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Canada’s Statement to the 2018 United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, delivered by the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

New York, New York

July 16, 2018

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(2018 PASRB 000602)

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, your Excellencies, Honourable Ministers, and distinguished guests: The 2030 Agenda presents an opportunity for nations and stakeholders to unite in shaping our collective future, in a way that is inclusive and leaves no one behind.

Canada is strongly committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda and is pleased to be presenting its first Voluntary National Review.

Like all member states, Canada has its own challenges, we still often struggle with issues of poverty, inequality and environment.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we are ensuring policies and programs improve the lives of all Canadians, particularly for those who, for too long, are under-represented, such as Indigenous people, women, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ2 community.

For too long, Indigenous people have not benefited from the prosperity and security that other Canadians enjoy. This needs to change. We must find ways to reconcile the wrongs of history and together find a new path forward, grounded in the recognition and application of rights, in mutual respect, cooperation and partnership.

Advancing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls is a priority for Canada. Women and girls must be able to participate fully in decisions that affect their lives.

Canada firmly believes that empowering women and girls and advancing gender equality strengthens prosperity, creates sustainable peace, and reduces poverty for everyone. This approach underlies Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy.

We are also striving to make our cities and communities more resilient, inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable—making  significant investments in tackling climate change, improving water sustainability and protecting marine and coastal areas.

For example, Canada will host a conference on the blue economy with Kenya next November in Nairobi.

We acknowledge that Small Island Developing States, Least Developed Countries and other countries in special situations often face unique challenges in their pursuit of sustainable development.

Without concerted action on these important issues, the SDGs will be unachievable.

Three years into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, gains have been made. We must celebrate these successes, but also recognize there is much more to be done.

Canada is deeply committed to a rules-based international order. The 2030 Agenda is an example of how we can work effectively multilaterally to achieve common goals – the Sustainable Development Goals.

We will continue to work in collaboration with other member states, other levels of government in Canada, Indigenous peoples, civil society, the private sector, international organizations and others, to realize a prosperous and sustainable future for all.

Thank you.

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