Apply to other sources of funding
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Researchers and students pursuing international development research work at a university in Canada or in a developing country may apply for funding from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Other markets for your goods and services
Canadian suppliers, as well as suppliers from other countries, may submit proposals in response to international requests for proposals launched by several types of organizations, such as:
The United Nations system
This is made up of a multitude of organizations, commissions, programs, and funds, each seeking different goods and services:
- Suppliers may register with the United Nations Procurement Division
- Visit the United Nations Development Business site to learn about current business opportunities
Multilateral development banks
These banks play a major role in the social and economic development programs of developing countries or countries in transition. To assist Canadian firms and individuals in accessing business opportunities in development markets, Global Affairs Canada has compiled a list of offices of liaison with international financial institutions.
Further information on multilateral development banks can be obtained through the World Bank.
Bilateral donor agencies
- The Department for International Development (DFID) British official development assistance has been fully untied since 2001, allowing suppliers from around the world to bid to secure DFID contracts
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) posts official development assistance contract opportunities on a dedicated bulletin board
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