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Canada and Africa

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Canada's presence in Africa serves all 54 countries on the continent with 27 diplomatic missions. Canada also has 21 bilateral development programs in Africa, a pan-African regional development program and a sub-regional program covering the Sahel.

In Canada, 1.3 million people report being of African origin, with about 66% being first-generation immigrants (2021 census).

 Canada’s key engagement and priorities in Africa are:

Economic cooperation

The central objective of Canada’s economic cooperation with Africa is to contribute to shared prosperity for all parties by helping Canadian private sector and their African partners to find mutually beneficial commercial deals.  

Canadian companies have access to a network of trade commissioners who work with them to identify and pursue international opportunities. As of 2024, the Trade Commissioner Service has 50 Canadian and locally engaged trade commissioners across 22 offices in Africa

Forty African countries benefit from duty-free access to the Canadian market on almost all goods through the Least Developed Country Tariff (LDCT). 

Canada has Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (FIPAs) with Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Nigeria (signed but not yet in force) and Senegal, and is negotiating FIPAs with several more African countries. These agreements contribute to a more predictable investment climate for Canadian private sector, encouraging Canadian investment in Africa.

There has been significant growth in commercial exchanges since 2020: goods exports from Canada to Africa have grown by 13% and imports from Africa by 130% (2019-2023).

Canada provides technical assistance and capacity-building support to African countries to help them effectively implement the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). It is a flagship project of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 that aims to accelerate intra-African trade, and boost Africa’s global trading position. This initiative offers significant economic opportunities for Canadian businesses.

Strengthening partnerships

In addition to bilateral engagement, Canada collaborates with Africa and African countries through organizations such as the African Union (AU), the African Development Bank, La Francophonie, and the Commonwealth.

Strengthening ties with the AU is a key priority. Canada has hosted two Canada - African Union Commission High-Level Dialogues (in 2022 and 2024) to advance this engagement. In 2023, a permanent representative to the African Union was appointed.

Canada also collaborates with African countries and institutions within multilateral fora such as the G7, the G20, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization. Canada welcomed the inclusion of the AU as a new member of the G20 in 2023. Canada also looks forward to working closely with the AU and South Africa, especially with South Africa hosting the first G20 Summit on African soil in 2025.

International assistance

Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) guides the delivery of Canada’s international assistance. Between 2017-18 and 2022-23, Canada provided $18.4 billion in international assistance to sub-Saharan Africa. Canada’s international assistance is supporting efforts to improve the lives of the poorest and most marginalized through better health, nutrition, food security, education and economic well-being.

By 2050, 1 in 4 people on the planet will live in Africa. This demographic could drive adjustments to global growth with an estimated USD 3 trillion in consumer spending. Africa boasts diverse ecosystems and abundant resources. These include 30% of the world's critical minerals and 60% of its solar energy potential.

Peace, security, democracy and human rights

Canada promotes the adoption of an integrated approach to security, development, and regional cooperation.  Canada works to enable the delivery of humanitarian and international development assistance in volatile areas. Canada’s renewed approach to engaging with Africa includes:


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