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Canada’s National Statement - Human Rights Council Special Session on Iran

Geneva, November 24, 2022

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Canada is deeply alarmed at the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in Iran. We welcome the resolution presented by Germany and Iceland to establish an independent, international Fact-Finding Mission, to complement the work of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and to advance justice, accountability, and redress for the many victims and survivors of human rights violations in Iran.

It is without question: all women and girls should be free to enjoy their human rights. Yet, the mere existence of the hijab and chastity law and its violent enforcement by Iranian authorities underscores the regime’s ongoing, systemic repression of women and girls.

The arbitrary detention and killing of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of Iran’s so-called Morality Police sparked a movement. Iranians have bravely taken to the street in mass protest, at great risk to themselves and their loved ones, to demand justice, accountability, and the full respect of their human rights.

We call on Iran to: end all violence; stop indicting peaceful protestors with charges punishable by death; uphold all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights to freedom of expression, and freedom of religion or belief; and to ensure credible investigations into all human rights violations.

Chair, this Council has a responsibility to listen to the calls from Iranians and take concrete actions to support the people of Iran. Canada therefore supports the establishment of a Fact-Finding Mission.

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