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Canada’s remarks at UN Human Rights Council Special Session to address the “implications of the ongoing situation in the Republic of the Sudan”

Geneva, November 5, 2021

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Canada strongly condemns the unconstitutional seizure of government by the Sudanese security forces and is appalled by the escalation of violence in recent days.

Canada expresses solidarity with the Sudanese people and calls for respect for their fundamental rights and freedoms, an end to arbitrary detentions and arrests and the restoration of the transitional civilian-led government. The erosion of Sudan’s gains in democratic governance, respect for human rights, gender equality and the rule of law is deeply concerning. 

In 2019, the Sudanese people called for freedom, peace and justice—not for tear gas, live rounds and arbitrary arrests. A regime that does not respect the rights and legitimate wishes of its people condemns itself to international isolation.

Canada and the international community have been and continue to be inspired by the Sudanese people. This led to our strong support for the government of Prime Minister Hamdok.

We strongly support independent monitoring of the human rights situation in Sudan. We remain committed to Sudan, to the Sudanese people and to the ideals they espouse.

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