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Trade facilitation under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement – Funding opportunity by invitation only

This funding opportunity is part of Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC’s) Department-Initiated – Multiple Invitations (DIMI) pilot project within GAC’s funding processes for international assistance. Only organizations invited by GAC were eligible to apply.

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Application period

Invited organizations have until September 12, 2022 to apply.


Action area(s):

Geographic focus: Sub-Saharan Africa

Estimated size of project(s): Can$10,000,000 to Can$15,000,000

Number of projects to be funded: 1 to 3 projects

Overall budget: Can$30,000,000

Objectives: To promote economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa that is inclusive and environmentally sustainable and that empowers women, youth, people with disabilities and other vulnerable and marginalized groups through reduced trade-related gender discrimination and gender-based barriers to trade policy development and/or implementation at the regional level and enhanced implementation of the AfCFTA by African national governments and/or regional economic communities.

Eligibility (by invitation only)

If you have any questions, send an email to

Organizations invited to apply

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