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Canadian Sanctions Related to Myanmar

Types of sanctions

Arms embargo

Asset freeze

Technical assistance prohibition


Recent developments

  • 2025-03-06 – Regulations were amended
  • 2025-03-06 – Order was amended
  • 2025-02-26 – Special Economic Measures Permit Authorization Order
Do you need a permit or certificate?


Sanctions related to Myanmar were enacted under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) to respond to the human rights and humanitarian situation in Myanmar. On December 13, 2007, the Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations came into force. On March 6, 2025, the title of the Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations was changed to the Special Economic Measures (Myanmar) Regulations (the Regulations), to align with Canada’s current nomenclature for this country.

The Regulations impose a dealings prohibition, an effective asset freeze, on listed persons. The Regulations prohibit any person in Canada and any Canadian outside Canada from:

  • dealing in property, wherever situated, that is owned, held or controlled by a listed person or a person acting on behalf of a listed person;
  • entering into or facilitating any transaction related to a dealing prohibited by these Regulations;
  • providing any financial or related services in respect of a dealing prohibited by these Regulations;
  • making available any goods, wherever situated, to a listed person or a person acting on behalf of a listed person; and
  • providing any financial or other related services to or for the benefit of a listed person.

The Regulations impose an arms embargo, including prohibitions on exporting and importing arms and related material or aviation fuel to and from Myanmar, on communicating technical data related to military activities or arms and related material, and on financial services related to military activities or arms and related material.

The Regulations prohibit the export, sale, supply or shipment of aviation fuel to Myanmar, and a prohibition on the provision of shipping insurance for aviation fuel to Myanmar.

Causing, facilitating, and assisting prohibited activities is likewise prohibited.

Individuals listed under the Regulations are also inadmissible to Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.


The Regulations provide for certain exclusions to the above measures, including:

  • payments made by or on behalf of a listed persons pursuant to contracts entered into prior to the coming into force of the Regulations, provided that the payments are not made to or for the benefit of a designated person;
  • transactions necessary for a Canadian to transfer to a non-listed person any accounts, funds or investments of a Canadian held by a listed person on the day on which that person became listed;
  • dealings with a listed person required with respect to loan repayments made to any person in Canada, or any Canadian outside Canada, for loans entered into with any person other than a listed person, and for enforcement and realization of security in respect of those loans, or repayments by guarantors guaranteeing those loans;
  • dealings with a listed person required with respect to loan repayments made to any person in Canada, or any Canadian outside Canada, for loans entered into with a listed person before that person became a listed person, and for enforcement and realization of security in respect of those loans, or repayments by guarantors guaranteeing those loans;
  • pension payments to any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada;
  • financial services required in order for a listed person to obtain legal services in Canada with respect to the application of any of the prohibitions set out in the Regulations;
  • transactions in respect of accounts at financial institutions held by diplomatic missions, provided that the transaction is required in order for the mission to fulfill its diplomatic functions under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, or transactions required in order to maintain the mission premises if the diplomatic mission has been temporarily or permanently recalled;
  • transactions with any international organization with diplomatic status, agencies of the United Nations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, or with any entity that has entered into a grant or contribution agreement with Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada; and
  • transactions by the Government of Canada that are provided for in any agreement or arrangement between Canada and Myanmar.

Permits and Certificates

The Special Economic Measures Permit Authorization Order came into force on February 26, 2025, and provides the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the authority to issue both individual and general permits in exceptional cases to allow specified activities or transactions that would otherwise be restricted or prohibited under the SEMA. This Permit Authorization Order is applicable to all regulations made under the SEMA and repeals all the previous specific Permit Authorization Orders under each SEMA regulations.


On December 13, 2007, the Special Economic Measures (Myanmar) Regulations came into force in order to respond to the gravity of the human rights and humanitarian situation in Myanmar, which threatened peace and security in the entire region.

Following seemingly positive developments in Myanmar in 2010, including progress towards democracy and improvements to the human rights situation, Canada eased its economic sanctions against Myanmar on April 24, 2012. Most prohibitions under the SEMA were suspended, including most of those pertaining to exports, imports, financial services and investment.

However, Canada maintained sanctions against certain listed individuals and entities, which are still in place today. A trade embargo on arms and related material, as well as on related technical and financial assistance, also remains in place.

Stemming from a spike in violence, including significant and widespread security and “clearing operations” by Myanmar’s armed forces (also known as Tatmadaw), over 740,000 Rohingya refugees have fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh since August 2017. This conflict has resulted in widespread and significant needs in both Myanmar and Bangladesh.

As a result of the crisis, in October 2017, Prime Minister Trudeau appointed the Honourable Bob Rae as Special Envoy to Myanmar. In April 2018, Mr. Rae submitted his final report outlining 17 recommendations for Canadian action. In May 2018, the Government of Canada released Canada’s Strategy to respond to the Rohingya Crisis, informed by Mr. Rae’s report. Both Mr. Rae’s final report and Canada’s Strategy recognized the need for Canada to enhance the effectiveness of targeted sanctions to continue to work to identify senior military officials in Myanmar with the aim of imposing sanctions for their role in the security operations against the Rohingya.

On June 25, 2018, the Regulations were amended to add seven (7) individuals to the Schedule in the Regulations. These individuals are all senior officials in Myanmar’s military who occupied positions of authority during the military operations against the Rohingya in Rakhine State, leading to a humanitarian and security crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

On February 18, 2021, in response to the coup d’état in Myanmar perpetrated against the democratically-elected National League for Democracy (NLD) government on February 1, 2021, the Regulations were amended to add nine (9) individuals to the Schedule in the Regulations. These individuals are all senior officials in Myanmar’s military, were either directly involved in the coup as part of the National Defence and Security Council (NDSC), or are members of the military regime’s new governing body, the State Administration Council. These actions were taken in coordination with the United Kingdom, and align with actions taken by the United States on February 11, 2021.

In the subsequent months following the coup, the Tatmadaw engaged in a brutal repression campaign against its own people, at the hand of which over 750 people were killed and more than 3000 have been detained. The Tatmadaw has failed to engage in good-faith dialogue through diplomatic means, has not committed to implement the ASEAN five-points consensus, and has refused to collaborate with the UN Special Envoy and other UN bodies. Despite continuous calls from the international community for the Tatmadaw to end the violence and repression in Myanmar, it has shown no sign that it is willing to change its behaviour, reverse course, and restore democracy under civilian rule.

On May 14, 2021, in response to the Tatmadaw’s continued violence and repression against the people of Myanmar, their refusal to take steps to restore democracy, and intransigence to date, sixteen (16) individuals and ten (10) entities were added to the Schedule in the Regulations, targeting key senior military and military-appointed officials, family members of designated officials, and affiliated commercial entities. This announcement was made in coordination with the United Kingdom and the United States, and aligned with actions taken by the European Union on April 19, 2021. Canada continues to review the need for further sanctions as appropriate.

On December 10, 2021, in response to continued and escalating violence, and ongoing intransigence on the part of the regime, including in response to efforts toward peaceful resolution of the situation, four (4) further entities were added to the Schedule in the Regulations, targeting key Myanmar military and defence-related entities whose support and functions enable the continued abuse of human rights and ongoing insecurity in Myanmar. This announcement was made in coordination with the United Kingdom and the United States.

On January 31, 2022, to mark the one-year anniversary of the Myanmar coup, in response to escalating atrocities committed against the civilian population, worsening conflict, and stifling of dissent and persecution of political opposition by the regime-controlled judiciary and justice system, an additional three (3) individuals were added to the Schedule in the Regulations. These sanctions were developed and announced in coordination with the United Kingdom and the United States.

On March 24, 2022, in response to continued atrocities against the civilians, an additional four (4) individuals and two (2) entities were added to the Schedule in the Regulations. These sanctions target arms flows, individuals and entities who, acting on behalf of the regime, procure and supply arms and military equipment to Myanmar, and the Air Force Commander who has overseen aerial attacks and bombardments against civilians. These sanctions were developed and announced in coordination with the United Kingdom and the United States.

On December 7, 2022, to mark International Human Rights Day, in response to escalating armed conflict, targeting of civilians, and escalating human rights violations against the people of Myanmar by the military regime, an additional twelve (12) individuals and three (3) entities were added to the Schedule in the Regulations. These individuals and entities have performed key functions on behalf of the military regime, lead misinformation efforts and the weaponization of the judiciary, and facilitated arms flows to the regime. These sanctions were announced in coordination with the United Kingdom.

On January 27, 2023, which marks the two-year anniversary of the Myanmar coup, an additional six (6) individuals and a prohibition on the export, sale, supply or shipment of aviation fuel to Myanmar were added to the Schedule in the Regulations. These additions come in response to reports of worsening armed conflict, increased use of aerial attacks against civilians and civilian objects, in contravention of international humanitarian law. They also respond to deeply concerning reports of serious violations of international human rights law by the military regime. Targeted individuals are senior figures in the Myanmar military responsible for such international humanitarian and human rights law violations. These sanctions were announced in coordination with the United Kingdom and the United States.

On October 27, 2023, an additional thirty-nine (39) individuals and twenty-two (22) entities, which perform key functions on behalf of the Myanmar military regime, and a prohibition on the provision of shipping insurance for aviation fuel to Myanmar were added to the Schedule of the Regulations. The amendments followed the 6th anniversary of the Rohingya crisis, the extension of the state of emergency in Myanmar by the military regime, as well as escalating attacks by the regime against the civilian population of Myanmar. The individuals include current senior officials within the military regime, including the State Administration Council and Union Election Commission, and senior officials within entities which produce revenue for the regime, or procure arms or key resources used by the regime to fuel its violence. Additionally, the entities listed perform key functions on behalf of the military regime, such as being a conduit for revenue, arms, or key resources used by the military to produce arms and ammunition domestically.

On October 25, 2024, an additional three (3) individuals and four (4) entities, which perform key functions on behalf of the military regime and supply the regime with arms, resources and revenue were added to the Schedule of the Regulations. The amendments follow the increase in the use of indiscriminate airstrikes against the civilian population throughout 2024, the seven-year anniversary since the Myanmar military launched its brutal campaign against the Rohingya people, and the regime’s extension of the state of emergency in Myanmar until January 31, 2025.

On February 26, 2025, Canada issued the Special Economic Measures Permit Authorization Order to provide the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the authority to issue both individual and general permits in exceptional cases to allow specified activities or transactions that would otherwise be restricted or prohibited under the SEMA. This Permit Authorization Order is applicable to all regulations made under the SEMA and repeals all the previous specific Permit Authorization Orders under each SEMA regulations.

On March 6, 2025, in response to the ongoing crisis in Myanmar, the Regulations were amended to allow Canada to impose sanctions more effectively in cases of grave breaches of international peace and security, gross and systematic human rights violations and acts of significant corruption. The amendments align the Regulations with the authority under the SEMA to list any persons (individuals or entities) outside of Canada who are not Canadian, by changing in the Regulations the language related to “persons” as defined in the SEMA. Furthermore, the amendments replace the name “Burma” with “Myanmar” to align with Canada’s current nomenclature for this country, including in the title of the Regulations, and include updated language for clarification and consistency with other regulations under the SEMA. Finally, thirteen (13) individuals who are senior officials in the military regime and three (3) entities that are engaged in activities that undermine the peace, security, and stability of Myanmar, and support gross and systematic human rights violations were added to the Schedule of the Regulations.

Selected documents


Regulations and Orders made under the Special Economic Measures Act:


Announcements related to the Regulations made under the Special Economic Measures Act:

Related links

Legal advice

Please be advised that Global Affairs Canada cannot provide legal advice to members of the public. For this reason, we cannot deliver an opinion as to whether or not a specific activity or transaction would contravene sanctions legislation. You should consider seeking legal advice in relation to an activity that may contravene a Canadian sanction law.

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