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Remarks by Australian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador James Larsen, at the UN General Assembly debate on the use of the veto

March 4, 2024

Mr. President, colleagues,

I am delivering this statement on behalf of Canada, New Zealand and my own country, Australia [CANZ].

Thank you for convening this meeting.

As CANZ countries have often affirmed, we see the veto initiative as a key plank in Security Council transparency and accountability.

We thank the U.S. for its explanation of the use of the veto on February 20. CANZ countries encourage the Security Council to continue to look for a way to take further meaningful action on this important issue.


CANZ countries are deeply concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

As Members of the General Assembly know, we have unequivocally condemned the October 7 Hamas attacks that saw the killing of 1,200 Israelis.

And we have repeatedly called for the immediate release of all hostages.

We have also stressed that Palestinians cannot be made to pay the price of defeating Hamas.

Around 1.7 million Palestinians are currently displaced and approximately 30,000 have been killed.

The protection of civilians is paramount and a requirement under international humanitarian law.

We reiterate our calls for safe, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access into Gaza.

We are gravely concerned by indications of a proposed ground offensive into Rafah.

Such an operation would be catastrophic. It would endanger the lives of the many civilians sheltering there.

And we repeat our message to Israel: do not go down this path.

We expect Israel to comply with the International Court of Justice’s ruling on provisional measures, including to enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance.

We oppose any forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, the reoccupation of Gaza and any reduction in its territory.


CANZ countries welcome Egypt, Qatar and the U.S.’s efforts to mediate a pause in hostilities. We urge both parties to reach an agreement urgently.

As you know, CANZ countries have called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

We see this as a critical step towards a permanent and sustainable ceasefire.

But such a ceasefire cannot be one-sided. Hamas must release all hostages, lay down its arms and stop using Palestinians as human shields.


Ultimately a negotiated political solution is needed to achieve a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

CANZ countries support Palestinian aspirations for self-determination and remain steadfast in our commitment to a two-state solution in which Palestinians and Israelis can live side by side, in peace, security and dignity.

Thank you.

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