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Mandatory Concept Note Annex - Partnering for Climate

In addition to the information required in a standard concept note (see Guidance for concept notes), you will need to include an annex of a maximum of 1000 words specifically detailing how you meet climate finance eligibility criteria.

Specifically, you will need to explain how the project:

Please also indicate which of the following (you can choose more than one) ecosystems your project will target: Tropical Rainforest; Temperate Forest; Grassland, Dry Tropical Forest, Semi-Arid Shrubs, Semi-Arid Grassland, Desert, Surface Freshwater (e.g. River, Lake, etc.), Wetlands, Coastal Wetlands (e.g. Mangroves), Terrestrial Coastal (e.g. Coastal Forest, Sand Banks, etc.), Marine Coastal (Seagrass, Coral Reefs, etc.).

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