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Algeria - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 41st session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: November 11, 2022


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Canada commends Algeria for adopting positive language on women's rights in the 2020 Constitution and for instituting an unemployment benefit for young job seekers.   

Canada recommends that Algeria:  

  1. Cease the use of custodial sentences for press offenses, as stipulated in Article 54 of its Constitution. 
  2. End the frequent use of pre-trial detention, in accordance with Article 123 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 44 of the Constitution, which specify its exceptional nature. 
  3. Revise Article 326 of the Penal Code to ensure that it can never be used to excuse rape. 
  4. Continue its efforts to ensure that women have access to information on maternal and reproductive health and contraceptive methods. 

As recommended by Canada during Algeria's Universal Periodic Review in 2017, Canada encourages Algeria to continue its efforts to protect women's rights, including through the repeal of the "pardon clause" in Law No. 15-19 of December 30, 2015.

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