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Canada Statement: Arria Formula Meeting of the Security Council on Myanmar

New York, 9 April 2021

Canada would like to first extend its appreciation to the UK for its continued efforts to ensure this crisis remains on the Council agenda, and trusts the Council will continue to remain closely engaged as the situation evolves. We welcome the opportunity to hear from a diverse range of voices, including those in Myanmar who continue to express their courageous opposition to the coup and their aspirations for a democratic, federalist and pluralist future. We remain committed to building peace and democracy in Myanmar, where the diverse experiences of all people of the country, including the Rohingya in Bangladesh and others living in countries throughout the region, can be respected.

We deplore and denounce the Tatmadaw’s ongoing and unacceptable campaign of repression and intimidation against the people of Myanmar. No military or police force that takes up arms against the very people they are supposed to defend and protect can be legitimate.

Canada welcomes the international community’s condemnation of the coup. Now is the time for action. We applaud efforts by ASEAN to address this crisis, and urge ASEAN Member States to proceed as soon as possible with the proposed special summit. The actions of the Tatmadaw fly in the face of the principles of democracy, human rights, and good governance enshrined in the ASEAN Charter.

We encourage ASEAN to seize the opportunity of a special summit to give voice to those we have heard from today. Inclusive dialogue is the only viable path out of this crisis. Continued instability and conflict will have grave and lasting consequences not only for Myanmar, but the wider region. We further encourage ASEAN to ensure the full participation of the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy in deliberations.

Canada stands with all the people of Myanmar. We will continue to offer our full support to efforts to end this crisis, restore democracy, and ensure accountability for perpetrators of human rights abuses.

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