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Canada’s National Statement to UN Security Council Meeting on the Situation in Haiti

26 September 2022

Madam President,

The situation in Haiti is critical. Armed gangs have encircled Port-au-Prince, endangering the safety and security of its residents. The country’s main courthouse was overrun by gangs. Children are unable to get to school. Many Haitians face chronic food shortages and food insecurity is on the rise. In Cité Soleil and other areas, pregnant women cannot access essential health services due to gang violence. Businesses are closing. Haitians are fleeing the country or are internally displaced. Yet, the people of Haiti have demonstrated their resilience.

Given this dire reality, the international community must increase their resolve and stand shoulder to shoulder with Haitians to help overcome these complex challenges, especially as tensions continue to mount. 

Canada remains committed to do its part. Last week, Prime Minister Trudeau, together with Caribbean partners, convened a meeting of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti of the Economic and Social Council. As friends, neighbours and partners of Haiti, we discussed the importance of stepping up our support to the country - not only in the short-term but also in the long-term. This includes help to assist Haiti with identifying the root causes of the complex and interconnected challenges that the country is grappling with.

We must support Haiti to create the conditions for an inclusive national dialogue so that the whole of Haitian society can chart a course toward credible elections and a return to a stable and democratic government. And, we must give Haiti the support it needs to ensure that this dialogue leaves no one behind. Importantly, this means that women and youth have the space to play an integral role in shaping Haiti’s future. 

Canada has answered the call to help the Haitian National Police tackle armed gangs that are terrorizing the Haitian population. Together with the UN and the Haitian National Police, Canada established and funded a basket fund managed by the UNDP that will help ensure that international assistance for security is more effective and coordinated. Canada welcomes the pledge recently announced by the United States in support of this fund, and encourages other Member States to contribute.

Canada welcomes further measures taken by this Council to help Haiti curtail the power of armed gangs by sanctioning and freezing the assets of those who support them. At the same time, we urge this Council to ensure that such sanctions are targeted and effective and do not hinder the UN’s ability to support the Haitian population. Canada stands ready to support investigative work to achieve this, in a coherent and coordinated manner with the international community.

Canada also stands ready to help strengthen the Haitian government’s capacity to fight corruption, economic crime and money laundering. In this regard, we will continue to provide support to strengthen the capacity of Haiti’s judicial institutions to prosecute the perpetrators of those crimes.

Haiti needs the international community to show solidarity with them today, especially as they shape their country’s future.

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