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How we assess your proposal

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Global Affairs Canada rigorously assesses proposals before funding projects to make sure public funds are used effectively.

We read the complete form to see how strong a proposal is.  Applicants should be as concise as possible.  There are no penalties for not filling the maximum page count of the application form.  There is no need to repeat the same information in different parts of the forms.

The assessment process for both calls and unsolicited proposals is not competitive. We do not rank the proposals received.

We look at how well a proposal responds to the assessment criteria descriptions (the statements following each assessment criteria).  For example, two projects in different sectors, both responding to their respective environmental analyses, would present very different results statements, activities, indicators, and resources.  Assessors would still look at how appropriately each of the environmental sustainability criteria descriptions is addressed in those proposals.

Based on how well a proposal responds to each of the assessment criteria, it is given an overall rating of Strong, Acceptable, Needs Improvement, Weak or Unacceptable.

We use a comparative assessment process for calls.  This is described below.

Calls: assessment process for full proposals

Only invited applicants proceed to the second stage of a call. Once we receive the full proposal, we assess it using the full assessment criteria listed below. Invited full proposals are assessed on their own merits - the assessment is not comparative.

An invitation to submit a full proposal does not guarantee funding will be offered.

If the full proposal submitted is not strong enough, it will be rejected.

Some variation between the concept note and the full proposal is to be expected, as more extensive consultations are undertaken and monitoring plans are developed in the preparation of the full proposal. However, if these variations are significant, affecting the project’s alignment with the objectives of the call or its ability to complement other projects, it will be rejected.

If we invite a full proposal and it is rejected, the applicant may request detailed feedback.

One or more applicants who passed the concept note step but were not originally invited to submit a full proposal could be invited to submit a full proposal at a later date. This would happen if:

  1. funding for the call was increased; or
  2. one or more of the full proposals originally invited had to be rejected.

In either case, we would decide who to invite to submit a full proposal based on the best fit analysis.

Unsolicited proposals assessment process for full proposals

Based on the results of the initial assessment, you will receive a letter inviting, or not inviting, submission of a full proposal. While you may choose to submit a full proposal even if not invited, it is strongly recommended that you not invest time and resources in developing a full proposal unless invited, as the chances are very poor that your full proposal would be assessed or receive funding.

If you do receive an invitation to submit a full proposal, the invitation will include a full proposal form, budget table and a list of other documents to be included in your application package. When received, these materials will be assessed using the Full Assessment Criteria below.

Proposals are assessed as a whole. We read all of the information in the application package to assess criteria, not just the information in one section of the application form. Information should not be repeated in multiple sections of the form.

A. Rationale for the initiative

B. Gender equality

C. Human rights

D. Environmental sustainability

E. Managing for results

F. Responding to risks

G. Management of plan

H. Organization ability relevant to the initiative

I. Financial information

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