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Open debate on Women, Peace and Security - Statement on behalf of 64 Member States of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security

October 20, 2022 - New York

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Mr. President,

I am pleased to speak on behalf of 64 Member States of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace, and Security, an informal network representing all five regional groups of the UN, and the European Union Footnote 1. The Group welcomes the most recent report of the Secretary-General as well as the recommendations it contains.

In Afghanistan, Haiti, Myanmar, Sudan, Ukraine, Yemen, and many other fragile and conflict-affected countries, women and girls are courageously working to build peace and shape their countries’ futures. Amidst a sharp rebound of militarization and misogyny, they demonstrate, at great risk to their own safety, their determination, resilience and capacity. Yet, women and girls, in many conflict-affected contexts in particular, continue to be excluded from decision-making and targeted for discrimination and violence, including sexual and gender-based violence.

Women leaders have made clear what we, the international community, must do to support their efforts. We, as Member States, reiterate our commitment to:

Mr. President,

We are witnessing a reversal in generational gains in women and girls’ rights in many parts of the world. It is critical that the international community act now to close the gaps between global commitments set out in UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the subsequent nine Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace and Security, and their realization for all women and girls around the world. We call for action to implement the Women, Peace and Security agenda in all its dimensions, to protect the full scope of women’s and girls’ human rights, and to achieve women’s full, equal, effective and meaningful participation in all peace, political and security decision-making processes. We owe the women and girls, who take great risks to build peace and security every day, to redouble our efforts with urgency and make transformational change.

Thank you.

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