six (26) more Lieutenant-Colonels, and ten (10) additional Majors (1.7% increase in General Officer MOG). Representation of women in both the Regular Force and Primary Reserve has increased over the last year;
CAF EE Representation Rates – FY 2019-20 Component Women Indigenous Peoples Visible Minorities Persons with Disabilities Regular Force 15.7% 2.9% 8.5% 1.3% Primary Reserve 16.6% 2.7% 11.4% 0.9% Regular Force and Primary Reserve 16.0% 2.8% 9.4% 1.2% - CAF Enrolments for 2019/2020Footnote 12. Of those individuals to join the Regular Force or Primary Reserve in 2019-2020:
- 18.7% were Women;
- 12.0% were Visible Minorities; and
- 2.8% were Indigenous peoples.
CAF Enrolments – FY 2019-2020 Component Women Indigenous Peoples Visible Minorities Persons with Disabilities Regular Force 17.8% 3.5% 15% 0.7% Primary Reserve 19.6% 2.2% 8.8% 0.3% Regular Force and Primary Reserve 18.7% 2.8% 12.0% 0.5% CAF Enrolments – FY 2018-2019 Component Women Indigenous Peoples Visible Minorities Persons with Disabilities Regular Force 17.6% 2.9% 14.1% 0.9% Primary Reserve 16.7% 4.6% 9.8% 0.4% Regular Force and Primary Reserve 17.1% 3.8% 11.8% 0.6%
Support international cooperation on WPS
Target 1.3: DND and CAF engage with like-minded foreign defence and security organizations on implementing the tenets of Women, Peace, and Security.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: On track
Baseline: DND/CAF engages with partner nations who have committed to increasing engagement in promoting the WPS agenda through several bilateral and multilateral meetings.
1.3.1 Engage with the international defence community to support the participation and leadership of women in delivering peace and security efforts.
1.3.2 Continue to support the engagement of senior DND and CAF champions and key staff in leading and promoting WPS in international fora, such as UN, NATO, Five Eyes (FVYE – coalition comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
1.3.3 Share knowledge and expertise on gender equality and gender norms with Canadian defence and military experts and stakeholders.
1.3.1 Number of gender conferences conducted or participated in.
1.3.2 Number of senior/key leaders resources to speak at international forums on gender practices with National Defence.
1.3.3 Membership on international committees, such as the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives (NCGP), UN committees and subcommittees, and senior Defence related meetings that provide the opportunity to contribute to dialogue on gender perspectives in the military.
Completed Activities:
- DND/CAF continues to be very active with its international allies and partners and has increased its membership in committees and working group, accepted speaking engagements, taken a leadership role to highlight Canada’s achievements in the implementation of the WPS agenda, shared best practices and lessons learned;
- DND/CAF has increased its participation on international committees:
- Senior CAF personnel attended 3 WPS agenda specific events with the Five Eyes coalition;
- DND/CAF personnel participated in seven international workshops or conferences in 2019/20 with a WPS agenda theme;
- DND/CAF conducted and/or participated in twelve domestic conferences, up from nine in 2018/19, sharing best practices, lessons learned, and innovations in the field of WPS;
- DND/CAF senior leaders presented on WPS agenda related topics at 20 conferences/events, a difference from 12 in 2018/19; and
- DND/CAF continues to develop its relationship with civil society on WPS issues and participated in fourteen events, up from five in 2018/19, to share DND/CAF and Canadian experience with the implementation of the WPS agenda;
- The Military Training and Cooperation Program’s (MTCP) flagship contribution to the C-NAP is the Integration of Women and Gender Perspectives in the Armed Forces (IWGPAF) Workshop launched in 2017. This workshop instructs on the evolving role of women in military and security environments and brings awareness to gender issues in peace support operations;
- In FY 19/20, four serials of the IWGPAF Workshop were delivered in Benin, Ecuador, Malaysia, and Uganda. A total of 181 participants from 47 MTCP member countries (listed below) received this training:
- Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia;
- CAF continues to deploy GENADs and GFPs to all named operations including to the NATO Mission Iraq (NMI) to assist the Government of Iraq. In addition to efforts at the higher ministerial levels, the Canadian GENAD in NMI delivered training to senior non-commissioned members of the Iraqi Army on how they could protect vulnerable populations during conflict and how this would increase their operational effectiveness. Additionally, the Canadian NMI GENAD was advising and supporting the Gender Unit within the Ministry of Defense in their establishment and work on the revised Iraqi National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 on WPS;
- Operation PROJECTION West Africa: Women and girls of like-minded West African nations are introduced to women from Canada involved in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)/militaries and see that barriers which may exist within their communities are breakable;
- Focused on Maritime Security Capacity Building and awareness of UNSCR 1325 with like-minded West African countries;
- A repeat operation every January – April, Canadian Maritime Coastal Defense Vessels (MCDVs) operate within the Gulf of Guinea region and Canadian sailors lead an international shore based staff supporting regional management of maritime traffic; and
- While in the area, deployed members participate in community engagements with young women and girls, including an International Women’s Day event featuring discussion panels with high ranking women involved in STEM, militaries and government;
- Continued involvement within the Five Eyes (FVEYs) Navies (at the Captain, Navy level) through the FVEYs Personnel Steering Group (FEPSG) which includes discussions on the diversity and inclusion of all employment equity groups (Women, Indigenous Peoples, Visible Minorities, LGBQ2+, People with Disabilities). This group has a goal of sharing lessons learned/identified as well as ideas throughout the FVEYs community to implement within the CAF as appropriate;
- Other DND/CAF products and activities that contributed to in support of target 1.3.2 included:
- Support to the MINDS program: MINDS delivers a program that; Responds to the need for relevant and timely advice from defence and security experts, fosters the next generation of experts and scholars; and, contributes to Canadians understanding of defence and security issues. MINDS provides even greater opportunities for collaboration between the Defence Team and the defence and security expert community. There are five key pillars of MINDS: Expert Briefing Series, Targeted Engagement Grants, Collaborative Networks, Scholarships, and a Rapid Response Mechanism; and
- Three (3) of 18 sessions (17%) in the Expert Briefing Series had a C-NAP/WPS agenda nexus; and nine (9) of 49 (18%) of Targeted Engagement Grants had a C-NAP/WPS agenda nexus;
- The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) hosted the 2019 conference of The Canadian Women in Aviation Conference. The Conference attracts participants from across Canada and the US from the private and public sectors. The 2019 Conference had the largest attendance numbers in its history. It is considered a significant event to increase awareness, recruitment and retention of women in the aviation industry; and
- The CA contributes to the dissemination of information regarding UNSCR 1325 and the integration of women and minority groups in the CAF through their international engagements. While it is difficult to report precisely on the effect such engagements in the short term, the consistent agenda item and messaging from our senior leaders is certain to have some impact with our allies and partners and our leadership on several key issues such as increasing the number of women in combat arms and on UN mission can be seen as a model for other nations to consider.
Results and Progress:
- DND/CAF continues to strengthen its networks and partnerships and increase engagement in promoting the WPS agenda through various commitments undertaken with bilateral partners, as well as multi-lateral partners, mainly the UN and NATO. The ability and scope of the engagements far exceeds expectations and was deepened this fiscal year as the Chief of the Defence Staff assumed chairmanship of the WPS Chief of Defence (CHoDs) Network in July 2019. The result of this increased level of international collaboration has strengthened DND/CAF’s involvement on the WPS agenda both domestically and internationally. However, there is a continued need to improve the tracking of engagements, against the advancement of DND/CAF goals. Further, more needs to be done to effectively engage in knowledge sharing using the information and best practices gathered during engagements across DND/CAF:
- The Minister of National Defence, Parliamentary Secretary, and other senior leaders within DND/CAF, continue to prioritize and champion Canada's commitment to the WPS agenda through the inclusion of WPS Agenda themes in strategic engagements, as well as actively promoting WPS Agenda related actions and events to enhance awareness and support domestically and around the world.
- The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) accepted Chairmanship of the Women, Peace and Security Chiefs of Defence (WPS CHODs) Network in July 2019. The purpose of the Women, Peace and Security Chiefs of Defence (WPS CHODs) Network is to provide a collaborative platform for CHODs who have committed to advance the WPS agenda within their defence force. The Network supports members' efforts to build internal capacity and expertise. By sharing experiences, lessons observed and best practices, members will enhance their shared understanding and knowledge thereby increasing their ability to move the WPS agenda forward within their own defence force. DND/CAF's focus has been on strengthening and formalizing the Network, expanding its membership, and increasing awareness and nations' commitment to advance the WPS agenda. To date, we have made significant progress towards achieving these goals, through the following activities in FY 2019-20;
- DND/CAF launched an aide-memoire entitled "Integrating Gender Perspectives in Operations" during the United Nations WPS CHODs Network meeting in July 2019. This handbook is designed to assist all members of the CAF to integrate gender perspectives and the principles of Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) into operations. It has been distributed to the CAF and to the participants to our Gender Integration Workshop, delivered through our Military Training Cooperation Program and made available to all members of the WPS CHODs Network;
- the membership of the Network has grown to 52 nations and we are continuing to receive positive responses from the more than 40 additional nations we have invited to join;
- Work has started on the development of a Network Charter. It will record nation's pledges, and provide an opportunity for yearly updates on progress during annual meetings;
- DND/CAF has prepared a digital and portable training package to be made available to all United Nations countries in the fall of 2020; and
- The Network members are preparing vignette contributions depicting examples of successfully implemented gender perspectives. These contributions will assist in the development of an "Illustrative Book on Gender Perspective Outcomes", to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325;
- Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) continued to build on previous year's successes in partnership with the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF), by conducting two more mentoring and training serials for JAF's Female Engagement Teams (FET). The JAF program and training increases the meaningful participation of women in the Jordanian Armed Forces by encouraging them to go beyond the predominantly women dominated occupations within their forces, such as clerical or administrative roles, enabling them to perform in an operational environment. The JAF program is comprised of both individual and collective training, ranging from basic physical fitness and soldier skills to specialized skills that are required for operating in complex military environments. As a result of this partnership the women of the JAF FET have been able to enhance JAF operational effectiveness by ensuring women are involved in conflict prevention and resolution at the tactical level, facilitating the liaison with the local populations and ensuring vulnerable population concerns and needs are better understood;
- The NATO Mission Iraq (NMI) is helping to strengthen Iraqi security forces and Iraqi military education institutions. Major General Jennie Carignan took over command of the mission in 2019, where she has actively promoted the WPS agenda in her meeting with senior officials in Iraq. Additionally, the NMI GENAD provided training to Iraqi military members at various rank levels about the importance of women's meaningful participation in conflict and post-conflict settings in order to increase Iraqi military effectiveness;
- Canada's leadership regarding the advancement of the WPS agenda has resulted in allies and partners requesting our assistance in developing and delivering WPS agenda related training, planning events and conferences, and requesting our participation as keynote speakers or panelists in WPS agenda related events and conferences;
- The CANSOFCOM and CJOC GENAD in various engagements and conferences focused on gender issues with other government departments and international partners. These engagements provided opportunities to develop shared understanding of gender related issues and the exchange of expertise for both operational and institutional matters. In addition, these opportunities also helped to foster relationships with the wider gender community. Maintaining these engagements is critical to the operationalization of the GBA+ and advancing gender security and human rights within our organization and our partner forces;
- The Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC) is also developing, on behalf of the United Nations, a UN training for Engagement Platoons (EP) that aims to support the empowerment of women military members through their participation in the training, and facilitate the engagement of women and girls through their interaction with the EP on the ground when deployed on mission. The UN-EP is a new tactical level capability employed within an Infantry battalion which employs men and women equally to maximize the impact of Mission partner capabilities with an equal, representative trained to use a gendered approach to their operations. This new capability opens doors, builds trust and facilitates dialogue with a truly representative cross section of the civilian population of the host nation. This training will be utilised by troop contributing nations for all UN missions;
- Considerations when designing gender inclusive bathrooms have made DND/CAF a leader in the field, speaking at multiple national forums this year. Proposed changes to the Human Rights Act and Accessible Canada Act as a result of the GBA+ findings related to this work was briefed to MNDO bi-weekly, briefed to the DM and presented to project teams working on building designs. We are proactively pursuing the integration of these changes to Federal legislation by:
- Issuing gender neutral guidance on code interpretation for calculating toilet requirements; and
- Continuing research and development of guidance on gender neutral / inclusive washrooms, showers and change rooms by conducting stakeholder engagement, training sessions, etc.
- This fiscal year, the Speechwriting team drafted 39 products which discussed diversity, equity and inclusion, in support of the WPS agenda and Canada's diversity objectives. That equates to roughly 15% of all speeches for the year, or an average of 3 speeches per month;
- Six (6) speeches this year were delivered to international audiences/Canada's international partners, that focused on topics relating to the WPS agenda, as well as the importance of promoting gender perspectives:
- WPS Chiefs of Defence Network Conference - CDS - July 2019;
- NATO Military Rep Visit - DM - September 2019;
- Foreign Services Attachés - CDS - October 2019;
- Halifax International Security Forum: Women's Plenary - MND - November 2019;
- Halifax International Security Forum: Gala Toast - DM - November 2019; and
- Halifax International Security Forum: Gala - CDS - November 2019;
- Public Affairs' active engagement within DND/CAF ensures the WPS agenda remains central to DND/CAF messaging; raising awareness internally and externally of DND/CAF's commitment to and actions in support of the central tenants of the WPS agenda.
Continue to enhance monitoring and reporting on GBA+ and gender perspectives in DND and CAF
Target 1.4: Enhanced DND/CAF monitoring and reporting on the integration of gender perspectives and GBA+.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: Attention required
Baseline: A GBA+ planning and reporting section is integrated into the DND and CAF Departmental Plan and Departmental Results Report, and the UNSCR 1325 Implementation Working Group (UIWG) is established.
1.4.1 Continue to hold quarterly UIWG meetings to discuss, solicit input, and share challenges and best practices in implementing UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions in the CAF.
1.4.2 Hold quarterly DND GFP Network meetings to monitor the progress of the department in integrating GBA+ and gender perspectives.
1.4.3 Collect gender and diversity-sensitive data across DND/CAF.
1.4.1 Number of intra-departmental and interdepartmental working groups with a GBA+ or WPS nexus.
Completed Activities:
- DND/CAF continued to hold UNSCR 1325 Implementation Working Group (UIWG) meetings to coordinate implementation efforts and exchange lessons learned, best practices, and challenges:
- The UNSCR 1325 Implementation Working (UIWG) has evolved from its original format where only Canadian Armed Forces GENADs and GFP were invited with one representative from the Director Gender, Diversity and Inclusion. It is co-chaired by the Director Integration Gender Perspective and the Director Gender in order to better align priority of efforts between the CAF and DND and monitor WPS agenda implementation within DND/CAF. The working group met twice in 2019-20;
- DND/CAF is an active member of 4 interdepartmental and intradepartmental committees with a WPS agenda/GBA+ nexus:
- Security and Intelligence Diversity and Inclusion Tiger Team, led by DND/CAF;
- GBA+ Interdepartmental Committee, led by Department for Women and Gender Equality (WaGE);
- Working Group on GBA+ and National Security, led by Public Safety; and
- Defence Team HR Committee, internal to DND/CAF;
- CAF continues to be a member of the following international Committees:
- Nordic Center for Gender in Military Operations Steering Committee led by the Nordic Center for Gender in Military Operations; and
- NATO Committee on Gender Perspective, an ad hoc NATO Committee reporting annually to the NATO Military Committee.
Results and Progress:
- The UIWG continues to be a good forum for discussion and coordination of efforts as well as to raise issues regarding implementation and share lessons and best practice. As DND/CAF endeavors to better align and coordinate priorities and resources in its efforts to raise internal awareness and expertise, a different format may need to be developed to ensure representations from L1s within DND/CAF is being considered;
- DND/CAF chaired the WAGE Security and Defence Working Group Cluster. This group disused ways to integrate GBA+ within the defence and security sector. It worked on topics such as the uniform policy that helped inform inclusive policies surrounding dress and uniform in members' respective organizations;
- DND/CAF also participated on the Public Safety GBA+ working group. This group's mandate is to create a community of practice on how to tangibly apply GBA+ as tool to the Defence and Security sector. This year, the group created a compendium of GBA+ initiatives that each respective department was doing to share with Deputy Ministers; and
- A challenge has been identified during a review of the current DND GFP Network Governance Structure that found a need for more clarity on roles and responsibilities and a standardized approach for Senior GFPs in the reporting process.
2. Recruitment and retention
Context: Further to the CDS Directive on Recruitment, the CAF will continue to seek to increase the number of women within the CAF, and in turn the number of women available to be promoted to senior positions and for deployment. Recruiting processes including advertising, wait process times, job availability, application procedures, testing, and medical and fitness standards are all aspects that affect the decision process of a potential new recruit. In addition, aspects such as family balance, job enjoyment, selection for professional development, velocity of promotion, and having a safe and harassment free work environment are all factors that will contribute to making the CAF an attractive employer for potential new members.
Increase the recruitment of women to the CAF
Target 2.1: Increase the percentage of women in the Canadian military by 1% per year to achieve a desired goal of 25% by the end of FY 2026.
Progress achieved as of March 31, 2020: Attention required
Baseline: Percentage of women in the Canadian military was 15.4% as of March 2018.
2.1.1 Identify barriers in order to streamline the application process, including wait times for testing, medical examination, offer of employment, and enrollment to support the recruitment of women who select a career in the military.
2.1.2 Enhance the recruiting campaign and advertising to target women to join the military with emphasis on both common and unique employment opportunities.
2.1.3 Increase the availability of both Women Champions as well as a cross section of serving women to attend and participate in events that promote women in the military and their achievements within all trades, with emphasis on non-traditional jobs such as the infantry, artillery, and related combat arms employment.
2.1.4 Establish a Strategic Intake Plan (SIP) for women by year to include women-centric recruiting programs.
2.1.1 Number of women who apply to the CAF out of total number of applications received.
2.1.2 Number of women who are given an offer of employment out of the total number of women who apply.
2.1.3 Percentage of women who join for non-traditional employment.
2.1.4 Reasons for which applicants disengaged from the recruitment process.
Completed Activities:
- From recruitment to retention to transition out of service, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is prioritizing the respect and value for each and every member and what they contribute to our organization: skills, knowledge, perspectives and every element of a person's identity that makes them unique;
- CAF works with Defence Team Champions to foster a representative and equitable workforce that contributes to culture change and ensures engagement at all levels in order to reflect the Canadians we serve. Policies and programs put in place to identify and reduce barriers in the CAF/DND are as follows:
- Restorative Processes in response to Class Action Settlements;
- Transgender Guidance;
- Women’s Service Dress Review;
- Beard Policy;
- Religious & Spiritual Accommodation;
- Learning Disabilities Accommodation;
- Defence Team Pride Network for the LGBTQ2+ communities;
- Positive Space Ambassador Program;
- Change to MEL for Pregnant Women;
- Latin American Heritage Month;
- Microaggression and Unconscious Bias Training Package;
- Implementation of GBA+ on policy and program review;
- Culture Change Initiative: The Path to Dignity and Respect;
- Policy development to address conduct and behavior;
- The establishment of the Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management Program; and
- The establishment of an anti-Racism Secretariat;
- CAF Directorate Human Rights and Diversity (DHRD) and other agencies (Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management (ICCM), Directorate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (DGDI), Directorate Integration of Gender Perspectives (DIGP), Sexual Misconduct Resource Centre (SMRC), Director General, Professional Military Conduct (DG PMC)) supports the retention of designated groups by leading the CAF social policy effort to provide a safe and inclusive work environment for all members. With a focus on inclusion and meeting requirements set out in the Employment Equity Act, we are continuously reviewing programs and policies to ensure they meet the needs of all our members. As an organization we are committed to learning from different perspectives by utilizing the Defence Advisory Groups created to provide advice on systemic barriers and issues relevant to Defence Team members. We ensure the CAF Employment Equity Action Plan directs organizations to meet representation goals, support designated members and provides direction on EE recruiting efforts;
- In order to increase the recruitment of a diverse Canadian Armed Forces, that mirrors the Canadian population, recruitment advertising campaigns have been developed to respond to the interests of varying diverse groups. To ensure we are actively moving towards our goals, the CAF has consulted with underrepresented groups, specifically women, Indigenous Peoples, and visible minorities;
- A recruitment advertising awareness campaign ran in the April to June 2019 timeframe and in the January to March 2020 timeframe, primarily targeting Canadians between the ages of 18 and 34, which is inclusive of the diverse make-up of the Canadian population including women and cultural diversity, with part of the media buy directed at women specifically;
- The strong movement into the social media environment continues as does the updated public advertising in the concerted effort to reach all aspects of the diverse Canadian society. Current digital and media enterprises used to promote the full- and part-time career opportunities offered by the Canadian Armed Forces:
- New innovative and engaging website: Canadian Armed Forces;
- Inclusion of 'I Love My Job' recruiting videos on each occupation page in the website which have current and diverse CAF members describing their career experiences;
- Social Media posts and paid boosts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and flickr) links to Canadian Armed Forces related content;
- Paid advertising on digital platforms with awareness advertisements (TV and radio broadcast commercials) focusing on diversity and priority occupations;
- Conventional print advertisements in newspapers and magazines;
- New mobile app for job seekers;
- Participation in Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Women in Engineering, Women in Technology and Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) to raise the CAF profile among women in Canada;
- Continued outreach to civilian organizations to promote the CAF in their organizations; and
- Active engagement and partnerships with colleges and universities to identify CAF as a career / employer of choice is ongoing as well as the promoting of the cultural changes within the institution and leverage innovative technology (digital and social media) to reach a more diverse audience with a relevant and resonating message;
- There has been strong collaboration between CAF entities to provide the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) Headquarters (HQ) with objectives by occupation group in order to increase the recruitment of women. To further assist in achieving the women recruiting goals, CFRG has conducted priority processing and selection for women applicants:
- Processing: CFRG used GBA+ to make changes to their process to increase the number of diverse applicants. Women applicants receive priority booking for processing appointments; and
- Selection: CFRG HQ carried out priority selection of women applicants in the past three FYs, resulting in an increase of women enrollments from 775 in FY 16/17, to 860 in FY 17/18, 897 in FY 18/19, and 918 in FY19/20;
- The CA recruited at multiple events in the year, focusing specifically on events that attract women who are passionate about fitness and wellbeing:
- Installation of recruiting booths at the Soul Sisters Women's race (the largest women-only 5K in Canada, and the only women's ½ marathon in Eastern Canada);
- Installation of recruiting booths at the Strongman/Strongwoman competition in St. Johns;
- Participation in the Quebec Women's Show 9-10 November 2019; and
- Participation in International Women's Day (hosted at HMCS York but run by 32 CBG);
- The RCAF also took steps in the year to broaden their reach in terms of recruitment, especially of women:
- Updated generic RCAF Reserve recruiting pamphlet, imagery of reservists included women and visible minorities;
- Initiated Indeed job postings for Air Support Operations (AOS) Techs at existing locations;
- Conducted local radio advertising for AOS Tech intake at existing locations;
- Conducted local radio advertising for 14 Construction Engineering Squadron in Nova Scotia, supporting their unit open houses; and
- Conducted training sessions with RCAF Reserve recruiters to increase their knowledge of Canadian Forces Recruiting Information Management System (CFRIMS) and how the RCAF Reserve recruiters can facilitate the applicant file processing through the system; and
- The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) attractions team comprised of individuals who accurately represent Canadian society were created to better support OP GENERATION, the CAF operation focused on recruitment efforts including increasing the number of women within the CAF. Gender diverse members and those who identify with visible minority groups fill positions within the team on both coasts. The team is actively involved in recruiting efforts targeting colleges that provide equivalent technical training in an effort to decrease the number of ab initio recruits. The attractions team will also be holding virtual engagements with Naval Reserve Divisions (NRDs), who have been successful in recruiting women into occupations that are historically underrepresented in the Regular Forces:
- For example, Port Inspection Divers have a substantially higher population of women than their closest related Regular Forces occupation, Clearance Diver. Over the past two years, the Clearance Diver assessment centre (AC) has been updated based on job related tasks and rendered gender neutral.
Results and Progress:
- Recruiting continues in a positive, yet slow, direction, particularly as it relates to the number of women and the overall % of women employed in the Regular and Primary Reserve Force - reaching 15.9% on 31 March, 2020;
- CAF Regular Forces recorded 27.07% online applications from women (10,383 out of 38,356). Prior to Jan 2019, the online application did not require gender identification, however, there continues to be a number of applications that had no registered gender (1,152 out of 38,356). When applications that did not have gender identification are removed, 27.9% of applicants were women (10,383 out of 37,204);
- Number of women who apply to the CAF out of total number of applications received:
- 8.9% (918 out of 10,383) of women who have applied to the CAF Regular Forces have been enrolled and 20% (948 out of 4,794) for the Primary Reserve. This is compared to 897 in FY18/19, and 860 in FY17/18. The ratio of offer-extended to offer-accepted is nearly 100% because of the rigorous and extensive selection process; and
- We note that a large proportion of applicants withdraw from the process well before reaching the final selection stage;
Applications 2019/2020 RCN CA RCAF Health Services Number of women who apply to the CAF out of total number of applications received. 19.85% (392 out of 1974) 15.90% (1341 out of 8431) 27.50% (1000 out of 3636) 57.28% (507 out of 885) Number of women who are given an offer of employment out of the total number of women who apply. 36.73% (144 out of 392) 31.46% (422 out of 1341) 37.60% (376 out of 1000) 27.81% (141 out of 507) - CAF Regular Forces enrolled 40.4% of women in non-traditional occupations (371 out of 918). In the CAF Primary Reserve, 57.3% of women (566 out of 988) enrolled in non-traditional occupations;
- In the 2016 CAF Action Plan in response to the fall 2016 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Report 5) on the Canadian Forces Recruiting and Retention, the CAF committed to take action for the increase of women at Military Colleges. The CAF is maintaining an upward trend in women's enrollment since then: 19% in FY16/17, 23.4% in FY17/18, 24% in FY18/19, and 24% in FY19/20;
- Overall, while CAF has made many improvements in the attraction and enrolment of women applicants in the past few years, there remains a risk of regression if an added level of focus and resourcing are not initiated. Early projections signal slight increases in the recruitment and enrollment of women toward the next fiscal year. It should be noted, however, that context is important in analyzing the numbers. Despite starting the 19/20 recruiting year on very strong foot, by mid-February, COVID19 impacts were being readily acknowledged as a negative impact for what was expected to be the first full recruiting year with all of the new initiatives outlined above in place. End year results did not provide the CAF with the realistic/ good final assessment of their level of effectiveness. As such more interventions and initiatives are needed to meet our objective;
- Despite efforts of the CAF towards meeting diversity goals, there are challenges that exist such as the representation of women in the prospective applicant population who are employed or undergoing training in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations. With women in society being underrepresented in STEM programs, recruiting into our technical and engineering occupations remains a challenge;
- The Air Operations Support (AOS) Tech is a new, reserve-only RCAF occupation designed to quickly train reservists and employ them in areas to help mitigate capacity gaps. The idea is to provide minimal training (just enough and just-in-time), delivered locally to provide support to RCAF operations by providing a pool of individuals that can be used for Force Protection duties, Air Maintenance Support and Search and Rescue Support. Air Maintenance support includes non-airworthiness related tasks such as aircraft servicing duties (parks, starts, refueling, towing, and marshalling aircraft, etc.); Search and Rescue support includes providing assistance to Search and Rescue Technicians and Parachute Riggers with equipment maintenance, cargo parachute packing, transport, and drop zone support, etc. So, while the AOS Tech is a general duties occupation, it is also a force multiplier as it frees up the highly trained technician cadre to use their technical skills rather than having them perform the less-technical, but still critical, flight-line tasks;
- The stakeholder engagement team under Public Affairs worked to advance the DND/CAF diversity, equity, inclusion and recruitment goals by engaging Canadians, including women and diversity networks, in support of the WPS agenda and Canada's diversity objectives. These activities saw CAF women participating in engagements such as Women Deliver conferences, and venues directly highlighting CAF opportunities for Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) occupations. Overall performance of this campaignFootnote 13is measured through the following:
- The Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool revealed that:
- Unaided recall increased 4% from the baseline (31% June 2019; 27% Feb 2019);
- Aided recall increased by 5% from the baseline (34% June 2019; 29% Feb 2019); and
- 25% of respondents did something as a result of seeing the CAF advertisement with the number one action taken after seeing a CAF ad being to visit the recruitment website;
- Key performance Indicators for overall Awareness Advertising Campaign:
- 197 million impressions, representing the number of times the ad was seen;
- 32 million complete video views, representing how many times video ads were viewed to completion;
- 18.5% view through rate;
- 74,4000 web visits to forces.ca as a result of this campaign; and
- 22,000 "Start Application" clicks as a result of this campaign; and
- Key performance Indicators for Awareness Advertising Campaigns targeting women specifically:
- 8.9 million Impressions, representing the number of times the ad was seen;
- 4.9 million Complete Video Views, representing how many times video ads were viewed to completion;
- 54.35% view through rate;
- 2900 web visits to forces.ca as a result of this campaign; and
- 2200 "Start Application" clicks.
- The Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool revealed that:
Increase the retention of women in the CAF
Target 2.2: Understand the major reason for women releasing from the CAF and eliminate/mitigate any issues if they are identified.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: Attention required
Baseline: In FY 2017/2018, 15.2% (1,091 out of 7,200) of CAF personnel who voluntary released were women.
2.2.1 Conduct departure/exit surveys/interviews.
2.2.2 Track and review release data.
2.2.3 Consult and exchange information with other militaries on trends and retention strategies and programs.
2.2.1 Annual ratio of women to men who release from the CAF.
2.2.2 Trends or cluster issues causing women to release from the CAF.
Completed Activities:
- The CAF completed the analysis of the results of the Retention Survey conducted in early 2019 which are informing the development of the CAF Retention Strategy expected to be released in early Summer 2021.
Results and Progress:
- In FY 2019/2020, 14.7% (774 out of 4503) of CAF personnel who voluntary released from the Regular Force and Primary Reserve (excluding component transfers between them) were women;
- In FY 2019/2020, the attrition rate for the CAF (Regular Force and Primary Reserve, excluding component transfers between them) was 8.3% for both men and women. Taken separately and including component transfers: the attrition rates for the Regular Force were 7.7% for women and 7.9% for men; and the attrition rates for the Primary Reserve were 12.9% for women and 11.9% for men;
- Analysis from CAF wide surveys indicate that there are few differences between men and women Regular Force members on self-reported intentions to voluntarily release and on satisfaction with a range of work and organizational factors. Retention and attrition occurs in a complex, multifactorial environment and people usually do not leave for just one specific reason;
- Research consistently shows that the main reasons for voluntary release are job dissatisfaction and lack of meaningful work, postings and geographic stability, impact on family, dissatisfaction with one's occupation, career progression and/or career management, and dissatisfaction with pay. However, much of this research is not disaggregated by gender as it relates to occupation, location, and other factors so more detailed study is required to develop targeted strategies for retaining women;
- CAF continues to work diligently to understand reasons for voluntary attrition and initiated a review of the Exit Survey both in content and delivery method to increase the response rate and better define reasons for leaving. Historical data shows that there is a requirement for additional CAF-wide research to consider factors related to environment, occupation and location. Some of this research is already underway. At this time, however, due to limited data, conclusive deductions on why women CAF members voluntarily release cannot be made. Furthermore, a new Retention Strategy is under development that will target 'unhealthy' attrition (problematic attrition is that which is voluntary, avoidable, and dysfunctional; i.e. when high performers leave, particularly those who are trained but still have many potential years of service). This new strategy will be informed by the trends identified in the ongoing research in this area; and
- The revised Exit Survey was aimed to launch in 2020 via a new automated transition tool (eCAFRA). However, delays in the launch of eCAFRA and subsequent delays due to COVID have pushed the launch to the right. CAF is anticipating the launch of the Exit Survey in early 2021.
Increase the number of women in senior level positions in National Defence
Target 2.3: Increase the number and proportion of women at senior levels, Non Commissioned Members, Officers and executive-levels in DND and CAF.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: mostly on track /internal efficiency & capacity
Baseline: CAF Employment Equity Report 2015-2016 Schedule 6.
2.3.1 Select women for leadership and education training opportunities.
2.3.2 Maintain 15% presence of CAF women on UN operations as staff officers and in observer positions.
2.3.3 Develop a mentoring framework for all CAF members.
2.3.4 Monitor career progression of women in the CAF.
2.3.5 Incorporate GBA+ considerations/review into CAF career management.
2.3.1 Annual percentage of women officers by Military Occupation Groups promoted to the ranks of Lieutenant-Colonel/Commander (LCol/Cdr) and higher.
2.3.2 Annual percentage of women NCM by Military Occupation Groups who are promoted to the ranks of Master Warrant Officer/Chief Petty Officer or higher.
2.3.3 Percentage of women holding senior positions and appointments (Colonel/Captain (Navy) (Col/ (Capt (N)) or above).
2.3.4 Number of women appointed/filling Command team positions during the reporting period.
Completed Activities:
DND/CAF is committed to increasing the number and proportion of women in leadership roles and senior levels within the organization and is taking step to ensure a work environment that is conducive to success and offers opportunities for promotion;
- CA Talent Management targets specific professional development opportunities designed for women (Carleton University Women in Advancing Leadership for example) and identifies those succession planned women leaders to attend;
- GBA+ is applied while appointing personnel to key staff and command positions in the CAF;
- For example, CA Talent Management seeks those operational opportunities where they can deploy women leaders and highlight their strengths in these roles;
- Women appointed as Honorary Captains (RCN), and Honorary Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels (CA, RCAF) in the Canadian Armed Forces, encourage and assist in increasing the meaningful participation of women in the CAF. Former senior CAF Officers as well as influential and high profile Canadian citizens are selected for honorary appointments within the CAF for a three-year term and are affiliated with either a Reserve force or Regular for unit, regiment or Branch (i.e. the Armored Corps, the Infantry Corps, the Engineer Branch, etc.) These distinguished Canadians help foster esprit de corpsFootnote 14 for the troops and also serve as ambassadors to the public assisting in the recruitment of quality personnel for the CAF. The CAF set an objective of increasing the representation of women in honorary appointments to 50% by 2024; and
- CANSOFCOM's Directive for Integrating GBA+ into Planning, Operations and Programs, and Policy Development and the Military and Civilian Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan helps promote gender equality in career progression and provide a framework for mentoring careers.
Results and Progress:
- CA Talent management works with Corps/Branches/Regiments to build future succession. This identifies key leadership attributes and positions to develop future leaders as they progress through their careers and ultimately as succession planned leaders. While succession planning itself is gender neutral (meaning we do not include gender in our selection processes or discussions - men or women), we build the system on "right fit - right time";
- To achieve success, CA provides direction and philosophy to Army Corps/Branch/Regiment so they may mentor, influence and raise those leaders, both women and men to the highest levels of leadership. It must be noted that, when considering personnel eligible for key leadership positions, the experience requirements imply that the personnel being considered has generally 20 or more years of service.
- 14 women were appointed to a command position on mission in the FY 2019-20. These missions were:
- 143 women were deployed on UN missionsFootnote 15 in FY 2019-20:
Rank (groups) Deployed Personnel (Women) All other NCM 75 All other officers 40 Senior Officers 19 MWO/CWO 9 Total 143 out of 980 (14.59%) - Annual percentage of women officers by Military Occupation Groups (MOG) promoted to the ranks of Lieutenant-Colonel/Commander (LCol/Cdr) and higher, as a percentage of all persons promoted to the ranks of LCol/Cdr and higher:
Officer MOG March 2016 March 2017 March 2018 March 2019 March 2020 General Officer 6.7 9.7 8.3 8.6 11.5 Naval Operations 4.5 4.8 7.4 12.1 0.0 Maritime Engineering 7.7 9.1 5.9 10.0 6.7 Combat Arms 8.8 4.0 4.8 5.0 6.0 Air Operations - Pilots 0.0 3.7 11.4 3.6 5.0 Air Operations 4.3 14.3 4.5 13.6 26.1 Aerospace Engineering 25.0 14.3 0.0 12.5 21.4 Engineering 3.3 8.3 18.8 7.8 22.0 Medical & Dental 33.3 38.5 45.5 41.7 31.6 Chaplaincy 0.0 33.3 50.0 50.0 33.3 Support 27.4 27.0 30.0 37.9 37.0 Total 11.8 13.9 16.6 16.2 18.4 - Annual percentage of women Non-Commissioned Members (NCM) by Military Occupation Groups (MOG) who were promoted to the ranks of Master Warrant Officer/Chief Petty Officer First Class (MWO/CPO1) or higher, as a percentage of all persons promoted to the ranks of MWO/CPO1 or higher:
NCM MOG March 2016 March 2017 March 2018 March 2019 March 2020 16 Senior Appointments include the positions of CAF CWO/CPO1, Command CWO/CPO1, Formations and Unit CWO/CPO1. Senior Appointments16 0.0 0.0 11.7 10.9 16.5 Naval Operations 5.4 10.8 2.0 9.1 7.0 Maintenance - Naval 0.0 2.3 1.7 1.9 2.0 Combat Arms 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.3 0.0 Air Operations – Transmissions 8.6 6.4 10.0 3.2 6.7 Air Technicians 3.5 4.8 3.8 7.1 8.7 Military Police 15.8 5.9 13.0 8.0 16.7 Operations – General 7.7 12.8 11.1 10.0 3.6 Communications and Electronics Maintenance 5.5 6.5 5.9 8.0 0.0 Medical 0.0 26.1 47.4 33.3 33.3 Dental 0.0 50.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 Electrical and Mechanical 0.0 1.6 3.8 2.2 2.4 Military Engineers 6.9 7.3 3.6 3.7 4.2 Clerical Personnel 40.4 42.9 52 66.7 57.1 Music 33.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Logistical Support 15.9 13.1 20.8 22.0 21.8 Total 0.1 9.7 12.8 12.9 13.6 - Percentage of women holding senior positions and appointments (Colonel/Captain (Navy) (Col/ (Capt (N)) or above and Chief Warrant Officer/Chief Petty Officer First class) in FY19/20:
Rank % Women General 0.0 Lieutenant General 18.2 Major General 7.9 Brigadier General 10.7 Colonel 10.0 Chief Warrant Officer/Chief Petty Officer 1st class) 9.4 - In addition to focusing on increasing the number of women in the CAF generally, specific attention is being paid to increasing the number of women in Special Forces roles. To this end, from CANSOFCOM is actively engaged in various outreach and recruiting programs, to increase the percentage of women in these roles within the CAF;
- The RCAF conducts an annual appointment board for RCAF commanding officer positions. Although specific targets are not set for diversity within commanding officers, the statistics are noted post-board. The % of women in commanding officer positions remains at approximately 20% despite no targets being set. Considering the fact that the percentage of women in the two largest occupations groups is very low (pilot (5%) and air maintenance technicians (8.2%)), the number of women in Commanding Officer (CO) positions is relatively very high;
- Current recruiting targets will increase the succession planning of more women leaders as they build the required experience. It must also be noted that the CAF has impressive women leaders who continue to command, compete, deploy and mentor. These leaders are positively impacting the future, and are role models for the next generations to come; and
- Women are also well represented in Honorary Appointments within the CAF which has set a goal for equal representation of men and women in those positions. By the end of 2019-2020, the proportion of women in Honorary positions is as follows:
- The CA is currently ahead of schedule, at 28% of women in honorary appointments;
- The RCN is also ahead of schedule. RCN is currently at 37% with nominations and extensions being submitted which, if all approved, will result in 54% predicted representation by end 2020; and
- The RCAF is closest to the CAF goal, with 43% of active honorary appointments being women.
3. Training and education
Context: DND/CAF continues to integrate gender perspectives and GBA+ as part of the curriculum for all relevant leadership, planning, and procurement courses provided to military and civilian staff. Training provided to foreign military staff through the Military Capability Training Program (MCTP) also has curriculum focused on gender perspectives and the importance of conducting GBA+, and includes awareness and training on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA).
Increase completion rate of the Women and Gender Equality GBA+ Introduction Course across the Defence Team.
Target 3.1: Increased completion rate of the online GBA+ Introduction course by all National Defence military and civilian staff.
Progress achieved as of March 31, 2020: On track
Baseline: Mandatory for all designated Canadian Armed Forces members.
3.1.1 Monitor GBA+ related training received by DND/CAF members.
3.1.2 Through a Training Needs Assessment, identify if a National Defence focused GBA+ advanced course for both the Operational and Strategic/Institutional level is warranted.
3.1.3 Promote the importance of GBA+ analysis and support special GBA+ information sessions such as GBA+ Awareness week activities.
3.1.4 Actively support ADMs and CAF L1s by providing GBA+ information briefs and presentations by gender advisors and gender focal points.
3.1.1 Percentage of DND/CAF members that have completed the online GBA+ Introduction Course.
3.1.2Number of GBA+ information briefs and presentations provided.
Completed Activities:
Significant efforts have continued towards increasing awareness and mainstreaming the WPS agenda and GBA+, through incorporation into DND/CAF training, presentations, training sessions, and active communications by senior leaders;
- Since 2016, personnel who support both operations and policy development in the CAF are required to take the online GBA+ course (CDS Directive on Integrating UNSCR 1325). The remaining personnel are encouraged to take the course;
- For fiscal year 2019-2020, 10,722 members of DND/CAF completed the GBA+ introductory online course;
- All new recruits to the CAF who proceed through the Canadian Forces Leadership Recruit Schools (CFLRS) complete GBA+ training within the first two weeks of training; and
- All new Cadets at the Royal Military Colleges of Canada (RMCC) undergo GBA+ training as 1st year cadets;
- 191 Regular Force and Reserve Force personnel have completed GBA Gender Focal Points training;
- DND/CAF delivered 23 internal GBA+ information sessions and presentations as well as external presentations on the importance of GBA+ in defense activities, including its integration into departmental systems and processes:
- Five (5) presentations/training sessions for ADM(PA) gender focal points;
- Eighteen (18) customized GBA+ trainings requested by different teams within DND/CAF;
- 9 half-day Orientation sessions; and
- In total, approximately 405 DND/CAF members received DND/CAF developed GBA+ training; and
- During the Government of Canada GBA+ Awareness Week, DND/CAF Champions delivered messages to DND/CAF on GBA+ requirements. Live in person events were also held at two National Headquarters locations, including an open house to answer questions and promote available support services, and a Human Library that featured a diverse group of both active and retired CAF members who shared their lived experiences, and a Homeless Veterans' advocacy group.
Results and Progress:
- DND/CAF continues to see a steady increase in personnel completing the GBA+ online training and requesting more specialized training related to their work within the Department which enable L1s to more efficiently and effectively complete the GBA+ at the right time and use the findings to inform decisions;
- An emphasis on the training of Public Affairs officers, as well as DGDI Gender Specialist reviews of key communication products resulted in more inclusive messaging. A broader array of impactful stories that includes a more diverse representation of various gender and ethnic groups within the DND/CAF as well as ensuring how different groups of people access messaging or may be impacted is now incorporated in communication planning, in support of the advancement of WPS agenda objectives in recruiting and retention;
- Training targeting project management and procurement officer audiences has produced a higher level of GBA+ proficiency. This is reflected in the increase of project documentation being reviewed by the Director of Gender, Diversity and Inclusion that includes more fulsome GBA+ integration earlier in the project cycle; and
- An increase of confidence of Senior GFPs has resulted in various L1s to lead internal GFP network activities and meetings and information sessions and is reflected in the increase of requests for support by Director Gender Diversity and Inclusion Gender Specialists.
Assess current and future Gender perspectives and GBA+ training and education approaches
Target 3.2: Assess current gender and GBA+ training and scope any additional training required.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: mostly on track /internal efficiency & capacity
Baseline: Gender Perspectives training is currently incorporated into 11 CAF courses, including pre-deployment training provided by the Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC) in Kingston, as well as courses provided by the Military Training and Cooperation Program (MTCP).
3.2.1 Continuous review of all CAF leadership and pre-deployment training to ensure updated material on gender perspectives and GBA+ is included.
3.2.2 Assess the need for periodic refresher training on GBA+.
3.2.3 Where possible, post CAF members to foreign peace support centers to enhance DND knowledge of gender.
3.2.1 Number of CAF Developmental Period and DND courses that have curricula focused on gender perspectives.
3.2.2 Number of Military Training and Cooperation Program (MTCP) courses delivered that have curricula focused on gender.
3.2.3 Number of CAF and DND staff who have completed gender courses, including at the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations, Gender Focal Point training, and courses offered by likeminded nations.
Completed Activities:
DND/CAF has continued to make progress regarding development and delivery of Women, Peace, and Security agenda and GBA+ related training through an increase in the number of experts available for the tasks. We are continuing work with partners and Allies to assist us in terms of capacity and expertise;
- The integration of GBA+ and WPS agenda content into courses and processes continues to improve the skillset of CAF personnel in order to support both institutional requirements as well as deployed operations, both domestic and international;
- For example: Leadership, Respect, and Honour (LRH) is a RCN training initiative established within a sailor's core trade qualifications, from initial RCN training through to Commanding Officer, which includes topics on sexual misconduct, Hateful Conduct, RCN Code of Conduct, promoting diversity and identifying cultural biases. These discussions help prepare sailors to become an effective leader, build a more inclusive workplace and fully support members who may experience incidents of hate, barriers, and harmful or inappropriate sexual behaviour within the RCN. Training at each level is catered to a sailor progressing from junior subordinate with bystander training, to supervisor and how to appropriately manage incidents to Commanding Officer by fostering an inclusive and safe environment at their unit;
- Key leaders selected for operational deployment are mandated to take a list of diversity, GBA+ and Employment Equity courses to contribute to the building of a more inclusive and gender neutral workplace and raise awareness of their responsibilities with regard to gender equality;
- A Training Needs Assessment was initiated by the Canadian Defence Academy to identify required training for CAF related to the WPS agenda, in consultation with the Directorate for Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (DGDI), Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) GENAD, Strategic Joint Services (SJS) GENAD, the Director of the Centre of Excellence for Peace and Security;
- In FY 2019-2020, two CAF members were trained as GENADs at the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM). In total, since 2011, 54 CAF members have attended gender perspectives training at the NGCM;
- The Peace Support Training Center (PSTC) includes GBA+ and Women, Peace, and Security agenda materials as related to Operational Planning Process (OPP) into relevant courses. Some examples:
- Civil Mil Cooperation (CIMIC) Operator: As part of assessing local populations, we teach the PMESII model (Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information and Infrastructure) and the ASCOPE model (Areas, Structures, Capabilities, Organizations, People, Events). Within those frameworks, gender is a key aspect for considerations. For example, questions to be considered when making an assessment include "Who is the population and how are they sub-divided within?" i.e. men, women, boys, girls, vulnerable populations etc.;
- CIMIC Staff Officer: Includes emphasis on how gender can be integrated into the planning process, force protection as well as the requirements for protection and security. Information Requirements (IRs), Command Critical Information Requirements (CCIRs) and possible early warning signs/ indicators of specific gender factors are generally integral to mission planning, including 2nd and 3rd order effects and desired outcomes;
- Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Officer: PSYOPS Officers are taught to support the planning process in key ways, one of which is understanding the civilian environment, which includes GBA+ and WPS agenda related components;
- PSYOPS Analyst: Analysts are taught to support the planning process by conducting tasks related to primary and secondary research in support of understanding approved audiences, and the best ways to influence them. GBA+ and WPS agenda considerations are essential to this task;
- PSYOPS Tactical Operator: The operators primarily support the planning process through gathering PSYOPS relevant information and answering information requirements in the early phases. GBA+ and WPS considerations are essential components of this process;
- Information Operations Officer: The officers are trained to supports commanders at all levels and are integral to the planning process. GBA+ and the WPS agenda are key factors included in strategic planning and messaging; and
- UN Military Expert on Mission (UNMEM) course: This course includes GBA+ and WPS agenda related training as provided/approved by the UN. The training is located within the Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM's) which are prerequisite training (on Defence Learning Network) for members who are either attending the UNMEM course or being deployed on UN missions in another capacity. The aforementioned subjects are covered in a UN context, but are not linked to a Canadian operational planning process, and are framed in an educational context from the strategic to tactical level. Within the Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM's) the following Gender related subjects are presented: WPS, Protection of Civilians, Conflict Related Sexual Violence, UN Core Values and Competencies, Respect for Diversity, Conduct and Discipline, and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse;
- CANSOFCOM and CJOC members selected for deployment receive pre-deployment briefings and training on gender perspectives and GBA+ as appropriate and based on the GBA+ analysis of the mission;
- CANSOFCOM has integrated GBA+ lessons into the courseware of five different courses with internally tailored lessons and presentations. This is an evolving approach to integrate gender analysis and incorporation of gender perspectives into planning and execution of special operations;
- CJOC conducted pre-deployment briefings for all deploying members on the importance of applying a gender perspective during operations; and
- CJOC conducted key leadership engagement (KLE) discussions regarding the WPS agenda with deploying command teams resulting in a reinforcement of the importance of implementing a gender perspective in operations.
Results and Progress:
- As part of the ongoing monitoring of GBA+ training, it was noted that targeted training that aligns specifically to lines of work is more efficient to increase capacity, as well as ensuring that key audiences are receiving regular refresher or re-enforcement training. Policy Writers, Procurement and Project Officers and members of the leadership team have been identified as high priority audiences. Work is ongoing to develop a training strategy that incorporates these needs;
- The initial meeting to begin the training needs assessment for the integration of GBA+ and WPS agenda took place in May 2019 and identified a list of preparatory tasks to be completed as well as a priority of effort. This work is still ongoing;
- For all CAF operations, sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) training has been fully integrated into all pre-deployment training delivered by the Peace Support Training Center with the aim of enhancing CAF members' ability to recognize and respond decisively and appropriately to SEA. Soldiers have been enabled to act as SEA sensors across the spectrum of our operations contributing to the enforcement of internationally (United Nations, NATO, Canadian Armed Forces) recognized standards regarding behavior and discipline. The Peace Support Training Centre has also included WPS training material in a United Nations course, which prepares Canadian and foreign military personnel for international and peacekeeping missions. In particular, course modules specifically address the issue of prevention and intervention in cases of sexual violence, exploitation and abuse of vulnerable individuals in mission areas;
- The revised CANSOFCOM leadership courseware that integrates GBA+ thinking as part of the planning and conduct of special operations has been delivered with good results and provided clarity to the purpose of gender perspectives in operations. These courses are delivered to members from all units across the Command as they undergo critical professional development milestones;
- This year, the Respect in the CAF (RitCAF) Workshop developed by the Sexual Misconduct Resource Centre (SMRC), was delivered to 6,700 participants in DND/CAF across Canada. The RitCAF Workshop is a one-day, interactive session that uses scenarios, discussions and small group practical activities to help members develop and practice skills to identify, prevent and respond to sexual misconduct, as well as support those affected by it. Those skills are key to the prevention of sexual misconduct within the Department but also for CAF members on deployment to assist in identifying Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) including instances of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). SMRC also partnered with the Royal Military College in Kingston, ON to pilot a comprehensive prevention program for cadets, that over 220 individuals participated in. The program aims to develop skills and encourage learning on topics ranging from consent, alcohol, and social media to bystander interventions, difficult conversations and victim support; and
- GBA+ and WPS agenda related content are integrated within the Army Operations Course as injects during Tutorial 3 delivery and are consideration factors during the Operational Planning Process at the Formation Level.
4. Integration into operations
Context: Modern international and domestic operations require members of the CAF to interact with host nation forces and local populations. It is critical that CAF members understand how conflict can affect diverse populations of women, men, boys, and girls differently, and can identify risks to the local population that could be incurred by engaging with military forces. As such, we must ensure our members have the right tools and mindset to deal effectively with diverse and often vulnerable populations. Due to cultural norms, religious affiliations or past experiences, some segments of the population may have difficulty interacting with military forces that are predominantly male. Thus, there is a need to ensure that adequate numbers of women military members are represented in key functions that may interact with diverse segments of the population. Integrating gender perspectives into military operations as well as deploying women at all rank levels is essential to achieving mission success - both in terms of contributing to peace and security and advancing gender equality.
Increase representation of women deployed on International Operations
Target 4.1: Promote and increase the number of uniformed women deployed to international operations (NATO, UN, and Coalition).
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: Mostly on track
Baseline: Women in conventional forces deployed on international operations calculated at approximately 10%.
4.1.1 Support the increase of women in Command of operations at the senior level.
4.1.2 Appoint women for senior command billets/positions.
4.1.1 Number of senior women, officers and Non Commissioned Members, deployed on operations.
4.1.2 Number of women posted Outside Canada program (OUTCAN) positions.
4.1.3 Number of women attending foreign staff colleges.
Completed Activities:
Progress is being made yearly regarding the increased participation of women in operations, however, given the current representation rate of women around 16% within the CAF, and around 5% in combat arms, close attention is required to ensure we meet our UN commitment towards Gender Parity Goal.Footnote 17 CAF will undergo the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance developed Barrier Assessment in 2020-21 to identify barriers to deployment on military UN operations.
Results and Progress:
- DND/CAF leadership continues to embrace diversity, equity and inclusion in its operations at home and abroad in order to strengthen the CAF’s capacity to prevent and resolve conflict. To achieve this, DND/CAF collaborates with and actively seeks to employ those who have first-hand understanding of cross-cultural nuances and sensitivities;
- CAF deployed senior women leaders to international operations:
- The first CAF woman Commodore as Commander Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) for 2019, the first woman to Command this group in its history;
- The first CAF woman Major General to take command of the NATO mission in Iraq (NMI);
- Impact of senior women leaders deploying in operational command positions is inspiring to women within the CAF, but also internationally as they garner respect from their mostly men international staff and every partner military within the mission;
- Number of senior women, officers and Non Commissioned Members, deployed on operations:
- Members deployed on Expeditionary operationsFootnote 18 ONLY (filtering out Continental, domestic, Operational supportFootnote 19 and ProvisionalFootnote 20 NEO (Non-combatant Evacuation Operation) DART (Disaster Assistance Response Team): 7288;
- Women Members deployed on Expeditionary operations ONLY (filtering out Continental, domestic, Operational support and Provisional): 924 (12.7% of total);
- Women in Senior ranksFootnote 21 deployed: 211 (3% of total (men, women, other) and 22.8% of total women deployed); and
Operation Women Men Total Personnel % of TF CALUMET 13 42 55 24% CARIBBE 9 29 38 24% CROCODILE 0 9 9 0% FOUNDATION 4 20 24 17% IMPACT 63 290 353 18% JADE 0 4 4 0% JUTE 1 3 4 25% KOBOLD 2 3 5 40% NEON 5 47 52 10% PRESENCE 2 14 16 13% PROJECTION 30 220 250 12% PROTEUS 2 22 24 8% REASSURANCE MTF 35 200 235 15% REASSURANCE eFP 71 614 685 10% REASSURANCE ATF 16 128 144 11% SNOWGOOSE 1 0 1 100% SOPRANO 3 7 10 30% UNIFIER 33 181 214 15% Total deployed 290 1833 2123 13.7% - Number of women posted Outside Canada (OUTCAN) positions:
Program Women, % of Total (CAF and civilian 2018-19 FY) Women (CAF and civilian 2019-20 FY) Men (CAF and civilian) 2019-20 FY Women, % of Total (CAF and civilian 2019-20 FY) 22 Attach: To temporarily place units or personnel in another unit or organization. This term is usually qualified by an expression defining the scope of authority given to the gaining commander. Subject to limitations imposed in the attachment order, the gaining commander will exercise the same degree of command and control over the attached units or personnel, as they do over the units or personnel, as they do over the units organic to their organization. Advance Training List (ATL) 11.2% 9 61 12.8% Attach22 15.7% 12 71 14.4% CAF Special Units/Detachments 41.8% 45 61 42.4% CAF Units/Detachments 12.0% 23 151 13.2% Defensive Diplomacy 20.9% 29 119 19.5% Exchange 6.2% 8 121 6.2% Liaison Officers 8.1% 7 70 9.0% North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 17.1% 54 226 19.2% North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) 12.1% 33 243 11.9% Reserve Forces Foreign Service Arrangements (RFFSA) N/A 3 10 23.0% Secondment/Loan 5.0% 10 80 11.0% United Nations 0% 0 1 0% Total: 14.9% 233 1214 16.1%
Greater awareness within CAF of the importance of gender considerations
Target 4.2: Increased awareness within CAF of the importance of gender considerations on military operations.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: Mostly on track
Baseline: CAF members receive Theatre and Mission Specific Training (TMST) as well as pre-deployment training with content on gender perspectives in operations.
4.2.1 Promote the importance of gender considerations in military operations.
4.2.2 Publish handbook or ready reference pocket guide for CAF gender focal points and commanders.Footnote 23
4.2.1 Percentage of military missions that receive gender perspective training, including Theatre and Mission Specific Training and training provided through the Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC), as well as CJOC/CANSOFCOM Key Leader Engagements (KLEs).
Completed Activities:
- Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Operation Orders for all CAF missions include direction regarding the requirement for gender perspective training specific to the mission as part of the planning and pre-deployment training;
- Training activities are integrated on an as needed basis into pre-deployment training. CAF personnel are also mandated to take NATO distance learning courses relevant to their position, such as the following:
- ADL 166 Children in Armed Conflict;
- ADL 168 Role of the GENAD;
- ADL 169 Gender Awareness; and
- ADL 171 Gender Focal Point.
- At a minimum, the Command Teams of all deploying units within the CAF conduct Key Leaders Engagements with Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) prior to departure including a briefing by the CJOC GENAD on the WPS agenda, gender perspectives and in particular their obligations WRT Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Conflict Related Gender Based Violence and Child Soldiers;
- DND/CAF leadership promoted the importance of gender considerations in military operations:
- 10 June 2019: Deputy Minister and CDS spoke at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) conference ("New Perspectives on Shared Security");
- 10 July 2019: CDS chaired WPS Chiefs of Defence Network meeting; and
- 28 November 2019: CDS chaired WPS Chiefs of Defence Network panel discussion;
- Gender perspectives mentorship is included in all CANSOFCOM partner force capacity building missions where appropriate (as per training needs assessments and GBA+ analysis);
- All CANSOFCOM operations are assessed by the GENAD (in conjunction with respective lead mounting units) for the integration of GFPs and training initiatives;
- Overall, in fiscal year 2019/20, the Speechwriting team drafted 18 speeches that discussed the importance of gender perspectives in military operations; and
- Public Affairs support to the Strategic Joint Staff and Command Liaison's Director of Integration of Gender Perspectives on a number of WPS Chiefs of Defence Network initiatives, including, but not limited to, the following: produced a WPS Chiefs of Defence Network Strategic Narrative; provided PA guidance and recommendations regarding WPS agenda related strategic engagement opportunities; supported the development of a WPS Chiefs of Defence Network Charter and book of vignettes; provided PA input into the draft Joint CDS/DM Directive For the Implementation of GBA+ and the WPS agenda.
Results and Progress:
- The delivery of gender perspectives mentorship during capacity building missions has enabled our partners to identify the barriers to peace and security created by gender inequalities or the under representation of vulnerable populations;
- Mission specific briefs and training are developed and delivered by CANSOFCOM and CJOC GENADs which encompassed a broad spectrum of concepts. These include: Creating a shared understanding of gender integration in operations (overview of GBA+ and inclusion of gender perspectives); Law of Armed Conflicts (LOAC) and GBA+ training; partner force training initiatives on gender; overview of vulnerable and marginalized population groups within the area of operations; and identifying sexual and gender-based violence, stereotypes or bias regarding vulnerable actors;
- The integration of GBA+ and WPS agenda related content into pre-deployment training continues to improve the skillset of CAF personnel in order to support deployed operations, both domestic and international. Similar to the results and progress commentary for target 1.1, the incorporation of GBA+ and the WPS agenda into both formal courses as well as all aspects of foundational and pre-deployment training, contributes to the elimination of blind spots that have long existed when it comes to planning and executing operations; and
- Incorporating these considerations into all aspects of operations starts with creating 'muscle memory' by engraining these factors as equal amongst many when planning operations and training. This is being accomplished at all levels of command through the amendment of policy, the issue of clear direction and guidance, and the repetition of incorporating these considerations into all force generation activities.
Establish gender advisors in all specified units
Target 4.3: Support an increase in the number of military staff employed as GENADs/CAF gender focal points.
Target achieved to date as of March 31, 2020: Mostly on track
Baseline: There are three gender advisors in the CAF (one at the strategic level and two at the operational level).
4.3.1 Continue to identify prospective staff to serve as gender advisors to be able to grow the capability.
4.3.2 Administer training for CAF GFPs and for GENADs.
4.3.1 Percentage of GENAD deployed on operations and exercises or ready for deployment.
4.3.2 Number of CAF GFPs trained and ready for deployed operations.
4.3.3 Number of CAF GFPs deployed.
Completed Activities:
- Each operation continues to be assessed for the necessity of a Gender Advisor (GENAD), and each operation has at minimum a Gender Focal Point (GFP). The GENAD or GFP is responsible to the Task Force Commander to ensure that the WPS agenda and gender perspectives are included in planning, execution, and reporting of the operation;
- Work is ongoing to develop the CAF's own GENAD and GFP training and courseware to better address CAF specific training requirements. The goal of in-house training is to better respond to CAF needs and increase accessibility in order to accelerate training on the integration of Gender perspective and the WPS agenda within CAF; and
- CAF maintained three full time GENADs for our major missions and 18x GFP for the minor missions resulting in 100% coverage. On some missions multiple GFPs have been trained and deployed in order to ensure total coverage in various focus area and locations.
Results and Progress:
- While CAF has made considerable strides in terms of mainstreaming gender perspectives, there does remain misunderstanding over roles and responsibilities of GENAD/GFPs that continues to challenge the advancement of operational integration of gender perspectives. Ongoing training of new personnel continues to provide new opportunities to mainstream gender perspectives, however challenges do persist in terms of amount of GENADs/GFPs trained, due to the reliance of foreign training establishments providing these trainings; and
- CJOC ensured that all deploying units had a person responsible to champion the WPS agenda and that all the members were prepared with training and briefings. Due to limited number of national seats available at the Nordic Centre Gender in Military Operation several of our forces deployed without the complete training package. To mitigate this, CJOC GENADs provides continuous real time support to all deployed GENADs and GFP.
- Date modified: