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Funding guidance

Find resources and tools to help you design and carry out international development programs and projects.


Services and information

Gender Equality - Tools and resources

Find assistance and support for developing gender equality approaches in the digital world.

Advancing human rights

These guidelines provide information about how to incorporate a human rights perspective for the development of international development project proposals.


Find and complete forms for conducting business with Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.

Coding tables

Find all the information you need on project and sector coding.

Results-based management

Learn about results-based management and how the approach is used in international development projects.

Guidance on eligible costs for development initiatives

Find information to help you complete budget information in an application for funding.

Risk management in international development projects

Identify, assess, monitor and manage risks in order to optimize development results.

Compliance 101 for development initiatives

Check out these tools to help you understand some of the requirements in your grant or contribution agreement.

How we assess your proposal

Learn how your proposal is assessed.

Financial policies for international development assistance

Find documents related to financial policies for international development assistance.

Environmental integration process – development programming

Learn about the new environmental integration process and find related tools.

Public visibility and recognition

Learn how organizations can publicly recognize Canada’s contributions to international assistance and responses to humanitarian crises.

Conflict Sensitivity - Tools and resources

Find assistance and support for developing initiatives that are conflict sensitive.

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