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Canada and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Canada became an Association of Southeast Asian Nations dialogue partner in 1977. It is one of 11 countries with this designation. In September 2023, ASEAN and Canada launched a Strategic Partnership, which identifies opportunities for collaboration between Canada and ASEAN. It was announced through a Joint Leaders' Statement during the ASEAN-Canada Summit in 2023.

Services et renseignements

Our relations

Learn more about Canada's relations with ASEAN.

Our political and security cooperation

Details on Canada’s political and security cooperation with ASEAN.

Our trade and investment

Learn more about Canada's trade and investment engagement with ASEAN.

Our international assistance

Learn more about Canada’s international assistance in the region.

Our office

Learn more about Canada’s Mission and Ambassador of the Mission of Canada to ASEAN.


Official Government of Canada news releases, statements and media advisories related to ASEAN.

Our relations

Our strategic partnership

Canada became an ASEAN dialogue partner in 1977 and is one of 11 countries with this designation. Dialogue partners work with ASEAN on a range of issues, including:

In 2009, Canada's Ambassador to Indonesia was appointed Ambassador to ASEAN, given the ASEAN Secretariat is in Jakarta. In 2016, Canada opened a dedicated mission to ASEAN and appointed its first dedicated Ambassador to ASEAN.

In 2023, ASEAN-Canada relations took an important step forward. On September 6, Prime Minister Trudeau and his ASEAN counterparts launched the ASEAN-Canada Strategic Partnership. Establishing this Strategic Partnership recognized Canada’s growing presence and relationship with ASEAN. It also aligns with Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and our mutual interests.

Through this Strategic Partnership, Canada is working to further grow ASEAN-Canada cooperation under three pillars: political-security, economic, and socio- cultural and through efforts of Canadian missions abroad. By the end of 2025, we will have fully accredited diplomatic missions in all 10 ASEAN member state countries.

Our Indo-Pacific Strategy and ASEAN

We launched Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS) on November 27, 2022, guiding Canada’s diplomatic, trade, defence, security, and development assistance approach to the region for the next decade. Per Canada’s IPS, the Indo-Pacific spans 40 countries and economies, encompassing all 10 ASEAN member states. Canada’s approach to the region is underpinned by our vision of a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific. In this vision, the ASEAN region is at the core. Canada’s IPS supports ASEAN centrality and contributes to the implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

Our political and security cooperation

ASEAN is at the heart of Asia’s regional security architecture. Canada continues to expand its defence and security engagement with ASEAN member states. Our goal is to promote international law and uphold a rules-based international order. Canada and ASEAN have a shared vision for a peaceful, stable and prosperous region. This is clear in the alignment between Canada’s IPS and ASEAN’s Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. As part of our Strategic Partnership with ASEAN, we’re working together to enhance cooperation by focusing on peace, security and stability. 

Canada supports ASEAN’s political and security structure and is an ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) founding member. Canada advocates for our regional security interests in important areas. As part of these efforts, Canada is supporting two important events this year:

Canada also contributes to practical cooperative initiatives that aim to foster dialogue, and advance preventive diplomacy, including:

Quick facts

Our trade and investment

ASEAN is one of the world’s fastest-growing economic regionsCanada’s trade and investment in Southeast Asia is expanding quickly—not only in volume, but across many sectors, including:

As a group, ASEAN member states represented Canada’s fourth largest merchandise trading partner in 2023.

Negotiations toward a possible free trade agreement

On November 16, 2021, Canada and ASEAN agreed to negotiate towards an ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA). To enhance our commercial relations and strengthen our presence in this fast-growing market, Canada is committed to negotiating a comprehensive free trade agreement with ASEAN. This potential agreement would help create new market opportunities for Canadian goods and services. It would also support a more transparent and predictable environment for trade and investment.

Chief Negotiators have met multiple times since the launch in November 2021. Consistent with Canada’s IPS and Strategic Partnership with ASEAN, the FTA negotiations are a valuable initiative. They contribute to the renewal and deepening of Canada’s commercial engagement across the Indo-Pacific region. A completed, comprehensive FTA will allow for inclusive and sustainable economic growth for ASEAN members and Canada.

Public consultations on a possible free trade agreement

From September 1 to October 16, 2018, the Government of Canada conducted public consultations through the Canada Gazette to seek the views of Canadians on a possible FTA with ASEAN. Comments were collected in a number of ways, including in writing, by email, and through in-person meetings and teleconferences. While the official consultation period has closed, we remain committed to hearing from Canadians on a possible FTA with ASEAN.

Joint Declaration on Trade and Investment

Canada and ASEAN are party to the ASEAN-Canada Joint Declaration on Trade and Investment (JDTI) (2011). The JDTI provides a platform for Canada and ASEAN member states to exchange information on trade and investment opportunities and strengthen commercial engagement.

Canada and the ASEAN member states meet three times a year to review the progress made against the Work Plan to implement the ASEAN-Canada Joint Declaration on Trade and Investment.

Support for Canadian businesses in the ASEAN region

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service has offices in Canadian missions in each of the 10 ASEAN member states. This network of trade experts works in direct support of Canadian companies active in the region, providing advice and recommendations.

The Canada-ASEAN Business Council (CABC) is an industry association focused on increasing private sector links between Canadian and ASEAN businesses.  It is based in Singapore.

On January 15, 2024, the CABC received official accreditation with ASEAN. As an ASEAN-accredited entity, the CABC has increased access to ASEAN’s regional networks, resources, and opportunities. This will further strengthen its role of a key agency supporting business ties between Canada and the region.

To further support Canadian businesses in the region, the Government of Canada has a number of initiatives including:

Quick facts

Our international development assistance 

Canada and ASEAN share a longstanding partnership in development cooperation. Since 2000, Canada has provided $4.4 billion in development assistance to the ASEAN region. This includes regional and bilateral assistance to ASEAN and in ASEAN member states as well as through multilateral organizations.

ASEAN’s economic prosperity has increased in recent years. Poverty has declined, life expectancy has increased, and levels of education and literary rates have increased. The ASEAN region continues to make progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

However, key challenges remain including:

ASEAN regional development program

Canada’s development assistance to the region helps strengthen the regional policy agenda and supports ASEAN institutions, organizations, and networks in addressing shared regional development priorities. 

Canada’s international assistance aligns with the ASEAN community-building objectives and the ASEAN-Canada Plan of Action. Under this plan, Canada and ASEAN work together in areas of mutual interest, like political and security support, economic growth, and socio-cultural and sustainable development cooperation.

The ASEAN regional development program works with many ASEAN stakeholders. This includes:  the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN member states, partners, and other donors in all ASEAN member states. Key bilateral development initiatives include:

Quick facts

Our office

Mission of Canada to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia

The Mission of Canada to ASEAN in Jakarta is the primary channel for diplomatic representation and communications between the Canadian government and the ASEAN.

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