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Statement on behalf of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security to UNSC Open Debate on “Preventing conflict-related sexual violence through demilitarisation and gender-responsive arms control”

23 April 2024

Check Against Delivery

Madam President,

I am pleased to speak on behalf of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace, and Security, an informal networkFootnote 1, representing all five regional groups of the UN, and the European Union.

The Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security wishes to highlight five points:

First, we categorically condemn the use of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) by state and non-state actors, acts which disproportionately impact women and girls, in conflict-affected settings, including humanitarian crises. We are deeply concerned that the illicit trafficking, dissemination and widespread availability of small arms and light weapons and their ammunition, as well as violations of arms embargoes, has facilitated incidents of CRSV.

We call on all parties, in all conflict situations, to respect international law, and to refrain from all violations and abuses, including those involving all forms of CRSV. We continue to urge the Security Council to use all tools at its disposal to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including CRSV. We also support the mandate of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict and the United Nations Team of Experts on the Rule of Law/Sexual Violence in Conflict.

Second, we strongly call for the full, equal meaningful and safe participation of women in all peace and security processes and at all levels. This includes the participation in the design, development and implementation of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control efforts as well mainstreaming and applying a gender perspective. We expect that the forthcoming review conference of the UN Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects will represent an important milestone in this regard.

Third, we call on Member States to implement all of their relevant disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control obligations, including taking into account, when making an export assessment, the risk of the arms being used to commit or facilitate serious acts of sexual and gender-based violence or violence against women and children.

Fourth, the rights and agency of victims and survivors of CRSV need to be fully respected and prioritized. It is essential that they, as well as all other survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, can access justice and comprehensive services, including sexual and reproductive healthcare services, mental health and psychosocial support, and legal services. We remain committed to removing all barriers that prevent victims and survivors from safely reporting sexual violence and from accessing essential services.

Fifth, impunity for such abhorrent acts must end. This entails strengthening the rule of law, addressing harmful social norms and discriminatory laws, ensuring the protection of all civilians, and committing to undertake a prompt and independent investigation of CRSV and accountability for those responsible.

Madam President,

We reiterate our commitment to prevent and respond to all acts of sexual and gender-based violence in conflict settings. We must take urgent action.

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