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Guatemala - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 42nd session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: January 25, 2023


Canada commends Guatemala for its important efforts towards transitional justice resulting from the sentencing of those found guilty of wartime human rights violations. However, we are concerned about recent developments undermining transitional justice processes, media freedom and civil society space. 

Canada recommends that Guatemala:

  1. Adopt measures to ensure non-intervention in the election of judges and magistrates in order to: bolster judicial independence; strengthen effective anti-impunity and anti-corruption efforts; and restore public confidence in the justice system.
  2. Adopt a gender and culturally-sensitive public policy for the protection of human rights defenders and journalists and ensure adequate political support and resources for its implementation.
  3. Address the poverty and malnutrition of Indigenous Peoples, while prioritizing their meaningful participation, engagement, and consultation in decisions affecting them or their rights.
  4. Allocate appropriate resources for the effective application of the law against femicide and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence, and commit that criminal processes and prosecutions are completed effectively and fairly.
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