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Inclusion and respect for diversity

Promoting inclusion and respect for diversity

Canada actively promotes inclusion and respect for diversity at home and abroad. Diversity is a natural characteristic of every society. Canada recognizes diversity as a source of strength and works to champion inclusive attitudes and encourage the adoption of inclusive approaches that lead to the full and meaningful participation of all.

Inclusion is a path to peace and prosperity

Practical strategies to address complex global challenges require the consideration of social, economic, cultural and civic inclusion. Excluding members of society from full participation due to prejudice, discrimination or other barriers causes everyone to suffer. Inclusive societies that take full advantage of their diversity are more innovative, creative, dynamic, resilient and prosperous.

Canada values inclusion

Inclusion is not just the smart thing to do; it is also the right thing to do. Canada’s history has many uneven chapters, but Canada has made the choice to become a more inclusive country. A majority of Canadians now embrace policies such as bilingualism and multiculturalism that reflect Canada’s unique approach to inclusion. Canada’s journey on the path towards National Reconciliation is another manifestation of the desire to overcome past injustices and move towards a more inclusive society.

Speaking up for inclusion

On the world stage, Canada reflects the value of inclusion in our bilateral relations, in our discussions with other states and through the efforts of our missions and embassies around the world. Canada also promotes inclusion and respect for diversity through the United Nations and other multilateral fora as an animating principle in our global rules-based system of security, international cooperation, trade and support for human rights.

“In the face of complex global challenges, Canada will continue to champion diversity, acceptance and compassion on the world stage. We cannot build a better world unless we work together, respect our differences, protect the vulnerable, and put people at the heart of the decisions we make.”

- Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

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