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Canada and the Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development bank that works to achieve a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region.

Canada and the Asian Development Bank

Canada is a founding member of the ADB and holds one of 12 seats on its board of directors.

The Minister of International Development serves as Canada's Governor to the ADB. Further information on Canada’s relationship with the ADB, including shareholding, contributions and procurement, can be found in the ADB and Canada Fact Sheet.

Canada also contributes to the Asian Development Fund (ADF) and the Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF). The ADF provides grants to ADB’s low-income developing member countries. The TASF provides technical assistance grants to developing member countries to help prepare projects and undertake technical or policy studies.

Further information on joint projects and core funding provided to the ADB by Canada can be found by doing a search by implementing partner in the advanced filters of the Project Browser.


The ADB is a key partner for Canada in the Indo-Pacific region and consistently delivers strong results.

ADB indicators and targets are identified in a multi-year corporate results framework. Results are reported annually in the Development Effectiveness Review. The ADB also has additional accountability tools, including independent evaluation, anticorruption, safeguards, and a complaints mechanism.

Canada monitors the results of the ADB to ensure it achieves its mandate and reports annually on the performance of international financial institutions, including the ADB, in its report to Parliament on Canada's international assistance.

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