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Canada and UNAIDS

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is the lead multilateral organization coordinating the global effort to end HIV/AIDS as a global threat by 2030. UNAIDS brings together the efforts and resources of 11 United Nations organizations involved in the HIV/AIDS response and plays a key role in coordinating their respective contributions. These 11 organizations are:

UNAIDS works to address the gender and human rights dimensions of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in order to achieve the targets set out in the Global AIDS Strategy 2021 to 2026 and the ambitious 2025 targets and commitments enshrined in the UN General Assembly’s 2021 political declaration on HIV and AIDS.

Canada's support for UNAIDS

Canada has provided over $100 million in financial support to UNAIDS since 1996 and is currently serving a 2020-to-2022 term as a member of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board. Between 2017 and 2022, Canadian commitments to UNAIDS’ core funding amount to $20 million.

Canada supports UNAIDS’ focus on the following priorities:

UNAIDS Achievements

With the support of donors like Canada, UNAIDS has helped to achieve the following results:

Additional UNAIDS achievements

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