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Canada and United Kingdom mark first anniversary of Global Conference for Media Freedom

July 10, 2020 - Ottawa, Canada - Global Affairs Canada

Global Affairs Canada and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom today issued the following statement:

“One year ago today, our two countries co-hosted the first Global Conference for Media Freedom in London, United Kingdom, to respond with a united front to ongoing challenges faced by journalists and media workers throughout the world.

“The event launched significant international efforts to protect and promote media freedom that continue today. This was made possible with the collaboration of the 36 member countries of the Media Freedom Coalition, their Advisory Network, and the High-Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, all of which were formed as a direct result of this conference.

“As co-chairs of the Media Freedom Coalition, we remain committed to leveraging innovative and coordinated international approaches to ensuring safe and secure environments for journalists regardless of the issues they cover or the borders they cross. Our societies cannot function without the independent media that hold us all to account.

“This one-year anniversary marks the perfect moment to reflect upon our progress and to anticipate and respond to emerging challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, with renewed vigour and collective resolve.”

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