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Indo-Pacific Regional Connectivity Envelope - Questions and Answers

This page includes questions from potential applicants and answers from Global Affairs Canada about the Indo-Pacific Regional Connectivity Envelope call. This web page isn’t a substitute for the guidance on the application process contained on the call page you just consulted, Partners@International portal, Questions and answers about applying for funding, and the Apply through a call for proposals web page.

On this page


Can applicants propose a project that is in line with more than one project category?

Applicants must select one main project category for this initiative. If a secondary category is proposed, the applicant must demonstrate how it is related to the main project category. For example, if the main category is a research project, the secondary activity can be a conference. The second activity will highlight the research results.

Is there a specific number of outputs and activities GAC is looking for in a project?

There is no limitation on this level.

Are applicants required to aim for more than one Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS) strategic objective? Will GAC prioritize applications in line with more than one objective of the Indo-Pacific Strategy?

Applicants can identify more than one IPS objective within their application. However, no preference will be given based on the number of IPS objectives identified. Proposals will be evaluated based on the quality of the description of IPS alignment for each objective.

Can the event/training be held in Canada?

Yes, but preference will be given to projects held in the Indo-Pacific region.

Can an applicant submit more than one project proposal in the same year?


When is the next call for this initiative?

No dates have been chosen for the next call for proposals. The date of the next launch will be made available on the same web page as this call.

Can an organization submit more than one application if different departments within the organization want to apply?

Yes, an organization can submit up to 3, but no more than 3 proposals in total.

What is the anticipated start date for this first round of projects?

While we cannot provide specific advice on timelines, we encourage all proposals in this initial round to plan activities that commence within the current fiscal year or early in the next fiscal year.

Can the proposed project build on a current initiative or longer-term initiative?

As this is a competitive process, all initiatives (newly created, current or already existing) will need to demonstrate how they are going to contribute to and further Canada’s objectives related to Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Can you expand on what is meant by “participating in an event”? 

Under this initiative, participating in an event refers to when an organization is attending event/training/research without leading or playing a key role in its implementation.

Indo-Pacific Regional Organization

Applicants will be required to have an established relationship with an Indo-Pacific regional organization to deliver proposed initiatives. Can you define established relationship?

Applicants must complete the RCE Project Collaboration Attestation which shows how the Indo-Pacific regional organization will meaningfully support the Canadian organization in the implementation of the proposed project. Both organizations must sign this form in order to be considered for funding. Applicants do not have to set up a formal relationship with an Indo-Pacific organization for this initiative. We don’t require previous experience with the organization.

Can the project be established with multiple Indo-Pacific regional organizations?

No, applicants must identify one Indo-Pacific regional organization for the project's purpose.

Is the Indo-Pacific regional organization accountable for contributing to or completing the reporting process?

The Indo-Pacific regional organization is accountable to the Canadian organization for contributing to project implementation and its reporting progress.

Is it possible to have multiple IP regional organizations involved in the project but not listed as IP regional organization in the application form?

Applicants must identify one IP regional organization for the project's purpose. Involvement of any additional IP regional organizations is at the discretion of the Canadian organization.

Does the IP regional organization need to be registered in a county of the region?

It will be preferable that they are registered in their country of origin, but we do not require proof of registration of the IP regional organization for this call for proposal. The IP organization must be physically located in the Indo-Pacific region.

Can the IP regional organization be an organization based in the region that is from the same federation as the Canadian organization?

The IP regional organization must be an entity established in the Indo-Pacific region and should not be a branch or an affiliate of the Canadian organization.


Can international organizations based in Canada but not legally registered in Canada also apply?

No, this call is open to organizations that are legally registered in Canada with a Canada Revenue Agency business number. Your organization must also have an office, employees, and/or board of directors in Canada. Indigenous organizations in Canada, must provide supporting documentation about their history, governance structure, and/or ownership.

Which countries are eligible as project locations under this call?

Countries in the Indo-Pacific, as defined by the Indo-Pacific Strategy, and Canada are eligible for this initiative.

The Indo-Pacific Regional organization must be located in the Indo-Pacific region as defined by the Indo-Pacific Strategy, including:

Note: while included in the IPS, this program cannot fund activities in Myanmar or Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) due to current Government of Canada travel advisories.

Please consult the Government of Canada Travel advice and advisories (TAA) before applying. This program won’t fund proposals in economies (or in regions of a country) where TAA advises to avoid all travel (red category) or non-essential travel in the country (orange category).

Are organizations still eligible to apply for this program despite not having audited financial statements for the previous years?

Yes, but instead of audited financial statements (preferred option), organizations will have to provide the last two financial statements signed by a member of the board of directors or a delegate.

Are 'for-profit' organizations eligible as applicants?

No. This call is not open to for-profit organizations, sovereign entity (government), multilateral institutions, or individuals. Therefore, for profit organizations are not eligible to apply to this call for proposals.

Project Information

Does the event/training need to be organized by the Canadian organization, or can it be organized by the Indo-Pacific organization? Does it need to be organized jointly?

The application process requires the applicant to choose if their organization will be facilitating or participating in an event/training. If applicants apply as facilitators, the projects must be organized jointly with the Indo-Pacific regional organization. If applicants choose to apply as participants of an event, a demonstration of the established relationship between the Canadian organization and Indo-Pacific regional organization must be defined. This should demonstrate how both organizations will collaborate on the participation elements of the proposed project.

Can the proposed project consist of holding an event in the Indo-Pacific and another event in Canada?

Yes, but both events need to be connected through activity and theme. For example, a project may consist of a conference on food security in Japan and a second conference could take place in Canada on its approach to food security.

Are there any language requirements for the events? Will a translation be an eligible expense?

There are no language requirements. Yes, translation is an eligible expense.

Can the proposed project have a virtual component. For example, could live broadcasting be an eligible expense?


Are applicants expected to fill in a Logic Model?

The ultimate, immediate, and intermediate outcomes are already established for the call. Applicants must describe how their proposed project contributes to one immediate and one intermediate outcome. Applicants must identify the project’s expected outputs, activities, and identify indicators to measure them. There is a Results Based Management Guide specific to this call available for guidance. Applicants also have the option of developing their own logic model related to the RCE logic model. This logic model should consist of an ultimate outcome, with supporting intermediate and immediate outcomes. Each of these outcomes would be monitored and reported against via organization developed indicators.

How long can a project last?

The project duration under this initiative can last up to 3 years, without exceeding that timeframe.

What costs can be calculated in the 15% cost share?

The 15% cost-share contribution to the project can be made in cash and/or in-kind as described in the Policy on Cost-Sharing for Grant and Non-Repayable Contribution Agreements. The different possible sources of cost share are described in section 4.2 of the same policy.

Do all applying organizations, including universities, need to provide information about their financial management system?

Yes, all applicants must provide information regarding their financial management system.


What level of detail is expected in the budget at this stage of the call?

Applicants must forecast the budget to the best of their ability given the project activities proposed. It is important that applicants prove their capacity to link proposed project activities to their expenses and that they consider GAC’s budget guidance. GAC will discuss project details further with organizations that are selected for funding.

Is there a limit of matching government funds to support a proposed project?

The total Canadian Government funding (federal, provincial, territorial and/or municipal) for eligible projects under this program will not exceed 100% of eligible expenditures. The applicants are required to disclose all sources of funding for proposed projects before issuance of an agreement. In the event that the total Canadian Government funding exceeds the stated limit, it will be necessary for the recipient to repay the Crown.

Application form/process

Is there a word limit for the proposal?

There is no word limit, but the application form has a limit of 10 pages in English and 12 pages in French.

Who should be signing the Anti-Corruption Declaration and Declaration regarding outstanding debts due to His Majesty ?

The Anti-Corruption Declaration and Declaration regarding outstanding debts due to His Majesty should be signed by the chief financial officer or by a member of the board of directors duly authorized to sign.

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