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UNSC Open Debate on “Promoting Implementation of Security Council Resolutions on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence” - Statement on behalf of 66 Members of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security

14 July 2023

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Mr. President,

I am pleased to speak on behalf of 66 Members of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace, and SecurityFootnote 1, an informal network, representing all five regional groups of the UN, and the European Union.

The Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security wishes to highlight four points:

First, we categorically condemn the use of sexual and gender-based violence by state and non-state actors in situations of humanitarian crises and conflict-affected settings. Sexual violence, which disproportionately affects women and girls, is not only a human rights violation or abuse. It is also an abhorrent act of cruelty, a significant impediment to peace, and an expression of gender inequality. We are deeply concerned by the persistent and widespread use of sexual violence and related impunity in many conflict-affected settings, as outlined by the Secretary-General in his report. We call on all parties, in all conflict and post-conflict situations, to respect international law and all relevant Security Council resolutions and to immediately cease all forms of sexual and gender-based violence.

Second, we must ensure that all victims and survivors are at the heart of all efforts to prevent and respond to conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence. Victims and survivors have different needs and perspectives and can face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and stigmatization. We must ensure that the human rights of victims and survivors are protected and promoted, they are treated with dignity and respect, are able to obtain access to justice and quality, holistic and comprehensive survivor-centred services, including sexual and reproductive healthcare services, mental health and psychosocial support, as well as counselling and legal services. We must also ensure that victims and survivors are heard and may safely, fully, equally and meaningfully participate in decision-making processes at all levels. We must work together to remove all structural, social and institutional barriers that hinder victims and survivors from safely reporting sexual and gender-based violence and from accessing essential services. Member States should also provide redress measures for survivors including with respect to reparations.

Third, impunity for conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence must end. Those responsible for such heinous acts must be held accountable. The onus is on all Member States to strengthen the rule of law, address harmful social norms and discriminatory laws, ensure the protection of all civilians, and undertake a prompt and independent investigation of, and prosecution for, conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence.

Fourth, we urge the Security Council to use all tools at its disposal to support action against conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence as a tactic of war. We strongly encourage the Security Council to ensure that country mandates emphasize the prevention and monitoring of and response to conflict-related sexual violence. Early-warning systems should be strengthened through the deployment of protection advisors for women and girls in all crises and conflict-affected situations. We continue to call on the Security Council to incorporate and apply conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence as a designation criterion in UN sanctions regimes. Finally, we encourage the Security Council to invite the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence to regularly brief the sanctions committees on this very important issue.

Mr. President,

It is time for urgent action to prevent and respond to conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence and ensure holistic, comprehensive survivor-centred and trauma-informed responses.

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