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Health Data and Results Initiative – Funding opportunity by invitation only

This funding opportunity is part of Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC’s) Department-Initiated – Multiple Invitations (DIMI) pilot project within GAC’s funding processes for international assistance. Only organizations invited by GAC are eligible to apply.

On this page

Application period

Invited organizations have from June 14 to August 30, 2023, to apply.


Action area(s):

Geographic focus:

Estimated size of project(s): Can$1,750,000
Number of projects to be funded: 1-2 projects
Overall budget: Can$1,750,000


Improve the health and health rights for those experiencing poverty, marginalization and/or vulnerability by generating and using evidence from health and nutrition investments and undertaking monitoring and evaluation of health and nutrition interventions for program quality improvement and accountability.

Eligibility (by invitation only)

Organizations invited to submit an application were selected based on criteria ensuring a wide range of experience in international development related to global health research and evaluation. Selection criteria included the following:

Organizations invited to apply

If you have any questions, send an email to

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