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Innovative finance programs

Information on the International Assistance Innovation Program and Sovereign Loans Program.


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International Assistance Innovation Program

This 5 year pilot program will give the Government greater flexibility for financing arrangements and partnerships and ensure Canada remains at the leading edge of development financing.

Sovereign loans program

This 5 year pilot program will diversify the tools Canada has to engage partner countries and international development organizations. It will also better align Canada’s international assistance toolkit with that of other donors.

About the innovative finance programs

Learn about 2 new innovative finance programs that are helping to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mobilizing private finance

Canada’s innovative financing makes international assistance projects financially viable for private investment by mitigating risk and improving the enabling environment.

Conditionally repayable contributions

This 5 year pilot project introduces a new funding tool that will support select sustainable development projects in least-developed countries, low-income countries, conflict-affected regions and other locations and sectors where access to financing is difficult.

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