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Statement by Ambassador Richard Arbeiter to the UN General Assembly Debate on the Situation in Ukraine

February 20, 2019

First, allow me to thank you, Madame President of the General Assembly, for convening this debate, at a very symbolic time.

And thank you, President Poroshenko, for your compelling address.

5 years ago, the people of Ukraine took to the streets, many made sacrifices and some gave their lives, to demand reform and continue the country’s transition. In the years since, despite many challenges, Ukraine has achieved remarkable progress towards ensuring a stable, democratic and prosperous future for its citizens.

Since becoming the first Western nation to recognize Ukraine’s independence in 1991, Canada has supported Ukraine’s democratic and economic transition, including during and following the EuroMaidan Revolution. Through it all, Canada has remained steadfast in our commitment to the people of Ukraine. 

As Ukraine builds towards elections this year, the importance of free and fair elections, without foreign interference, cannot be understated. This is why Canada – at the request of, and in cooperation with, Ukraine’s authorities - is supporting electoral reforms, election observers, gender equality and inclusive governance in Ukraine.

It has been 5 years since Russia illegally invaded and annexed Crimea, and destabilized the East of Ukraine. Five years of continual violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by the hand of Russia. Five years where the rules-based international order has constantly been put the test. Let me be clear: Canada will never cease to condemn Russia’s illegal annexation and occupation of Crimea, and Russia’s ongoing support to the insurgency in Eastern Ukraine.

We remain deeply concerned about the ongoing military and civilian casualties and violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.  Civilians continue to suffer and die: more than 3,300 have been killed since the beginning of the conflict and countless others have been injured and millions have been displaced.

Despite concerted efforts, we have seen little progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements.  Russia respects neither the letter nor the spirit of the agreements it signed.  While we have seen a succession of truces, none have led to a significant improvement in the security situation or the lives of Ukrainians living in the conflict-affected areas.

We call on all sides to the conflict to implement their Minsk commitments. Every Member State must stand up for the UN Charter and press Russia to fulfill its obligations under the agreements, including the withdrawal of all armed units, military equipment, and mercenaries from Ukrainian territory, and the return of control of the border to the Ukrainian government.

Let us not forget last November’s illegal actions by Russia in and around the Kerch Strait, which have only caused further regional instability and endangered lives. We continue to call for the immediate release of the Ukrainian sailors and vessels held by Russia. 

Today there is no better time to seriously consider ways the United Nations, an organization whose purpose is to maintain international peace and security, can support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the return to peace. Canada stands ready to do its part. Any solution will need to recognize Ukraine’s full sovereignty over all of its territory.

Let me finish by underlining once again that Canada has been, and remains, unwavering in its support for Ukraine as it secures a stable, democratic and prosperous future for all its citizens.

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