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Bahrain - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 41st session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: November 7, 2022


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Canada thanks Bahrain for its presentation, and for efforts to improve the human rights situation in the Kingdom, including those outlined in its National Human Rights Plan of 2022. Building on prior comments offered in this forum, Canada recommends that Bahrain:

  1. Declare an immediate official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty;
  2. Strengthen the Special Investigations Unit and the Ombudsman of the Ministry of Interior to allow these institutions to fulfill their mandates in an effective, independent, and impartial manner;
  3. Amend the Bahraini Citizenship Act and other relevant legislation to allow women to transfer Bahraini nationality to their children without restriction and on equal basis with men; and,
  4. Amend legislation with a view to lifting restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, and to freedom of peaceful assembly;

Finally, reflecting on the work of this body in prior cycles, we note that many recommendations supported by Bahrain in previous iterations of its UPR have not been fully implemented. We urge the Kingdom to follow through on its expressions of support with continued meaningful action.

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